987 resultados para Printed strip monopole antenna


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Antennas, the key element in wireless communication devices had undergone amazing developments especially in the direction of compactness and safety aspects. In the last two decades, the use of the cellular phones has become the most popular mode of communication across the globe. At the same time, the concerns about the radiation effects have increased in the general public. The main concern of this thesis is to develop a mobile antenna which gives reduced RF interference to the user. The reduction of the power absorbed by the user can tremendously avoid any possible health hazards. The radiation characteristic of a monopole antenna is modified with good radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile handset. The modification is implemented by using different resonating structures which provides reduced radiation along one direction. The direction of less radiation can be changed by modifying the planar antenna structure to a ground folded antenna. This modified structure with excellent radiation characteristic is suitable for modern wireless handheld devices with less user RF interference. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is an important parameter for mobile handset. The SAR is estimated for the newly developed antenna for different conditions and discussed in this thesis.


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A novel compact chipless RFID tag using spurline resonators is discussed in this paper. The detection of the tag's ID is using the spectral signature of a spurline resonator circuit. The tag has a data capacity of 8-bits in the range 2.38 to 4.04 GHz. The tag consists of a spurline multiresonating circuit and two cross polarized antennas. The prototype of the tag is fabricated on a substrate CMET/ LK4.3 of dielectric constant 4.3 and loss tangent 0.0018. The measured results show that group delay response can also be used to decode the tag’s identity


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This work is the analysis of a structure of the microstrip antenna designed for application in ultra wide band systems (Ultra Wideband - UWB). This is a prospective analytical study where they tested the changes in the geometry of the antenna, observing their suitability to the proposed objectives. It is known that the UWB antenna must operate in a range of at least 500 MHz, and answer a fractional bandwidth greater than or equal to 25%. It is also desirable that the antenna meets the specifications of track determined by FCC - Federal Communication Commission, which regulates the system in 2002 designating the UWB bandwidth of 7.5 GHz, a range that varies from 3.1 GHz to 10, 6 GHz. by setting the maximum power spectral density of operation in -41.3 dB / MHz, and defining the fractional bandwidth by 20%. The study starts of a structure of geometry in the form of stylized @, which evolves through changes in its form, in simulated commercial software CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, version 5.3.1, and then tested using the ANSOFT HFSS, version 9. These variations, based on observations of publications available from literature referring to the microstrip monopole planar antennas. As a result it is proposed an antenna, called Monopole Antenna Planar Spiral Almost Rectangular for applications in UWB systems - AMQEUWB, which presents simulated and measured results satisfactory, consistent with the objectives of the study. Some proposals for future work are mentioned


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nos últimos anos, com o surgimento de novos serviços e equipamentos para o sistema de comunicação móvel com maiores larguras de banda de operação e ocupando espaços cada vez menores, o desenvolvimento de novas antenas de bandas largas e com dimensões pequenas se tornou um dos principais desafios das pesquisas na área de antenas. Neste trabalho, duas estruturas de antenas de bandas largas e dimensões reduzidas foram analisadas e otimizadas. Na primeira parte, a antena filamentar monopolo dobrado (Wire Built-in Folded Monopole Antenna, W-BFMA) foi investigada e teve sua largura de banda otimizada, conectada a linha de alimentação em diferentes impedâncias. Para modelar a estrutura da antena W-BFMA foi usado o método numérico dos momentos (Method of Moments - MoM), e para sua otimização os métodos: paramétrico, hill climbing e algoritmo genético (AG). Programas computacionais baseados na linguagem Matlab foram desenvolvidos para modelagem, otimização e cálculos das principais curvas características da antena W-BFMA. Na segunda parte, duas diferentes configurações de antenas monopolos planos usando a tecnologia de banda ultra-larga (Ultra- Wideband Antenna, UWB) foram investigadas e otimizadas com a ajuda do programa comercial Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio. Ambas as antenas UWB foram alimentadas por uma linha de microfita (microstrip line) na impedância de 50Ω. A antena UWB que apresentou melhor resultado teve o seu protótipo construído, as principais curvas características, tais como: perda de retorno, ganho, distribuição de corrente e diagrama de radiação foram analisadas. Os resultados simulados foram comparados com resultados obtidos experimentalmente.


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A presente pesquisa trata o projeto e análise de uma antena monopolo planar com geometria modificada visando sua utilização para recepção do sinal de TV digital operante no Brasil na faixa de 470 MHz a 806 MHz. Faixa essa contida no espectro de UHF – Ultra High Frequency (300 MHz a 3 GHz). Para desenvolvimento desse trabalho foi tomado como referência à antena denominada “The Hi Monopole”. Que originalmente foi apresentada para operar em sistemas UWB (Ultra Wide Band) em 3,1 a 10,6 GHz. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho proposto, diferentes técnicas de adequação da antena podem ser utilizadas para operação em banda larga, tais como: modificação na estrutura da antena, carregamento resistivo, chaveamento, utilização de elementos parasitas e estruturas de casamento. O projeto de antenas banda larga pode ser realizado a partir de três abordagens diferentes: domínio do tempo, domínio da frequência e método de expansão por singularidades. O método no domínio da frequência foi empregado neste trabalho para o projeto da antena proposta, algumas das técnicas supracitadas foram analisadas almejando o aumento da largura de banda, sendo confeccionado um protótipo da antena para validar os conceitos empregados. A antena foi então projetada para a faixa de 470 MHz a 890 MHz. O protótipo construído para essa mesma faixa apresentou bons resultados, o que valida à técnica empregada. Aspectos positivos e negativos do uso desta técnica são discutidos ao longo do trabalho. O programa computacional comercial CST® MICROWAVE STUDIO, baseado na Técnica da Integração Finita (FIT), foi usado para simulações no domínio da frequência.


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O presente trabalho apresenta um projeto e análise de uma antena monopolo planar multibanda operante nas frequências de 2000 MHz, 2500 MHz e 3500 MHz para aplicação em dispositivos móveis 3G e 4G. Dentre essas faixas estão contidos os espectros 3G (1895- 2165 MHz), 4G (2500-2690 MHz) e 4G (3400-3600 MHz) utilizadas pelo LTE e WIMAX 3,5. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo foi tomado como referência uma antena dual-band de Hua- Ming Chen projetada para operar em sistemas ISM 1800 MHz, redes Wireless e Bluetooth 2400 MHz. O projeto proposto neste trabalho é uma modificação na estrutura da antena dual-band adaptada para tripla ressonância simultânea em frequências utilizadas em redes móveis 4G. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto utilizou-se para simulação o software CST® MICROWAVE STUDIO baseado no método Integração Finita no Domínio, as simulações foram feitas no domínio do tempo. Após obtenção satisfatória dos resultados simulados, um protótipo da antena foi confeccionado para medição e teste, os resultados apresentados são coerentes aos obtidos na simulação, o que valida o método proposto.


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In this work, barium zirconate (BaZrO3) ceramics synthesized by solid state reaction method and sintered at 1670 degrees C for 4 h were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinement data and FT-IR spectra which confirmed that BaZrO3 ceramics have a perovskite-type cubic structure. Optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. UV-vis absorption spectra suggested an indirect allowed transition with the existence of intermediary energy levels within the band gap. Intense visible green PL emission was observed in BaZrO3 ceramics upon excitation with a 350 nm wavelength. This behavior is due to a majority of deep defects within the band gap caused by symmetry breaking in octahedral [ZrO6] clusters in the lattice. The microwave dielectric constant and quality factor were measured using the method proposed by Hakki-Coleman. The dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) was investigated experimentally and numerically using a monopole antenna through an infinite ground plane and Ansoft's high frequency structure simulator software, respectively. The required resonance frequency and bandwidth of DRA were investigated by adjusting the dimension of the same material. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is susceptible to errors introduced by the presence of real-ground and resonant size scatterers in the vicinity of the antenna array. To compensate for these errors pre-calibration and auto-calibration techniques are presented. The effects of real-ground constituent parameters on the mutual coupling (MC) of wire type antenna arrays for DOA estimation are investigated. This is accomplished by pre-calibration of the antenna array over the real-ground using the finite element method (FEM). The mutual impedance matrix is pre-estimated and used to remove the perturbations in the received terminal voltage. The unperturbed terminal voltage is incorporated in MUSIC algorithm to estimate DOAs. First, MC of quarter wave monopole antenna arrays is investigated. This work augments an existing MC compensation technique for ground-based antennas and proposes reduction in MC for antennas over finite ground as compared to the perfect ground. A factor of 4 decrease in both the real and imaginary parts of the MC is observed when considering a poor ground versus a perfectly conducting one for quarter wave monopoles in the receiving mode. A simulated result to show the compensation of errors direction of arrival (DOA) estimation with actual realization of the environment is also presented. Secondly, investigations for the effects on received MC of λ/2 dipole arrays placed near real-earth are carried out. As a rule of thumb, estimation of mutual coupling can be divided in two regions of antenna height that is very near ground 0


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A simple electromagnetically coupled wideband printed microstrip antenna having a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of 38% covering the 5.2/5.8-GHz WLAN, HIPERLAN2, and HiSWANa communication bands is presented. The large bandwidth is obtained by adding a rectangular metal strip on a slotted square microstrip antenna. The antenna occupies an overall dimension of 42 times 55 times 3.2 mm3 when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4. It exhibits good radiation characteristics and moderate gain in the entire operating band. Details of the design along with experimental and simulation results are presented and discussed.


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An asymmetric coplanar strip (ACS) fed dual band F-shaped antenna covering the 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN bands is presented. The optimized dimensions of the proposed uniplanar antenna are 21 mm × 19 mm when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and height 1.6 mm. The dual band nature of the antenna is brought about by the various current paths in the F-shaped structure and the ground plane. The antenna exhibits nearly omnidirectional radiation characteristics and moderate gain in both the operating bands. Details of the antenna design, simulation, and experimental results are presented and discussed.


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A dual band RFID applications in 800 900 MHz and 2400 MHz band is presented. The Asymmetric Coplanar Strip (ACS) fed antenna consists of inverted L shaped monopole with a capacitive loading to provide necessary impedance matching and current distribution. The antenna has wide bandwidth from 790 MHz tol050 MHz and from 2350 MHz to 2640 MHz coving the RFID UHF and Microwave frequencies. The uniplanar antenna having overall dimensions of 48 mm x 14 mm is printed on one side of a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and height 1.6 mm.


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Simple design formulas for designing ultra wideband (UWB) antennas in the form of complementary planar monopoles are described and their validity is tested using full electromagnetic wave simulations and measurements. Assuming dielectric substrate with relative permittivity of 10.2, the designed antennas feature a small size of 13 mmtimes26 mm. They exhibit a 10 dB return loss bandwidth from 3 to more than 15 GHz accompanied by near omnidirectional characteristics and good radiation efficiency throughout this band