508 resultados para Príncipe


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Throughout the lengthy duration of this extremely violent slavery phenomenon where man's cruelty is made evident, it gave rise to places of memory: monuments, toponyms, ethnonymns, stories, legends and myths. Collective memory has constantly recycled this basic fabric. The aim of this Catalogue, dedicated to acknowledging the memory of places in the Portuguese-speaking African countries, is to identify, list, map and give information about the different sites of memory: those that can be seen and touched, without however forgetting those which have re-enacted the creative process thanks to oral tradition.


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This dissertation presents a study on the slave population of Vila do Príncipe, from 1850 to 1888, based on the judicial and notarial collection of hand written documents as well as on the Reports of Presidents of the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. The issue that drives the research relates to the reproduction of slavery in a region of cattle breeding colonization. Therefore, the research aims to understand how in a peripheral socio-economic place (in Vila do Príncipe, cattle breeding Seridó) after the prohibition of the African slave trade, the slave relationships subsisted and structured themselves. In the sense, the research analyzed the dynamics of socio-economic slave units and their relationship with space, ownership structure and the slave family.


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The theme of this work is the study of marginal territories of the Cidade do Príncipe, sketch in time than today is constituted as the city of Caicó/RN, with the time frame the years 1880 to 1900. Our goal is to investigate the construction of these territories from multiple speech subjects practitioners of the city. Thus, we propose to discover the mapping of the deviation in the city in question, as they were drawn, those who experienced and through which practices. Investigate the construction of these spaces from the speeches, and fill a historiographical gap, allows to find stories sharp, silenced or ignored, abortions and madness in prison, repressed passions and avenged. To meet these spaces the sources are diverse, such as the newspaper O Povo, the Codes of posture, the Reports of Presidents and Heads of Provincial Police and process-crime. Regarding the methodological aspects of research, we decided by discourse analysis, discourse here conceived not only as what is said about someone or something, but as a set of statements circulating at any given time in society, articulating speech, intentions, actions and thought. The city is then considered from their territories, imagined as a space configured in/by the relations power that the dispute, but also as a space for experiences multiple, different feelings, place and non-place, the discipline and mockery, of power and resistance.


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The aim of this research is to study the actions of slaves in Comarca do Príncipe, Rio Grande do Norte (1870/1888). Considering the space as a relevant category in the subservient relationship, we investigate how negotiations about the captivity conditions and freedom took place in the domain of this province. The slaves are considered as subjects, who fought for better living conditions in the captivity and who sometimes practiced criminal offenses to achieve freedom. To analyze their actions in the socio-economic environment of the province, we resort to different types of sources. They are: civil and criminal processes, reports from the president of Rio Grande do Norte, the census of 1872, a newspaper called O Assuente, the Livro do Fundo de Emancipação do Município de Príncipe (1873-1886) (The Emancipation Book of Príncipe city) and Imperial Laws. We used the following steps to analyze the data obtained from these sources: the compilation, reading, paleographic transcription, classification of the data according to the thematic, analysis and comparison of information and statistic quantification, submitting empirical data to the discussion built according to the historiographies debates about this subject


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Presenta la organizacion de la reunion, el resumen de los debates, conclusiones y recomendaciones sobre los temas: ejecucion del programa de trabajo del CDCC desde el 7o periodo de sesiones; proyecto de programa de trabajo para el bienio 1986-1987; accion sobre resoluciones aprobadas en el 6o y 7o periodo de sesiones del CDCC; resoluciones de CEPAL que tienen consecuencias para el CDCC; y admision de las Islas Virgenes Britanicas y las Islas Virgenes de Estados Unidos como miembros asociados del CDCC.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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O propósito do trabalho ora apresentado consiste na observação de dois elementos de coesão, a referência e a seqüencialidade, e um elemento da coerência, a contextualização, no processo interpretativo de três capítulos de O Príncipe de Nicolau Maquiavel. Sempre que se referir à leitura, este artigo estará entendendo-a como uma interação de sujeitos ideologicamente determinados.


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O presente trabalho t em como objetivo fazer uma breve apresentação do contexto histórico em que se deu a produção do texto O Príncipe de Nicolau Maquiavel, destacando o aspecto socioeconómico das cidades italianas durante o Renascimento, com o propósito de estabelecer um perfil do homem renascentista. Em seguida, faz uma apresentação da maneira como foi organizado o texto maquiavélico, para destacar dois aspectos: seu caráter de manual, que visa à construção de um saber, e os procedimentos argumentativos e retóricos de seu discurso.


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Este trabalho busca compreender a estrutura do pensamento maquiavélico através da tensão existente entre alguns de seus conceitos fundamentais da atividade política. No caso, a vontade de transformação dos atores que desejam o poder e as determinações históricas.


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Preso em 1926 pelo regime fascista de Mussolini, Antonio Gramsci permaneceu recluso durante 11 anos. Foi durante esse período que o então deputado e secretário-geral do Partido Comunista Italiano escreveu seus Cadernos do Cárcere, um apanhado de escritos marcados pela fragmentação e com passagens consideradas herméticas, cuja interpretação ainda hoje suscita discussões entre os estudiosos de sua obra. A partir dos Cadernos, o cientista social Geraldo Magella Neres analisou a teoria gramsciana, que compara o partido revolucionário ao moderno Príncipe, em referência ao célebre livro de Nicolau Maquiavel, do século XVI. Gramsci vê em ambos a função histórica da construção de uma nova ordem - o príncipe-condottiere como configurador do Estado unificado, embrião político da civilização burguesa, e o partido-príncipe, artífice da hegemonia proletária. Para analisar a formulação gramsciana de partido revolucionário, o autor explora o pensamento do intelectual italiano - que nos Cadernos desenvolve ideias formuladas anteriormente - confrontando-o com as concepções de outros protagonistas do movimento comunista dos anos 1900, como Lênin e Rosa de Luxemburgo. A obra também expõe a evolução das teorias sobre o conceito de partido político na história da civilização ocidental.


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It is only in his Prison Notebooks, through the political formula crystallized in the 'Modern Prince', that gramscian theory of the political party reaches its final configuration. Beyond to direct dialogue with the leninian formulations and those subsequently developed by the Communist International, is also noticeable echoes of critical dialogue with elitist sociology of the political party of Robert Michels. Largely, is thanks to this critical and nonsectarian approach that Gramsci could produce one of the most original reflection on the party organization within the Marxist tradition, facing the issues previously neglected of oligarchyzation and bureaucratization of workers' parties, thus providing a possible theoretical overrun for the inevitability of elitist thesis of split between the party leader's core interests and the interests of their social reference. The objective of this work is to restore some contributions of Gramsci to the reconstruction of theory of the revolutionary party today.