965 resultados para Progettazione dinastica, Marpatech s.r.l., riorganizzazione, sistemi produttivi
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Dried biomass of the zoosporic fungi Saprolegnia subterranea and Pythium torulosum was evaluated for copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption from aqueous solutions using the "q" (mg of adsorbed metal per g of biomass) and the "R%" (percent removal) indices. The highest q values were observed when the biomass was placed in contact with high metal concentrations, whereas the highest R% values were observed at low concentrations (p< 0.05). S. subterranea SPC 1244 biomass surpassed the others for copper biosorption (q = 7.48 mg/ g; R% = 49.03), P. torulosum SPC 1425 biomass was the best for manganese biosorption (q = 4.13 mg/g; R% = 26.71), and S. subterranea SPC 1431 biomass was the best for cadmium biosorption (q = 6.75 mg/g; R% = 42.26). This is the first report on copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption by the biomass of these zoosporic fungi, indicating the potential to remove ions from diluted solutions.
The objective of this experiment was to test the efficacy of a probiotic (Efinol (R) L) during transportation of marbled hatchetfish, Carnegiella strigata. Wild specimens were captured from a small stream and transported for 24 h in plastic fish boxes with a probiotic (10 mg L-1) and probiotic-free water. The boxes were sampled at 3. 12 and 24 h of transport. At the end of the experiment, the survival rate was close to.100%) in both treatments. Dissolved oxygen diminished with time in both treatments, but the probiotic group had significantly higher levels. Conductivity. pH and ammonia increased significantly during the transport. demonstrating higher levels in the probiotic-free group. Fish from both treatments presented very high net Na+ and K+ effluxes after 3 h of transport. At 24 h, net K+ effluxes in fish of the probiotic treatment reached values close to zero and a significantly lower Na+ efflux was observed. Cortisol levels in both treatments at 3 and 12 h were significantly higher than that in control samples. Higher body cortisol levels were observed in the probiotic-frec group than that in the probiotic group at 3 and 12 h. The results demonstrate that addition of a probiotic during fish transport improves water quality and leads to fish presenting a lower stress response intensity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Il tema oggetto della presente tesi di dottorato trae spunto dall'analisi dell'art. 2468 c.c. nel quale può dirsi contenuto il nucleo fondamentale della disciplina della partecipazione sociale. In primo luogo vi è un'analisi comparata dell'istituto in esame con quelli previsti negli altri paesi europei. Dopo una breve analisi di diritto comparato ci si è concentrati sulla legislazione italiana ed, in particolare, l'elaborato cerca di dare una risposta ai seguenti interrogativi: a) quali sono i “particolari diritti” ex art. 2468 c.c.? b) si può parlare di “categorie speciali di partecipazioni”? Con riferimento al primo interrogativo va considerato che il modello legale prevede che i diritti particolari attribuibili ai soci riguardano l’amministrazione della società o la distribuzione degli utili. Tale disciplina sussiste quando l’atto costitutivo attribuisce i particolari diritti senza disporre nulla sulla loro trasferibilità, modificabilità ed inerenza alla partecipazione sociale piuttosto che alla persona del socio. Ci si è chiesti quali siano i confini delle due categorie espressamente previste dall’art. 2468, 3 c.c. e se tale previsione sia tassativa piuttosto che esemplificativa, aprendosi quindi la strada alla libera determinabilità dei diritti sociali, alla stregua di quanto sancisce l’art. 2348, 2 c.c., in merito alle azioni “speciali”. Si giunge così alla conclusione che la previsione sia esemplificativa e che anche nelle s.r.l. le parti sono libere di attribuire ai soci diritti sociali diversi da quelli derivanti dal modello legale, nei limiti derivanti da specifiche norme imperative. Nel secondo capitolo sono stati approfonditi i principi dettati dall’art. 2468 c.c., la natura di tali "particolari diritti" ed i loro profili di qualificazione nonché le loro esplicazioni contenutistiche Nel terzo capitolo si è analizzato cosa accade ai "particolari diritti" in caso di vicende modificative. Nel quarto capitolo poi è stato affrontata la controversa questione relativa alla possibilità di creare delle “categorie di quote”.
Esperienza di sviluppo di business plan aziendale
This dissertation was conducted within the project Language Toolkit, which has the aim of integrating the worlds of work and university. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents commissioned by the Italian company TR Turoni and its primary purpose is to demonstrate that, in the field of translation for companies, the existing translation support tools and software can optimise and facilitate the translation process. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the TR Turoni company and its relationship with the CERMAC export consortium. After outlining the current state of company internationalisation, the importance of professional translators in enhancing the competitiveness of companies that enter new international markets is highlighted. Chapter two provides an overview of the texts to be translated, focusing on the textual function and typology and on the addressees. After that, manual translation and the main software developed specifically for translators are described, with a focus on computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT). The third chapter presents the target texts and the corresponding translations. Chapter four is dedicated to the analysis of the translation process. The first two texts were translated manually, with the support of a purpose-built specialized corpus. The following two documents were translated with the software SDL Trados Studio 2011 and its applications. The last texts were submitted to the Google Translate service and to a process of pre and post-editing. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are drawn about the main limits and potentialities of the different translations techniques. In addition to this, the importance of an integrated use of all available instruments is underlined.
Applicazione di alcune procedure del sistema di gestione OHSAS allo stabilimento, monitoraggio e valutazione dei risultati ottenuti.