960 resultados para Polyvinyl chloride.
The adherence of Pseudomonas fluorescens to marble, granite, synthetic polymers, and stainless steel
The adherence of Pseudomonas fluorescens cells to nine food-processing contact surfaces was evaluated using the plate-count method. The surfaces include marble, granite, stainless steel, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, and silicone-coated cloth, which have been used only in a few studies concerning bacterial adherence. The number of cells adhered to the surfaces increased with contact time reaching 5.0-6.1 log CDM.cm-2 after 10 hours, which can be considered a well established adherence process. The number of adhered cells doubled in 29.5 minutes and 23.5 minutes on stainless steel and thin polyvinyl chloride-coated cloth, respectively. For the other surfaces, this value was 9.8 minutes on average. Marble, granite, thick polyvinyl-coated cloth, double-faced rugous polyurethane, and silicone-coated cloth were not different (p < 0.05) in their ability to adhere cells (CFU/cm²) after 2 and 10 hours. The surfaces that had higher percentage of similarity in the adhesion level and higher log CFU/cm² of adhered cells were double-faced rugous polyurethane, silicone-coated cloth, and granite. The surfaces showed very different microtopography characteristics when viewed using scanning electron microscopy. This experiment showed the importance of using appropriate materials for food contact during processing, which will affect the cleaning and sanitation procedures.
The application of technologies to extend the postharvest life of mangosteen fruit was studied and compared to storage at 25 °C/70-75%R.H (25 °C control treatment). The fruits were packed in expanded polystyrene (EPS) trays (5 fruits/tray). Five treatments were carried out at 13 °C/ 90-95% RH: application of carnauba wax coating, lecithin + CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) coating, 50 µm LDPE (low density polyethylene) film coating, 13 µm PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), and non-coated sample (13 °C control treatment). Physicochemical analyses were performed twice a week. A statistical design was completely randomized with 8 repetitions for each treatment plus the control treatment. The results were submitted to variance analysis, and the averages compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. Among the quality parameters analyzed, more significant differences were observed for weight loss, texture, and peel moisture content. The results showed that the maximum storage period for mangosteen at 25 °C is two weeks; while storage at13 °C can guarantee the conservation of this fruit for 25 days. Therefore, the treatment at 13 °C/90-95% RH without the use of coatings and films was more effective and economical.
Sediment samples were taken from seven locations in the
WeIland River in December 1986 and April 1987. The DMSO extracts
of these sediment samples showed a significant (p
Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.
Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.
Conducting polymers are excellent microwave absorbers and they show technological advantage when compared with inorganic electromagnetic absorbing materials, being light weight , easily processable, and the ability of changing the electromagnetic properties with nature and amount of dopants, synthesis conditions, etc. In this paper we report the synthesis, dielectric properties, and expected application of conducting composites based on polyaniline (PAN). Cyclohexanone soluble conducting PAN composites of microwave conductivity 12.5 S/m was synthesized by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of emulsion grade polyvinyl chloride. The dielectric properties of the composites, especially the dielectric loss, conductivity, dielectric heating coefficient , absorption coefficient, and penetration depth, were studied using a HP8510 vector network analyzer. The microwave absorption of the composites were studied at different frequency bands i.e, S, C, and X bands (2-12 GHz). The absorption coefficient was found to be higher than 200 m -' and it can be used for making microwave absorbers in space applications .
Conducting polymers are excellent microwave absorbers and they show technological advantage when compared with inorganic electromagnetic absorbing materials, being light weight , easily processable, and the ability of changing the electromagnetic properties with nature and amount of dopants, synthesis conditions, etc. In this paper we report the synthesis, dielectric properties, and expected application of conducting composites based on polyaniline (PAN). Cyclohexanone soluble conducting PAN composites of microwave conductivity 12.5 S/m was synthesized by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of emulsion grade polyvinyl chloride. The dielectric properties of the composites, especially the dielectric loss, conductivity, dielectric heating coefficient , absorption coefficient, and penetration depth, were studied using a HP8510 vector network analyzer. The microwave absorption of the composites were studied at different frequency bands i.e, S, C, and X bands (2-12 GHz). The absorption coefficient was found to be higher than 200 m -' and it can be used for making microwave absorbers in space applications
In the present study, radio frequency plasma polymerization technique is used to prepare thin films of polyaniline, polypyrrole, poly N-methyl pyrrole and polythiophene. The thermal characterization of these films is carried out using transverse probe beam deflection method. Electrical conductivity and band gaps are also determined. The effect of iodine doping on electrical conductivity and the rate of heat diffusion is explored.Bulk samples of poyaniline and polypyrrole in powder form are synthesized by chemical route. Open photoacoustic cell configuration is employed for the thermal characterization of these samples. The effect of acid doping on heat diffusion in these bulk samples of polyaniline is also investigated. The variation of electrical conductivity of doped polyaniline and polypyrrole with temperature is also studied for drawing conclusion on the nature of conduction in these samples. In order to improve the processability of polyaniline and polypyrrole, these polymers are incorporated into a host matrix of poly vinyl chloride. Measurements of thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity of these samples are carried out to investigate the variation of these quantities as a function of the content of polyvinyl chloride.
In the first part of the study we probed the effectiveness of rice bran oil as a multipurpose compounding ingredient for nitrile (NBR) and chloroprene (CR) rubbers. This oil has already been successfully employed in the compounding of NR and SBR in this laboratory.In this context we thought it worthwhile to try this oil in the polar rubbers viz, NBR and CR also. The principle of like dissolves like as applicable to solvents is equally applicable while selecting a plasticiser, elastomer combination. Because of the compatibility considerations polar plasticisers are preferred for polar rubbers like NBR and CR. Although plasticisation is a physical phenomenon and no chemical reaction is involved, the chemical structure of plasticisers determines how much physical attraction there is between the rubber and the plasticiser. In this context it is interesting to note that the various fatty acids present in rice bran oil have a long paraffinic chain, characteristic of waxes, with an acid group at the end of the molecule. The paraffinic end of the molecule contributes lubricating effects and limits compatibility whereas the acid end group contributes some polarity and is also chemically reactive. Because of absorption of acid group on the surface of pigments, these acids will have active pigment wetting characteristics also. These factors justifies the role of rice bran oil as a co-activator and lubricating agent for NBR and CR. In fact in our study we successfully replaced stearic acid as co-activator and aromatic oillDOP as processing aid for CR and NBR with rice bran oil.This part of the study has got special significance in the fact that rubber industry now heavily depends on petroleum industry for process oils. The conventional process oils like aromatic, naphthenic and paraffinic oils are increasingly becoming costlier, as its resources in nature are fast depleting. Moreover aromatic process oils are reported to be carcinogenic because of the presence of higher levels of polycyclic aromatic compounds in these oils.As a result of these factors, a great amount research is going on world over for newer processing aids which are cost effective, nontoxic and performanance wise at par with the conventional ones used in the rubber industry. Trials with vegetable oils in this direction is worth trying.Antioxidants are usually added to the rubber compound to minimise ageing effects from heat, light, oxygen etc. As rice bran oil contains significant amount of tocopherols and oryzanol which are natural antioxidants, we replaced a phenolic antioxidant like styrenated phenol (SP) from the compound recipe of both the rubbers with RBO and ascertained whether this oil could function in the role of antioxidant as well.Preparation and use of epoxidised rice bran oil as plasticiser has already been reported.The crude rice bran oil having an iodine value of 92 was epoxidised in this laboratory using peracetic acid in presence of sulphuric acid as catalyst. The epoxy content of the epoxidised oil was determined volumetrically by treating a known weight of the oil with excess HCI and back titrating the residual HCI with standard alkali solution. The epoxidised oil having an epoxy content of 3.4% was tried in the compounding of NBR and CR as processing aids. And results of these investigations are also included in this chapter. In the second part of the study we tried how RBO/ERBO could perform when used as a processing aid in place of aromatic oil in the compounding of black filled NRCR blends. Elastomers cannot have all the properties required for a particular applications, so it is common practice in rubber industry to blend two elastomers to have desired property for the resulting blend.In this RBO/ERBO was tried as a processing aid for plasticisation, dispersion of fillers, and vulcanisation of black filled NR-CR blends.Aromatic oil was used as a control. The results of our study indicate that these oils could function as a processing aid and when added together with carbon black function as a cure accelerator also.PVC is compatible with nitrile rubber in all proportions, provided NBR has an acrylonitrile content of 25 to 40%. Lower or higher ACN content in NBR makes it incompatible with PVC.PVC is usually blended with NBR at high temperatures. In order to reduce torque during mixing, additional amounts of plasticisers like DOP are added. The plasticiser should be compatible both with PVC and NBR so as to get a homogeneous blend. Epoxidised soyaben oil is reported to have been used in the compounding of PVC as it can perfonn both as an efficient plasticiser and heat stabilizer.At present DOP constitute the largest consumed plasticiser in the PVC compounding. The migration of this plasticiser from food packaging materials made of PVC poses great health hazards as this is harmful to human body. In such a scenario we also thought it worthwhile to see whether DOP could be replaced by rice bran oil in the compounding of NBR-PVC blends Different blends of NBR-PVC were prepared with RBO and were vulcanized using sulphur and conventional accelerators. The various physical and mechanical properties of the vulcanisates were evaluated and compared with those prepared with DOP as the control plasticiser. Epoxidised rice bran oil was also tried as plasticiser for the preparation of NBR-PVC blends. A comparison of the processability and cure characteristics of the different blends prepared with DOP and ERBO showed that ERBO based blends have better processability and lower cure time values. However the elastographic maximum torque values are higher for the DOP based blends. Almost all of the physical properties evaluated are found to be slightly better for the DOP based blends over the ERBO based ones. However a notable feature of the ERBO based blends is the better percentage retention of elongation at break values after ageing over the DOP based blends. The results of these studies using rice bran oil and its epoxidised variety indicated that they could be used as efficient plasticisers in place of DOP and justifies their role as novel, nontoxic, and cheap plasticisers for NBR-PVC blends.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento na qualidade de frutos de cajá-manga. Os frutos de cajá-manga foram obtidos junto ao CEAGESP - Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo, e transportados em caixas isotérmicas para o Laboratório onde foram selecionados quanto à aparência, estádio de maturação, ausência de danos físicos, depois sanitizados em solução de 50 ppm de cloro livre e acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, envolto por filme de policloreto de vinila (PVC). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (4ºC, 8ºC e 25ºC) e 5 épocas de avaliação (0; 3; 6; 9 e 12 dias após a instalação do experimento). em cada coleta, foram avaliadas a firmeza, a acidez titulável, os sólidos solúveis, o teor de ácido ascórbico, a cor da casca e, também, a liberação de CO2 pelos frutos ao longo do tempo. Foi observado que baixas temperaturas prolongam a vida útil dos frutos e que a temperatura de armazenamento influencia nas características avaliadas, sendo a temperatura de 8ºC a mais adequada para o armazenamento dos frutos de cajá-manga.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do tipo de preparo (rodelas e metades) e da temperatura de armazenamento (3ºC, 6ºC e 9ºC) na conservação de produto minimamente processado de abacaxi-'Pérola'. Os frutos, depois de selecionados, lavados e desinfectados com cloro, foram armazenados por 12 horas a 10ºC, antes de serem processados sob condições higiênicas, embalados em contentores de polietileno tereftalatado (rodelas) ou bandeja de isopor recoberta com filme de cloreto de polivinila esticável (metades) e armazenados por até 12 dias. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto à evolução da atmosfera interna na embalagem, respiração, quantidade de suco drenado e evolução da massa fresca e da aparência. Foram testadas, durante o período de armazenamento, a aceitabilidade pelos consumidores, no início do experimento e enquanto a aparência e a análise microbiológica permitiram. A presença de bactérias mesofílicas e coliformes totais e fecais foi avaliada a cada três dias. Durante o armazenamento, a porcentagem de O2 nas embalagens apresentou decréscimo, enquanto a de CO2 aumentou até 20% para as metades e até 1,86% para as rodelas. A intensidade dos cortes no preparo teve influência direta na respiração, assim como nas perdas de suco e de massa fresca. A temperatura influenciou na respiração e foi fator limitante à vida de prateleira do produto, pois os produtos armazenados a 9ºC, conservaram-se por 6 dias, enquanto os mantidos a 3ºC e 6ºC, por até 9 dias.
This study aimed to evaluate the postharvest conservation of tangerines 'Fremont', 'Satsuma Okitsu' and 'Ponkan' when stored at different conditions, as well as the quality of the minimally processed product. Fruit were harvested when a sugar: acid ratio of 10.0 to 12.0 for 'S. Okitsu' and 'Fremont' and 16.0 to 19.0 for 'Ponkan' was reached, selected for uniformity of color, size, and absence of injuries. Whole fruits were stored at 3 degrees C, 85% RH and 7 degrees C, 95% RH, and after each storage period, fruits were brought to ambient conditions (22 degrees C, 65% RH) for 3 days before evaluation. The minimally processed products (peeled) were packed in polystyrene trays (22.4x14.8x3.7 cm) coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stretchable, with 0.014 mm thickness, and in lidded packages (500 ml) of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. Fruit were analyzed for appearance, weight loss, respiratory rate, package atmosphere, rind and pulp color, soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content. Shelf life of tangerine 'Fremont' was limited to 42 days based on freshness. Its minimally processed product had a 9 day shelf-life for products packaged in PVC film. The mandarins 'S. Okitsu' had 35 days shelf-life at 7 degrees C, which was reduced to 28 days at 3 degrees C. Its fresh-cut product had a shelf-life of 15 days, stored in PVC or PET. 'Ponkan' fruit stored at 3 degrees C had a shelf life of 35 days, which was reduced to 28 days at 7 degrees C. When minimally processed, its shelf-life lasted for 15 days, whether packaged in PVC or PET. The 'Ponkan' had a shelf-life of 35 days at 3 degrees C and 28 days at 7 degrees C, also limited by loss of freshness. When minimally processed and stored in PVC or PET, its shelf life reached 15 days.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de produtos minimamente processados de mamão 'Formosa', fatias ou metades, armazenados sob diferentes temperaturas (3ºC, 6ºC e 9ºC). Utilizou-se de frutos que, depois de selecionados quanto ao grau de maturação e ausência de danos, foram lavados, desinfeccionados com cloro (200 mg.L-1) e armazenados a 12ºC, por 12 horas antes do processamento, que foi feito manualmente, a 12ºC. Os mamões, depois de descascados, foram cortados em fatias (5,0 x 2,5 cm) ou em metades longitudinais sem as pontas, que, depois de enxaguadas com água sanitizada (20 mg de cloro.L-1) e escorridas por 2-3 minutos, foram embaladas em bandejas de isopor recobertas com filme de PVC esticável (metades) ou em bandejas de tereftalato de polietileno - PET (fatias) e imediatamente armazenadas sob refrigeração. A avaliação destes produtos foi feita a cada 3 dias, quanto à resistência da polpa, coloração, pH e conteúdos de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ácido ascórbico e de carboidratos, solúveis e de redutores. Durante o armazenamento, as fatias tenderam a se tornarem mais firmes, com a sua polpa apresentando pequeno escurecimento. Os conteúdos de carboidratos solúveis e de redutores e de sólidos solúveis não foram afetados pelo tipo de corte, temperatura de armazenamento ou embalagem. Durante o armazenamento, os teores de acidez titulável aumentaram nas fatias e diminuíram nas metades e observou-se influência da temperatura. Não se observaram reduções nos teores de ácido ascórbico durante o armazenamento, ou influência dos cortes ou das embalagens. Os produtos mantiveram-se adequados para comercialização até o 10º dia de armazenamento.