305 resultados para Prensas hidráulicas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Devido não ser comum o estudo de sistemas de potência em plantas reais como usinas hidrelétricas por causa dos riscos e custos que envolvem sua operação, dá-se preferência pela realização computacional de modelos matemáticos desse tipo de planta na resolução de problemas, desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e formação de recursos humanos. No entanto, modelos realizados computacionalmente não proveem a experiência, visual, auditiva e tátil que um modelo físico real pode oferecer. Portanto, neste trabalho, apresenta-se a descrição e a modelagem de um sistema de geração em escala reduzida de 10kVA, que é um sistema físico real, composto por um motor CC, um gerador síncrono e transformadores, chamado também de sistema micromáquina, o qual faz parte da infraestrutura do Laboratório de Engenharia Elétrica da UFPA. Para este sistema, por intermédio deste trabalho de mestrado e do trabalho de mestrado de Moraes (2011), foram desenvolvido subsistemas eletrônicos e computacionais de acionamento, automação e controle para operá-lo de forma segura resultando em uma excelente plataforma didática para dar suporte às pesquisas em dinâmica e controle de sistemas de potência, bem como o desenvolvimento de trabalhos acadêmicos e de ensino. Nesse mesmo contexto, é apresentada uma proposta de técnica de emulação de turbina hidráulica, tendo como base o controle de potência aplicado ao motor CC do sistema micromáquina. Tal técnica foi desenvolvida principalmente com o propósito de dar suporte ao estudo e desenvolvimento de técnicas de regulação de velocidade de turbinas hidráulicas. Consequentemente, também é apresenta uma proposta de um regulador de velocidade digital para turbinas hidráulicas baseado na estrutura canônica RST de controle digital, cujos parâmetros são projetados por duas técnicas de projeto estudadas neste trabalho: o método de alocação polinomial de polos e o projeto de compensadores por atraso de fase pelo método de resposta em frequência para sistemas discretos. Logo para comprovar a eficácia das ferramentas de hardware, software e teóricas desenvolvidas neste trabalho, resultados de experimentos realizados no sistema micromáquina são apresentados e analisados.


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On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)


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With growing electricty demand, the importance of generation through hydropower, a renewable energy source, it’s of great importance. This demand derives from the country’s growth, as well as events that will occur in the coming years. The commission has a crucial role before the entry into operation of hydroelectric plant, sice, ensures a good operation of hydraulic and electrical systems, as well as the safety of the installation. This paper is a case study, commissioning in a PCH in especially the most important tests, such as range operation, índex tes and load rejection. In these trials we can get a Idea of the actual behavior of the unit, as well as future operation maneuvers, and evidence of real efficiency


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The main goal of this thesis is to describe in details the development and manufacturing of hydraulic fittings for application in truck's cabin tilting lines, covering all of the pre-project, drawing, quotation and supplying processes. This development was planned due to Eaton Corporation - Hydraulics Group's interest in competing on this market with this kind of application. Company's standard procedures were executed until the final supplying stage could be reached. Moreover, the year in which this project was conducted was ruled by a crisis in the automotive segment and new opportunities had to be pursued and developed. Eaton's USA, India and China (facilities located in Aurora, Pune and Shanghai, respectively) engineering team offered all the support in order for this project to come true. As a result there are new part numbers in the company's portfolio, which now offers new fittings and a new type of adapter that was unknown prior to the project. This way Eaton has conquered even more space with this cabin tilting application and the customers (OEMs) have an alternative and homologated supplier to purchase from. Financially speaking, the project's sales income may vary from US$800,000.00 to US$1,300,000.00 worth during the following supplying years


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This work deals with a problem of mixed integer optimization model applied to production planning of a real world factory that aims for hydraulic hose production. To optimize production planning, a mathematic model of MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming, so that, along with the Analytic Hierarchy process method, would be possible to create a hierarchical structure of the most import criteria for production planning, thus finding through a solving software the optimum hose attribution to its respective machine. The hybrid modeling of Analytic Hierarchy Process along with Linear Programming is the focus of this work. The results show that using this method we could unite factory reality and quantitative analysis and had success on improving performance of production planning efficiency regarding product delivery and optimization of the production flow


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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This work deals with a problem of mixed integer optimization model applied to production planning of a real world factory that aims for hydraulic hose production. To optimize production planning, a mathematic model of MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming, so that, along with the Analytic Hierarchy process method, would be possible to create a hierarchical structure of the most import criteria for production planning, thus finding through a solving software the optimum hose attribution to its respective machine. The hybrid modeling of Analytic Hierarchy Process along with Linear Programming is the focus of this work. The results show that using this method we could unite factory reality and quantitative analysis and had success on improving performance of production planning efficiency regarding product delivery and optimization of the production flow


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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Tras el periodo reciente, de casi cincuenta años, como autovía de circunvalación, la operación urbanística Madrid Río ha vuelto a reconciliar al Manzanares con la ciudad de Madrid. Ese medio siglo arranca en el decenio de 1930, fecha de su primera canalización; continúa con los años del desarrollismo, que urbanizaron sus márgenes con el propósito de densificar un espacio marginal para el plano; y culmina con la conversión paulatina de los paseos de sus dos orillas en vía rápida, pieza de cierre de la M-30 en el decenio de 1980


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es definir las actuaciones encaminadas a restaurar el sistema actual de defensa del río Ebro en el tramo Pradilla de Ebro- Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), con el propósito de reducir el riesgo por inundaciones en los núcleos de población del mismo nombre, para lo que se ha realizado una campaña de reconocimiento del Terreno mediante técnicas geofísicas. La campaña de prospección ha consistido en la realización de perfiles de tomografía eléctrica para determinar la distribución de los niveles geoeléctricos en la zona obteniéndose la profundidad y variabilidad del nivel freático y la distribución aparente de los niveles biológicos. En base a las anomalías detectadas en las secciones de resistividad se han llevado a cabo ensayos in situ con placa de carga dinámica con el fin de determinar las características portantes de las barreras. La correlación de ambos estudios permite localizar las zonas de debilidad estructural para así poder establecer las recomendaciones oportunas de cara a restaurar los diques de protección, de forma que puedan cumplir con su función de contención frente a los caudales de crecida. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is so define the interventions required to restore the current defense system of Ebro River in the stretch between Pradilla de Ebro and Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), in order to reduce flood risk in the population centers of the same name, for what a soil survey has been done using geophysical techniques. The geophysical prospecting campaign has consisted on the realization of electrical tomography profiles to determine the distribution of due geoelectric levels in the area, the depth and variability of the water table and the distribution of apparent lithology level. Based on anomalies detected in resistivity sections, dynamic loading plate test were carried out in situ in order to determine the load bearing characteristics of the safety barriers. The correlation o f both studies makes possible to locate die areas o f structural weakness, with the objective of establishing appropriate recommendations to restore the embankments so that they can meet their retaining functions against flood flows.


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El presente trabajo pretende contribuir al catálogo de las fuentes públicas de la provincia de Soria que, por su antigüedad o valor arquitectónico, puedan constituir ejemplares de interés dignos de conservar y restaurar, y entre las cuales tienen una especial relevancia las de origen romano. El número de fuentes que tiene Soria es muy alto y aunque todas ellas son dignas de conservar, se hace necesario priorizar según su valor patrimonial. En este estudio se realiza una primera descripción de las fuentes inventariadas de posible origen romano.


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Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pelos fabricantes de turbinas hidráulicas é prevenir o aparecimento de vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento nas travessas do pré-distribuidor e pás do rotor. Considerando apenas as travessas, e atribuídos a tais vibrações, foram relatados 28 casos de trincas ou ruídos anormais nas últimas décadas, que acarretaram enormes prejuízos associados a reparos, atrasos e perda de geração. O estado da arte na prevenção destes problemas baseia-se na utilização de sofisticados, e caros, programas comerciais de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional para o cálculo transiente do fenômeno. Este trabalho faz uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e levantamento de eventos de trincas ou ruídos ocorridos em travessas nos últimos 50 anos. Propõe, então, um enfoque alternativo, baseado exclusivamente em ferramentas de código aberto. A partir de hipóteses simplificadoras devidamente justificadas, o problema é formulado matematicamente de forma bidimensional, no plano da seção transversal da travessa, levando em conta a interação fluido-estrutura. Nesta estratégia, as equações de Navier-Stokes são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos por meio da biblioteca gratuita oomph-lib. Um código especial em C++ é desenvolvido para o problema de interação fluido-estrutura, no qual o fenômeno de turbulência é levado em consideração por meio de um algoritmo baseado no modelo de Baldwin-Lomax. O método proposto é validado por meio da comparação dos resultados obtidos com referências e medições disponíveis na literatura, que tratam de problemas de barras retangulares suportadas elasticamente. O trabalho finaliza com a aplicação do método a um estudo de caso envolvendo uma travessa particular.