966 resultados para Primates - Wild common marmoset
In rodents, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are the main components of the circadian system. The SCN is considerate the site of an endogenous biological clock because can to generate rhythm and to synchronize to the environmental cues (zeitgebers) and IGL has been related as one of the main areas that modulate the action of SCN. Both receive projections of ganglion cells of retina and this projection to SCN is called retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Moreover, the IGL is connected with SCN through of geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT). In primates (include humans) was not still demonstrated the presence of a homologous structure to the IGL. It is believed that the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) can be the answer, but nothing it was still proven. Trying to answer that question, the objective of our study is to do a comparative analysis among PGN and IGL through of techniques immunohystochemicals, neural tracers and FOS expression after dark pulses. For this, we used as experimental model a primate of the new world, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Ours results may contribute to the elucidation of this lacuna in the circadian system once that the IGL is responsible for the transmission of nonphotic information to SCN and participate in the integration between photic and nonphotic stimulus to adjust the function of the SCN. In this way to find a same structure in primates represent an important achieve in the understanding of the biological rhythms in those animals
The auditory system is composed by a set of relays from the outer ear to the cerebral cortex. In mammals, the central auditory system is composed by cochlear nuclei, superior olivary complex, inferior colliculus and medial geniculate body. In this study, the auditory rombencephalic centers, the cochlear nuclear complex and the superior olivary complex were evaluated from the cytoarchitecture and neurochemical aspects, thorough Nissl staining and immunohistochemical techniques to reveal specific neuron nuclear protein (NeuN), glutamate (Glu), glutamic acid decarboxilase (GAD), enkephalin (ENK), serotonin (5-HT), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and calcium-binding proteins calbindin (CB), calretinin (CR), and parvalbumin (PV). The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a little native primate of the Brazilian atlantic forest was used as an experimental animal. As results, it was noted that the cochlear nuclear complex is composed by anteroventral, posteroventral and dorsal nuclei, and the superior olivary complex is constituted by the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei and the trapezoid body nucleus. Glu, GAD, ENK, ChAT, CB, CR, PV-immunoreactive cells, fibers and terminals besides besides only 5-HT terminals were found unhomogeneously in all nuclei, of both complex. The emerging data are discussed in a comparative and functional context, and represent an important contribution to knowledge of the central auditory pathways in the common marmoset, and then in primates
Contrary to what is recorded for Callithrix jacchus females, the social interactions and hormonal profiles of males are less studied, and mainly in wild groups. The goal of this study was to investigate the behavioral and endocrine profiles of reproductive (RMs) and non-reproductive (NRs) common marmoset adult free-ranging males living in two natural groups (GC1 and GR2). The groups inhabited the area of the Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí/UFRN, located in Macaíba, Brazil. Fecal collection for cortisol and androgen measurement and behavioral monitoring was carried out during the active phase from April to September, 2005. For behavioral data collection the focal instantaneous method was used every 5 min, for a total of 11.563 records. Statistical analysis was performed using non parametric tests and p < 0.05. Besides showing diurnal variation, the frequency of affiliative behaviors was significantly higher for RMs toward reproductive females than for NRs. Affiliative interactions of RMs with both reproductive females and NRs were similar, probably related to pair bond formation and helper recruitment, respectively. Parental care was also similar for both RMs and NRs. Both androgen and cortisol levels increased after the birth of the infants, mainly in RMs. The longitudinal profile of androgens fluctuates more in response to agonistic encounters and sexual behavior than that of cortisol. The mean basal excretion of both hormones was significantly higher in RMs and seems to reflect their higher participation in territorial vigilance and mate guarding behaviors. Significant positive correlations were found between agonism and cortisol and androgen hormones. These results describe, for the first time, the behavioral and hormonal profiles of common marmosets living in free-ranging groups and suggest that reproductive males are more responsive both behaviorally and hormonally to social group dynamics
In New World primates, mixed-species troops have been reported. Here, we analysed the performance of affiliative and agonistic behaviours of Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix penicillata living in mixed groups. For this purpose, we recorded the interaction of the individuals from two groups located in Bauru city, in the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Our data show that in both groups, affiliative behaviours appeared more frequently than agonistic ones. We concluded that there is cohesion inside the mixed-species troops observed. We suggest that a deeper knowledge about the social behaviour of mixed-species troop species certainly may be useful in projects linked with the management of the impact caused by them.
In humans and other mammals, sperm morphology has been considered one of the most important predictive parameters of fertility. The objective was to determine the presence and distribution of sperm head morphometric subpopulations in a nonhuman primate model (Callithrix jacchus), using an objective computer analysis system and principal component analysis (PCA) methods to establish the relationship between the subpopulation distribution observed and among-donor variation. The PCA method revealed a stable number of principal components in all donors studied, that represented more than 85% of the cumulative variance in all cases. After cluster analysis, a variable number (from three to seven) sperm morphometric subpopulations were identified with defined sperm dimensions and shapes. There were differences in the distribution of the sperm morphometric subpopulations (P < 0.001) in all ejaculates among the four donors analyzed. In conclusion, in this study, computerized sperm analysis methods combined with PCA cluster analyses were useful to identify, classify, and characterize various head sperm morphometric subpopulations in nonhuman primates, yielding considerable biological information. In addition, because all individuals were kept in the same conditions, differences in the distribution of these subpopulations were not attributed to external or management factors. Finally, the substantial information derived from subpopulation analyses provided new and relevant biological knowledge which may have a practical use for future studies in human and nonhuman primate ejaculates, including identifying individuals more suitable for assisted reproductive technologies. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Natürliche Killerzell-Rezeptoren, die MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle binden, sind im Leukozyten Rezeptor Komplex (LRC) und im Natürlichen Killer Komplex (NKC) kodiert. Die Bindung klassischer MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle erfolgt im Menschen durch die im LRC kodierten polymorphen Killerzell-Immunglobulin-ähnlichen Rezeptoren (KIR) und in Nagetieren durch die im NKC kodierten polymorphen C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen Ly49-Rezeptoren. Die ebenfalls im NKC kodierten C-Typ Lektin-ähnlichen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren sowie der NKG2D-Rezeptor sind sowohl im Menschen als auch in Nagetieren konserviert und wenig polymorph. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall der NKC-Region in einem Neuweltaffen, dem Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus), sowie einem Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Grauen Mausmaki (Microcebus murinus), über Screening von BAC-Banken und Sequenzanalyse von BAC-Contigs untersucht. Das CD94-Ly49L-Intervall im Weißbüschelaffen hat eine Länge von 171 kb und weist orthologe Gene zu den humanen NKC-Genen auf. Eine Ausnahme bildet das Gen NKG2CE, welches äquidistant zu den humanen Genen NKG2C und NKG2E ist. NKG2F und Ly49L sind Pseudogene. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene in neun Weißbüschelaffen-Individuen lieferten einen mäßigen Grad an allelischen Polymorphismen. Alternative Spleißprodukte wurden für CD94, NKG2D und NKG2A identifiziert. Für NKG2A wurden verschiedene Transkripte mit potentiell unterschiedlichen Translationsstartpunkten gefunden. Im Grauen Mausmaki beträgt die Länge des CD94-Ly49L-Intervalls 489 kb. CD94 und die NKG2-Gene sind vervielfacht und wesentlich polymorpher als im Menschen und im Weißbüschelaffen. Expressionsanalysen der NKC-Gene wurden im Grauen Mausmaki und einem weiteren madagassischen Lemuren, dem Schwarzweißen Vari (Varecia variegata), durchgeführt und zeigten, dass CD94 und die NKG2-Gene im Vari ebenfalls vervielfacht sind. Die NKG2-Moleküle der Lemuren weisen unterschiedliche Kombinationen an aktivierenden und inhibierenden Signalmotiven auf und üben somit möglicherweise diverse Funktionen aus. Ly49L stellt in den Lemuren einen potentiell funktionellen inhibierenden Rezeptor dar und NKG2D besitzt im Vergleich zum humanen NKG2D-Protein eine verkürzte Zytoplasmaregion. Alternative Spleißprodukte der NKC-Gene existieren auch in den Lemuren. Darüber hinaus wurden mehrere CD94-Gene in einem weiteren Feuchtnasenaffen, dem Potto (Perodicticus potto) und einem Trockennasenaffen, dem Philippinen-Koboldmaki (Tarsius syrichta), nachgewiesen. Ein Alu-Element, welches ausschließlich in Intron 4 der CD94-Sequenzen des Philippinen-Koboldmakis auftritt, deutet darauf hin, dass sich CD94 in der Linie der Koboldmakis und in der Linie der Feuchtnasenaffen unabhängig voneinander vervielfacht hat. Die vervielfachten, polymorphen CD94/NKG2-Rezeptoren der niederen Primaten stellen möglicherweise das funktionelle Äquivalent zu den polymorphen KIR der höheren Primaten und den polymorphen Ly49-Rezeptoren der Nagetiere dar.
CYP3A verstoffwechselt mehr als 50% aller gegenwärtig in der Therapie eingesetzten Wirkstoffe, die häufig an klinisch relevanten Arzneimitttel-Wechselwirkungen beteiligt sind. Das Verständnis über die Bedeutung und die Regulation von einzelnen CYP3A Genen in der Pharmakologie und Physiologie ist unvollständig. Wir untersuchten die Evolution des CYP3 Genlokus über einen Zeitraum von 450 Millionen Jahre mittels genomischer Sequenzen von 16 Tierarten. Neue CYP3 Unterfamilien (CYP3B, C und D) entstanden über eine beschleunigte Evolution aus CYP3A Vorstufen von Clupeocephala Spezies. Ausgeprägte funktionelle Unterschiede traten zwischen CYP3A in Säugern und Clupeocephala CYP3 auf. Alle amnioten CYP3A Gene entwickelten sich aus zwei CYP3A Urgenen. Aufgrund der Entstehung von Säugern mit Plazenta ging eines von ihnen verloren während das andere eine neue genomische Umgebung infolge einer Translokation erlangte. In Primaten unterzog sich CYP3A mit mehreren Genduplikationen, Deletionen, Pseudogenisierung und Genkonversionen einer raschen evolutionären Veränderung. Die Entwicklung von CYP3A in Schmalnasenaffen (Alte Welt Affen, große Menschenaffen und Menschen) unterschieden sich wesentlich von Neue Welt Primaten (z.B. gewöhnlichen Krallenaffen) und Feuchtnasenaffen (z.B. Galago). Stellvertretend für die CYP3A Protein-codierende Sequenz entdeckten wir zwei frühe Episoden von besonders starker positiver Selektion: (1) auf CYP3A7 in der frühen hominoiden Evolution, welche im fetalen Zeitraum von einer Einschränkung der hepatischen Expression begleitet war, und (2) auf humanes CYP3A4 im Anschluss an die Teilung der Abstammungslinie in Schimpansen und Mensch. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden beeinflussen drei von vier positiv ausgewählten Aminosäuren, die in früheren biochemischen CYP3A Studien untersucht wurden, die Aktivität und Regioselektivität. Es ist somit naheliegend, dass CYP3A7 und CYP3A4 katalytische Funktionen erworben haben können, die besonders wichtig waren für die Evolution von Hominoiden und Menschen. Die Charakterisierung von CYP3A Promotoren in Primaten zeigte eine Anreicherung von ER6 Elementen in CYP3A Promotoren von Primaten und einen Trend in Richtung Erhöhung der ER6 Enstehung entlang den Abstammungslinien, die zu humanen und Schimpansen CYP3A4 führten. Die steigende Anzahl an ER6 Elementen kann durch die ausgeprägte CYP3A4 Induzierbarkeit und Expressionsvariabilität im Menschen verursacht sein.
Common bean is a major dietary component in several countries, but its productivity is negatively affected by abiotic stresses. Dissecting candidate genes involved in abiotic stress tolerance is a paramount step toward the improvement of common bean performance under such constraints. Thereby, this thesis presents a systematic analysis of the DEHYDRATION RESPONSIVE ELEMENT-BINDING (DREB) gene subfamily, which encompasses genes that regulate several processes during stress responses, but with limited information for common bean. First, a series of in silico analyses with sequences retrieved from the P. vulgaris genome on Phytozome supported the categorization of 54 putative PvDREB genes distributed within six phylogenetic subgroups (A-1 to A-6), along the 11 chromosomes. Second, we cloned four novel PvDREB genes and determined their inducibility-factors, including the dehydration-, salinity- and cold-inducible genes PvDREB1F and PvDREB5A, and the dehydration- and cold-inducible genes PvDREB2A and PvDREB6B. Afterwards, nucleotide polymorphisms were searched through Sanger sequencing along those genes, revealing a high number of single nucleotide polymorphisms within PvDREB6B by the comparison of Mesoamerican and Andean genotypes. The nomenclature of PvDREB6B is discussed in details. Furthermore, we used the BARCBean6K_3 SNP platform to identify and genotype the closest SNP to each one of the 54 PvDREB genes. We selected PvDREB6B for a broader study encompassing a collection of wild common bean accessions of Mesoamerican origin. The population structure of the wild beans was accessed using sequence polymorphisms of PvDREB6B. The genetic clusters were partially associated with variation in latitude, altitude, precipitation and temperature throughout the areas such beans are distributed. With an emphasis on drought stress, an adapted tube-screening method in greenhouse conditions enabled the phenotyping of several drought-related traits in the wild collection. Interestingly, our data revealed a correlation between root depth, plant height and biomass and the environmental data of the location of the accessions. Correlation was also observed between the population structure determined through PvDREB6B and the environmental data. An association study combining data from the SNP array and DREB polymorphisms enabled the detection of SNP associated with drought-related traits through a compressed mixed linear model (CMLM) analysis. This thesis highlighted important features of DREB genes in common bean, revealing candidates for further strategies aimed at improvement of abiotic stress tolerance, with emphasis on drought tolerance
The role of steroids hormones on the behavior of vertebrates have been described as organizational and activational effects. These actions occur in different periods of the ontogenetic development as fetal, early post natal and during puberty (organizational effect) or modifying the expression of behavioral patterns during time life (activational effects). Studies on brain lateralization in hand use in human and non-human primates have shown that sexual hormones seems to participate in the process of handedness strength that begins in the puberal period and is stabilized at the adult age. The aim of this study was to investigate in adult male Callithrix jacchus if the strength of use of the hand in common marmoset adult male is stable (organizational effect) or androgens variations could affect its stability (activational effect). The preferential use of one hand in 14 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus was studied in two contexts: (1) spontaneous holding food and directing the food to mouth (feeding episodes), and (2) forced reaching food tests where the animal have to reach the food through a hole within a cover plate with a central hole that allow the use of one hand only to reach the food. The records were made during 5 sessions/20 bouts each during baseline totalizing 100 episodes before two treatments. Firstly it was used GnRH antagonist: a single subcutaneous injection of 100µg de Cetrotide – acetate of cetrorrelix (Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany) (n=10). Secondly, a single GnRH injection of 0.2mg of GnRH (Sigma – Aldrich) (n= 8) was used. After injections 20 successful attempts of hand use episodes was recorded in the 1st , 2 nd, 7th, 15th and 30 th days, totalizing in the whole period 100 episodes for each context, after both treatments. Fecal sampling to measure extracted fecal androgens was performed in all days of data collection across the length of the basal and during the experimental periods. Statistical analysis by mixed model, Tukey test to compare mean values after the two treatments, and Levene test to compare mean variance were used, all for p-value < 0.05. In basal phase 6 animals used preferentially the right hand, 5 the left and 3 were ambidextrous. Mean handedness index in basal phase were different from that after both treatment starting at 7th day. Mean variance of handedness index for spontaneous and forced activities does not differs before and after both treatments but the mean values for GnRH index were higher than that observed for its antagonist. These findings suggested that androgens have an activational effect on handedness in adult male C. jacchus
Algumas pesquisas demonstram que a presença de um parceiro social durante uma situação de risco modula a resposta ao estresse, atenuando seus efeitos negativos. Neste estudo, 8 díades de machos e 8 de fêmeas de sagüi comum (Callithrix jacchus) foram expostos a um ambiente novo, sozinhos e acompanhados de um parceiro de mesmo sexo e idade. Quando submetidos a um ambiente novo em companhia de um animal de mesmo sexo, os machos apresentaram um perfil mais filiativo enquanto as fêmeas foram mais competitivas entre si. Os resultados mostram que a resposta comportamental é sexualmente dimórfica, e que machos e fêmeas utilizam diferentes estratégias quando confrontados com situações desafiadoras no ambiente natural Abstract Some researches demonstrate that the presence of a social partner during a challenging situation modulates the stress response, decreasing its negative effects. In this study common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) males and females were exposed to a new environment, alone or in companion of a social partner of the same sex and age. When submitted to new environment in companion of a same-sex social partner males showed more affiliation whereas females performed agonistic behaviors. The results show that behavioral response is sexually dimorphic and that males and females used different strategies when facing challenging situations in natural conditions
Algumas pesquisas demonstram que a presença de um parceiro social durante uma situação de risco modula a resposta ao estresse, atenuando seus efeitos negativos. Neste estudo, 8 díades de machos e 8 de fêmeas de sagüi comum (Callithrix jacchus) foram expostos a um ambiente novo, sozinhos e acompanhados de um parceiro de mesmo sexo e idade. Quando submetidos a um ambiente novo em companhia de um animal de mesmo sexo, os machos apresentaram um perfil mais filiativo enquanto as fêmeas foram mais competitivas entre si. Os resultados mostram que a resposta comportamental é sexualmente dimórfica, e que machos e fêmeas utilizam diferentes estratégias quando confrontados com situações desafiadoras no ambiente natural Abstract Some researches demonstrate that the presence of a social partner during a challenging situation modulates the stress response, decreasing its negative effects. In this study common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) males and females were exposed to a new environment, alone or in companion of a social partner of the same sex and age. When submitted to new environment in companion of a same-sex social partner males showed more affiliation whereas females performed agonistic behaviors. The results show that behavioral response is sexually dimorphic and that males and females used different strategies when facing challenging situations in natural conditions
Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) is a New World primate monkey, used as an animal model in biomedical research. Marmoset-specific follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation is required to improve superovulation protocols and to develop homologous FSH monitoring assays in these monkeys. In this study, we document the large-scale expression of recombinant marmoset FSH in methylotropic yeast, Pichia pastoris. The recombinant preparation was found to be immunologically active in Western blotting and radioimmunoassay. The preparation displayed receptor binding ability in radioreceptor assay. Based on the receptor binding ability, the yield of fermentation was estimated to be 7.2 mg/L. FSH-induced cAMP assay and estradiol assay revealed that the recombinant hormone is able to induce signal transduction. Both immunological and in vitro biological activity of marmoset FSH was found to be comparable to purified human pituitary FSH, which served as reference hormone for these assays. Thus, the study suggests that a Pichia expression system can be used for large-scale expression of bioactive recombinant marmoset FSH.
Although common carp is the major fish species in Asian and European aquaculture and many domestic varieties have occurred, there is a controversy about the origination of European domestic common carp. Some scientists affirmed that the ancestor of European domestic common carp was Danube River wild common carp, but others considered it might be Asian common carp. For elucidating origination of European domestic common carp, we chose two representative European domestic common carp strains (German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp) and one wild common carp strain of Cyprinus carpio carpio subspecies (Volga River wild common carp) and two Asian common carp strains, the Yangtze River wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and traditionally domestic Xingguo red common carp, as experimental materials. ND5-ND6 and D-loop segments of mitochondrial DNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing respectively. The results revealed that HaeIII and DdeI digestion patterns of ND5-ND6 segment and sequences of control region were different between European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp belonged to two subspecies, C. carpio carpio and C. carpio haematopterus, respectively. Therefore, there were different ancestors for domestic carp in Europe: German mirror carp was domesticated from European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp originated from Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus.
Single cell recording studies have resulted in a detailed understanding of motion-sensitive neurons in non-human primate visual cortex. However, it is not known to what extent response properties of motion-sensitive neurons in the non-human primate brain mirror response characteristics of motion-sensitive neurons in the human brain. Using a motion adaptation paradigm, the direction aftereffect, we show that changes in the activity of human motion-sensitive neurons to moving dot patterns that differ in dot density bear a strong resemblance to data from macaque monkey. We also show a division-like inhibition between neural populations tuned to opposite directions, which also mirrors neural-inhibitory behaviour in macaque. These findings strongly suggest that motion-sensitive neurons in human and non-human primates share common response and inhibitory characteristics.
To the vertebrates, maintain body balance against the gravitational field and be able to orient themselves in the environment are fundamental aspects for survival, in which the participation of vestibular system is essential. As part of this system, the vestibular nuclear complex is the first central station that, by integrating many information (visual, proprioceptive), and the vestibular, assumes the lead role in maintaining balance. In this study, the vestibular nuclear complex was evaluated in relation to its cytoarchitecture and neurochemical content of cells and axon terminals, through the techniques of Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry for neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN), glutamate (Glu), substance P (SP), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (enzyme that synthesizes acetylcholine-Ach) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) (enzyme that synthesizes gamma-amino butyric acid-GABA). The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) was used as experimental animal, which is a small primate native from the Atlantic Forest in the Brazilian Northeast. As results, the Nissl technique, complemented by immunohistochemistry for NeuN allowed to delineate the vestibular nucleus superior, lateral, medial and inferior (or descending) in the brain of the common marmoset. Neurons and terminals immunoreactive to Glu and ChAT and only immunoreactive terminals to SP and GAD were seen in all nuclei, although in varying density. This study confirms the presence in the vestibular nuclei of the common marmoset, of Glu and SP in terminals, probably from the first order neurons of vestibular ganglion, and of GABA in terminals, presumably from Purkinge cells of the cerebellum. Second-order neurons of the vestibular nuclei seem to use Glu and Ach as neurotransmitters, judging by their expressive presence in the cell bodies of these nuclei in common marmosets, as reported in other species