953 resultados para Probe Reaction Time


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In the current study, we consider that optimal sprint start performance requires the self-control of responses. Therefore, start performance should depend on athletes' self-control strength. We assumed that momentary depletion of self-control strength (ego depletion) would either speed up or slow down the initiation of a sprint start, where an initiation that was sped up would carry the increased risk of a false start. Applying a mixed between- (depletion vs. nondepletion) and within- (before vs. after manipulation of depletion) subjects design, we tested the start reaction times of 37 sport students. We found that participants' start reaction times decelerated after finishing a depleting task, whereas it remained constant in the nondepletion condition. These results indicate that sprint start performance can be impaired by unrelated preceding actions that lower momentary self-control strength. We discuss practical implications in terms of optimizing sprint starts and related overall sprint performance.


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Abstract Previous work highlighted the possibility that musical training has an influence on cognitive functioning. The suggested reason for this influence is the strong recruitment of attention, planning, and working memory functions during playing a musical instrument. The purpose of the present work was twofold, namely to evaluate the general relationship between pre-stimulus electrophysiological activity and cognition, and more specifically the influence of musical expertise on working memory functions. With this purpose in mind, we used covariance mapping analyses to evaluate whether pre-stimulus electroencephalographic activity is predictive for reaction time during a visual working memory task (Sternberg paradigm) in musicians and non-musicians. In line with our hypothesis, we replicated previous findings pointing to a general predictive value of pre-stimulus activity for working memory performance. Most importantly, we also provide first evidence for an influence of musical expertise on working memory performance that could distinctively be predicted by pre-stimulus spectral power. Our results open novel perspectives for better comprehending the vast influences of musical expertise on cognition.


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The mental speed approach explains individual differences in intelligence by faster information processing in individuals with higher compared to lower intelligence - especially in elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs). One of the most examined ECTs is the Hick paradigm. The present study aimed to contrast reaction time (RT) and P3 latency in a Hick task as predictors of intelligence. Although both, RT and P3 latency, are commonly used as indicators of mental speed, it is also known that they measure different aspects of information processing. Participants were 113 female students. RT and P3 latency were measured while participants completed the Hick task with four levels of complexity. Intelligence was assessed with Cattell's Culture Fair Test. A RT factor and a P3 factor were extracted by employing a PCA across complexity levels. There was no significant correlation between the factors. Commonality analysis was used to determine the proportions of unique and shared variance in intelligence explained by the RT and P3 latency factors. RT and P3 latency explained 5.5% and 5% of unique variance in intelligence. However, the two speed factors did not explain a significant portion of shared variance. This result suggests that RT and P3 latency in the Hick paradigm are measuring different aspects of information processing that explain different parts of variance in intelligence.


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Published also as thesis (PH. D.) Columbia University.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The present research investigated the effect of performance feedback on the modulation of the acoustic startle reflex in a Go/NoGo reaction time task. Experiment 1 (n = 120) crossed warning stimulus modality (acoustic, visual, and tactile) with the provision of feedback in a between subject design. Provision of performance feedback increased the number of errors committed and reduced reaction time, but did not affect blink modulation significantly. Attentional blink latency and magnitude modulation was larger during acoustic than during visual and larger during visual than during tactile warning stimuli. In comparison to control blinks, latency shortening was significant in all modality conditions whereas magnitude facilitation was not significant during tactile warning stimuli. Experiment 2 (n = 80) employed visual warning stimuli only and crossed the provision of feedback with task difficulty. Feedback and difficulty affected accuracy and reaction time. Whereas blink latency shortening was not affected, blink magnitude modulation was smallest in the Easy/No Feedback and the Difficult/Feedback conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present research investigated the separate and interactive effects of the minor tranquilliser, temazepam, and a low dose of alcohol on the amplitude and latency of P300 and on reaction time. Twenty-four participants completed four drug treatments in a repeated measures design. The four drug treatments, organised as a fully repeated 2 x 2 design, included a placebo condition, an alcohol only condition, a temazepam only condition, and an alcohol and temazepam combined condition. Event-related potentials were recorded from midline sites Fz, Cz, and Pz within an oddball paradigm. The results indicated that temazepam, with or without the presence of alcohol, reduced P300 amplitude. Alcohol, on the other hand, with or without the presence of temazepam, affected processing speed and stimulus evaluation as indexed by reaction time and P300 latency. At the low dose levels used in this experiment alcohol and temazepam appear not to interact, which suggests that they affect different aspects of processing in the central nervous system. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Information processing speed, as measured by elementary cognitive tasks, is correlated with higher order cognitive ability so that increased speed relates to improved cognitive performance. The question of whether the genetic variation in Inspection Time (IT) and Choice Reaction Time (CRT) is associated with IQ through a unitary factor was addressed in this multivariate genetic study of IT, CRT, and IQ subtest scores. The sample included 184 MZ and 206 DZ twin pairs with a mean age of 16.2 years (range 15-18 years). They were administered a visual (pi-figure) IT task, a two-choice RT task, five computerized subtests of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, and the digit symbol substitution subtest from the WAIS-R. The data supported a factor model comprising a general, three group (verbal ability, visuospatial ability, broad speediness), and specific genetic factor structure, a shared environmental factor influencing all tests but IT, plus unique environmental factors that were largely specific to individual measures. The general genetic factor displayed factor loadings ranging between 0.35 and 0.66 for the IQ subtests, with IT and CRT loadings of -0.47 and -0.24, respectively. Results indicate that a unitary factor is insufficient to describe the entire relationship between cognitive speed measures and all IQ subtests, with independent genetic effects explaining further covariation between processing speed (especially CRT) and Digit Symbol.


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Previous research has been interpreted to suggest that the startle reflex mediates the RT facilitation observed if intense, accessory acoustic stimuli are presented coinciding with the onset of a visual imperative stimulus in a forewarned simple RT task. The present research replicated this finding as well as the facilitation of startle observed during the imperative stimulus. It failed, however, to find any relationship between the size of the blink startle reflex elicited by the accessory acoustic stimuli, which differed in intensity and rise time, and RT or RT facilitation observed on trials with accessory acoustic stimuli. This finding suggests that the RT facilitation is not mediated by the startle reflex elicited by the accessory acoustic stimuli. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.