939 resultados para Protein Composition
Studies on the steady state behavior of soluble cytochrome c oxidase are extensive. These studies have examined the influence of ionic strength and pH and may provide answers to questions such as the link between proton translocation and charge separation. The present study examined the influence of external bulk pH on ApH formation, biphasic kinetics, and steady state reduction of cytochromes c and a of cytochrome c oxidase in proteoliposomes. Bulk pH has an appreciable effect on ApH formation and steady state reduction levels of cytochromes c and 8. Bulk pH affected total Vmax and Km at the low affinity binding site of cytochrome c. This study also examined the influence of bovine serum albumin and free fatty acids on proton pumping activity in bovine heart proteoliposomes. Proton pumping activity decreased after treatment with BSA, and was subsequently reinstated after further treatment with FFA. Much study in the superfamily of haem/copper oxidases has recently been devoted to the bacterial oxidases. The present study has examined some protein composition characteristics and bioenergetic features of Bacillus subtilis cytochrome caa3 oxidase. Results provide evidence for the structural composition of the enzyme in relation to the covalently bound cytochrome c to the oxidas~. Bioenergetically, caa3 COV showed appreciable proton pumping activity. Steady state analysis of the caa3 COV showed significantly different cytochrome c and a reduction characteristics compared to the bovine enzyme.
The primary objective of this research project was to identify prostate cancer (PCa) -specific biomarkers from urine. This was done using a multi-faceted approach that targeted (1) the genome (DNA); (2) the transcriptome (mRNA and miRNA); and (3) the proteome. Toward this end, urine samples were collected from ten healthy individuals, eight men with PCa and twelve men with enlarged, non-cancerous prostates or with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Urine samples were also collected from the same patients (PCa and BPH) as part of a two-year follow-up. Initially urinary nucleic acids and proteins were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively for characteristics either unique or common among the groups. Subsequently macromolecules were pooled within each group and assessed for either protein composition via LC-MS/MS or microRNA (miRNA) expression by microarray. A number of potential candidates including miRNAs were identified as being deregulated in either pooled PCa or BPH with respect to the healthy control group. Candidate biomarkers were then assessed among individual samples to validate their utility in diagnosing PCa and/or differentiating PCa from BPH. A number of potential targets including deregulation of miRNAs 1825 and 484, and mRNAs for Fibronectin and Tumor Protein 53 Inducible Nuclear Protein 2 (TP53INP2) appeared to be indicative of PCa. Furthermore, deregulation of miR-498 appeared to be indicative of BPH. The sensitivities and specificities associated with using deregulation in many of these targets to subsequently predict PCa or BPH were also determined. This research project has identified a number of potential targets, detectable in urine, which merit further investigation towards the accurate identification of PCa and its discrimination from BPH. The significance of this work is amplified by the non-invasive nature of the sample source from which these candidates were derived, urine. Many cancer biomarker discovery studies have tended to focus primarily on blood (plasma or serum) and/or tissue samples. This is one of the first PCa biomarker studies to focus exclusively on urine as a sample source.
Black fly (Simuliidae) silk is produced by the larvae and pharate pupae and is used for anchorage and cocoon production. There exists limited information on simuliid silks, including protein composition and genetic sequences encoding such proteins. The present study aimed to expand what is known about simuliid silks by examining the silks of several simuliid species and by making comparisons to the silk of non-biting midges (Chironomidae). Silk glands were dissected out of larval and pupal simuliids, and protein contents were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and visualized with silver stain. Protein contents were compared by mass in kilodaltons (kDa) between life stages and among species. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to expand upon known gene sequence information, and to determine the presence of genes homologous to chironomid silk. SDS-PAGE of cocoons revealed the presence of a 56 kDa and a 67 kDa protein. Silk gland contained as many as 28 different proteins ranging from 319 kDa to 8 kDa. Protein profiles vary among species, and group into large (>200), intermediate(>100), and small (<100) protein classes as is found in chironomids. It is likely that silk evolved in a common ancestor of simuliids and chironomids
Résumé La ribonucléase P (RNase P) est une ribonucléoprotéine omniprésente dans tous les règnes du vivant, elle est responsable de la maturation en 5’ des précurseurs des ARNs de transfert (ARNts) et quelques autres petits ARNs. L’enzyme est composée d'une sous unité catalytique d'ARN (ARN-P) et d'une ou de plusieurs protéines selon les espèces. Chez les eucaryotes, l’activité de la RNase P cytoplasmique est distincte de celles des organelles (mitochondrie et chloroplaste). Chez la plupart des espèces, les ARN-P sont constituées de plusieurs éléments structuraux secondaires critiques conservés au cours de l’évolution. En revanche, au niveau de la structure, une réduction forte été observé dans la plupart des mtARN-Ps. Le nombre de protéines composant la RNase P est extrêmement variable : une chez les bactéries, environ quatre chez les archéobactéries, et dix chez la forme cytoplasmique des eucaryotes. Cet aspect est peu connu pour les formes mitochondriales. Dans la plupart des cas, l’identification de la mtRNase P est le résultat de longues procédures de purification comprenant plusieurs étapes dans le but de réduire au minimum le nombre de protéines requises pour l’activité (exemple de la levure et A. nidulans). Cela mène régulièrement à la perte de l’activité et de l’intégrité des complexes ribonucléo-protéiques natifs. Dans ce travail, par l’utilisation de la technique de BN-PAGE, nous avons développé une procédure d’enrichissement de l’activité RNase P mitochondriale native, donnant un rendement raisonnable. Les fractions enrichies capables de cette activité enzymatique ont été analysées par LC/MS/MS et les résultats montrent que l’holoenzyme de la RNase P de chacune des fractions contient un nombre de protéines beaucoup plus grand que ce qui était connue. Nous suggérons une liste de protéines (principalement hypothétiques) qui accompagnent l’activité de la RNase P. IV De plus, la question de la localisation de la mtRNase P de A. nidulans a été étudiée, selon nos résultats, la majorité de la mtRNase P est attachée á la membrane interne de la mitochondrie. Sa solubilisation se fait par l’utilisation de différents types de détergent. Ces derniers permettent l’obtention d’un spectre de complexes de la RNase P de différentes tailles.
Les processus mitochondriaux tels que la réplication et la traduction sont effectués par des complexes multiprotéiques. Par contre, le métabolisme et la voie de maturation des ARN mitochondriaux (p. ex précurseurs des ARNt et des ARNr) sont habituellement traités comme une suite de réactions catalysées par des protéines séparées. L’exécution fidèle et optimale de ces processus mitochondriaux, exige un couplage étroit nécessaire pour la canalisation des intermédiaires métaboliques. Or, les évidences en faveur de l'interconnexion postulée de ces processus cellulaires sont peu nombreuses et proviennent en grande partie des interactions protéine-protéine. Contrairement à la perception classique, nos résultats révèlent l’organisation des fonctions cellulaires telles que la transcription, la traduction, le métabolisme et la régulation en supercomplexes multifonctionnels stables, dans les mitochondries des champignons (ex Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus nidulans et Neurospora crassa), des animaux (ex Bos taurus), des plantes (B. oleracea et Arabidopsis thaliana) et chez les bactéries (ex E. coli) à partir desquelles les mitochondries descendent. La composition de ces supercomplexes chez les champignons et les animaux est comparable à celle de levure, toutefois, chez les plantes et E. coli ils comportent des différences notables (ex, présence des enzymes spécifiques à la voie de biosynthèse des sucres et les léctines chez B. oleracea). Chez la levure, en accord avec les changements dûs à la répression catabolique du glucose, nos résultats révèlent que les supercomplexes sont dynamiques et que leur composition en protéines dépend des stimulis et de la régulation cellulaire. De plus, nous montrons que l’inactivation de la voie de biosynthèse des lipides de type II (FASII) perturbe l’assemblage et/ou la biogenèse du supercomplexe de la RNase P (responsable de la maturation en 5’ des précurseurs des ARNt), ce qui suggère que de multiples effets pléiotropiques peuvent être de nature structurale entre les protéines. Chez la levure et chez E. coli, nos études de la maturation in vitro des précurseurs des ARNt et de la protéomique révèlent l’association de la RNase P avec les enzymes de la maturation d’ARNt en 3’. En effet, la voie de maturation des pré-ARNt et des ARNr, et la dégradation des ARN mitochondriaux semblent êtres associées avec la machinerie de la traduction au sein d’un même supercomplexe multifonctionnel dans la mitochondrie de la levure. Chez E. coli, nous avons caractérisé un supercomplexe similaire qui inclut en plus de la RNase P: la PNPase, le complexe du RNA degradosome, l’ARN polymérase, quatre facteurs de transcription, neuf aminoacyl-tRNA synthétases, onze protéines ribosomiques, des chaperons et certaines protéines métaboliques. Ces résultats supposent l’association physique de la transcription, la voie de maturation et d’aminoacylation des ARNt, la dégradation des ARN. Le nombre de cas où les activités cellulaires sont fonctionnellement et structurellement associées est certainement à la hausse (ex, l’éditosome et le complexe de la glycolyse). En effet, l’organisation en supercomplexe multifonctionnel représente probablement l’unité fonctionnelle dans les cellules et les analyses de ces super-structures peuvent devenir la prochaine cible de la biologie structurale.
Le virus Herpès simplex de type 1 (HSV-1), agent étiologique des feux sauvages, possède une structure multicouche comprenant une capside icosaédrale qui protège le génome viral d’ADN, une couche protéique très structurée appelée tégument et une enveloppe lipidique dérivant de la cellule hôte et parsemée de glycoprotéines virales. Tous ces constituants sont acquis séquentiellement à partir du noyau, du cytoplasme et du réseau trans-golgien. Cette structure multicouche confère à HSV-1 un potentiel considérable pour incorporer des protéines virales et cellulaires. Toutefois, l’ensemble des protéines qui composent ce virus n’a pas encore été élucidé. De plus, malgré son rôle critique à différentes étapes de l’infection, le tégument demeure encore mal défini et ce, tant dans sa composition que dans la séquence d’addition des protéines qui le composent. Toutes ces incertitudes quant aux mécanismes impliqués dans la morphogenèse du virus nous amènent à l’objectif de ce projet, soit la caractérisation du processus de maturation d’HSV-1. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse et publié dans Journal of Virology s’attarde à la caractérisation protéique des virus extracellulaires matures. Grâce à l’élaboration d’un protocole d’isolation et de purification de ces virions, une étude protéomique a pu être effectuée. Celle-ci nous a permis de réaliser une cartographie de la composition globale en protéines virales des virus matures (8 protéines de la capside, 23 protéines du tégument et 13 glycoprotéines) qui a fait la page couverture de Journal of Virology. De plus, l’incorporation potentielle de 49 protéines cellulaires différentes a été révélée. Lors de cette étude protéomique, nous avons aussi relevé la présence de nouveaux composants du virion dont UL7, UL23, ICP0 et ICP4. Le deuxième article publié dans Journal of General Virology focalise sur ces protéines via une analyse biochimique afin de mieux comprendre les interactions et la dynamique du tégument. Ces résultats nous révèlent que, contrairement aux protéines ICP0 et ICP4, UL7 et UL23 peuvent être relâchées de la capside en présence de sels et que les cystéines libres jouent un rôle dans cette relâche. De plus, cet article met en évidence la présence d’ICP0 et d’ICP4 sur les capsides nucléaires suggérant une acquisition possible du tégument au noyau. La complexité du processus de morphogenèse du virus ainsi que la mise en évidence d’acquisition de protéines du tégument au noyau nous ont incités à poursuivre nos recherches sur la composition du virus à un stade précoce de son cycle viral. Les capsides C matures, prémisses des virus extracellulaires, ont donc été isolées et purifiées grâce à un protocole innovateur basé sur le tri par cytométrie en flux. L’analyse préliminaire de ces capsides par protéomique a permis d’identifier 28 protéines virales et 39 protéines cellulaires. Les données recueilles, comparées à celles obtenues avec les virus extracellulaires, suggèrent clairement un processus séquentiel d’acquisition des protéines du tégument débutant dans le noyau, site d’assemblage des capsides. Finalement, tous ces résultats contribuent à une meilleure compréhension du processus complexe de maturation d’HSV-1 via l’utilisation de techniques variées et innovatrices, telles que la protéomique et la cytométrie en flux, pouvant être appliquées à d’autres virus mais aussi permettre le développement de meilleurs traitements pour vaincre l’HSV-1.
This review article addresses recent advances in the analysis of foods and food components by capillary electrophoresis (CE). CE has found application to a number of important areas of food analysis, including quantitative chemical analysis of food additives, biochemical analysis of protein composition, and others. The speed, resolution and simplicity of CE, combined with low operating costs, make the technique an attractive option for the development of improved methods of food analysis for the new millennium.
Organisms generally respond to iron deficiency by increasing their capacity to take up iron and by consuming intracellular iron stores. Escherichia coli, in which iron metabolism is particularly well understood, contains at least 7 iron-acquisition systems encoded by 35 iron-repressed genes. This Fe-dependent repression is mediated by a transcriptional repressor, Fur ( ferric uptake regulation), which also controls genes involved in other processes such as iron storage, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, pathogenicity, and redox-stress resistance. Our macroarray-based global analysis of iron- and Fur-dependent gene expression in E. coli has revealed several novel Fur-repressed genes likely to specify at least three additional iron- transport pathways. Interestingly, a large group of energy metabolism genes was found to be iron and Fur induced. Many of these genes encode iron- rich respiratory complexes. This iron- and Fur-dependent regulation appears to represent a novel iron-homeostatic mechanism whereby the synthesis of many iron- containing proteins is repressed under iron- restricted conditions. This mechanism thus accounts for the low iron contents of fur mutants and explains how E. coli can modulate its iron requirements. Analysis of Fe-55-labeled E. coli proteins revealed a marked decrease in iron- protein composition for the fur mutant, and visible and EPR spectroscopy showed major reductions in cytochrome b and d levels, and in iron- sulfur cluster contents for the chelator-treated wild-type and/or fur mutant, correlating well with the array and quantitative RT-PCR data. In combination, the results provide compelling evidence for the regulation of intracellular iron consumption by the Fe2+-Fur complex.
The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end-use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small-deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G'], large negative loadings for tan delta and steady state compliance [J(e)(0)]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high-end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.
Synthetic microporous membranes with functional groups covalently attached were used to selectively separate beta-lactoglobulin, BSA, and alpha-lactalbumin from rennet whey. The selectivity and membrane performance of strong (quaternary ammonium) and weak (diethylamine) ion-exchange membranes were studied using breakthrough curves, measurement of binding capacity, and protein composition of the elution fraction to determine the binding behavior of each membrane. When the weak and strong anion exchange membranes were saturated with whey, they were both selective primarily for beta-lactoglobulin with less than 1% of the eluate consisting of alpha-lactalbumin or BSA. The binding capacity of a pure alpha-lactoglobulin solution was in excess of 1.5 mg/cm(2) of membrane. This binding capacity was reduced to approximately 1.2 mg/cm(2) when using a rennet whey solution (pH 6.4). This reduction in protein binding capacity can be explained by both the competitive effects of other whey proteins and the effect of ions present in whey. Using binary solution breakthrough curves and rennet whey breakthrough curves, it was shown that alpha-lactalbumin and BSA were displaced from the strong and weak anion exchange membranes by beta-lactoglobulin. Finally, the effect of ionic strength on the binding capacity of individual proteins for each membrane was determined by comparing model protein solutions in milk permeate (pH 6.4) and a 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.4). Binding capacities of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, and BSA in milk permeate were reduced by as much as 50%. This reduction in capacity coupled with the low binding capacity of current ion exchange membranes are 2 serious considerations for selectively separating complex and concentrated protein solutions.
Quantitative and qualitative gradients in gluten protein composition are established during grain development. These gradients may be due to the origin of subaleurone cells, which unlike other starchy endosperm cells derive from the re-differentiation of aleurone cells, but could also result from the action of specific regulatory signals produced by the maternal tissue on specific domains of the gluten protein gene promoters.
This study investigates the quality of retail milk labelled as Jersey & Guernsey (JG) when compared with milk without breed specifications (NS) and repeatability of differences over seasons and years. 16 different brands of milk (4 Jersey & Guernsey, 12 non specified breed) were sampled over 2 years on 4 occasions. JG milk was associated with both favourable traits for human health, such as the higher total protein, total casein, α-casein, β-casein, κ-casein and α-tocopherol contents, and unfavourable traits, such as the higher concentrations of saturated fat, C12:0, C14:0 and lower concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids. In summer, JG milk had a higher omega-3:omega-6 ratio than had NS milk. Also, the relative increase in omega-3 fatty acids and α-tocopherol, from winter to summer, was greater in JG milk. The latter characteristic could be of use in breeding schemes and farming systems producing niche dairy products. Seasonality had a more marked impact on the fatty acid composition of JG milk than had NS milk, while the opposite was found for protein composition. Potential implication for the findings in human health, producers, industry and consumers are considered.
The venom gland of viperid snakes has a central lumen where the venom produced by secretory cells is stored. When the venom is lost from the gland, the secretory cells are activated and new venom is produced. The production of new venom is triggered by the action of noradrenaline on both alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptors in the venom gland. In this study, we show that venom removal leads to the activation of transcription factors NF kappa B and AP-1 in the venom gland. In dispersed secretory cells, noradrenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1. Activation of NF kappa B and AP-1 depended on phospholipase C and protein kinase A. Activation of NF kappa B also depended on protein kinase C. Isoprenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1, and phenylephrine activated NF kappa B and later AP-1. We also show that the protein composition of the venom gland changes during the venom production cycle. Striking changes occurred 4 and 7 days after venom removal in female and male snakes, respectively. Reserpine blocks this change, and the administration of alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptor agonists to reserpine-treated snakes largely restores the protein composition of the venom gland. However, the protein composition of the venom from reserpinized snakes treated with alpha(1)- or beta-adrenoceptor agonists appears normal, judging from SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. A sexual dimorphism in activating transcription factors and activating venom gland was observed. Our data suggest that the release of noradrenaline after biting is necessary to activate the venom gland by regulating the activation of transcription factors and consequently regulating the synthesis of proteins in the venom gland for venom production.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)