993 resultados para Proglacial lacustrine sedimentation


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Coarse Particle sedimentation is studied by using an algorithm with no adjustable parameters based on stokesian dynamics. Only inter-particle interactions of hydrodynamic force and gravity are considered. The sedimentation of a simple cubic array of spheres is used to verify the computational results. The scaling and parallelism with OpenMP of the method are presented. Random suspension sedimentation is investigated with Mont Carlo simulation. The computational results are shown in good agreement with experimental fitting at the lower computational cost of O(N In N).


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The dispersion of an isolated, spherical, Brownian particle immersed in a Newtonian fluid between infinite parallel plates is investigated. Expressions are developed for both a 'molecular' contribution to dispersion, which arises from random thermal fluctuations, and a 'convective' contribution, arising when a shear flow is applied between the plates. These expressions are evaluated numerically for all sizes of the particle relative to the bounding plates, and the method of matched asymptotic expansions is used to develop analytical expressions for the dispersion coefficients as a function of particle size to plate spacing ratio for small values of this parameter.

It is shown that both the molecular and convective dispersion coefficients decrease as the size of the particle relative to the bounding plates increase. When the particle is small compared to the plate spacing, the coefficients decrease roughly proportional to the particle size to plate spacing ratio. When the particle closely fills the space between the plates, the molecular dispersion coefficient approaches zero slowly as an inverse logarithmic function of the particle size to plate spacing ratio, and the convective dispersion coefficent approaches zero approximately proportional to the width of the gap between the edges of the sphere and the bounding plates.


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The commonest organisms of the original Mexico lake complex are listed, including those that exist today in the Lago Viejo. In addition, a brief hydraulic history of this endorheic basin is given.


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An explanation of the basic premises of the subject and its terminology is given. The article then outlines aspects of research on the organic material found in lacustrine sediments, and the analytical methods involved.


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In the mesotrophic-eutrophic Saidenbach Reservoir in Saxony, the nanoplankton and cyanobacteria have increased at the expense of diatom dominance, due to a doubling of the external phosphorus load in the last 15 years. However, the phosphorus sedimentation flux is still very high (up to 80% of the input), corresponding to more than 2 g m2 d-1 in terms of dry weight. There is a strong correlation between the abundance of diatoms in the euphotic zone and their sedimentation flux (with a delay of about 2 weeks). Only about 25% of the deposited material could be clearly attributed to plankton biomass; the remainder resulted from flocculation and precipitation processes or directly from the inflow of clay minerals. The ash content of the deposited material was high (73%). Thus the sedimentation flux can be considered to operate as an internal water-treatment/oligotrophication process within the lake. The neighbouring Neunzehnhain Reservoir still has a very clear water with a transparency up to 18 m depth. Though the sediment was not much lower than Saidenbach sediment in total phosphorus and total numbers of bacteria, sulphide was always absent and the ratio of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ was very low in the upper (0- 5 cm) layer. Thus the external and internal phosphorus loads do not attain the critical level necessary to induce a ”phosphorus - phytoplankton” feedback loop.


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O presente estudo baseou-se na análise do conteúdo orgânico de 173 amostras da Formação Pojuca, provenientes dos furos de sondagem 9-FBA-65-BA e 9-FBA-79-BA perfurados na Bacia do Recôncavo. Neste trabalho procedeu-se a um estudo integrando, resultados palinológicos, palinofaciológicos e de geoquímica orgânica com base nos dados de teores de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT) e de pirólise Rock-Eval. A associação palinoflorística identificada indica um paleoambiente dominantemente continental, composto por um sistema fluvial deltaico-lacustre, sob um clima quente e árido. Tal associação enquadra-se àquelas observadas nas bacias do Nordeste brasileiro e insere-se nas características das associações pertencentes à Província Microflorística Dicheiropollis (ex WASA). Foram identificadas 55 espécies de palinomorfos, incluindo grãos de pólen e esporos. A identificação das espécies, Dicheiropollis etruscus e Vitreisporites pallidus permitiu posicionar o intervalo analisado na Biozona Vitreisporites pallidus, considerada como de idade Aratu. Por meio de observação em microscopia óptica com luz branca transmitida e luz ultravioleta; e le-BA, caracterizando um conteúdo orgânico na janela de geração de hidrocarbonetos. Com base nos resultados de pirólise Rock-Eval, verificou-se que a Formação Pojuca, na área, é constituída vando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica, foi possível individualizar três palinofácies distintas. As análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico mostram uma mistura de material orgânico de origem alóctone, representado por grãos de pólen, esporos e fitoclastos e autóctone dominada por material orgânico amorfo. As mais altas fluorescências são observadas nas Palinofácies 1 e 2, indicando um ambiente mais reduto r à época de sedimentação, destes estratos. Os dados de ICE apresentam valores de maturação de 5 para os sedimentos atravessados pelo poço 9-FBA-65-BA e 6,5-7 para o poço 9-FBA-79 na sua quase totalidade por matéria orgânica do tipo II, rica em hidrogênio e pobre em oxigênio, correspondendo ao um tipo de matéria orgânica propícia à geração de hidrocarbonetos líquidos e gasosos. Os níveis 3 e 4, localizados nas Palinofácies 1 e 2 do poço 9-FBA-79-BA apresentam valores de COT superiores a 1,5%, e considerando os dados de pirólise Rock-Eval, nota-se que estes intervalos são os que oferecem um maior potencial gerador, já que os valores de S2 excedem a 5,0 mg HC/g de rocha, além de valores de IH superiores a 200 e atingindo 600.


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O presente estudo baseou-se na análise do conteúdo orgânico do furo de sondagem rasa do poço 9-FBA-69-BA localizado na Bacia do Recôncavo. Foram utilizadas 126 amostras para análise de COT e 35 pares de lâminas para as análises palinológicas e palinofaciológicas. As análises palinofaciológicas mostraram que os componentes orgânicos particulados são dominados por material orgânico amorfo em praticamente toda a seção. Representantes alóctones estão pontualmente presentes e representados por fitoclastos, grãos de pólen e esporos. Os resultados de COT mostram valores percentuais acima de 1% em praticamente todo o intervalo estudado. Através da observação à luz de microscopia branca transmitida e luz incidente, foi possível individualizar três palinofácies distintas para a seção, levando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica. A análise do ICE (Índice de Coloração dos Esporos) apresenta valores de maturação entre 4,5 a 5, caracterizando um grau de maturação térmica próximo da janela de geração de hidrocarbonetos. A associação palinoflorística mostra uma baixa diversidade de representantes, onde dentre os 292 palinomorfos com 28 gêneros e 11 espécies de grãos de pólen e esporos, 167 são representados somente pela espécie Classopollis classoides. Baseado na associação palinoflorística presente e na análise litológica do poço podemos inferir que a sedimentação ocorreu em um paleoambiente fluvial deltaico- lacustre, sob um clima árido a semiárido visto a abundante presença de formas Rimuladas. Apesar da não detecção das formas guias diagnósticas de idade, que definem as palinozonas do arcabouço palinoestratigráfico válido para seções cretáceas brasileiras, a associação palinológica recuperada, com formas típicas do eocretáceo (Classopollis classoides, Araucariacites australis, Equisetosporites sp.), aliado a presença da espécie Vitreisporites pallidus, e ausência de formas do neocretáceo, nos permitiu posicionar a seção na palinozona Vitreisporites pallidus considerada de idade Aratu


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pluvial Lake Estancia in central New Mexico experienced large and rapid fluctuations in surface area and elevation during the build-up to and termination of the last glacial maximum (LGM). Due to continuous groundwater discharge, a minimum pool covering about 400 square kilometers was maintained in the central basin until about 12,000 years ago, ensuring a continuous depositional sequence even during low stands of the lake. ... The sensitive response to fluctuations in climate by several independent proxies at Estancia show that transport of Pacific moisture over western North America changed dramatically during the last Ice Age, perhaps comparable to the large and rapid changes in climate documented from high-latitude ice and North Atlantic marine sediments for the LCM and its transitions.


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To select better plant species for adsorption and deposition of suspended solids in water, effectively, eight species of submerged macrophytes, which are popular in the middle or downstream area of Yangtze River, were studied. The effects of their adsorbability and sedimentation on suspended solids were monitored in the microcosm systems with natural lake's sediment and water. Within one week's regular disturbance, according to their adsorbability of the macrophytes on suspended solids, the macrophytes were divided into two groups. Elodea nuttallii, Potamogeton crispus, Hydrilla verticillata, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton malaianus and Najas graminea were the macrophytes with stronger adsorbability. Vallisneria natans and Ceratoplyllum demersum were the macrophytes with weaker adsorbability. The average adsorbabilities of the two groups were 28.0 and 14.5 mg g(-1) FW-1, respectively. According to the sedimentation rate, the macrophytes were divided into three groups. P. crispus and H. verticillata were in the highest group. V.natans was in higher group. E nuttallii, M. spicatum, N. graminea, C demersum and P. malaianus were in the lowest group. The average sedimentation rates of the three groups were 3.42, 2.11 and 0.69 mg l(-1) d(-1). respectively. Therefore, P. crispus and H. verticillata were excellent species. C demersum was a poor species to improve transparency of water body.


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Sedimentation variables and benthic community data were collected at seven stations during four seasons in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Summer, the season of highest discharge into the reservoir, was characterized by the extreme sediment loading. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was dominated by oligochaetes across all seasons at most stations. In winter/spring, macroinvertebrate density and richness increased. Correspondence analysis showed that community structure differed among stations at the two ends of the bay in winter and among almost all stations in spring, However, no variable associated with sedimentation appeared to be associated with differences in the community.


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Although long chain alkenones (LCKs) occur widely in lacustrine sediments, their origin is not clear. Here, we report a lacustrine source, the non-calcifying species Chrysotila lamellosa Anand (Haptophyceae), collected and isolated from an inland saline water body, Lake Xiarinur (Inner Mongolia, China). Its alketione pattern is similar to those of coastal marine strains of C lamellosa,but the relationship between U-37(K') index and culture temperature for the lacustrine species is quite different from that of the coastal species. A significant feature of the alkenones in this strain of C lamellosa is a lack of C-38 methyl alkenones, which might be used to distinguish the species from the marine haptophyte species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. The higher C-38 tetraunsaturated compound abundance might be another important feature for distinguishing the C lamellosa alkenone producer from the coastal species Isochrysis galbana. This alkenone distribution pattern has been detected in many lakes, which suggests that C lamellosa or a closely related species might be a very common alkenone precursor in lacustrine systems. We examined U-37(K') and U-37(K) values for C lamellosa as a function of culture temperature in a batch culture experiment. The calibration for U-37(K') vs. culture temperature (T) was U-37(K') = 0.0011 x T-2 - 0.0157 x T + 0.1057(n = 14, r(2) = 0.99) from 10 degrees C to 22 degrees C or U-37(K') = 0.0257 x T - 0.2608(n = 9, r(2) = 0.97) from 14 degrees C to 22 degrees C. U-37(K) vs. culture temperature was U-37(K) = 0 0377 x T - 0.5992(n = 14, r(2) = 0.98) from 10 degrees C to 22 degrees C. Our experiments show that the alkenone unsaturation index (U-37(K')) is strongly controlled by culture temperature and can be used for palaeoclimate reconstruction. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two types of microfabrics relating to pollutant adsorption were studied in the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) in a polluted, eutrophic lake, the Yangtze delta region. Agglutinational texture or the aggregates of small particles are composed of clay minerals and fine organic fragments among the silty grains and the coatings with a thickness about 1 mu m were on the surfaces of the silty grains in the sediments. The chemical constituents of the aggregates and the coatings are K, Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, O, Fe, Ti, C, N and P determined in X-ray energy spectrometry connected with the SEM. In some cases, Pb was detected in the aggregates in the top sediment. It is suggested that nutrients and metals are adsorbed to the aggregates, which were formed by electrostatic attraction of physicochemical floes. The coatings on the surface of quartz grains were formed by the interaction of dissociated Al, Si, Fe, etc from silicates with dissolved N, P and C nutrients in interstitial water, which was aroused by human pollution to the lake in recent two decades.


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Three lacustrine core samples were collected from Chaohu lake in December 2002 in the Yangtze delta region. The grain sizes were analyzed using a Laser Analyzer to obtain grain-size parameters. Sediment geochronology was determined in radioisotopes Cs-137 and the average sedimentary rates are 0.29cm.a(-1), 0.35 cm.a(-1) and 0.24cm-a(-1) in Cores C 1, C2 and C3, respectively. The grain-size parameters of the deposits vary regularly with the fluctuation of hydrodynamics. From 1950s to the beginning of 20th century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting strong hydraulic conditions and high water-level periods with much precipitation; from the start of 20(th) century to latter half of 18(th) century, fine-grained sediment was deposited, indicating that weak hydraulic conditions and low water-level periods with less precipitation; before the first half of 18(th) century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting great velocity of flow and high water-level periods of more precipitation.


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Sediment core samples were collected in the largest urban Lake Donghu (Stations I and II) in China, and the activities of Pb-210, Ra-226 and Cs-137 were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry. The sedimentation rates, calculated by 210Pb constant rate of supply (CRS) model, ranged from 0.11 to 0.65 (average 0.39) cm(.)y(-1) at Station I, and from 0.21 to 0.78 (average 0.46) cm(.)y(-1) at Station II. Sedimentation rate calculated by Cs-137 as a time marker was 0.55 cm(.)y(-1) at Station II. Based on the average sedimentation rate, we obtained 769 and 147 t(.)y(-1) for nitrogen and phosphorus retentions in Lake Donghu sediments, respectively.