968 resultados para Polymer-supported catalyst


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Nitroxyl radicals such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) are highly selective oxidation catalysts for the conversion of primary alcohols into the corresponding aldehydes. In this study, direct tethering of TEMPO units onto linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has afforded macromolecular catalysts that exhibit solubility in both aqueous and organic solvents. Recovery of the dissolved polymer-supported catalyst has been carried out by precipitation with a suitable solvent such as diethyl ether. The high catalyst activities and selectivities associated traditionally with nitroxyl-mediated oxidations of alcohols are retained by the series of "linker-less" linear PEG-TEMPO catalysts in which the TEMPO moiety is coupled directly to the PEG support. Although the selectivity remains unaltered, upon recycling of the linker-less polymer-supported catalysts, extended reaction times are required to maintain high yields of the desired carbonyl compounds. Alternatively, attachment of two nitroxyl radicals onto each functionalized PEG chain terminus via a 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid linker affords branched polymer-supported catalysts. In stark contrast to the linker-less catalysts, these branched nitroxyls exhibit catalytic activities up to five times greater than 4-methoxy-TEMPO alone under similar conditions. In addition, minimal decrease in catalytic activity is observed upon recycling of these branched macromolecular catalysts via solvent-induced precipitation. The high catalytic activities and preservation of activity upon recycling of these branched systems is attributed to enhanced regeneration of the nitroxyl species as a result of intramolecular syn-proportionation.


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Synthesis of well-defined nanoparticles has been intensively pursued not only for their fundamental scientific interest, but also for many technological applications. One important development of the nanomaterial is in the area of chemical catalysis. We have now developed a new aqueous-based method for the synthesis of silica encapsulated noble metal nanoparticles in controlled dimensions. Thus, colloid stable silica encapsulated similar to 5 nm platinum nanoparticle is synthesized by a multi-step method. The thickness of the silica coating could be controlled using a different amount of silica precursor. These particles supported on a high surface area alumina are also demonstrated to display a superior hydrogenation activity and stability against metal sintering after thermal activation.


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Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers were synthesized on cross-linked aminomethyl polystyrene. Palladium complexes of supported dendrimers prepared by ligand exchange method were reduced to dendrimernanoparticle conjugates supported on polystyrene resin. The supported nanoparticles were used as heterogeneous catalysts for the Suzuki coupling between aryl boronic acids and aryl halides. Various factors affecting the catalysts performance were studied. Higher generation dendrimers gave well-defined nanoparticles without agglomeration and these particles showed good catalytic performance


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Zirconocene catalyst was heterogenized inside an organosilane-modified montmorillonite (MMT) pretreated by calcination and acidization, for supported catalyst systems with well-spaced alpha-olefin polymerization active centers. The varied pretreatment and modification conditions of montmorillonite are efficient for supported zirconocene catalysts in control of polyethylene microstructures, in particular, molecular weight distribution. In contrast to other supported catalyst systems, Cp2ZrCl2/modified montmorillonite(MMT-7)-supported catalysts with a distinct interlayer structure catalyzed ethylene homopolymerization and copolymerization with I-octene activated by methylaluminoxane (MAO), resulting in polymers with a bimodal molecular weight distribution (MWD).


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A catalyst with porous polystyrene beads supported Cp2ZrCl2 was prepared and tested for ethylene polymerization with methylaluminoxane as a cocatalyst. By comparison, the porous supported catalyst maintained higher activity and produced polyethylene with better morphology than its corresponding solid supported catalyst. The differences between activities of the catalysts and morphologies of the products were reasonably explained by the fragmentation processes of support as frequently observed with the inorganic supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Investigation into the distribution of polystyrene in the polyethylene revealed the fact that the porous polystyrene supported catalyst had undergone fragmentation during polymerization.


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Three kinds of polymer resin supported Pd catalysts were prepared by mixing PdCl2, with alkaline styrene anion exchange resins[D392 -NH2, D382, -NHCH3, D301R, -NH(CH3)(2)], strongly alkaline styrene anion exchanged resin [201 X 7DVB, -NH+ (CH3)(3)] and alkaline epoxy exchange resin (701, -NH2), and hydrogenating in liquid phase at 1.013 X 10(5) Pa. The hydrogenation of furfural was studied under the reaction conditions such as solvent, temperature. Pd content in the supported catalyst and the amount of the catalyst. The yield of hydrogenation reaction of furfural markedly increased to 100% and the selectivity to tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol increased to over 98% by polymer (alkaline styrene anion exchange resins D392, -NH2, D382, -NHCH3) supported palladium catalysts comparing with the yield over 70% and selectivity over 97% by palladium catalyst, in 50% alcohol-50% water or pure water solution at 1.013 X 10(5) Pa. The relationship between hydrogenation and the structures of functional group in the supporting resin was examined by XPS method.


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The use of functional groups bearing silica/poly(styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine) core-shell particles as a support for a zirconocene catalyst in ethylene polymerization was studied. Several factors affecting the behavior of the supported catalyst and the properties of the resulting polymer, such as time, temperature, Al/N (molar ratio), and Al/Zr (molar ratio), were examined. The conditions of the supported catalyst preparation were more important than those of the ethylene polymerization. The state of the supported catalyst itself played a decisive role in both the catalytic behavior of the supported catalyst and the properties of polyethylene (PE). IR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to follow the formation of the supports. The formation of cationic active species is hypothesized, and the performance of the core-shell-particle-supported zirconocene catalyst is discussed as well. The bulk density of the PE formed was higher than that of the polymer obtained from homogeneous and polymer-supported Cp2ZrCl2/methylaluminoxane catalyst systems. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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This paper describes the first use of polystyrene-supported poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers as heterogeneous basic organocatalysts for carbon–carbon bond formation. Polystyrene-supported PAMAM dendrimers of first, second and third generations have been used as reusable base catalysts in Knoevenagel condensations of carbonyl compounds with active methylene compounds. The reactions proceed in short periods of time and with 100% selectivity. This novel catalyst eliminates the use of aromatic and halogenated solvents, as well as complex purification processes. The catalysts can be recycled ten times.


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Macroporous functionalized. polymer beads of poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-1,4-divinylbenzene) [P(VPy-co-DVB)] were prepared by a multistep polymerization, including a polystyrene (PS) shape template by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization, linear PS seeds by staged template suspension polymerization, and macroporous functionalized polymer beads of P(VPy-co-DVB) by multistep seeded polymerization. The polymer beads, having a cellular texture, were made of many small, spherical particles. The bead size was 10-50 mum, and the pore size was 0.1-1.5 mum. The polymer beads were used as supports for zirconocene catalysts in ethylene polymerization. They were very different from traditional polymer supports. The polymer beads could be exfoliated to yield many spherical particles dispersed in the resulting polyethylene particles during ethylene polymerization. The influence of the polymer beads on the catalytic behavior of the supported catalyst and morphology of the resulting polyethylene was investigated.


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Ansa-zirconocene complex with an allyl substituted silane bridge [(CH2=CHCH2)CH3Si(C5H4)(2)]ZrCl2 (1a) has been synthesized and characterized. The molecular structure of la has been determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis. The polymer immobilized metallocene catalyst 1b is prepared by the co-polymerization of la with styrene in the presence of radical initiator. The result of ethylene polymerization showed that the polymer immobilized metallocene catalyst kept high activity for ethylene polymerization and was a potential supported catalyst for olefin polymerization.


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To obtain a novel support with practical value for metallocene catalyst (eta -C5H5)TiCl3 (CpTiCl3), poly (styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine) /SiO2 nanoscale hybrid material (SrP/SiO2) was firstly produced as support. After pretreatment by methylaluminoxane (MAO), the hybrid materials reacted with CpTiCl3. The results from SAXS, SEM and TEM indicated the morphology and structure of organic/inorganic hybrid materials, and the size of inorganic particle in hybrid was nanoscale. The results from IR and XPS showed that there were two possible cationic active species in the hybrid-supported catalyst, the polymerization results of styrene proved this possibility.


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Antimony doped tin oxide (ATO) was studied as a support material for IrO2 in proton exchange membrane water electrolyser (PEMWE). Adams fusion method was used to prepare the IrO2-ATO catalysts. The physical and electrochemical characterisation of the catalysts were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), powder conductivity, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) polarisation. The BET surface area and electronic conductivity of the supported catalysts were found to be predominantly arisen from the IrO2. Supported catalyst showed higher active surface area than the pristine IrO2 in CV analysis with 85% H3PO4 as electrolyte. The MEA performance using Nafion®−115 membrane at 80 °C and atmospheric pressure showed a better performance for IrO2 loading ≥60 wt.% than the pristine IrO2 with a normalised current density of 1625 mA cm−2 @1.8 V for the 60% IrO2-ATO compared to 1341 mA cm−2 for the pristine IrO2 under the same condition. The higher performance of the supported catalysts was mainly attributed to better dispersion of active IrO2 on electrochemically inactive ATO support material, forming smaller IrO2 crystallites. A 40 wt.% reduction in the IrO2 was achieved by utilising the support material.


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The selective catalytic oxidation of alcohols over a mixture of copper(l) chloride and a number of linear 'linker-less' or 'branched' poly(ethylene glycol)-supported nitroxyl radicals of the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) family as a catalyst system has been investigated in the presence of molecular oxygen in a batch reactor. It is found that the activity profile of the polymer-supported nitroxyl radicals is in good agreement with that of low-molecular weight nitroxyl catalysts, for example, allylic and benzylic alcohols are oxidised faster than aliphatic alcohols. The oxidations can be tuned to be highly selective such that aldehydes are the only oxidation products observed in the oxidation of primary alcohols and the oxidations of secondary alcohols yield the corresponding ketones. A strong structural effect of the polymeric nitroxyl species on catalytic activity that is dependent upon their spatial orientation of the nitroxyl radicals is particularly noted. The new soluble macromolecular catalysts can be recovered readily from the reaction mixture by solvent precipitation and filtration. In addition, the recycled catalysts demonstrate a similar selectivity with only a small decrease in activity compared to the fresh catalyst even after five repetitive cycles. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Das Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit war die Synthese von definierten, sphärischen Polystyrolpartikeln im Größenbreichen von Nanometern, die als Träger für die Immobilisierung von Metallocenkatalysatoren verwendet werden sollten. Ein wichtiger Anspruch an das System war dabei die Möglichkeit einer homogene Verteilung des Metallocenes auf dem Träger and eine homogene Fragmentierung des geträgerten Katalysators während der Polymerisation im Polymerprodukt. Für diese Zielsetzung wurden unterschiedliche Polystyrolnanopartikel hergestellt. Die Polystyrolnanopartikel waren mit unterschiedlichen funktionellen Gruppen wie Polyethylenoxid- und Polypropylenoxidketten oder Hydroxygruppen auf der Oberfläche versehen, um den Metallocenkatalysator und den Cokatalysator MAO immobilisieren zu können. In verschiedenen Experimenten wurde der Einfluss dieser Polystyrolnanopartikel als Träger auf die Katalysatoreigenschaften wie Aktivität oder Produktivität und die Eigenschaften des produzierten Polyolefins wie z.B. Molekulargewicht und Morphologie untersucht. Im Vergleich zu den PS- Nanopartikeln wurden außerdem PS-Mikropartikel, Silica und Dendrimere als Träger in der heterogenen Olefinpolymerisation eingesetzt. Von all diesen Trägersystemen wurde das Fragmentierungsverhalten durch konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie untersucht. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel neuartige und leistungsfähige Träger für heterogene Polymerisationsprozesse darstellen. Die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel besaßen eine wohldefinierte sphärische Struktur, die eine homogene Verteilung des immobilisierten Metallocenkatalysators und somit auch eine vollständige Fragmentierung des geträgerten Katalysators im hergestellten Polyolefin ermöglichte. Die Katalysatorsysteme, die aus den PS- Nanopartikeln und dem Metallocenkatalysator zusammengesetzt waren, wurden in verschiedenen Polymerisationen wie der Ethylen- oder Propylenhomopolymersation und der Copolymerisation von Ethen mit α- Olefinen getestet. Die Oberflächen- funktionalisierten PS Nanopartikel immobilisierten den Metallocenkatalysator ausreichend gut, so dass kein „Leachen“ (Ablösen) des Katalysators von der Trägeroberfläche festgestellt werden konnte und deshalb Polymer von sehr guter Morphologie erhalten wurde. Um die Fragmentierung des Katalysators und den inneren Aufbau des Polymers näher untersuchen zu können, wurde die konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie für das PS- Nanopartikelträgersystem angewendet. Durch farbstoffmarkierte Trägerpartikel konnte die Verteilung des fragmentierten Katalysators innerhalb des Polymers sichtbar gemacht und analysiert werden. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass sich PS- Nanopartikel und auch Dendrimere als Träger ähnlich verhalten wie Ziegler- Natta- Katalysatoren, die auf MgCl2 immobilisiert für die heterogene Olefinpolymerisation verwendet werden. Das Fragmentierungsverhalten der Silica oder PS- Mirkopartikel geträgerten Systeme entsprach dagegen dem schichtweisen Fragmentierungsverhalten wie es bereits von Fink und Mitarbeitern beschrieben wurde.