992 resultados para Pressure-sensitive walkway


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Aims: To compare pressure resistance between strains of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari and Campylobacter fetus, and to investigate the effect of suspending medium on pressure resistance of sensitive and more resistant strains. Methods and Results: Six strains of C. jejuni and four each of C. coli, C. lari and C. fetus were pressure treated for 10 min at 200 and 300 MPa. Individual strains varied widely in pressure resistance but there were no significant differences between the species C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari. Campylobacter fetus was significantly more pressure sensitive than the other three species. The pressure resistance of C. jejuni cultures reached a maximum at 16-18 h on entry into stationary phase then declined to a minimum at 75 h before increasing once more. Milk was more baroprotective than water, broth or chicken slurry but did not prevent inactivation even of a resistant strain at 400 MPa. Conclusions: Pressure resistance varies considerably between species of Campylobacter and among strains within a species, and survival after a pressure challenge will be markedly influenced by culture age and food matrix. Significance and Impact of the Study: Despite the strain variation in pressure resistance and protective effects of food, Campylobacter sp. do not present a particular problem for pressure processing.


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The aim of this work was to examine a possible association between resistance of two Escherichia coli strains to high hydrostatic pressure and the susceptibility of their cell membranes to pressure-induced damage. Cells were exposed to pressures between 100 and 700 MPa at room temperature (~20C) in phosphate-buffered-saline. In the more pressure-sensitive strain E. coli 8164, loss of viability occurred at pressures between 100 MPa and 300 MPa and coincided with irreversible loss of membrane integrity as indicated by uptake of propidium iodide (PI) and leakage of protein of molecular mass between 9 and 78 kDa from the cells. Protein release increased to a maximum at 400 MPa then decreased, possibly due to intracellular aggregation at the higher pressures. In the pressure-resistant strain E. coli J1, PI was taken up during pressure treatment but not after decompression indicating that cells were able to reseal their membranes. Loss of viability in strain J1 coincided with the transient loss of membrane integrity between approximately 200 MPa and 600 MPa. In E. coli J1 leakage of protein occurred before loss of viability and the released protein was of low molecular mass, between 8 and 11 kDa and may have been of periplasmic origin. In these two strains differences in pressure resistance appeared to be related to differences in the ability of their membranes to withstand disruption by pressure. However it appears that transient loss of membrane integrity during pressure can lead to cell death irrespective of whether cells can reseal their membranes afterwards.


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This work investigated the role of rpoS in the development of increased cell envelope resilience and enhanced pressure resistance in stationary phase cells of Escherichia coli. Loss of both colony-forming ability and membrane integrity, measured as uptake of propidium iodide (PI), occurred at lower pressures in E. coli BW3709 (rpoS) than in the parental strain (BW2952). The rpoS mutant also released much higher concentrations of protein under pressure than the parent. We propose that RpoS-regulated functions are responsible for the increase in membrane resilience as cells enter stationary phase and that this plays a major role in the development of pressure resistance. Strains from the Keio collection with mutations in two RpoS-regulated genes, cfa (cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase) and osmB (outer membrane lipoprotein), were significantly more pressure-sensitive and took up more PI than the parent strains with cfa having the greatest effect. Mutations in the bolA morphogene and other RpoS-regulated lipoprotein genes (osmC, osmE, osmY and ybaY) had no effect on pressure resistance. The cytoplasmic membranes of the rpoS mutant failed to reseal after pressure treatment and strains with mutations in osmB and nlpI (new lipoprotein) were also somewhat impaired in the ability to reseal their membranes. The cfa mutant, though pressure-sensitive, was unaffected in membrane resealing implying that the initial transient permeabilization event is critical for loss of viability rather than the failure to reseal. The enhanced pressure sensitivity of polA, recA and xthA mutants suggested that DNA may be a target of oxidative stress in pressure-treated cells.


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Shear-banding features of as-cast and annealed Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass were investigated through Rockwell indentation tests. Isothermal annealing of the as-cast samples was conducted at temperatures below its glass transition temperature, Tg. The exothermal enthalpy during continuous heating below Tg decreases with increasing annealing temperature, indicating the gradual reduction of free-volume upon annealing. The observation on the morphology of shear-banding pattern around the indents implies a reduced shear bands activity in the annealed samples. The included angles (2θ) between two families of shear bands emanating from the edge of Rockwell indent decrease from 88° for the as-cast sample to 79° for the sample annealed at 633 K for 1 h, indicating a pressure sensitive plasticity. By Mohr–Coulomb criterion, the pressure sensitive index can be obtained on the basis of the measured 2θ, which increases with increasing annealing temperature, indicating an increase of “atomistic friction” due to the reduction of the free volume upon annealing.


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Spherical indentation test was conducted on as-cast and annealed Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass, and the evolution of the morphology of the deformation zone of indents upon annealing was investigated. The DSC traces of the as-cast and annealed samples show that the enthalpy change at the glass transition, ΔH, decreases with the increasing of annealing temperature, indicating the reduction of the free volume upon annealing. The morphology of the indents implies a reduced shear band activity in the annealed samples. The included angles (2θ) between two families of shear bands emanating from the edge of spherical indent in the as-cast and the annealed samples were measured to be in the range of 88-79°, which decrease with the increasing of annealing temperature, indicating pressure sensitive plasticity in the as-cast and annealed samples. By Mohr–Coulomb criterion, the pressure sensitive index, α, can be obtained on the basis of the measured 2θ. The sensitivity index increases with increasing temperature, implying an increase of 'atomistic friction' due to the reduction of the free volume upon annealing.


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The cerebellum appears to play a key role in the development of internal rules that allow fast, predictive adjustments to novel stimuli. This is crucial for adaptive motor processes, such as those involved in walking, where cerebellar dysfunction has been found to increase variability in gait parameters. Motor adaptation is a process that results in a progressive reduction in errors as movements are adjusted to meet demands, and within the cerebellum, this seems to be localised primarily within the right hemisphere. To examine the role of the right cerebellar hemisphere in adaptive gait, cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was administered to the right cerebellar hemisphere of 14 healthy adults in a randomised, double-blind, crossover study. Adaptation to a series of distinct spatial and temporal templates was assessed across tDCS condition via a pressure-sensitive gait mat (ProtoKinetics Zeno walkway), on which participants walked with an induced 'limp' at a non-preferred pace. Variability was assessed across key spatial-temporal gait parameters. It was hypothesised that cathodal tDCS to the right cerebellar hemisphere would disrupt adaptation to the templates, reflected in a failure to reduce variability following stimulation. In partial support, adaptation was disrupted following tDCS on one of the four spatial-temporal templates used. However, there was no evidence for general effects on either the spatial or temporal domain. This suggests, under specific conditions, a coupling of spatial and temporal processing in the right cerebellar hemisphere and highlights the potential importance of task complexity in cerebellar function.


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The accumulation of mannosyl-glycerate (MG), the salinity stress response osmolyte of Thermococcales, was investigated as a function of hydrostatic pressure in Thermococcus barophilus strain MP, a hyperthermophilic, piezophilic archaeon isolated from the Snake Pit site (MAR), which grows optimally at 40 MPa. Strain MP accumulated MG primarily in response to salinity stress, but in contrast to other Thermococcales, MG was also accumulated in response to thermal stress. MG accumulation peaked for combined stresses. The accumulation of MG was drastically increased under sub-optimal hydrostatic pressure conditions, demonstrating that low pressure is perceived as a stress in this piezophile, and that the proteome of T. barophilus is low-pressure sensitive. MG accumulation was strongly reduced under supra-optimal pressure conditions clearly demonstrating the structural adaptation of this proteome to high hydrostatic pressure. The lack of MG synthesis only slightly altered the growth characteristics of two different MG synthesis deletion mutants. No shift to other osmolytes was observed. Altogether our observations suggest that the salinity stress response in T. barophilus is not essential and may be under negative selective pressure, similarly to what has been observed for its thermal stress response. Introduction


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Water and protein dynamics on a nanometer scale were measured by quasi-elastic neutron scattering in the piezophile archaeon Thermococcus barophilus and the closely related pressure-sensitive Thermococcus kodakarensis, at 0.1 and 40 MPa. We show that cells of the pressure sensitive organism exhibit higher intrinsic stability. Both the hydration water dynamics and the fast protein and lipid dynamics are reduced under pressure. In contrast, the proteome of T. barophilus is more pressure sensitive than that of T. kodakarensis. The diffusion coefficient of hydration water is reduced, while the fast protein and lipid dynamics are slightly enhanced with increasing pressure. These findings show that the coupling between hydration water and cellular constituents might not be simply a master-slave relationship. We propose that the high flexibility of the T. barophilus proteome associated with reduced hydration water may be the keys to the molecular adaptation of the cells to high hydrostatic pressure.


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In this paper, an overview of some recent numerical simulations of stationary crack tip fields in elastic-plastic solids is presented. First, asymptotic analyses carried out within the framework of 2D plane strain or plane stress conditions in both pressure insensitive and pressure sensitive plastic solids are reviewed. This is followed by discussion of salient results obtained from recent computational studies. These pertain to 3D characteristics of elastic-plastic near-front fields under mixed mode loading, mechanics of fracture and simulation of near-tip shear banding process of amorphous alloys and influence of crack tip constraint on the structure of near-tip fields in ductile single crystals. These results serve to illustrate several important features associated with stress and strain distributions near the crack tip and provide the foundation for understanding the operative failure mechanisms. The paper concludes by highlighting some of the future prospects for this field of study.


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An efficient algorithm within the finite deformation framework is developed for finite element implementation of a recently proposed isotropic, Mohr-Coulomb type material model, which captures the elastic-viscoplastic, pressure sensitive and plastically dilatant response of bulk metallic glasses. The constitutive equations are first reformulated and implemented using an implicit numerical integration procedure based on the backward Euler method. The resulting system of nonlinear algebraic equations is solved by the Newton-Raphson procedure. This is achieved by developing the principal space return mapping technique for the present model which involves simultaneous shearing and dilatation on multiple potential slip systems. The complete stress update algorithm is presented and the expressions for viscoplastic consistent tangent moduli are derived. The stress update scheme and the viscoplastic consistent tangent are implemented in the commercial finite element code ABAQUS/Standard. The accuracy and performance of the numerical implementation are verified by considering several benchmark examples, which includes a simulation of multiple shear bands in a 3D prismatic bar under uniaxial compression.


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This paper presents nonlinear finite element analysis of adhesively bonded joints considering the elastoviscoplastic constitutive model of the adhesive material and the finite rotation of the joint. Though the adherends have been assumed to be linearly elastic, the yielding of the adhesive is represented by a pressure sensitive modified von Mises yield function. The stress-strain relation of the adhesive is represented by the Ramberg-Osgood relation. Geometric nonlinearity due to finite rotation in the joint is accounted for using the Green-Lagrange strain tensor and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in a total Lagrangian formulation. Critical time steps have been calculated based on the eigenvalues of the transition matrices of the viscoplastic model of the adhesive. Stability of the viscoplastic solution and time dependent behaviour of the joints are examined. A parametric study has been carried out with particular reference to peel and shear stress along the interface. Critical zones for failure of joints have been identified. The study is of significance in the design of lap joints as well as on the characterization of adhesive strength. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Yttrium oxide (Y(2)O(3)) thin films were deposited by microwave electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma assisted metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) process using indigenously developed metal organic precursors Yttrium 2,7,7-trimethyl-3,5-octanedionates, commonly known as Y(tod)(3) which were synthesized by an ultrasound method. A series of thin films were deposited by varying the oxygen flow rate from 1-9 sccm, keeping all other parameters constant. The deposited coatings were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, glancing angle X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Thickness and roughness for the films were measured by stylus profilometry. Optical properties of the coatings were studied by the spectroscopic ellipsometry. Hardness and elastic modulus of the films were measured by nanoindentation technique. Being that microwave ECR CVD process is operating-pressure-sensitive, optimum oxygen activity is very essential for a fixed flow rate of precursor, in order to get a single phase cubic yttrium oxide in the films. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort that describes the use of Y(tod)(3) precursor for deposition of Y(2)O(3) films using plasma assisted CVD process.


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High temperature bonded interface indentation experiments are carried out on a Zr based bulk metallic glass (BMG) to examine the plastic deformation characteristics in subsurface deformation zone under a Vickers indenter. The results show that the shear bands are semi-circular in shape and propagate in radial direction. At all temperatures the inter-band spacing along the indentation axis is found to increase with increasing distance from the indenter tip. The average shear band spacing monotonically increases with temperature whereas the shear band induced plastic deformation zone is invariant with temperature. These observations are able to explain the increase in pressure sensitive plastic flow of BMGs with temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two types of peeling experiments are performed in the present research. One is for the Al film/Al2O3 substrate system with an adhesive layer between the film and the substrate. The other one is for the Cu film/Al2O3 substrate system without adhesive layer between the film and the substrate, and the Cu films are electroplated onto the Al2O3 substrates. For the case with adhesive layer, two kinds of adhesives are selected, which are all the mixtures of epoxy and polyimide with mass ratios 1:1.5 and 1:1, respectively. The relationships between energy release rate, the film thickness and the adhesive layer thickness are measured during the steady-state peeling process. The effects of the adhesive layer on the energy release rate are analyzed. Using the experimental results, several analytical criteria for the steady-state peeling based on the bending model and on the two-dimensional finite element analysis model are critically assessed. Through assessment of analytical models, we find that the cohesive zone criterion based on the beam bend model is suitable for a weak interface strength case and it describes a macroscale fracture process zone case, while the two-dimensional finite element model is effective to both the strong interface and weak interface, and it describes a small-scale fracture process zone case. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experiments are conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and separation away from the corner when holding a high-Machnumber M∞ = 1.5 normal shock in a rectangular channel. The ensuing shock wave interaction with the boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor and in the corners was studied using laser Doppler anemometry, Pitot probe traverses, pressure sensitive paint and flow visualization. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the other areas of separation appears to be the generation of compression waves at the corner, which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the -region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SBLI), is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. © Copyright 2012 Cambridge University Press.