879 resultados para Proportional apparent error rate


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In this paper, we generalize the existing rate-one space frequency (SF) and space-time frequency (STF) code constructions. The objective of this exercise is to provide a systematic design of full-diversity STF codes with high coding gain. Under this generalization, STF codes are formulated as linear transformations of data. Conditions on these linear transforms are then derived so that the resulting STF codes achieve full diversity and high coding gain with a moderate decoding complexity. Many of these conditions involve channel parameters like delay profile (DP) and temporal correlation. When these quantities are not available at the transmitter, design of codes that exploit full diversity on channels with arbitrary DIP and temporal correlation is considered. Complete characterization of a class of such robust codes is provided and their bit error rate (BER) performance is evaluated. On the other hand, when channel DIP and temporal correlation are available at the transmitter, linear transforms are optimized to maximize the coding gain of full-diversity STF codes. BER performance of such optimized codes is shown to be better than those of existing codes.


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In this paper, we present a low-complexity algorithm for detection in high-rate, non-orthogonal space-time block coded (STBC) large-multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems that achieve high spectral efficiencies of the order of tens of bps/Hz. We also present a training-based iterative detection/channel estimation scheme for such large STBC MIMO systems. Our simulation results show that excellent bit error rate and nearness-to-capacity performance are achieved by the proposed multistage likelihood ascent search (M-LAS) detector in conjunction with the proposed iterative detection/channel estimation scheme at low complexities. The fact that we could show such good results for large STBCs like 16 X 16 and 32 X 32 STBCs from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) operating at spectral efficiencies in excess of 20 bps/Hz (even after accounting for the overheads meant for pilot based training for channel estimation and turbo coding) establishes the effectiveness of the proposed detector and channel estimator. We decode perfect codes of large dimensions using the proposed detector. With the feasibility of such a low-complexity detection/channel estimation scheme, large-MIMO systems with tens of antennas operating at several tens of bps/Hz spectral efficiencies can become practical, enabling interesting high data rate wireless applications.


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802.11 WLANs are characterized by high bit error rate and frequent changes in network topology. The key feature that distinguishes WLANs from wired networks is the multi-rate transmission capability, which helps to accommodate a wide range of channel conditions. This has a significant impact on higher layers such as routing and transport levels. While many WLAN products provide rate control at the hardware level to adapt to the channel conditions, some chipsets like Atheros do not have support for automatic rate control. We first present a design and implementation of an FER-based automatic rate control state machine, which utilizes the statistics available at the device driver to find the optimal rate. The results show that the proposed rate switching mechanism adapts quite fast to the channel conditions. The hop count metric used by current routing protocols has proven itself for single rate networks. But it fails to take into account other important factors in a multi-rate network environment. We propose transmission time as a better path quality metric to guide routing decisions. It incorporates the effects of contention for the channel, the air time to send the data and the asymmetry of links. In this paper, we present a new design for a multi-rate mechanism as well as a new routing metric that is responsive to the rate. We address the issues involved in using transmission time as a metric and presents a comparison of the performance of different metrics for dynamic routing.


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This paper proposes a full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code(STBC) with low maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity and high coding gain for the 4 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (4 x 2) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that employs 4/16-QAM. For such a system, the best code known is the DjABBA code and recently, Biglieri, Hong and Viterbo have proposed another STBC (BHV code) for 4-QAM which has lower ML-decoding complexity than the DjABBA code but does not have full-diversity like the DjABBA code. The code proposed in this paper has the same ML-decoding complexity as the BHV code for any square M-QAM but has full-diversity for 4- and 16-QAM. Compared with the DjABBA code, the proposed code has lower ML-decoding complexity for square M-QAM constellation, higher coding gain for 4- and 16-QAM, and hence a better codeword error rate (CER) performance. Simulation results confirming this are presented.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that solvation dynamics in many common dipolar liquids contain an initial, ultrafast Gaussian component which may contribute even more than 60% to the total solvation energy. It is also known that adiabatic electron transfer reactions often probe the high-frequency components of the relevant solvent friction (Hynes, J. T. J. Phys. Chem. 1986, 90, 3701). In this paper, we present a theoretical study of the effects of the ultrafast solvent polar modes on the adiabatic electron transfer reactions by using the formalism of Hynes. Calculations have been carried out for a model system and also for water and acetonitrile. It is found that, in general, the ultrafast modes can greatly enhance the rate of electron transfer, even by more than an order of magnitude, over the rate obtained by using only the slow overdamped modes usually considered. For water, this acceleration of the rate can be attributed to the high-frequency intermolecular vibrational and librational modes. For a weakly adiabatic reaction, the rate is virtually indistinguishable from the rate predicted by the Marcus transition state theory. Another important result is that even in this case of ultrafast underdamped solvation, energy diffusion appears to be efficient so that electron transfer reaction in water is controlled essentially by the barrier crossing dynamics. This is because the reactant well frequency is-directly proportional to the rate of the initial Gaussian decay of the solvation time correlation function. As a result, the value of the friction at the reactant well frequency rarely falls below the value required for the Kramers turnover except when the polarizability of the water molecules may be neglected. On the other hand, in acetonitrile, the rate of electron transfer reaction is found to be controlled by the energy diffusion dynamics, although a significant contribution to the rate comes also from the barrier crossing rate. Therefore, the present study calls for a need to understand the relaxation of the high-frequency modes in dipolar liquids.


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This paper presents a low-ML-decoding-complexity, full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code (STBC) for a 2 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, with coding gain equal to that of the best and well known Golden code for any QAM constellation. Recently, two codes have been proposed (by Paredes, Gershman and Alkhansari and by Sezginer and Sari), which enjoy a lower decoding complexity relative to the Golden code, but have lesser coding gain. The 2 x 2 STBC presented in this paper has lesser decoding complexity for non-square QAM constellations, compared with that of the Golden code, while having the same decoding complexity for square QAM constellations. Compared with the Paredes-Gershman-Alkhansari and Sezginer-Sari codes, the proposed code has the same decoding complexity for non-rectangular QAM constellations. Simulation results, which compare the codeword error rate (CER) performance, are presented.


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A scheme to apply the rate-1 real orthogonal designs (RODs) in relay networks with single real-symbol decodability of the symbols at the destination for any arbitrary number of relays is proposed. In the case where the relays do not have any information about the channel gains from the source to themselves, the best known distributed space time block codes (DSTBCs) for k relays with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of complex symbols per channel use. The scheme proposed in this paper offers an overall rate of 2/2+k complex symbol per channel use, which is independent of the number of relays. Furthermore, in the scenario where the relays have partial channel information in the form of channel phase knowledge, the best known DSTBCs with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use. In this paper, making use of RODs, a scheme which achieves the same overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use but with a decoding delay that is 50 percent of that of the best known DSTBCs, is presented. Simulation results of the symbol error rate performance for 10 relays, which show the superiority of the proposed scheme over the best known DSTBC for 10 relays with single real-symbol decodability, are provided.


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This paper presents a low-ML-decoding-complexity, full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code (STBC) for a 2 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) system, with coding gain equal to that of the best and well known Golden code for any QAM constellation.Recently, two codes have been proposed (by Paredes, Gershman and Alkhansari and by Sezginer and Sari), which enjoy a lower decoding complexity relative to the Golden code, but have lesser coding gain. The 2 × 2 STBC presented in this paper has lesser decoding complexity for non-square QAM constellations,compared with that of the Golden code, while having the same decoding complexity for square QAM constellations. Compared with the Paredes-Gershman-Alkhansari and Sezginer-Sari codes, the proposed code has the same decoding complexity for nonrectangular QAM constellations. Simulation results, which compare the codeword error rate (CER) performance, are presented.


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High-rate analysis of channel-optimized vector quantizationThis paper considers the high-rate performance of channel optimized source coding for noisy discrete symmetric channels with random index assignment. Specifically, with mean squared error (MSE) as the performance metric, an upper bound on the asymptotic (i.e., high-rate) distortion is derived by assuming a general structure on the codebook. This structure enables extension of the analysis of the channel optimized source quantizer to one with a singular point density: for channels with small errors, the point density that minimizes the upper bound is continuous, while as the error rate increases, the point density becomes singular. The extent of the singularity is also characterized. The accuracy of the expressions obtained are verified through Monte Carlo simulations.


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This paper considers the high-rate performance of source coding for noisy discrete symmetric channels with random index assignment (IA). Accurate analytical models are developed to characterize the expected distortion performance of vector quantization (VQ) for a large class of distortion measures. It is shown that when the point density is continuous, the distortion can be approximated as the sum of the source quantization distortion and the channel-error induced distortion. Expressions are also derived for the continuous point density that minimizes the expected distortion. Next, for the case of mean squared error distortion, a more accurate analytical model for the distortion is derived by allowing the point density to have a singular component. The extent of the singularity is also characterized. These results provide analytical models for the expected distortion performance of both conventional VQ as well as for channel-optimized VQ. As a practical example, compression of the linear predictive coding parameters in the wideband speech spectrum is considered, with the log spectral distortion as performance metric. The theory is able to correctly predict the channel error rate that is permissible for operation at a particular level of distortion.


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.


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In this paper, we consider a slow-fading nt ×nr multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel subjected to block fading. Reliability (in terms of achieved diversity order) and rate (in number of symbols transmitted per channel use) are of interest in such channels. We propose a new precoding scheme which achieves both full diversity (nt ×nrth order diversity) as well as full rate (nt symbols per channel use) using partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The proposed scheme achieves full diversity and improved coding gain through an optimization over the choice of constellation sets. The optimization maximizes dmin2 for our precoding scheme subject to an energy constraint. The scheme requires feedback of nt - 1 angle parameter values, compared to 2ntnr real coefficients in case of full CSIT. Further, for the case of nt × 1 system, we prove that the capacity achieved by the proposed scheme is same as that achieved with full CSIT. Error rate performance results for nt = 3,4,8 show that the proposed scheme performs better than other precoding schemes in the literature; the better performance is due to the choice of the signal sets and the feedback angles in the proposed scheme.


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Quantum computing offers powerful new techniques for speeding up the calculation of many classically intractable problems. Quantum algorithms can allow for the efficient simulation of physical systems, with applications to basic research, chemical modeling, and drug discovery; other algorithms have important implications for cryptography and internet security.

At the same time, building a quantum computer is a daunting task, requiring the coherent manipulation of systems with many quantum degrees of freedom while preventing environmental noise from interacting too strongly with the system. Fortunately, we know that, under reasonable assumptions, we can use the techniques of quantum error correction and fault tolerance to achieve an arbitrary reduction in the noise level.

In this thesis, we look at how additional information about the structure of noise, or "noise bias," can improve or alter the performance of techniques in quantum error correction and fault tolerance. In Chapter 2, we explore the possibility of designing certain quantum gates to be extremely robust with respect to errors in their operation. This naturally leads to structured noise where certain gates can be implemented in a protected manner, allowing the user to focus their protection on the noisier unprotected operations.

In Chapter 3, we examine how to tailor error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant quantum circuits in the presence of dephasing biased noise, where dephasing errors are far more common than bit-flip errors. By using an appropriately asymmetric code, we demonstrate the ability to improve the amount of error reduction and decrease the physical resources required for error correction.

In Chapter 4, we analyze a variety of protocols for distilling magic states, which enable universal quantum computation, in the presence of faulty Clifford operations. Here again there is a hierarchy of noise levels, with a fixed error rate for faulty gates, and a second rate for errors in the distilled states which decreases as the states are distilled to better quality. The interplay of of these different rates sets limits on the achievable distillation and how quickly states converge to that limit.


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This paper introduces a novel method for the training of a complementary acoustic model with respect to set of given acoustic models. The method is based upon an extension of the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) criterion and aims at producing a model that makes complementary phone errors to those already trained. The technique is therefore called Complementary Phone Error (CPE) training. The method is evaluated using an Arabic large vocabulary continuous speech recognition task. Reductions in word error rate (WER) after combination with a CPE-trained system were obtained with up to 0.7% absolute for a system trained on 172 hours of acoustic data and up to 0.2% absolute for the final system trained on nearly 2000 hours of Arabic data.


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For two multinormal populations with equal covariance matrices the likelihood ratio discriminant function, an alternative allocation rule to the sample linear discriminant function when n1 ≠ n2 ,is studied analytically. With the assumption of a known covariance matrix its distribution is derived and the expectation of its actual and apparent error rates evaluated and compared with those of the sample linear discriminant function. This comparison indicates that the likelihood ratio allocation rule is robust to unequal sample sizes. The quadratic discriminant function is studied, its distribution reviewed and evaluation of its probabilities of misclassification discussed. For known covariance matrices the distribution of the sample quadratic discriminant function is derived. When the known covariance matrices are proportional exact expressions for the expectation of its actual and apparent error rates are obtained and evaluated. The effectiveness of the sample linear discriminant function for this case is also considered. Estimation of true log-odds for two multinormal populations with equal or unequal covariance matrices is studied. The estimative, Bayesian predictive and a kernel method are compared by evaluating their biases and mean square errors. Some algebraic expressions for these quantities are derived. With equal covariance matrices the predictive method is preferable. Where it derives this superiority is investigated by considering its performance for various levels of fixed true log-odds. It is also shown that the predictive method is sensitive to n1 ≠ n2. For unequal but proportional covariance matrices the unbiased estimative method is preferred. Product Normal kernel density estimates are used to give a kernel estimator of true log-odds. The effect of correlation in the variables with product kernels is considered. With equal covariance matrices the kernel and parametric estimators are compared by simulation. For moderately correlated variables and large dimension sizes the product kernel method is a good estimator of true log-odds.