61 resultados para Portraiture


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An installation of sculptural works that continues the artist's exploration of self-portraiture. Comprising a series of triadic structures (bust, socle and plaster residue) the works propose a formal and conceptual equivalence between the portrait bust and traces of its technical and historical origins. Arranged haphazardly in the space, the resultant works speak of the exhaustion of portraiture as a genre while simultaneously attesting to an autogenic notion of practice in which portraiture acts as a vital catalyst.


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Protrusion I is a self-portrait bust, rendered with a high degree of naturalism. The work depicts a male subject with a bulbous white form projecting from it nasal and oral orifices. The work forms part of the artist’s ongoing self-portraiture project, in which the tensions between objectivity and subjectivity that pervade the self-portrait as a genre are cross referenced with the notions of materiality and interiority integral to the language of sculpture. The iconography of the work parodies the connection between amorphous form and artistic subjectivity in the history of sculpture. The dough-like forms that emerge from the figure thus refer to a sense of ‘inner life’ while also operating as more analytical projections of the cavities of the bust – areas of the where the mimetic program are necessarily suspended. The result is a figure that appears to be in a state of resigned suffocation. The work was selected for the 2005 National Sculpture Prize and Exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. The work was later included in the group show Crash (and other earthy pleasures) at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery at the University of Western Australia in Perth.


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The works depicted two ostensibly plaster figures 'cocooned' in protective overalls. The pose of both figures had a sense of instability, balancing improbably due to internal weights. This teetering, arching quality, combined with the empty sleeves of the overalls, made reference to the Rodin's Balzac and its aura of heroic subjectivity. As the Tyvek suits depicted in the works are a common part of my studio paraphernalia, these works sought to draw a line between these two opposing aspects of the subjectivity of the artist - the transcendent and the quotidian. The works were shown as part of ‘The Day the Machine Started’ for Dianne Tanzer Gallery + Projects at the 2010 Melbourne Art Fair. The works received citations in The Age and The Australian newspapers.


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The researcher was invited to photograph athletes in the lead-up to the 2006 Commonwealth Games held in Melbourne. She photographed four indigenous athletes, to produce a series of four large-scale cotton rag prints, 1 meter x 1 meter, printed onto photorag paper from digital files. “My photographic practice can be described as both political and spiritual, in the sense that as an Aboriginal Indigenous artist I take stock of the rationalising effect of the technologies I use, and create work that evokes nature and spirit. My methods often involve re-photographing or digitally re-working landscape photographs and adding historical or cultural icons of significance. Working with Indigenous athletes has been an honour and a pleasure. I admire the athletes’ passion and dedication to their chosen sport, and above all their humility, which seems a trait somewhat in contrast to what it takes to attain the highest levels of achievement. Indigenous athletes are wonderful role models for all Australians, and in making creative work that places their luminary presence with the land, I am aligning sportspeople with a deep sense of nature and spirit.” – Leah King-Smith. These works were commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery for the exhibition FLASH: Australian Athletes in Focus. The exhibition was a significant element in Melbourne2006 Festival, the cultural festival of the Commonwealth Games. The exhibition was prominently reviewed in Portrait: Magazine of Australian and International Portraiture and was subsequently remounted at Old Parliament House, Canberra (15 July to 12 November, 2006). One image was used for the front cover of Art Monthly, (March 2006).


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Dancelines was a body of work commissioned by Bangarra Dance Company and The Arts Centre, Melbourne. The artist was invited to produce a body of work that responded to the dance company's production of 'Boomerang'. The result was a body of photographs that applied the artist's interest in layering as a photographic technique and her interest in indigenous subjectivity and sprituality. The works drew correspondences between Rheannan Port, the subject's, own biography and character and the artist's voluminous archive of iamges of the natural world. The result complemented and formalised the collaborative processes that the artist had previously only explored in the video medium. The work was shown at the George Adams Gallery of the Arts Centre as part of Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games Arts Festival. 'Rheannan Port, #1' was selected for the 2006 Archibald Photographic Portrait Prize, at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. The work was reviewed in The Age newspaper.


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'Revolutionary Self Portrait' (2009) is a sculptural self-portrait. The work comprises a bust engulfed in hair and a scalloped pedestal stand. Historically, divine energy has frequently been depicted using fluid forms - drapery, clouds and occasionally hair. These forms and associations act as a departure point for this sculpture in which the figure is depicted in a state of inundation by billowing tufts hair. The work was also inspired by the tendency of great 19th century utopian thinkers - for example Marx, Bakunin and Kropotkin - to wear large beards. Within both traditions, the language of heroic subjectivity is amplified by a sculptural extension of the body. In 'Revolutionary Self Portrait' however, this extension threatens to suffocate the subject - a gesture made all the more ironic due to the fact that the artist himself is incapable of growing a beard. The work was selected for the National Artists' Self Portrait Prize, University of Queensland Art Museum, 2009.


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Shaky Ground was a solo exhibition of works by Charles Robb held at Ryan Renshaw gallery, Brisbane in 2012. The exhibition comprised three sculptural works: a white rotating roundel with a drawing of the artist as seen from above; an artificial rock with a spinning aniseed ball nestled in one of its fissures; and a sculptural portrait of the artist dressed in a protective dust suit which was mounted perpendicular to the wall. The works were derivations or reorientations of previously exhibited work and established an ambiguous field of associations with each other based on formal characteristics or their proximity to the production site and processes. In so doing, the work formed part of the artist's ongoing exploration of sculpture, subjectivity and autogenous approaches to art practice.


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Heavy Weather was a monumental sculptural work produced for the prestigious McClelland National Sculpture Survey in 2012. The work was a large cold-cast aluminium figure depicting the artist in athletic costume arching backwards across the top of massive boulder. The pose of the figure was derived from the ‘Fosbury flop’, the awkward backwards manoeuvre associated with high-jump event. The boulder was a portrait of a different kind - a remake of the Ian Fairweather memorial on Bribie Island but elongated to tower upwards. The work thus emphasised two contrasting impressions of movement – immense inertia and writhing agility. Heavy Weather sought to bring these two opposing forces together as a way of representing the tensions that shape our relationship with objects. In so doing, the work contributed to the artist’s ongoing exploration of sculpture, self-portraiture and the civic monument. The work was promoted nationally including the Art Guide and the Melbourne Review. It was also the subject of a article in the Australian Art Collector.


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A exhibition of sculptural assemblages that continue my exploration of self-portraiture and the sculptural object. The work specifically extends the formal vocabulary of my studio to incorporate smaller composite arrangements with an emphasis on the sculptural support. Small objects that are either modelled or cast from life are assembled into four tableaux that respond to the object-relations that arise through the production process. The resulting exhibiton thus acts a meditation on the ontology of art practice, conceived as a topology of objects.


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‘Every face on Vanity Fair’s Hollywood covers 1995-2008’ renders an ethnographic-like study of Hollywood celebrity as a cinematic experience. Viewers are presented with constantly mutating portraits that violently twist and shear into other faces, while an immersive soundscape echoes the turbulent painterly surface. Through technical processes of scaling, looping and image morphing; the work explores a positive affectual response to the seductive power of celebrity imagery. Conceptually, given Vanity Fair magazine’s prestigious stature, the work also performs an ethnographic-mapping of the popularity of Hollywood stars over time, while at the same time creating in-between, ‘mutant’ versions of their visages. The installation explores the potential for fan-based responses to pop culture to lead to artworks that enable a more critical response to the subjective and intersubjective dynamics of celebrity portraiture. Questions are raised about how these cultural forms impact pop culture fans, and their role in the mapping of culture and social experience.


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Reverie I is a large-scale public art work commissioned by the Brisbane City Council for permanent installation on the Gardens Point Road Plinth adjacent to QUT Gardens Point campus in Brisbane. The work forms part of the artist's ongoing exploration of the methodology of self-portraiture and amorphous form. In this work, sculpted curls of hair have been assembled according to contours of its constituent cast panels - their capacity to nest with one another determined the final form of the work. The resulting mass of curls resembles both an oversized wig, a withered mulberry and a leaden cloud to invoke notions of movement, reflection and temporality. From the didactic panel: "The curls of Reverie I are derived from 18th century sculptural portraiture. The twisting forms of the highly styled wig known as a periwig were abstracted and inventive, while also bestowing an air of intellectual authority. Curls also evoke two aspects of this particular site: the erratic movement of water associated with the complex tidal movements of Brisbane River, and a state of mental reflection relevant to both the nearby university grounds (where intellectual work takes place) and the riverside pathway (a site for daydreaming)."


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'Catacoustics' was an exhibition of sculptural assemblages and photographs that continues my exploration of self-portraiture and the sculptural object. The exhibition was presented as part of the 2015 MetroArts curated exhibition program (Curator: Amy-Clare McCarthy). The work specifically extends the formal vocabulary of my studio practice to incorporate a replica casting of the Ian Fairweather memorial rock at Bribie Island, Queensland. The resulting casts are combined with a series of heptagonal forms derived from the memorial plinth and other sundry components taken from previous exhibitions.,The final arrangement of this diverse field of elements are determined in part by their formal properties (e.g. their capacity to nest, prop, balance, support each other) frequently also taking the horizontal/vertical and the orientation of surrounding walls as formal cues. In so doing, the body of work acts as a manifestation of object-agency. Within this studio methodology, practice is theorised as a site for the interplay of non-human agents. The resulting exhibition thus acts a meditation on the ontology of art practice, conceived as a 'topology' - a fluid network of relationships forged largely by objects.


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Même ornementation, mêmes armoiries que dans le ms. français 5094. Le texte de ce ms., qui offre en plusieurs endroits des lacunes que nous indiquerons dans un instant, donne au feuillet 5 v° une strophe de 8 vers qui n'existe pas dans les exemplaires précédents : « Ensemble furent si bien d'accord Qu'ilz engendrèrent un fils de grant noblesse, Nommé Jehan, dit conte de Monfort, Après la mort de la noble duchesse, Et quatre filles qui en grant leesse Furent toutes colloquées haultement, Car de France, la royalle haultesse, Fut descendue la noble Yollant » . Quant aux lacunes, en voici l'énumération : Fol. 31. Ce feuillet est mutilé de la marge droite, de sorte qu'il ne donne pas les deux écussons coloriés qui accompagnent dans les autres mss. la notice relative à Étampes et à Hue Le Maire, sieur de Chaillou. — Entre les feuillets 33 et 34 est une lacune qui correspond aux 4 vers relatifs à N.-D. des Champs, au départ du corps de la reine de l'église N.-D. des Champs, le 14 février 1514, jusqu'aux premières lignes du sermon prononcé à St-Denis par M. Parvy, confesseur de la reine, le 16 février 1514, là où l'orateur donne l'origine de l'hermine qui figure dans les armes de Bretagne, soit en tout une lacune de 18 pages. — Au revers du feuillet 42 devrait être une miniature représentant la « chapelle royalle ardant » en l'église des Carmes, à Nantes, où fut déposé le coeur d'Anne de Bretagne. Cette miniature n'a pas été exécutée, et la place est restée en blanc. Après cette miniature existent dans les autres mss. 20 vers qui ne figurent pas dans le présent ms. — Entre les feuillets 44 et 45 manquent 31 lignes, soit la valeur d'une page et 6 lignes, qui commencent par l'épitaphe de François II, duc de Bretagne : « Si dedans gist le corps du duc Françoys, deuxe de ce nom, lequel regna trente deux... », et finissent par la description du coeur d'or contenant le coeur d'Anne de Bretagne, dont la portraiture, qui existe dans les mss. précédents, manque dans celui-ci. — Les 38 lignes qui forment la fin de notre relation dans les mss. précédents, manquent dans celui-ci, qui s'arrête avec la phrase : « Ainsy finirent iceulx services, mais les pleurs, criz et lamentacions auront longue durée. Prions Dieu pour elle, celluy qui son ame a créé ».


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Cette thèse porte sur les gestes et attitudes qui ont caractérisé la figure aristocratique dans l’art européen entre 1661 et 1789. Cet intervalle correspond à la durée de vie d’un paradigme corporel noble appelé « le bon air et la bonne grâce », de son élaboration à la cour de Louis XIV et de sa diffusion hégémonique en Europe, jusqu’à son rejet définitif à la Révolution française. La société d’Ancien Régime a déployé tout un arsenal de moyens (exercices, instruments orthopédiques,…) pour intérioriser une grâce qui devait paraître innée et prouver la noblesse. Le maître à danser détenait le monopole de l’inculcation de cette grâce et de son élaboration suivant des critères hautement esthétiques. Les gestes et positions inventoriés ici, sont décrits et associés à leurs connotations d’origine, montrant qu’une connaissance approfondie et minutieuse de la gestuelle peut affiner notre compréhension d’un large pan de l’art des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. L’auteur démontre que cette hexis corporelle contemporaine transcende tous les domaines concernés par le corps noble (éducation, théâtre, danse, opéra, arts martiaux, etc.) et en vient à infiltrer la majorité des genres picturaux, bousculant les traditions artistiques déjà en place et s’affichant comme une alternative moderne à la grâce des Anciens. Le portrait, la gravure de mode, les figurines de porcelaine, les vues de villes et de jardins sont les plus touchés par ce phénomène. La bonne grâce s’affirme ainsi dans une culture visuelle qui, par ricochet, en vient à renforcer les pratiques sociales dont elle était le reflet. Cet aller-retour des attitudes aristocratiques entre l’art et la vie occasionne la standardisation de la figure et du corps aristocratiques. Dans la pastorale, la peinture d’histoire et la scène de genre, l’idéal aristocratique se manifeste, tantôt en négatif dans la figure du paysan, du Pierrot et de l’Arlequin, tantôt de manière idéalisée dans celles du berger et du héros galants. La substitution de gestes emphatiques et d’expressions faciales explicites par une gestuelle fondée sur la retenue et la dissimulation des passions, fondera une nouvelle historia moins lisible que la traditionnelle, mais plus subtile et insinuée, répondant ainsi mieux au goût et à la sensibilité aristocratique.


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