996 resultados para Prevalência do Mycoplasma pneumoniae


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Rapport de synthèse: Enjeux de la recherche : La pneumonie communautaire chez l'enfant est un problème de santé publique considérable. Elle est responsable de 2 millions de mort par année, 70% survenant dans les pays en voie de développement. Sous nos latitudes son incidence est de 40/1000 enfants par année, ce qui représente une morbidité importante. Deux difficultés surviennent lorsqu'on cherche à diagnostiquer une pneumonie. La première est de distinguer une pneumonie bactérienne d'une virale, particulièrement chez les petits enfants où les infections virales des voies respiratoires inférieures sont fréquentes. L'OMS a définit la pneumonie selon des critères exclusivement cliniques et une étude effectuée à Lausanne en 2000 a montré que ces critères peuvent être utilisés dans nos contrées. La seconde difficulté est de définir l'agent causal de la pneumonie, ceci pour plusieurs raisons : L'aspiration endotrachéale, seul examen fiable, ne peut être obtenue de routine chez l'enfant vu son caractère invasif, la culture des secrétions nasopharyngées reflète la flore physiologique de la sphère ORL et une bactériémie n'est présente que dans moins de 10% des pneumonies. L'étiologie de la pneumonie reste souvent inconnue, et de ce fait plusieurs enfants reçoivent des antibiotiques pour une infection non bactérienne ce qui contribue au développement de résistances. L'objectif de cette étude était d'effectuer une recherche extensive de l'agent causal de la pneumonie et de déterminer quels facteurs pourraient aider le clinicien à différencier une pneumonie virale de bactérienne, en corrélant l'étiologie avec la sévérité clinique et les marqueurs de l'inflammation. Contexte de la recherche : II s'agissait d'une étude prospective, multicentrique, incluant les enfants âgés de 2 mois à 5 ans hospitalisés pour une pneumonie, selon les critères de l'OMS, dans le service de pédiatrie de Lausanne et Genève entre mars 2003 et Décembre 2005, avant l'implantation de la vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. Chaque enfant, en plus des examens usuels, bénéficiait d'une recherche étiologique extensive : Culture virale et bactérienne, PCR (Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Virus Influenza A et B, RSV A et B, Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza 1-3, enterovirus, human metapneumovirus, coronavirus OC43, E229 ; et NL 63) et détection d'AG viraux dans les sécrétions nasopharyngées ; sérologies virales et bactériennes à l'entrée et 3 semaines après la sortie (AG Influenza A et B, Parainfluenza 1,2 et 3, RSV, Adenovirus, M.Pneumoniae et S.Pneumoniae). Conclusions : Un agent pathogène a été découvert chez 86% des 99 patients retenus confirmant le fait que plus la recherche étiologique est étendue plus le pourcentage d'agent causal trouvé est élevé. Une infection bactérienne a été découverte chez 53% des patients dont 45% avaient une infection à S. Pneumoniae confirmant l'importance d'une vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. La déshydratation et les marqueurs de l'inflammation tels que la C-Reactive Protein et la Procalcitonine étaient significativement plus élevés dans les pneumonies bactériennes. Aucune corrélation n'a été trouvée entre le degré de sévérité de la pneumonie et l'étiologie. L'étude a confirmé la haute prévalence d'infections virales (67%) et de co-infection (33%) dans la pneumonie de l'enfant sans que l'on connaisse le rôle réel du virus dans la pathogenèse de la pneumonie. Perspectives : d'autres études à la suite de celle-ci devraient être effectuées en incluant les patients ambulatoires afin de déterminer, avec un collectif plus large de patient, une éventuelle corrélation entre sévérité clinique et étiologie. Abstract : Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of death in developing countries and of morbidity in developed countries. The objective of the study was to define the causative agents among children hospitalized for CAP defined by WHO guidelines and to correlate etiology with clinical severity and surrogate markers. Investigations included an extensive etiological workup. A potential causative agent was detected in 86% of the 99 enrolled patients, with evidence of bacterial (53%), viral (67%), and mixed (33%) infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae was accounted for in 46% of CAP. Dehydration was the only clinical sign associated with bacterial pneumonia. CRP and PCT were significantly higher in bacterial infections. Increasing the number of diagnostic tests identifies potential causes of CAP in up to 86% of children, indicating a high prevalence of viruses and frequent co-infections. The high proportion of pneumococcal infections re-emphasizes the importance of pneumococcal immunization.


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Chronic cardiopathy (CC) in Chagas disease is a fibrotic myocarditis with C5b-9 complement deposition. Mycoplasma and Chlamydia may interfere with the complement response. Proteolytic enzymes and archaeal genes that have been described in Trypanosoma cruzi may increase its virulence. Here we tested the hypothesis that different ratios of Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and archaeal organisms, which are frequent symbionts, may be associated with chagasic clinical forms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: eight indeterminate form (IF) and 20 CC chagasic endomyocardial biopsies were submitted to in situ hybridization, electron and immunoelectron microscopy and PCR techniques for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP), Chlamydia pneumoniae(CP), C5b-9 and archaeal-like bodies. RESULTS: MP and CP-DNA were always present at lower levels in CC than in IF (p < 0.001) and were correlated with each other only in CC. Electron microscopy revealed Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and two types of archaeal-like bodies. One had electron dense lipid content (EDL) and was mainly present in IF. The other had electron lucent content (ELC) and was mainly present in CC. In this group, ELC correlated negatively with the other microbes and EDL and positively with C5b-9. The CC group was positive for Archaea and T. cruzi DNA. In conclusion, different amounts of Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and archaeal organisms may be implicated in complement activation and may have a role in Chagas disease outcome.


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T O THE E DITOR-Besides viruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae are common causes of community-acquired respiratory infections (CARI) in children. However, the causal agent of CARI remains unknown in many cases [ 1]. Growing evidence suggests that Chlamydia-related bacteria might have a pathogenic role in humans [ 2, 3]. Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Protochlamydia naegleriophila have been detected in respiratory clinical samples [ 4, 5], and the role of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae in pneumonia is supported by in vitro studies and animal models [ 6]. Rhabdochlamydia crassificans and Rhabdochlamydia porcellionis are intracellular pathogens of arthropods that also belong to the Chlamydiales order [ 7, 8]. A recent analysis suggests that Rhabdochlamydia species might affect morbidity and mortality in premature newborns [ 9], but their role ...


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Intracellular bacteria are common causes of community-acquired pneumonia that grow poorly or not at all on standard culture media and do not respond to beta-lactam antibiotic therapy. Apart from well-established agents of pneumonia such as Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci and Coxiella burnetii, some new emerging pathogens have recently been recognized, mainly Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Simkania negevensis, two Chlamydia-related bacteria. Most of them are causes of benign and self-limited infections. However, they may cause severe pneumonia in some cases (i.e., Legionnaires' disease) and they may cause outbreaks representing a public health problem deserving prompt recognition and appropriate therapy. Although extrapulmonary manifestations are often present, no clinical features allow them to be distinguished from classical bacterial agents of pneumonia such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. Thus, specific molecular diagnostic tools are very helpful for early recognition of the offending bacteria, whereas serology often only allows retrospective or late diagnosis. Macrolides remain the best empirical treatment of intracellular respiratory pathogens, although some observational studies suggest that quinolones may be superior for the treatment of legionellosis.


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Obligate or facultative intracellular bacteria are fastidious organisms that do not or poorly grow on conventional culture media. Some of them may be the cause of frequent and potentially severe infections, such as tuberculosis (Myco- bacterium tuberculosis), community-acquired respiratory infections (Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae) or blood culture-negative endocarditis (Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella spp., Tropheryma whipplei). The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive summary of the available and recommended diagnostic tests for the detection of these fastidious organisms in clinical practice.


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Tausta: Uloshengitysvaikeus on pienten lasten tavallinen sairaus. Monissa tutkimuksissa sen yleisimmäksi aiheuttajaksi on todettu respiratory syncytial virus infektio (RSV). Muiden virusten ja bakteereiden merkitys on vähemmän tunnettu. Pienten lasten uloshengitysvaikeuden hoito on vakiintumaton. Systeemisen prednisolonihoidon tehoa uloshengitysvaikeuksissa ei ole tutkittu muiden virusinfektioiden kuin RSV:n yhteydessä. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lasten sairaalahoitoa edellyttäneen uloshengitysvaikeuden virusetiologia ja siihen liittyvät bakteeri-infektiot sekä systeemisen prednisolonihoidon teho suhteessa eri viruksiin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli etsiä toistuvan uloshengitysvaikeuden riskitekijöitä ja selvittää prednisolonin teho riskiryhmiin kuuluvilla lapsilla. Menetelmät: Vuosien 2000–2002 aikana selvitettiin Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa uloshengitysvaikeuden vuoksi hoidetun 293 iältään 3 kuukauden - 16 vuotiaan lapsen tautietiologia. Nenänielun imulimanäytteestä tutkittiin viruksia viljelyn, antigeenin osoituksen sekä genomin monistustekniikan (PCR) avulla. Taudin akuutissa ja toipilasvaiheessa analysoitiin seeruminäytteistä vasta-ainepitoisuudet viruksia ja bakteereita vastaan. Bakteeri-infektioita etsittiin myös kliinisten, hematologisten ja radiologisten tutkimusten avulla. Satunnaistetulla, kaksoissokolla lumekontrolloidulla tutkimuksella selvitettiin prednisolonin kliinistä tehoa RSV- ja rinovirusinfektioissa alle 3 vuoden ikäisillä lapsilla. Toistuvan uloshengitysvaikeuden esiintymistä selvitettiin seuraamalla vuoden ajan 118 lasta, joilla oli ollut ensimmäinen uloshengitysvaikeuskohtaus. Tulokset: Todennäköinen uloshengitysvaikeuden aiheuttava virus löytyi 88 %:lta lapsista. Yleisimmät virukset olivat RSV (27 %) ja rinovirus (24 %). Kahden tai kolmen viruksen infektio todettiin 19 %:lla lapsista. Yleisin todennäköinen bakteeri-infektio oli akuutti välikorvatulehdus, joka todettiin 44 %:lla lapsista. Bakteeri-infektion serologinen osoitus saatiin 18 %:lla lapsista. Tavallisimmat bakteerit olivat Streptococcus pneumoniae (8 %) ja Mycoplasma pneumoniae (5 %). Nenän sivuontelotulehdus todettiin 17 %:lla ja alveolaarinen keuhkokuume 3 %:lla lapsista. Prednisolonihoito ei vaikuttanut lasten sairaalahoitoajan pituuteen, mutta se vähensi uusien kohtausten määrää lapsilla, joilla oli rinovirusinfektio ja sairaalaan tulohetkellä veren eosinofiilisten solujen määrä  0,2 • 109/l. Toistuvan uloshengitysvaikeuden riskitekijöitä olivat alle vuoden ikä, atopia ja äidin astma. Prednisoloni vähensi merkitsevästi toistuvan uloshengitysvaikeuden esiintymistä lapsilla, joilla oli rinovirusinfektio (HR = 0,19; 95 %:n LV, 0,05 – 0,71) tai lääkärin toteama ihottuma (0,15; 95 %:n LV, 0,04 – 0,63). Päätelmät: Lähes kaikilla lapsilla on todettavissa virusinfektio uloshengitysvaikeuden aikana. Tavallisin pienten lasten kliininen bakteerikomplikaatio on akuutti välikorvatulehdus. Prednisolonihoidolla ei ole vaikutusta sairaalahoidon pituuteen, mutta se näyttäisi vähentävän uusien kohtausten esiintymistä rinoviruspositiivisilla ja ihottumaisilla lapsilla.


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A bronquiolite viral aguda (BVA) é uma doença respiratória que acomete crianças principalmente no primeiro ano de vida. O Vírus Sincicial Respiratório é responsável por aproximadamente 75% dos casos de bronquiolite viral aguda; entretanto, outros agentes também podem desencadear doença semelhante, como Adenovirus1, 7,3 e 21, Rinovírus, Parainfluenza, Influenza, Metapneumovirus e, menos freqüentemente, o Mycoplasma pneumoniae. A BVA é uma doença com padrão sazonal, de evolução benigna na maioria dos lactentes hígidos, entretanto 0,5% a 2% necessitam hospitalização, dos quais 15% necessitam cuidados intensivos, e destes apenas 3 a 8% desenvolvem falência ventilatória necessitando de ventilação mecânica. A mortalidade entre crianças previamente hígidas está em torno de 1% dos pacientes internados. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar fatores de prognóstico na BVA e correlacionar com tempo de internação em lactentes previamente hígidos. Durante o inverno de 2002, foram acompanhados em estudo de coorte 219 pacientes menores de um ano de idade com diagnóstico clínico de bronquiolite viral aguda. Estes pacientes foram avaliados e classificados conforme escore clinico modificado (DE BOECK et al., 1997) na internação, no terceiro dia e no momento da alta hospitalar. O tempo de internação real foi registrado e foi estimado o tempo de internação ideal, conforme critérios de alta clínica definidos por Wainwright e cols. , em 2003, como não uso de oxigênio por mais de 10 horas, tiragem intercostal mínima ou ausente, sem uso de medicação parenteral e com capacidade de alimentação via oral. O escore clinico na internação foi 3,88±1, 81, o tempo médio de uso de oxigênio 5,3±3,83 dias. Estes pacientes apresentaram tempo de internação real de 7,02±3,89 dias e tempo de internação ideal de 5,92±3,83 dias (p<0,001). Considerando tempo de internação ideal como variável dependente em um modelo de regressão logística, observa-se que para cada ponto de aumento no escore clinico aumenta em 1,9 a chance de o paciente permanecer internado por mais de três dias. Conclui-se, então, que se pode predizer o tempo de internação de lactentes hígidos com BVA através do escore clínico, indicando seu uso na avaliação inicial destes pacientes.


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Pneumonia is an infectious disease with great morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to the current guidelines recommendations the authors reviewed the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). In this paper will be presented data about etiology, clinics and diagnostic tools. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.


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This study is the first to evaluate the occurrence of several Mollicutes species in Brazilian capuchin monkeys (Cebus spp.). Mollicutes were detected by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in samples of the oropharyngeal, conjuctiva, and genital mucosae of 58 monkeys. In the oropharynx, Mollicutes in general (generic PCR to the Class), and those of the genus Ureaplasma (genus PCR), were detected in 72.4% and 43.0% of the samples, respectively. The identified species in this site included: Mycoplasma arginini (43.1%), M. salivarium (41.4%), and M. pneumoniae (19.0%). Both Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma are genera of the order Mycoplasmatales. In the preputial/vaginal mucosa, PCR detected Mollicutes in general in 27.58% of the samples, the genus Ureaplasma in 32.7%, the species M. arginini in 8.6%, and Acholeplasma laidlawii of the order Acholeplasmatales in 1.7% In the conjunctiva, Mollicutes in general were detected in 29.3% of the samples, with 1.7% being identified as A. laidlawii. Culturing was difficult due to contamination, but two isolates were successfully obtained. The Mollicutes species of this study provided new insights into these bacteria in Brazilian Cebus. Studies are lacking of the actual risk of Mollicutes infection or the frequency at which primates serve as permanent or temporary reservoirs for Mollicutes. In the present study, the samples were collected from monkeys without clinical signs of infection. The mere presence of Mollicutes, particularly those also found in humans, nevertheless signals a need for studies to evaluate the impact of these microorganisms on the health of non-human primates (NHPs) and the possibility of cross-species transmission between NHPs and humans. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background Airway inflammation in asthma involves innate immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) are thought to be involved in airway inflammation, but their expression in asthmatics both large and small airways has not been investigated. Objective To analyse the expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of asthmatics and compare their expression in smoking and non-smoking asthmatics; to investigate whether TLR expression is associated with eosinophilic or neutrophilic airway inflammation and with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection. Methods Using immunohistochemistry and image analysis, we investigated TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP expression in large and small airways of 24 victims of fatal asthma, FA, (13 non-smokers, 11 smokers) and nine deceased control subjects (DCtrl). TLRs were also measured in 18 mild asthmatics (MA) and 12 healthy controls (HCtrl). M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae in autopsy lung tissue were analysed using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Airway eosinophils and neutrophils were measured in all subjects. Results Fatal asthma patients had higher TLR2 in the epithelial and outer layers of large and small airways compared with DCtrls. Smoking asthmatics had lower TLR2 levels in the inner and outer layers of the small airways than non-smoking asthmatics. TSLP was increased in the epithelial and outer layers of the large airways of FA. FA patients had greater TLR3 expression in the outer layer of large airways and greater TLR4 expression in the outer layer of small airways. Eosinophilic airway inflammation was associated with TLR expression in the epithelium of FA. No bacterial DNA was detected in FA or DCtrls. MA and HCtrls had only a small difference in TLR3 expression. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Increased expression of TLR 2, 3 and 4 and TSLP in fatal asthma may contribute to the acute inflammation surrounding asthma deaths.


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Background Adult community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a relevant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality, however the aetiology often remains uncertain and the therapy is empirical. We applied conventional and molecular diagnostics to identify viruses and atypical bacteria associated with CAP in Chile. Methods We used sputum and blood cultures, IgG/IgM serology and molecular diagnostic techniques (PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR) for detection of classical and atypical bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumoniae) and respiratory viruses (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenzavirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus) in adults >18 years old presenting with CAP in Santiago from February 2005 to September 2007. Severity was qualified at admission by Fine's pneumonia severity index. Results Overall detection in 356 enrolled adults were 92 (26%) cases of a single bacterial pathogen, 80 (22%) cases of a single viral pathogen, 60 (17%) cases with mixed bacterial and viral infection and 124 (35%) cases with no identified pathogen. Streptococcus pneumoniae and RSV were the most common bacterial and viral pathogens identified. Infectious agent detection by PCR provided greater sensitivity than conventional techniques. To our surprise, no relationship was observed between clinical severity and sole or coinfections. Conclusions The use of molecular diagnostics expanded the detection of viruses and atypical bacteria in adults with CAP, as unique or coinfections. Clinical severity and outcome were independent of the aetiological agents detected.


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Pneumonia is one of the most important infectious diseases, both in terms of incidence as well as potential severity. Streptococcus pneumoniae remains the most prevalent etiologic agent, accounting for about two-thirds of bacteremic cases. Diagnostic procedures include chest radiography, blood culture, Gram staining and culture of expectorated sputum, urine antigen assays for Legionella pneumophila and pneumococci, and asservation of an initial serum sample for comparative serologic investigations. Molecular biology techniques continue to gain importance for the diagnosis of Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionellae and viral respiratory infections, however, their availability at present is mainly restricted to research and reference laboratories.


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Deportista de 15 años que acude a Urgencias por presentar durante un entrenamiento dolor torácico opresivo irradiado a brazo izquierdo de una hora de evolución, acompañado de náuseas y mareo. Pruebas complementarias: ECG: elevación del segmento ST en la cara diafragmática y infradesnivelación en cara lateral; CK 3312 UI/l, troponina T 9,12 µg/l, GOT 408 UI/l. Ecocardiograma y radiografía de tórax normales. Ante la sospecha de isquemia es derivada a un centro especializado. El diagnóstico final fue de miocarditis aguda, con serología positiva para Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Se detallan los datos clínicos y evolución. Se permite el deporte de competición, aconsejándose controles cardiológicos semestrales, permaneciendo la paciente asintomática hasta la fecha.


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A infecção do trato urinário é uma das afecções mais comuns da clínica médica, sendo mandatório o conhecimento epidemiológico da mesma e do perfil de sensibilidade dos agentes etiológicos. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar os agentes etiológicos mais freqüentes e o perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos das bactérias isoladas de uroculturas de pacientes ambulatoriais atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Brasília no período de 2001 a 2005. Foram analisadas 2.433 uroculturas positivas realizadas no laboratório de microbiologia do Hospital Universitário de Brasília. A Escherichia coli foi a bactéria mais isolada (62,4%), seguida de Klebsiella pneumoniae (6,8%) e Proteus mirabillis (4,7%). A Escherichia coli apresentou maior sensibilidade à amicacina (98,6%), gentamicina (96,2%), nitrofurantoína (96,3%), e às quinolonas ciprofloxacina (90,9%) e norfloxacina (89,8%), com baixa sensibilidade ao sulfametoxazol-trimetoprima (50,6%). As outras bactérias apresentaram similar padrão de sensibilidade. Em conclusão, a Escherichia coli foi a bactéria mais isolada, sendo altamente sensível aos amiglicosídeos, nitrofurantoína e quinolonas.