986 resultados para Post-medium


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O sucesso do recrutamento em espécies com ciclos de vida complexos, i.e. com duas ou mais fases de desenvolvimento, depende do fornecimento de larvas aos locais apropriados do assentamento (mecanismos de pré-assentamento) e na consequente sobrevivência destas larvas até aos estágios bentónicos iniciais (mecanismos de pós-assentamento). O estudo dos principais processos físicos que controlam a variabilidade intra-anual do recrutamento do caranguejo Carcinus maenas foi possível com à obtenção em séries diárias da abundância de megalopas no plâncton e do seu assentamento em substratos artificiais de assentamento, e de parâmetros físicos relacionados com a amplitude de maré e o upwelling, durante os meses da época reprodutiva deste caranguejo. Os nossos resultados demonstraram um padrão cíclico de fornecimento de megalopas de C. maenas aos estuários na costa ocidental de Portugal, relacionado com a amplitude de maré e favorecido pelos ventos de sul. O assentamento de megalopas nos substratos artificiais de assentamento mostrou-se desacoplado do fornecimento nos dois estuários. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as megalopas são transportadas para a costa após a acção de ventos de downwelling, e o fornecimento para os estuários ocorre por transporte selectivo por corrente de maré. A utilização de substratos artificiais para medir densidades de juvenis de Carcinus maenas deve ser ponderada, uma vez que se verificou que em habitats estruturalmente menos complexos os juvenis utilizam os colectores como refúgio; em habitats mais complexos, os juvenis preferiram refugiar-se nas ervas marinhas existentes. No entanto, a estimativa de abundâncias diárias medidas nos colectores permitiu a descrição das abundâncias dos vários estádios de desenvolvimento juvenis, bem como as respectivas taxas de crescimento. As capacidades locomotoras de diferentes classes de tamanho de juvenis de C. maenas foram estimadas mediante o cálculo de um índice de locomoção. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os juvenis mais pequenos estão relativamente protegidos em habitats com vegetação densa, provavelmente porque este tipo de habitats inibe os movimentos dos juvenis de maiores dimensões. Foram também encontradas evidências da existência de segregação temporal na actividade locomotora das diferentes classes de juvenis, que funcionará como um mecanismo que permite reduzir o canibalismo e, consequentemente, aumentar a capacidade de suporte dos habitats juvenis. Foi realizado um estudo sobre o canibalismo nos juvenis de C. maenas na Ria de Aveiro, in situ e utilizando densidades reais. Verificou-se que as presas mais pequenas eram as mais vulneráveis, sendo os juvenis de maiores dimensões os predadores mais eficazes. Por outro lado, as taxas de canibalismo foram menores em habitats com elevadas densidades de refúgio (Zostera noltii). A estimativa das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas ao canibalismo são aproximadamente metade das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas aos processos de pré-assentamento, indicando que esta população de C. maenas será regulada pelo fornecimento larvar, i.e., será uma população regulada essencialmente por mecanismos préassentamento.


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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La luxation du genou, bien que très rare, demeure une blessure dévastatrice car elle entraîne de multiples complications en raison de la nature complexe du traumatisme associé à cette lésion. La luxation peut résulter d'un traumatisme à haute ou basse énergie. Les blessures sévères aux ligaments et aux structures associées donnent à la luxation du genou un potentiel élevé d'atteinte fonctionnelle. Le traitement conservateur, qui était considéré comme acceptable auparavant, est maintenant réservé à un très faible pourcentage de patients. La reconstruction chirurgicale est maintenant préconisée dans la plupart des cas, mais de nombreuses options existent et le traitement chirurgical optimal à préconiser reste controversé. Certains chirurgiens recommandent la reconstruction complète de tous les ligaments endommagés le plus tôt possible, tandis que d'autres, craignant l’établissement d’arthrofibrose, limitent l'intervention chirurgicale immédiate à la reconstruction du ligament croisé postérieur et de l'angle postéro-externe. En raison des multiples structures endommagées lors d’une luxation du genou, les chirurgiens utilisent couramment la combinaison des autogreffes et des allogreffes pour compléter la reconstruction ligamentaire. Les complications associées au prélèvement de la greffe, l'allongement de la greffe, l’affaiblissement précoce du greffon ainsi que les risques de transmission de maladies ont poussé les chirurgiens à rechercher différentes options d’intervention. L'utilisation de matériaux synthétiques pour le remplacement du ligament lésé a été proposée dans les années ´80. Après une première vague d'enthousiasme, les résultats décevants à long terme et les taux élevés d'échec ont diminué sa popularité. Depuis lors, une nouvelle génération de ligaments artificiels a vu le jour et parmi eux, le Ligament Advanced Reinforced System (LARS) a montré des résultats prometteurs. Il a été utilisé récemment dans les reconstructions isolées du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur pour lesquelles il a montré de bons résultats à court et moyen termes. Le but de cette étude rétrospective était d'évaluer la fonction et la stabilité du genou après la luxation aiguë suivant la reconstruction des ligaments croisés avec le ligament artificiel de type LARS. Cette étude a évalué 71 patients présentant une luxation du genou et qui ont subi une chirurgie de reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur à l'aide du ligament LARS. Suite à la chirurgie le même protocole intensif de réadaptation a été suivi pour tous les patients, où la mise en charge progressive était permise après une période d’environ 6 semaines pendant laquelle la force musculaire et la stabilité dynamique se rétablissaient. Les outils d’évaluation utilisés étaient le score Lysholm, le formulaire de «l’International Knee Documentation Committee», le «Short Form-36», les tests cliniques de stabilité du genou, l'amplitude de mouvement articulaire à l’aide d’un goniomètre et la radiographie en stress Telos à 30° et 90° de flexion du genou. Le même protocole d’évaluation a été appliqué au genou controlatéral pour des fins de comparaison. Les résultats subjectifs et objectifs de cette étude sont satisfaisants et suggèrent que la réparation et la reconstruction combinées avec ligaments LARS est une alternative valable pour le traitement des luxations aiguës du genou. Ces résultats démontrent que ces interventions produisent des effets durables en termes d’amélioration de la fonction et révèlent la durabilité à long terme des ligaments artificiels LARS. Les patients sont à la fois plus autonomes et plus satisfaits avec le temps, même si la luxation du genou est considérée comme une catastrophe au moment où elle se produit. Des études prospectives randomisées sont maintenant nécessaires afin de comparer la sélection de la greffe et le délai de reconstruction chirurgicale.


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We examined Na+–H+exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium and its correlation with sarcolemmal NHE activity in isolated ventricular myocytes, during postnatal development in the rat. The expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA did not change in ventricular myocardium between 2 and 42 days after birth. Therefore, at seven time points within that age range, GAPDH expression was used to normalize NHE-1 mRNA levels, as determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis. There was a progressive five-fold reduction in NHE-1 mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium from 2 days to 42 days of age. As an index of NHE activity, acid efflux rates (JH) were determined in single neonatal (2–4-day-old) and adult (42-day-old) ventricular myocytes (n=16/group) loaded with the pH fluoroprobe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1. In HEPES-buffered medium, basal intracellular pH (pHi) was similar at 7.28±0.02 in neonatal and 7.31±0.02 in adult myocytes, but intrinsic buffering power was lower in the former age group. The rate at which pHirecovered from a similar acid load was significantly greater in neonatal than in adult myocytes (0.36±0.07v0.16±0.02 pH units/min at pHi=6.8). This was reflected by a significantly greaterJH(22±4v9±1 pmol/cm2/s at pHi=6.8), indicating greater sarcolemmal NHE activity in neonatal myocytes. The concomitant reductions in tissue NHE-1 mRNA expression and sarcolemmal NHE activity suggest that myocardial NHE-1 is subject to regulation at the mRNA level during postnatal development.


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Grain refinement during and after hot isothermal deformation of a medium carbon steel has been investigated. The average austenite grain size decreased with an increase in strain for the hot deformed and recrystallised material, with refinement extending beyond the strain for the peak stress. A window of strain that corresponds to transition from classical static to metadynamic recrystallisation was observed in respect to the recrystallised material. Within this post-dynamic transition window the strain at which strain independent softening occurs was different for different volume fractions of the recrystallised material. This led to a new terminology corresponding to initiation of strain independent softening. For the alloy of this study, strain independent softening for the start of post-deformation recrystallisation occurred near the strain to the peak stress. The strain corresponding to complete metadynamic recrystallisation, which was defined as when all levels of recrystallisation were strain independent, was much greater than the strain for the peak stress.


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By having an effective organisational information security culture where employees intuitively protect corporate information assets, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) could improve information security. However, previous research has largely overlooked the development of such a culture for SMEs, and the national context in which SMEs operate. The paper explores this topic and provides key findings from an interpretive Australian study based on a literature review, two focus groups and three case studies. A holistic framework is provided for fostering an information security culture in SMEs in a national setting. The paper discusses key managerial challenges for SMEs attempting to develop such a culture. The main findings suggest that Australian SME owners do not provide sufficient support for information security due to insufficient awareness of its importance and may also be affected by national attitudes to risk. The paper concludes that Australian SME owners may benefit from adopting a risk-based approach to information security and should be educated about the potential strategic role of information technology and information security. The paper also identifies the value and difficulty of promoting a behavioural and learning approach to information security to complement traditional technological and managerial approaches. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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While Australian firms have generally recognised the value of continuous improvement (CI) in improving performance, many have yet to develop systems to ensure that the efforts of the CI program are focussed on issues of strategic importance to the company. In fact, as recognised in operations management generally, CI activities can have a significant impact on the development of strategy as well as its implementation. The research reported here uses a CI mapping methodology to chart the relationship between CI and strategy in small- to medium-sized manufacturers. Analysis of the link between the firms’ strategies and CI programs indicates that most firms involved in the study made little attempt to link the two and some appear to be unaware of any need to do so. However, such findings seem to be dependent on company size, the maturity of the CI program and the competitive position of the firm. The paper also includes an examination of the role of operations and shopfloor CI in company strategy, particularly as related to SMEs.


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There have been calls in the IS/eBusiness literature for research on "green" IS/IT in a Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) context. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) literature has neglected the issue of how SMEs can use websites to communicate their environmental improvement activities. This paper links these two previously separate disciplines by reporting on a content analysis of 443 Australian SME websites from four industry sectors to identify if and how they use websites to communicate their environmental improvement activities. The study found that 47 websites were communicating such activities in some form. A detailed analysis was undertaken of these 47 websites to identify emergent themes relating to how these SMEs were communicating their environmental improvement activities. These themes resulted in a reconceptualisation of the traditional "4 Ps" of marketing for online communication of environmental improvement activities by SMEs: profile; product; process; and prominence.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar desempenho, parâmetros de eficiência e correlações fenotípicas entre medidas de eficiência energética de animais Nelore selecionados para peso pós-desmame e classificados quanto ao consumo alimentar residual, calculado pela diferença entre o consumo observado e o predito, com base no peso vivo médio metabólico e no ganho médio diário. Assim, os animais foram classificados em três grupos: alto (> média + 0,5 desvio-padrão; menos eficientes); médio (± 0,5 desvio-padrão da média); e baixo (< média - 0,5 desvio padrão; mais eficientes) consumo alimentar residual. Não foram observadas diferenças nos pesos vivos inicial e final, no ganho médio diário e no consumo de matéria seca entre os grupos. Animais com baixo consumo alimentar residual mostraram-se também com melhor eficiência alimentar, conversão alimentar e eficiência parcial de crescimento e não apresentaram diferenças em relação aos outros grupos quanto à taxa de crescimento relativo e taxa Kleiber. O consumo alimentar residual apresentou correlação significativa com eficiência alimentar (_0,25), conversão alimentar (0,25), eficiência parcial de crescimento (_0,37) e consumo de MS (0,16) e não apresentou correlação significativa com peso vivo (0,04), ganho médio diário (_0,02), taxa de crescimento relativo (_0,03) e taxa de Kleiber (_0,05). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre conversão alimentar e peso vivo inicial (0,34) e ganho médio diário (_0,46). Eficiência parcial de crescimento apresentou correlação significativa comtodos os outros parâmetros de eficiência analisados. O consumo alimentar residual, em comparação às demais medidas de eficiência energética, apresenta grande potencial na eficiência produtiva, sendo independente de crescimento e tamanho dos animais.


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This paper presents a semi-automated method for extracting road segments from medium-resolution images based on active testing and edge analysis. The method is based on two sequential and independent stages. Firstly, an active testing method is used to extract an approximated road centreline which is based on a sequential and local exploitation of the image. Secondly, an iterative strategy based on edge analysis and the approximated centreline is used to measure precisely the road centreline. Based on the results obtained using medium-resolution test images, the method seems to be very promising. In general, the method proved to be very accurate whenever the roads are characterized by two well-defined anti-parallel edges and robust even in the presence of larger obstacles such as trees and shadows.


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Introduction: Most denture base acrylic resins have polymethylmethacrylate in their composition. Several authors have discussed the polymerization process involved in converting monomer into polymer because adequate polymerization is a crucial factor in optimizing the physical properties and biocompatibility of denture base acrylic resins. To ensure the safety of these materials, in vitro cytotoxicity assays have been developed as preliminary screening tests to evaluate material biocompatibility. 3H-thymidine incorporation test, which measures the number of cells synthesizing DNA, is one of the biological assays suggested for cytotoxicity testing. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate, using 3H-thymidine incorporation test, the effect of microwave and water-bath post-polymerization heat treatments on the cytotoxicity of two denture base acrylic resins. Materials and Methods: Nine disc-shaped specimens (10 x 1 mm) of each denture base resin (Lucitone 550 and QC 20) were prepared according to the manufacturers' recommendations and stored in distilled water at 37°C for 48 h. The specimens were assigned to 3 groups: 1) post-polymerization in a microwave oven for 3 min at 500 W; 2) post-polymerization in water-bath at 55°C for 60 min; and 3) without post-polymerization. For preparation of eluates, 3 discs were placed into a sterile glass vial with 9 mL of Eagle's medium and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The cytotoxic effect of the eluates was evaluated by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Results: The results showed that the components leached from the resins were cytotoxic to L929 cells, except for the specimens heat treated in water bath (p<0.05). Compared to the group with no heat treatment, water-bath decreased the cytotoxicity of the denture base acrylic resins. Conclusion: The in vitro cytotoxicity of the tested denture base materials was not influenced by microwave post-polymerization heat treatment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim: Compare the effect of three post designs on the fracture resistance and failure modes of composite core-fiber post-crownless tooth sets. Materials and Methods: Ninety bovine incisors were selected and divided into nine groups of 10 specimens. The teeth were assigned to three groups based on the post design: Cylindrical, tapered, and double-tapered. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups in accordance with the diameter of the post: Small (No.1), medium (No.2), and large (No.3). The Panavia F system was used for post cementation. The specimens were mounted in acrylic resin blocks with a layer of silicone rubber covering the roots. A universal testing machine compressively loaded the specimens from the palatal side at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min and at an angle of 135I to the long axis of the teeth, until failure occurred. The failure mode was determined by a stereomicroscope inspection of all the specimens. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Results: The fracture resistance was affected by the type of post (P < 0.0001). A narrower diameter for all of the post systems allowed for higher resistance. The main failure mode in the large cylindrical group was catastrophic fractures, while the main failures in the other eight groups were favorable. Conclusion: Narrower diameter posts showed higher fracture resistance. The dominant failure pattern was repairable fracture, except for those with large cylindrical groups.