962 resultados para Process monitoring


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Broad knowledge is required when a business process is modeled by a business analyst. We argue that existing Business Process Management methodologies do not consider business goals at the appropriate level. In this paper we present an approach to integrate business goals and business process models. We design a Business Goal Ontology for modeling business goals. Furthermore, we devise a modeling pattern for linking the goals to process models and show how the ontology can be used in query answering. In this way, we integrate the intentional perspective into our business process ontology framework, enriching the process description and enabling new types of business process analysis. © 2008 IEEE.


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The work in this paper is of particular significance since it considers the problem of modelling cross- and auto-correlation in statistical process monitoring. The presence of both types of correlation can lead to fault insensitivity or false alarms, although in published literature to date, only autocorrelation has been broadly considered. The proposed method, which uses a Kalman innovation model, effectively removes both correlations. The paper (and Part 2 [2]) has emerged from work supported by EPSRC grant GR/S84354/01 and is of direct relevance to problems in several application areas including chemical, electrical, and mechanical process monitoring.


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This paper builds on work presented in the first paper, Part 1 [1] and is of equal significance. The paper proposes a novel compensation method to preserve the integrity of step-fault signatures prevalent in various processes that can be masked during the removal of both auto- and cross correlation. Using industrial data, the paper demonstrates the benefit of the proposed method, which is applicable to chemical, electrical, and mechanical process monitoring. This paper, (and Part 1 [1]), has led to further work supported by EPSRC grant GR/S84354/01 involving kernel PCA methods.


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The work presented in this paper takes advantage of newly developed instrumentation suitable for in process monitoring of an industrial stretch blow molding machine. The instrumentation provides blowing pressure and stretch rod force histories along with the kinematics of polymer contact with the mould wall. A Design of Experiments pattern was used to qualitatively relate machine inputs with these process parameters and the thickness distribution of stretch blow molded PET (polyethylene terephtalate) bottles. Material slippage at the mold wall and thickness distribution is also discussed in relation to machine inputs. The key process indicators defined have great potential for use in a closed loop process control system and for validation of process simulations.


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Thermal stability is of major importance in polymer extrusion, where product quality is dependent upon the level of melt homogeneity achieved by the extruder screw. Extrusion is an energy intensive process and optimisation of process energy usage while maintaining melt stability is necessary in order to produce good quality product at low unit cost. Optimisation of process energy usage is timely as world energy prices have increased rapidly over the last few years. In the first part of this study, a general discussion was made on the efficiency of an extruder. Then, an attempt was made to explore correlations between melt thermal stability and energy demand in polymer extrusion under different process settings and screw geometries. A commodity grade of polystyrene was extruded using a highly instrumented single screw extruder, equipped with energy consumption and melt temperature field measurement. Moreover, the melt viscosity of the experimental material was observed by using an off-line rheometer. Results showed that specific energy demand of the extruder (i.e. energy for processing of unit mass of polymer) decreased with increasing throughput whilst fluctuation in energy demand also reduced. However, the relationship between melt temperature and extruder throughput was found to be complex, with temperature varying with radial position across the melt flow. Moreover, the melt thermal stability deteriorated as throughput was increased, meaning that a greater efficiency was achieved at the detriment of melt consistency. Extruder screw design also had a significant effect on the relationship between energy consumption and melt consistency. Overall, the relationship between the process energy demand and thermal stability seemed to be negatively correlated and also it was shown to be highly complex in nature. Moreover, the level of process understanding achieved here can help to inform selection of equipment and setting of operating conditions to optimise both energy and thermal efficiencies in parallel. 


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Extrusion is one of the fundamental production methods in the polymer processing industry and is used in the production of a large number of commodities in a diverse industrial sector. Being an energy intensive production method, process energy efficiency is one of the major concerns and the selection of the most energy efficient processing conditions is a key to reducing operating costs. Usually, extruders consume energy through the drive motor, barrel heaters, cooling fans, cooling water pumps, gear pumps, etc. Typically the drive motor is the largest energy consuming device in an extruder while barrel/die heaters are responsible for the second largest energy demand. This study is focused on investigating the total energy demand of an extrusion plant under various processing conditions while identifying ways to optimise the energy efficiency. Initially, a review was carried out on the monitoring and modelling of the energy consumption in polymer extrusion. Also, the power factor, energy demand and losses of a typical extrusion plant were discussed in detail. The mass throughput, total energy consumption and power factor of an extruder were experimentally observed over different processing conditions and the total extruder energy demand was modelled empirically and also using a commercially available extrusion simulation software. The experimental results show that extruder energy demand is heavily coupled between the machine, material and process parameters. The total power predicted by the simulation software exhibits a lagging offset compared with the experimental measurements. Empirical models are in good agreement with the experimental measurements and hence these can be used in studying process energy behaviour in detail and to identify ways to optimise the process energy efficiency.


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Currently, mammalian cells are the most utilized hosts for biopharmaceutical production. The culture media for these cell lines include commonly in their composition a pH indicator. Spectroscopic techniques are used for biopharmaceutical process monitoring, among them, UV–Vis spectroscopy has found scarce applications. This work aimed to define artificial neural networks architecture and fit its parameters to predict some nutrients and metabolites, as well as viable cell concentration based on UV–Vis spectral data of mammalian cell bioprocess using phenol red in culture medium. The BHK-21 cell line was used as a mammalian cell model. Off-line spectra of supernatant samples taken from batches performed at different dissolved oxygen concentrations in two bioreactor configurations and with two pH control strategies were used to define two artificial neural networks. According to absolute errors, glutamine (0.13 ± 0.14 mM), glutamate (0.02 ± 0.02 mM), glucose (1.11 ± 1.70 mM), lactate (0.84 ± 0.68 mM) and viable cell concentrations (1.89 105 ± 1.90 105 cell/mL) were suitably predicted. The prediction error averages for monitored variables were lower than those previously reported using different spectroscopic techniques in combination with partial least squares or artificial neural network. The present work allows for UV–VIS sensor development, and decreases cost related to nutrients and metabolite quantifications.


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Der zunehmende Anteil von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen erfordert ein dynamisches Konzept, um Spitzenlastzeiten und Versorgungslücken aus der Wind- und Solarenergie ausgleichen zu können. Biogasanlagen können aufgrund ihrer hohen energetischen Verfügbarkeit und der Speicherbarkeit von Biogas eine flexible Energiebereitstellung ermöglichen und darüber hinaus über ein „Power-to-Gas“-Verfahren bei einem kurzzeitigen Überschuss von Strom eine Überlastung des Stromnetzes verhindern. Ein nachfrageorientierter Betrieb von Biogasanlagen stellt jedoch hohe Anforderungen an die Mikrobiologie im Reaktor, die sich an die häufig wechselnden Prozessbedingungen wie der Raumbelastung im Reaktor anpassen muss. Eine Überwachung des Fermentationsprozesses in Echtzeit ist daher unabdingbar, um Störungen in den mikrobiellen Gärungswegen frühzeitig erkennen und adäquat entgegenwirken zu können. rnBisherige mikrobielle Populationsanalysen beschränken sich auf aufwendige, molekularbiologische Untersuchungen des Gärsubstrates, deren Ergebnisse dem Betreiber daher nur zeitversetzt zur Verfügung stehen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig ein Laser-Absorptionsspektrometer zur kontinuierlichen Messung der Kohlenstoff-Isotopenverhältnisse des Methans an einer Forschungsbiogasanlage erprobt. Dabei konnten, in Abhängigkeit der Raumbelastung und Prozessbedingungen variierende Isotopenverhältnisse gemessen werden. Anhand von Isolaten aus dem untersuchten Reaktor konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass für jeden Methanogenesepfad (hydrogeno-troph, aceto¬klastisch sowie methylotroph) eine charakteristische, natürliche Isotopensignatur im Biogas nachgewiesen werden kann, sodass eine Identifizierung der aktuell dominierenden methanogenen Reaktionen anhand der Isotopen-verhältnisse im Biogas möglich ist. rnDurch den Einsatz von 13C- und 2H-isotopen¬markierten Substraten in Rein- und Mischkulturen und Batchreaktoren, sowie HPLC- und GC-Unter¬suchungen der Stoffwechselprodukte konnten einige bislang unbekannte C-Flüsse in Bioreaktoren festgestellt werden, die sich wiederum auf die gemessenen Isotopenverhältnisse im Biogas auswirken können. So konnte die Entstehung von Methanol sowie dessen mikrobieller Abbauprodukte bis zur finalen CH4-Bildung anhand von fünf Isolaten erstmalig in einer landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlage rekonstruiert und das Vorkommen methylotropher Methanogenesewege nachgewiesen werden. Mithilfe molekularbiologischer Methoden wurden darüber hinaus methanoxidierende Bakterien zahlreicher, unbekannter Arten im Reaktor detektiert, deren Vorkommen aufgrund des geringen O2-Gehaltes in Biogasanlagen bislang nicht erwartet wurde. rnDurch die Konstruktion eines synthetischen DNA-Stranges mit den Bindesequenzen für elf spezifische Primerpaare konnte eine neue Methode etabliert werden, anhand derer eine Vielzahl mikrobieller Zielorganismen durch die Verwendung eines einheitlichen Kopienstandards in einer real-time PCR quantifiziert werden können. Eine über 70 Tage durchgeführte, wöchentliche qPCR-Analyse von Fermenterproben zeigte, dass die Isotopenverhältnisse im Biogas signifikant von der Zusammensetzung der Reaktormikrobiota beeinflusst sind. Neben den aktuell dominierenden Methanogenesewegen war es auch möglich, einige bakterielle Reaktionen wie eine syntrophe Acetatoxidation, Acetogenese oder Sulfatreduktion anhand der δ13C (CH4)-Werte zu identifizieren, sodass das hohe Potential einer kontinuierlichen Isotopenmessung zur Prozessanalytik in Biogasanlagen aufgezeigt werden konnte.rn


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During the past two decades, many researchers have developed methods for the detection of structural defects at the early stages to operate the aerospace vehicles safely and to reduce the operating costs. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is one of these approaches developed at FIU to reduce the cost and size of the equipment. The SuRE method excites the surface at a series of frequencies and monitors the propagation characteristics of the generated waves. The amplitude of the waves reaching to any point on the surface varies with frequency; however, it remains consistent as long as the integrity and strain distribution on the part is consistent. These spectral characteristics change when cracks develop or the strain distribution changes. The SHM methods may be used for many applications, from the detection of loose screws to the monitoring of manufacturing operations. A scanning laser vibrometer was used in this study to investigate the characteristics of the spectral changes at different points on the parts. The study started with detecting a load on a plate and estimating its location. The modifications on the part with manufacturing operations were detected and the Part-Based Manufacturing Process Performance Monitoring (PbPPM) method was developed. Hardware was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in real time. Using low-cost piezoelectric elements and the non-contact scanning laser vibrometer successfully, the data was collected for the SuRE and PbPPM methods. Locational force, loose bolts and material loss could be easily detected by comparing the spectral characteristics of the arriving waves. On-line methods used fast computational methods for estimating the spectrum and detecting the changing operational conditions from sum of the squares of the variations. Neural networks classified the spectrums when the desktop – DSP combination was used. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the SuRE and PbPPM methods.


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During the past two decades, many researchers have developed methods for the detection of structural defects at the early stages to operate the aerospace vehicles safely and to reduce the operating costs. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is one of these approaches developed at FIU to reduce the cost and size of the equipment. The SuRE method excites the surface at a series of frequencies and monitors the propagation characteristics of the generated waves. The amplitude of the waves reaching to any point on the surface varies with frequency; however, it remains consistent as long as the integrity and strain distribution on the part is consistent. These spectral characteristics change when cracks develop or the strain distribution changes. The SHM methods may be used for many applications, from the detection of loose screws to the monitoring of manufacturing operations. A scanning laser vibrometer was used in this study to investigate the characteristics of the spectral changes at different points on the parts. The study started with detecting a load on a plate and estimating its location. The modifications on the part with manufacturing operations were detected and the Part-Based Manufacturing Process Performance Monitoring (PbPPM) method was developed. Hardware was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in real time. Using low-cost piezoelectric elements and the non-contact scanning laser vibrometer successfully, the data was collected for the SuRE and PbPPM methods. Locational force, loose bolts and material loss could be easily detected by comparing the spectral characteristics of the arriving waves. On-line methods used fast computational methods for estimating the spectrum and detecting the changing operational conditions from sum of the squares of the variations. Neural networks classified the spectrums when the desktop – DSP combination was used. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the SuRE and PbPPM methods.


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The Ingold port adaption of a free beam NIR spectrometer is tailored for optimal bioprocess monitoring and control. The device shows an excellent signal to noise ratio dedicated to a large free aperture and therefore a large sample volume. This can be seen particularly in the batch trajectories which show a high reproducibility. The robust and compact design withstands rough process environments as well as SIP/CIP cycles. Robust free beam NIR process analyzers are indispensable tools within the PAT/QbD framework for realtime process monitoring and control. They enable multiparametric, non-invasive measurements of analyte concentrations and process trajectories. Free beam NIR spectrometers are an ideal tool to define golden batches and process borders in the sense of QbD. Moreover, sophisticated data analysis both quantitative and MSPC yields directly to a far better process understanding. Information can be provided online in easy to interpret graphs which allow the operator to make fast and knowledge-based decisions. This finally leads to higher stability in process operation, better performance and less failed batches.


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Part 2: Behaviour and Coordination


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Workflow temporal verification is conducted to guarantee on-time completion, which is one of the most important QoS (Quality of Service) dimensions for business processes running in the cloud. However, as today's business systems often need to handle a large number of concurrent customer requests, conventional response-time based process monitoring strategies conducted in a one-by-one fashion cannot be applied efficiently to a large batch of parallel processes because of significant time overhead. Similar situations may also exist in software companies where multiple software projects are carried out at the same time by software developers. To address such a problem, based on a novel runtime throughput consistency model, this paper proposes a QoS-aware throughput based checkpoint selection strategy, which can dynamically select a small number of checkpoints along the system timeline to facilitate the temporal verification of throughput constraints and achieve the target on-time completion rate. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy can achieve the best efficiency and effectiveness compared with the state-of-the-art as and other representative response-time based checkpoint selection strategies.


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Many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have both anhydrate and hydrate forms. Due to the different physicochemical properties of solid forms, the changes in solid-state may result in therapeutic, pharmaceutical, legal and commercial problems. In order to obtain good solid dosage form quality and performance, there is a constant need to understand and control these phase transitions during manufacturing and storage. Thus it is important to detect and also quantify the possible transitions between the different forms. In recent years, vibrational spectroscopy has become an increasingly popular tool to characterise the solid-state forms and their phase transitions. It offers several advantages over other characterisation techniques including an ability to obtain molecular level information, minimal sample preparation, and the possibility of monitoring changes non-destructively in-line. Dehydration is the phase transition of hydrates which is frequently encountered during the dosage form production and storage. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the dehydration behaviour of diverse pharmaceutical hydrates by near infrared (NIR), Raman and terahertz pulsed spectroscopic (TPS) monitoring together with multivariate data analysis. The goal was to reveal new perspectives for investigation of the dehydration at the molecular level. Solid-state transformations were monitored during dehydration of diverse hydrates on hot-stage. The results obtained from qualitative experiments were used to develop a method and perform the quantification of the solid-state forms during process induced dehydration in a fluidised bed dryer. Both in situ and in-line process monitoring and quantification was performed. This thesis demonstrated the utility of vibrational spectroscopy techniques and multivariate modelling to monitor and investigate dehydration behaviour in situ and during fluidised bed drying. All three spectroscopic methods proved complementary in the study of dehydration. NIR spectroscopy models could quantify the solid-state forms in the binary system, but were unable to quantify all the forms in the quaternary system. Raman spectroscopy models on the other hand could quantify all four solid-state forms that appeared upon isothermal dehydration. The speed of spectroscopic methods makes them applicable for monitoring dehydration and the quantification of multiple forms was performed during phase transition. Thus the solid-state structure information at the molecular level was directly obtained. TPS detected the intermolecular phonon modes and Raman spectroscopy detected mostly the changes in intramolecular vibrations. Both techniques revealed information about the crystal structure changes. NIR spectroscopy, on the other hand was more sensitive to water content and hydrogen bonding environment of water molecules. This study provides a basis for real time process monitoring using vibrational spectroscopy during pharmaceutical manufacturing.


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There is a need for better understanding of the processes and new ideas to develop traditional pharmaceutical powder manufacturing procedures. Process analytical technology (PAT) has been developed to improve understanding of the processes and establish methods to monitor and control processes. The interest is in maintaining and even improving the whole manufacturing process and the final products at real-time. Process understanding can be a foundation for innovation and continuous improvement in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. New methods are craved for to increase the quality and safety of the final products faster and more efficiently than ever before. The real-time process monitoring demands tools, which enable fast and noninvasive measurements with sufficient accuracy. Traditional quality control methods have been laborious and time consuming and they are performed off line i.e. the analysis has been removed from process area. Vibrational spectroscopic methods are responding this challenge and their utilisation have increased a lot during the past few years. In addition, other methods such as colour analysis can be utilised in noninvasive real-time process monitoring. In this study three pharmaceutical processes were investigated: drying, mixing and tabletting. In addition tablet properties were evaluated. Real-time monitoring was performed with NIR and Raman spectroscopies, colour analysis, particle size analysis and compression data during tabletting was evaluated using mathematical modelling. These methods were suitable for real-time monitoring of pharmaceutical unit operations and increase the knowledge of the critical parameters in the processes and the phenomena occurring during operations. They can improve our process understanding and therefore, finally, enhance the quality of final products.