1000 resultados para Possibilidades de formação


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Ao repensar-se a formação do educador, visando sua participação critica e consciente na sociedade, a Educação em Sa~de 6 objet6 de reflexão te6rico-metodo16gica. Assim, ã postura tradicional no ensino de sa~de - normativa, ing-ª. nua, restrita ã dimensão bio16gica, contrapõe-se atualmente a concepção de sa~dc como direito. O presente trabalho consiste em uma reflexão sobre a problemática Educação-Sa~de e Cidadania na sociedade brasileira, focalizando-se o papel da escola p~blica na co~ quista coletiva da sa~de. Reconhecendo-se a Educação como prática mediadora, que se articula dialeticamente a total i dade social, discute-se aqui as possibilidades e limites da Educação em Sa~de, no sentido de sua contribuição a melhoria da qualidade de vida e sa~de do povo brasileiro. sao analisadas, em uma perspectiva hist6rica, as tend~ncias pedag6gicas na area da Educação em Sa~de, identificando- se seus pressupostos filos6ficos e conte~do ideb l6gico; 6 tamb6~ investigada a função po1ftica exercida pc la Educação em Sa~de no contexto da formação so~ial capit~ lista. Considera-se importante que o compromisso polft! co dos educadores se concretize na compet6ncia profissio - nal, viabilizando a Escola P~blica constituir-se como esp~ ço de interpretação e transformação da realidade. Isso & algo a ser construido coletivamente, no cotidiano da escola, em condições dignas de trabalho; relaciona-se, portanto, ã uma polftica educacional de efetiva valorização da I ducação P~blica. Concluindo, enfatiza-se a importãncia da organizaçao e fortalecimento da sociedade civil para que o direi to constitucional a Sa~de e a Educação se torne uma realidade para todos os cidadãos brasileiros.


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This study aims to analyze the implications that the knowledge of an important work for the History of Science, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium , by Nicholas Copernicus, can bring for the formation of Mathematics professors. The study focuses on Book I of Copernicus s work, where, in the final part, is found the Table of the Subtense Straight Lines in a Circle, a true sine table constructed by the author. The study considers two theoretical references, the History of Science and of Mathematics, in the professor s formation searched amongst others in Miguel and Miorm, Brito, Neves and Martins, and Radford, and the necessary teaching knowledge professors mst have, on the basis of Gauthier, Schulman and Imbernón amongst others, through which it is established a net of knowledge grouped in dimensions such as mathematical, psycho pedagogical, cultural and practical diversity, that guide the study analysis. In the search for more necessary elements to enrich the analysis, beyond the theoretical research in Book I, it is carried through, with under graduation pupils, future Math professors, the construction of a sine table following the project used in De revolutionibus . The study still makes a description of the life and work of Nicholas Copernicus, detaching the historical context where the author lived and the conceptions about the Universe existing at that time. The research reveals that the studied work is an important source of culture, able to provide to the Mathematics professor in formation, beyond the conceptual and procedural mathematical knowledge, a cultural knowledge that allows him to be opened to the knowledge of other areas that not his specific area, and so to acquire knowledge about the world history, the development of sciences and of the society


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El trabajo titulado La Política de Formación Continua de Profesores de Enseñanza Media en RN: límites y posibilidades tiene como objetivo analizar la política de formación continua de profesores de Enseñanza Media implantada en Río Grande del Norte. Parte del supuesto de que las directrices de formación continuada se articulan conforme a los organismos internacionales que desde la década de 1990 extendieron por América Latina un modelo homogéneo de formación, que tiene como principales características la de constituir un servicio a través de la modalidad a distancia y teniendo a la escuela como principal locus. En Brasil, estas características se apoyan en la Ley de Directrices y Bases de Educación Nacional nº. 9.394/96. Este trabajo es parte de un estudio que se desarrolla desde 2004 por la base de investigación Políticas y Gestión de Educación llamada Factores que influyen en la productividad de la Escuela Media: un estudio en Río Grande del Norte. El estudio en cuestión se centra en la dimensión pedagógica de la referida investigación y analiza la política de formación continua del personal docente, y considera como dimensiones de análisis la formación continua promovida en el ámbito escolar, ofrecida por la SECD/RN en el marco de la autoformación. Para la realización del estudio se hizo una búsqueda bibliográfica y documental que permitió la comprensión del objeto de estudio. La investigación empírica se realizó mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, a los maestros de Enseñanza Media de RN, y a través de entrevistas, semi-estructuradas de naturaleza complementaria, a las coordinadoras estatales de programas dirigidos a la Enseñanza Media. El análisis de los datos obtenidos muestra que no hay en SECD/RN una programación específica para la formación continua de los docentes de ese nivel educativo. Los programas implantados son de carácter nacional, de índole focalizada y no prestan atención a la mayoría de los docentes. La formación continua desarrollada en el âmbito escolar es prácticamente inexistente, y se limita a reuniones y algunos seminarios, sin mucha repercusión en la práctica docente. En cuanto a la autoformación son pocos los profesores que tratan de mejorar su práctica pedagógica con cursos de capacitación. Por lo tanto, se percibe una laguna en la formación de esos profesores y la necesidad de implementar acciones generales de formación continua que favorezcan una mayor y mejor articulación entre la formación inicial y continua, entre la teoría y la práctica, desde una perspectiva transformadora, en el sentido de superar modelos tradicionales de formación que no han tenido repercusión en la práctica docente


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The inconclusive policies regarding the teaching background, specifically the Pedagogy Course, whose National Curricular Directives DCN were ratified by the Ministry of Education on April 4th 2006, have been causing protest from the various forces within the scope of the university, specifically in the Pedagogy Departments in which, through their professionals, express the several stands about the pedagogue profile, his/her professional acting field and a curriculum that meets the background needs of this professional. This paper tried to assess, from the viewpoint of the student who graduated from the Pedagogy Course and who acts in classroom in the first years of the Elementary School, to what extent this course meets the background needs of the professional who works as teacher. In specific terms it was this paper's objective to identify the most important background needs of teachers who graduated in Pedagogy, who act in the first years of the Elementary School; To list the contributions and limitations of the Pedagogy Course of CAJIM/UERN in the teachers' background, outlined by the graduates of the course; to raise suggestions for the improvement of the teachers' background in the Pedagogy Course of the CAJIM/UERN. In order to turn these objectives viable we opted for the qualitative approach in research, more precisely for the case study methodology, from which we used as instruments for the execution of the field work the observation in classrooms, semi-structured interviews which became the main instrument used for the data construction and analysis. The data analysis process took place through the content analysis technique based in Bardin (2000). The theoretical line is based on the studies from Schön (2000), Nóvoa (1997), Perrenoud (1993), Alarcão (2003), Ramalho (2003) we also used the National Curricular Directives which serve as current Parameter for the Pedagogy courses. The study indicated that the Pedagogy Course contributed for the personal and professional enrichment, however, difficulties in the theory-practice articulation are still present in the everyday life. The theoretical knowledge assimilated, though represent increments to the professional practice, are not enough to enable a pedagogical practice with excellence. There is a need to consider a curriculum in a dialectic perspective, configurator of social and cultural practices sustained by the reasoning as praxis, thus it must not be seen solely in a theoretical plan, mas as a process that builds itself between the acting and the reasoning.


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The focus of our research is on how teachers construct their knowledge. We also intend to depth our understanding of the factors that regulate teachers' action - either to maintain, either to modify their professional practice. In order to investigate the means by which teachers learn and the reasons that make them change or resist transforming their practice, we accomplished a task aiming teachers' formation, in a manner similar to a collaborative research design, which involved part of the staff of a school chosen among others which were part of a sample of a previous exploratory study. The subjects were ten teachers of elementary teaching (first stage) and three school administrators. The intervention occurred through our constant presence in the school's daily life, for we believe that empowerment and professional development must be a choice of teachers themselves, based on their own expressed needs toward the construction of their autonomy. A preliminary analysis of data shows that teachers sometimes resist to changes; so these are slow and difficult. Nevertheless, our intervention based on a collaborative research design enabled us to deal with these difficulties, contributing to form a kind of teacher who investigates its own practice.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)