985 resultados para Pre-release programs for prisoners


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Report for 1996 covers the results of the program for FY94, FY95, and FY96.


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The capability of cricket batsmen of different skill levels to pick-up information from the pre-release movement pattern of the bowler, from pre-bounce ball flight, and from post-bounce ball flight was examined experimentally. Six highly skilled and six low-skilled cricket batsmen batted against three different leg-spin bowlers while wearing liquid crystal spectacles. The spectacles permitted the specific information available to the batsmen on each trial to be manipulated such that vision was either: (i) occluded at a point prior to the point of ball release (thereby only allowing vision of advance information from the bowler's delivery action); (ii) occluded at a point prior to the point of bat[ bounce (thereby permitting the additional vision of pre-bounce ball flight); or (iii) not occluded (thereby permitting the additional vision of post-bounce bat[ flight information). Measurement was made on each trial of both the accuracy of the definitive (forward-backward) foot movements made by the batsmen and their success (or otherwise) in making bat-bat[ contact. The analyses revealed a superior capability of the more skilled players to make use of earlier (pre-bounce) bat[ flight information to guide successful bat-bat[ interception, thus mirroring the greater use of prospective information pick-up by skilled performers observed in other aspects of batting and in other time-constrained performance domains. (c) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A identidade do Servo de YHWH sempre foi um grande desafio para a pesquisa bíblica. Quem seria esse Servo? Não se pretende saber historicamente quem foi o Servo de YHWH, pois isso é uma tarefa impossível. Pretende-se levantar algumas pistas a partir do contexto histórico e do próprio texto do Dêutero-Isaías que permita pensar na possibilidade de que uma comunidade exilada na Babilônia fosse chamada de Servo e destinada por YHWH para tal missão. Na perícope de Is 42,1-9, YHWH convoca o Servo para uma missão bem específica: fazer sair o direito para as nações. Esse direito que o Servo fará sair às nações é o direito de YHWH que se manifesta na libertação concreta de todos os encarcerados. O Servo com suas posturas silenciosas e proféticas, com sua prática solidária aos sofredores e com sua tenacidade, levará adiante esse projeto de libertação. Por meio dos procedimentos exegéticos e com referencial teórico de diferentes autores que já pesquisaram sobre esse tema, pretende-se investigar a possibilidade de que neste cântico do Servo de YHWH possa nascer uma Teologia do Servo que está em profunda sintonia com o Ser do próprio YHWH. Desta maneira, YHWH - Servo carregam um mesmo projeto concreto de libertação que tem como fundamento o direito e a justiça. Surge, então, no meio do povo sofrido, um novo modelo de liderança política.


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This booklet describes freshwater fishes found in South Carolina waters, giving information about the fish, its range, preferred habitat, food habits, size and other miscellaneous facts. It also has information on angler ethics, catch & release programs, fishing regulations and aquatic education programs.


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In this chapter, a rationale is developed for incorporating philosophy into teacher training programs as a means of both preparing quality teachers for the 21st century and meeting the expectations detailed in the professional standards established by the statutory authority that regulates the profession in Queensland, the Queensland College of Teaching is presented. Furthermore, in-service teachers from Buranda State School, a Brisbane primary school that has been successfully teaching philosophy to its students for over 10 years, shares their experiences of teaching philosophy and how it has enhanced student learning and the quality of teaching and professionalism of the teachers. Finally, the implications of embedding philosophy into teacher training programs are explored in terms of developing the personal integrity of beginning teachers.


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Aim: To review the management of heart failure in patients not enrolled in specialist multidisciplinary programs. Method: A prospective clinical audit of patients admitted to hospital with either a current or past diagnosis of heart failure and not enrolled in a specialist heart failure program or under the direct care of the cardiology unit. Results: 81 eligible patients were enrolled (1 August to 1 October 2008). The median age was 81 9.4 years and 48% were male. Most patients (63%) were in New York Heart Association Class II or Class III heart failure. On discharge, 59% of patients were prescribed angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and 43% were prescribed beta-blockers. During hospitalisation, 8.6% of patients with a past diagnosis of heart failure were started on an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and 4.9% on a beta-blocker. There was evidence of suboptimal dosage on admission and discharge for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (19% and 7.4%) and beta-blockers (29% and 17%). The results compared well with international reports regarding the under-treatment of heart failure. Conclusion: The demonstrated practice gap provides excellent opportunities for the involvement of pharmacists to improve the continuation of care for heart failure patients discharged from hospital in the areas of medication management review, dose titration and monitoring.


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Language-rich environments are key to overall quality in early childhood settings, including frequent child–staff interactions around picture books and dramatic play. In a language-rich environment, explicit teaching of literacy concepts, such as phonics, is embedded in authentic and meaningful situations where alphabet letters and sounds are taught in a context meaningful to the child. Recent research, however, suggests that the use of commercial pre-packaged phonics programs (such as Letterland and Jolly Phonics) is widespread in prior to school settings in Sydney, Australia. Little is known about why early childhood teachers choose to use such programs with children aged five and under. In the present study, thematic analysis of data from interviews with five early childhood teachers using commercial phonics programs found that their reasons were pragmatic rather than pedagogical. Motivations included the idea that the programs reduced their workload, provided tangible evidence to parents of their child’s ‘school readiness’, and served as a marketing tool to attract parents. Further analysis found that the teachers were unable to articulate what phonics and phonological awareness are and how they are learnt in early childhood.


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Drought during the pre-flowering stage can increase yield of peanut. There is limited information on genotypic variation for tolerance to and recovery from pre-flowering drought (PFD) and more importantly the physiological traits underlying genotypic variation. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of moisture stress during the pre-flowering phase on pod yield and to understand some of the physiological responses underlying genotypic variation in response to and recovery from PFD. A glasshouse and field experiments were conducted at Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The glasshouse experiment was a randomized complete block design consisting of two watering regimes, i.e. fully-irrigated control and 1/3 available soil water from emergence to 40 days after emergence followed by adequate water supply, and 12 peanut genotypes. The field experiment was a split-plot design with two watering regimes as main-plots, and 12 peanut genotypes as sub-plots. Measurements of N-2 fixation, leaf area (LA) were made in both experiments. In addition, root growth was measured in the glasshouse experiment. Imposition of PFD followed by recovery resulted in an average increase in yield of 24 % (range from 10 % to 57 %) and 12 % (range from 2 % to 51 %) in the field and glasshouse experiments, respectively. Significant genotypic variation for N-2 fixation, LA and root growth was also observed after recovery. The study revealed that recovery growth following release of PFD had a stronger influence on final yield than tolerance to water deficits during the PFD. A combination of N-2 fixation, LA and root growth accounted for a major portion of the genotypic variation in yield (r = 0.68-0.93) suggesting that these traits could be used as selection criteria for identifying genotypes with rapid recovery from PFD. A combined analysis of glasshouse and field experiments showed that LA and N-2 fixation during the recovery had low genotype x environment interaction indicating potential for using these traits for selecting genotypes in peanut improvement programs.


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This article describes an interview-based study of the effects of long-term imprisonment upon 18 Republican ex-prisoners and their families. The interviews followed a biographical, narrative format, drawing from experience of psychiatric assessment of released long-term prisoners. Interpretation of the material was influenced by the sociological literature on imprisonment effects and war trauma. The ex-prisoners had spent an average of 11 years in custody. They described complex experiences of loss, psychological change and social integration, particularly in the area of employment. A decade after release some still had vivid difficulties in coming to terms with the losses of the past and finding purpose for the future. There were parallels between the experiences of this goup and those of war veterans returning home. There is insufficient recognition of these phenomena in previous research on the psychological effects of imprisonment.


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In this article, we argue that the history of bail foretells the future of parole. Under a plancalled the Conditional Post-Conviction Release Bond Act (recently passed into law inthree states), US prisoners can secure early release only after posting ‘post-convictionbail’. As with pre-trial bail, the fledgling model would require prisoners to pay a percent-age of the bail amount to secure their release under the contractual responsibility of acommercial bail agency. If release conditions are breached, bounty hunters are legallyempowered to seize and return the parolee to prison. Our inquiry outlines the origins of this post-conviction bond plan and the research upon which it is based. Drawing on the‘new penology’ framework, we identify several underlying factors that make for a ripeadvocacy environment and set the stage for widespread state-level adoption of this planin the near future. Post-conviction bail fits squarely within the growing policy trendstoward privatization, managerialism, and actuarial justice. Most importantly, though,advocates have the benefit of precedent on their side, as most US states have longrelied on a system of commercial bail bonding and private bounty hunting to manageconditional pretrial release.