975 resultados para Product safety.


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This article presents an overview of relevant issues to be considered in the development of standardized phytochemical preparations, focusing on the use of the spouted bed as a drying method. Aspects related to the effects of feed composition properties and processing parameters on system performance and product quality are addressed. From the information presented, it can be concluded that the spouted bed technology can be successfully applied for production of high-quality phytochemical preparations suitable for food and pharmaceutical purposes, considering the requirements for product safety, quality, and efficacy. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, at this time, the proposed technology is appropriate for small-scale production, mainly due to difficulties concerning scale-up, modeling, and the simulation of spouted bed systems, and also for predicting product properties and system behavior during operation.


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“Difetto di Informazione e danno da prodotto” è un tema di grande interesse ed attualità, in un momento storico in cui si è riacceso il dibattito sulla disciplina della responsabilità per danni da prodotto difettoso. Complice è “il difetto di informazione”, da sempre rimasto ai margini della casistica giurisprudenziale, ma che improvvisamente “ruba la scena” imponendosi all'attenzione della Cassazione (nn. 6007/2007 e 20985/2007) e rivelando nodi interpretativi di forte impatto pratico nelle cause di responsabilità del produttore. Di qui l’esigenza di approfondire la complessa tematica degli information defects, sotto il profilo della nozione di “difetto” e della sua prova, nonché dell’incidenza di eventuali carenze informative sulla responsabilità del produttore. Muovendo dall’analisi della Direttiva e della sua attuazione italiana, il lavoro individua i punti nodali di tale disciplina ed i vari limiti posti – sia a livello interpretativo che applicativo - alla tutela del danneggiato, suscettibili di renderla meno “appetibile” di quanto potrebbe sembrare. Affronta, quindi, criticamente le questioni trattate nelle due sentenze di legittimità del 2007 in ordine sia alla distribuzione tra le parti dell'onere probatorio, sia alla rilevanza delle informazioni fornite dal produttore. Peculiare interrogativo cui si cerca di dare risposta è se, ed in che misura, l’“informazione” consenta al produttore di andare esente da responsabilità. Il lavoro passa ad esplorare i nuovi scenari offerti dalla interazione tra la disciplina della responsabilità del produttore e quella sulla sicurezza generale dei prodotti, la cui coesistenza all’interno del medesimo corpo di norme pone nuovi interrogativi, quali la sussistenza della responsabilità del produttore di un bene “conforme” ed il ruolo dell’informazione nell’ipotesi di prodotti non difettosi e/o “conformi”. La ricerca affronta tali interrogativi con sguardo critico e provocatorio sollevando il dubbio se la “conformità alle norme armonizzate” non rischi di diventare una “nuova” clausola di esonero della responsabilità del produttore.


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La tesi si propone l’obiettivo di indagare le modalità di interazione tra conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche e dato normativo, a partire dallo studio delle c.d. norme tecniche, ossia le norme, dotate di forza giuridica o meno, elaborate sulla base di conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche. La ricerca analizza diversi settori dell’ordinamento, accomunati da un’elevata influenza di saperi tecnici e al tempo stesso da un’indubbia rilevanza dal punto di vista costituzionale (la disciplina delle sperimentazioni cliniche dei farmaci, quella delle emissioni inquinanti di origine industriale e quella relativa agli standard di sicurezza dei prodotti), individuando quelle che al loro interno si possono considerare norme tecniche e mettendone in luce sia i profili formali (in quali atti-fonte sono contenute, quale natura giuridica presentano) che il procedimento di formazione, con particolare attenzione ai soggetti che vi prendono parte. Si propone quindi una sistematizzazione degli elementi emersi dall’indagine a partire da due diverse prospettive: in primo luogo tali dati vengono analizzati dal punto di vista dogmatico, individuando i diversi meccanismi di ingresso del dato tecnico-scientifico nel tessuto normativo (incorporazione nella norma giuridica, impiego di clausole generali, rinvio a norme extra-giuridiche), al fine di mettere in luce eventuali profili problematici per quanto riguarda il sistema delle fonti. La seconda prospettiva prende invece quale punto di riferimento il “centro di elaborazione sostanziale” delle norme considerate, al fine di evidenziarne i diversi fattori di legittimazione: a partire da esigenze di armonizzazione della disciplina e dall’assunto della neutralità delle conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche rispetto agli interessi coinvolti, l’elaborazione delle norme tecniche vede infatti un significativo ripensamento degli equilibri non solo fra attori pubblici e privati, ma anche tra legittimazione politica e legittimazione “tecnica” della scelta normativa. A tali aspetti è dedicata la parte conclusiva del lavoro, in particolare per quanto riguarda la conformità rispetto al disegno costituzionale.


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BACKGROUND The variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease incidence peaked a decade ago and has since declined. Based on epidemiologic evidence, the causative agent, pathogenic prion, has not constituted a tangible contamination threat to large-scale manufacturing of human plasma-derived proteins. Nonetheless, manufacturers have studied the prion removal capabilities of various manufacturing steps to better understand product safety. Collectively analyzing the results could reveal experimental reproducibility and detect trends and mechanisms driving prion removal. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association member companies collected more than 200 prion removal studies on plasma protein manufacturing steps, including precipitation, adsorption, chromatography, and filtration, as well as combined steps. The studies used a range of model spiking agents and bench-scale process replicas. The results were grouped based on key manufacturing variables to identify factors impacting removal. The log reduction values of a group are presented for comparison. RESULTS Overall prion removal capacities evaluated by independent groups were in good agreement. The removal capacity evaluated using biochemical assays was consistent with prion infectivity removal measured by animal bioassays. Similar reduction values were observed for a given step using various spiking agents, except highly purified prion protein in some circumstances. Comparison between combined and single-step studies revealed complementary or overlapping removal mechanisms. Steps with high removal capacities represent the conditions where the physiochemical differences between prions and therapeutic proteins are most significant. CONCLUSION The results support the intrinsic ability of certain plasma protein manufacturing steps to remove prions in case of an unlikely contamination, providing a safeguard to products.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The risk of transfusion-transmitted HBV remains significant in Switzerland, where routine screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in blood donations relies solely on serological hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) testing. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of anti-hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) and HBV nucleic acid testing (NAT) positive donations in two different Swiss donor populations, to help in deciding whether supplemental testing may bring additional safety to blood products. METHODS: In a first population of donors, 18143 consecutive donations were screened initially for HBsAg, anti-HBc (with one EIA assay) and with HBV NAT in minipools of 24 donations. The screening repeatedly reactive anti-HBc donations were then "confirmed" with two supplemental anti-HBc assays, an anti-hepatitis B surface assay (anti-HBs) and with single donation HBV NAT. In a second population of donors, 4186 consecutive donations were screened initially with two different anti-HBc assays in addition to the mandatory HBsAg screening test. The screening repeatedly reactive donations with at least one anti-HBc assay were tested for anti-HBs. RESULTS: In the first subset of 18143 donations, 17593 (97.0%) were negative for HBsAg, anti-HBc and HBV NAT in minipools. 549 (3.0%) were HBsAg and HBV NAT negative, but repeatedly reactive for anti-HBc. Of these 549 donations, 287 could not be "confirmed" with two additional anti-HBc assays and were negative with an anti-HBs assay, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. Only 211 (1.2% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with at least one of two supplemental anti-HBc assays. One repeatedly reactive HBsAg donation, from a first-time donor, was confirmed positive for HBsAg and anti-HBc, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. In the second subset of 4186 donations, 4014 (95.9%) were screened negative for HBsAg and for anti-HBc, tested with two independent anti-HBc assays. 172 donations (4.1%) were HBsAg negative but repeatedly reactive with at least one of the two anti-HBc assays. Of these 172 samples, 86 were reactive with the first anti-HBc assay only, 13 were reactive with the second anti-HBc assay only and 73 (1.7% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with both anti-HBc assays. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anti-HBc "confirmed" positive donations in the two Swiss blood donor populations studied was low (<2%) and we found only one HBV NAT positive (HBsAg positive) donation among more than 18000. Concerning blood product safety, an increase in the deferral rate of less than 2% of anti-HBc positive, potentially infectious donors, would in our opinion make routine anti-HBc testing of blood donations cost-effective. There is however still a need for more specific assays to avoid an unacceptably high deferral rate of "false" positive donors. In contrast, the introduction of HBV NAT in minipools gives minimal benefit due to the inadequate sensitivity of the assay. It remains to evaluate more extensively the value of individual donation NAT, alone or in addition to anti-HBc, as supplemental testing in the context of several Swiss blood donor populations.


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March 1978.


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Item 535


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"August 1982."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Description based on: 1981, also called fiscal year 1980.


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Cover title.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.