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Female inmates make up the fastest growing segment in our criminal justice system today. The rapidly increasing trend for female prisoners calls for enhanced efforts to strategically plan the correctional facilities that address the needs of this growing population, and to work with communities to prevent crime in women. The incarcerated women in the U.S. have an estimated 145,000 minor children who are predisposed to unique psychosocial problems as a result of parental incarceration.^ This study examined the patterns of care and outcomes for pregnant inmates and their infants in Texas state prisons between 1994 and 1996. The study population consists of 202 pregnant inmates who delivered in a 2-year period, and a randomly sampled comparison cohort of 804 women from general Texas population, matched on race and educational levels. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used to elucidate the inmates' risk-factor profile, delivery/birth outcomes, and the patterns of care during pregnancy. The continuity-of-care issues for this population were also explored.^ Epidemiologic data were derived from multiple record systems to establish the comparison between two cohorts. A significantly great proportion of the inmates have prior lifestyle risk-factors (smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse), poorer health status, and worse medical history. However, most of these existing risk-factors seem to show little manifestation in their current pregnancy. On the basis of maternal labor/delivery outcome and a number of neonatal indicators, this study found some evidence of a better pregnancy outcome for the inmate cohort when compared to the comparison group. Some possible explanations of this paradox were discussed. Seventeen percent of inmates gave birth to infants with suspected congenital syphilis. The placement patterns for the infants' care immediately after birth were elucidated.^ In addition to the quantitative data, an ethnographic approach was used to collect qualitative data from a subset of the inmate cohort (n = 20) and 12 care providers. The qualitative data were analyzed for their contents and themes, giving rise to a detailed description of the inmates' pregnancy experience. Eleven themes emerged from the study's thematic analysis, which provides the context for interpreting the epidemiologic data.^ Meaningful findings in this study were presented in a three-dimensional matrix to shed light on the apparent relationship between outcome indicators and their potential determinants. The suspected "linkages" between the outcome and their determinants can be used to generate hypotheses for future studies. ^


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This study focuses on the impact of a clinic-based intervention program on the immunization status of limited-income urban children. The intervention program consisted of an information session for clinic health care providers and the placement of individualized immunization information labels on clinic notes at the time of each visit. The degree of impact of the intervention on immunization administration was ascertained through a comparison of two similar groups of infants born in the same months of the year immediately before (N = 201) and after (N = 203) the information session and initiation of the labeling system. The timeliness of administration of each diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and trivalent oral polio vaccine (DPT/TOPV) in the first year series of three was compared pre- to postintervention. Significantly more third immunizations were given the postintervention subjects within ten days of the recommended time of application ( p = .0361). Life table analysis indicated that the probability of an infant's passing one year of age without the administration of the third immunization decreased for postintervention infants (p = .0515). The intervention was most successful in assuring administration of the series of immunizations in those infants who were seen by the health care provider for at least 50% of their first year visits. Results indicate that minor changes in the format of information given a relatively continuous provider can increase completion of immunization series in infants. ^


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Public preferences for policy are formed in a little-understood process that is not adequately described by traditional economic theory of choice. In this paper I suggest that U.S. aggregate support for health reform can be modeled as tradeoffs among a small number of behavioral values and the stage of policy development. The theory underlying the model is based on Samuelson, et al.'s (1986) work and Wilke's (1991) elaboration of it as the Greed/Efficiency/Fairness (GEF) hypothesis of motivation in the management of resource dilemmas, and behavioral economics informed by Kahneman and Thaler's prospect theory. ^ The model developed in this paper employs ordered probit econometric techniques applied to data derived from U.S. polls taken from 1990 to mid-2003 that measured support for health reform proposals. Outcome data are four-tiered Likert counts; independent variables are dummies representing the presence or absence of operationalizations of each behavioral variable, along with an integer representing policy process stage. Marginal effects of each independent variable predict how support levels change on triggering that variable. Model estimation results indicate a vanishingly small likelihood that all coefficients are zero and all variables have signs expected from model theory. ^ Three hypotheses were tested: support will drain from health reform policy as it becomes increasingly well-articulated and approaches enactment; reforms appealing to fairness through universal health coverage will enjoy a higher degree of support than those targeted more narrowly; health reforms calling for government operation of the health finance system will achieve lower support than those that do not. Model results support the first and last hypotheses. Contrary to expectations, universal health care proposals did not provide incremental support beyond those targeted to “deserving” populations—children, elderly, working families. In addition, loss of autonomy (e.g. restrictions on choice of care giver) is found to be the “third rail” of health reform with significantly-reduced support. When applied to a hypothetical health reform in which an employer-mandated Medical Savings Account policy is the centerpiece, the model predicts support that may be insufficient to enactment. These results indicate that the method developed in the paper may prove valuable to health policy designers. ^


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The purpose of this study, based on secondary data from attendees at a substance abuse clinic for the Kickapoo Healing Grounds in Eagle Pass, Texas, is two fold: (1) to elucidate neuro-behavioral performance of volatile substance abusers in the Kickapoo tribe and (2) to determine factors associated with their treatment completion and rehabilitation as measured by their employment at follow-up. Volatile substance abuse (VSA) is associated with a host of neurological manifestations, and secondary prevention or clinical treatment and rehabilitation remains the mainstay of control efforts. Very little is known about VSA in general, and especially among Native American populations. It is anticipated that the results will help determine and assist other tribes and non-tribal substance abuse centers with treatment planning for volatile substance abusers among Native American populations. ^


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Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, are a disease of the oral cavity that affects the tooth structure and leads to the occurrence of cavities in teeth. Dental caries are one of the leading chronic diseases in the population and are very common in childhood. If not treated appropriately, dental caries have debilitating effect on the oral and general health of individuals. ^ Objectives. The aims of this review are to (1) analyze and elucidate the relationship between the social and economic determinants of health like income, education and race/ethnicity and the prevalence of dental caries and (2) identify and understand the pathways/underlying causes through which these factors affect the occurrence of dental caries. This review will provide a foundation for formulation of better oral health policies in future by identifying the key socio-economic factors and pathways affecting the prevalence of dental caries. Knowledge about these socioeconomic factors could be incorporated in the design of future policies and interventions to achieve greater benefits.^ Methods. This review includes information from all pertinent articles, reviews, surveys, reports, peer reviewed literature and web sources that were published after 2000. The selection criterion includes literature focusing on individuals between the ages of 1 to 65 years, and individuals from different subgroups of community based on income, education and race/ethnicity. The analyses of literature include identifying if a relationship between income/education/race and the prevalence of dental caries exists by comparing the prevalence of dental caries in different socio-economic groups. Also included in this review are articles that are relevant to the mechanisms/pathways through which income/education/race affect the prevalence of dental caries.^ Results. Analyses of available literature suggests that disparities in the prevalence of dental caries may be attributed to differences in income, education and race/ethnicity. Higher prevalence of dental caries was observed in African-American and Mexican-American individuals, and in people with low income and low education. The leading pathways through which the socioeconomic factors affect the prevalence of dental caries are the lack of access to dental care, lack of awareness about good oral hygiene beliefs and habits, oral health, inability to afford dental care, lack of social support to maintain oral health and lack of dental insurance.^ Conclusion. Disparities in the prevalence of dental caries exist in various socio-economic groups. The relationship between socio-economic factors and dental caries prevalence should be considered in the development of future policies and interventions that are aimed at reducing the prevalence of dental caries and enhancing oral health status.^


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Public health efforts were initiated in the United States with legislative actions for enhancing food safety and ensuring pure drinking water. Some additional policy initiatives during the early 20th century helped organize and coordinate relief efforts for victims of natural disasters. By 1950's the federal government expanded its role for providing better health and safety to the communities, and its disaster relief activities became more structured. A rise in terrorism related incidents during the late 1990's prompted new proactive policy directions. The traditional policy and program efforts for rescue, recovery, and relief measures changed focus to include disaster preparedness and countermeasures against terrorism.^ The study took a holistic approach by analyzing all major disaster related policies and programs, in regard to their structure, process, and outcome. Study determined that United States has a strong disaster preparedness agenda and appropriate programs are in place with adequate policy support, and the country is prepared to meet all possible security challenges that may arise in the future. The man-made disaster of September 11th gave a major thrust to improve security and enhance preparedness of the country. These new efforts required large additional funding from the federal government. Most existing preparedness programs at the local and national levels are run with federal funds which is insufficient in some cases. This discrepancy arises from the fact that federal funding for disaster preparedness programs at present are not allocated by the level of risks to individual states or according to the risks that can be assigned to critical infrastructures across the country. However, the increased role of the federal government in public health affairs of the states is unusual, and opposed to the spirit of our constitution where sovereignty is equally divided between the federal government and the states. There is also shortage of manpower in public health to engage in disaster preparedness activities, despite some remarkable progress following the September 11th disaster.^ Study found that there was a significant improvement in knowledge and limited number of studies showed improvement of skills, increase in confidence and improvement in message-mapping. Among healthcare and allied healthcare professionals, short-term training on disaster preparedness increased knowledge and improved personal protective equipment use with some limited improvement in confidence and skills. However, due to the heterogeneity of these studies, the results and interpretation of this systematic review may be interpreted with caution.^


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Pediatric HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has been a major public health crisis with an estimated 3.5 million children infected. Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) has created a network of centers providing care and treatment for these children in several countries. In Botswana, where the first BIPAI center in Africa was opened, childhood mortality from HIV/AIDS is now less than 1%. Botswana is a middle-income country that previously held the highest HIV prevalence rate in the world. Efforts against HIV/AIDS have resulted in the building of a strong medical infrastructure with clear success against pediatric HIV/AIDS. The WHO predicts the next global health crisis will be cancer. Given the increased incidence of cancer in the setting of HIV/AIDS, Botswana has already implemented strategies to combat HIV-related malignancies in adults, but efforts in pediatrics have been lagging. This policy paper describes the importance of building on success against pediatric HIV/AIDS and extending this success to pediatric cancer in general. Specifically, it outlines a comprehensive pediatric cancer policy for the education and training of health professionals, the development of a pediatric cancer program, a pediatric cancer registry, public awareness efforts, and an appropriate, country specific pediatric cancer research agenda.^


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In the late 1980s, Harris County, Texas began experiencing an escalation of drug-related activities. Various indicators used in this analysis tracked drug-related trends from 1989 to 1991 to determine patterns for comparison of local (Houston/Harris County, Texas) to national levels.^ An important indicator of the drug scenario was drug-related activities among youths, which increased during the period of this study. The Harris County Juvenile Probation Department showed that among arrests for drug-related activities, felonies increased from 25% in 1988 to 53% in 1991. With the rise in drug-related crimes, and substance abuse among the student body, school districts were forced to institute drug education programs in an effort to curtail such activities.^ Law enforcement agencies in the county saw increased demands for their services as a result of drug activities. Harris County Sheriffs Department reported a 32% plus increase in drug-related charges between 1986 and 1991. Houston Police Department reported an increase of 109% for the same period.^ Data from the Harris County Medical Examiner, the National Institute of Justice's Drug Use Forecasting System (Houston), and drug treatment facilities around Houston/Harris County, Texas indicated similar drug usage trends. Over a four-year period (1988-91), the drugs most frequently detected during blood and urine analyses were cocaine, followed by marijuana, heroin, LSD, and methamphetamines.^ From 1988 to 1991, most drug rehabilitation organizations experienced increased demands for their services by approximately 35%. Several other organizations experienced as much as a 70 percent increase. Males accounted for roughly 70% and females about 30% of persons seeking treatment. However, the number of females pursuing treatment increased, thereby reducing the gender gap.^ Blacks in Houston/Harris County were at higher risk for drug usage among the general population, but sought treatment more readily than other ethnic groups. Whites sought treatment in similar numbers as Blacks, but overall the risk appeared smaller because they made up a larger portion of the Houston/Harris County population.^ This analysis concluded that drug trends for the Houston/Harris County, Texas did not follow national trends, but showed patterns of its own. It was recommended that other communities carry out similar studies to determine drug use trends particular to their local. ^


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This cross-sectional study is based on the qualitative and quantitative research design to review health policy decisions, their practice and implications during 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States and globally. The “Future Pandemic Influenza Control (FPIC) related Strategic Management Plan” was developed based on the incorporation of the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza (2005)” for the United States from the U.S. Homeland Security Council and “The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector (2006)” from the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Committee for use by the public health agencies in the United States as well as globally. The “global influenza experts’ survey” was primarily designed and administered via email through the “Survey Monkey” system to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic experts as the study respondents. The effectiveness of this plan was confirmed and the approach of the study questionnaire was validated to be convenient and the excellent quality of the questions provided an efficient opportunity to the study respondents to evaluate the effectiveness of predefined strategies/interventions for future pandemic influenza control.^ The quantitative analysis of the responses to the Likert-scale based questions in the survey about predefined strategies/interventions, addressing five strategic issues to control future pandemic influenza. The effectiveness of strategies defined as pertinent interventions in this plan was evaluated by targeting five strategic issues regarding pandemic influenza control. For the first strategic issue pertaining influenza prevention and pre pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for strategy (1a) 87.5%, strategy (1b) 91.7% and strategy (1c) 83.3%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (1); (1b (High Priority) > 1a (Medium Priority) > 1c (Low Priority) based on the available resources of the developing and developed countries. For the second Strategic Issue encompassing the preparedness and communication regarding pandemic influenza control; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (2a) 95.6%, strategy (2b) 82.6%, strategy (2c) 91.3% and Strategy (2d) 87.0%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (2); (2a (highest priority) > 2c (high priority) >2d (medium priority) > 2b (low priority). For the third strategic issue encompassing the surveillance and detection of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (3a) 90.9% and strategy (3b) 77.3%. The assessment of the priority level for theses strategies to address the strategic Issue No. (3) (3a (high priority) > 3b (medium/low priority). For the fourth strategic issue pertaining the response and containment of pandemic influenza; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (4a) 63.6%, strategy (4b) 81.8%, strategy (4c) 86.3%, and strategy (4d) 86.4%. The assessment of the priority level for these strategies to address the strategic issue no. (4); (4d (highest priority) > 4c (high priority) > 4b (medium priority) > 4a (low priority). The fifth strategic issue about recovery from influenza and post pandemic planning; the confirmed effectiveness (agreement) for the strategy (5a) 68.2%, strategy (5b) 36.3% and strategy (5c) 40.9%. The assessment of the priority level for strategies to address the strategic issue no. (5); (5a (high priority) > 5c (medium priority) > 5b (low priority).^ The qualitative analysis of responses to the open-ended questions in the study questionnaire was performed by means of thematic content analysis. The following recurrent or common “themes” were determined for the future implementation of various predefined strategies to address five strategic issues from the “FPIC related Strategic Management Plan” to control future influenza pandemics. (1) Pre Pandemic Influenza Prevention, (2) Seasonal Influenza Control, (3) Cost Effectiveness of Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI), (4) Raising Global Public Awareness, (5) Global Influenza Vaccination Campaigns, (6)Priority for High Risk Population, (7) Prompt Accessibility and Distribution of Influenza Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs, (8) The Vital Role of Private Sector, (9) School Based Influenza Containment, (10) Efficient Global Risk Communication, (11) Global Research Collaboration, (12) The Critical Role of Global Public Health Organizations, (13) Global Syndromic Surveillance and Surge Capacity and (14) Post Pandemic Recovery and Lessons Learned. The future implementation of these strategies with confirmed effectiveness to primarily “reduce the overall response time’ in the process of ‘early detection’, ‘strategies (interventions) formulation’ and their ‘implementation’ to eventually ensure the following health outcomes: (a) reduced influenza transmission, (b) prompt and effective influenza treatment and control, (c) reduced influenza related morbidity and mortality.^


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Background. Obesity in America has increased exponentially since the 1970s with no sign of slowing down. It is a major public health problem, and is currently the second leading cause of preventable deaths in America (Flegal et al., 2010). Bariatric surgery is currently the only approved therapy that has shown to have a lasting impact on obese patients. While the initial cost of the surgery remains high, numerous cost-benefit analyses have demonstrated an overall cost saving within two to five years (McEwen et al., 2010). Only three states, including Texas, do not currently fund bariatric surgery through Medicare and Medicaid. ^ Objectives. To determine whether the current data on the cost-benefit analysis of bariatric surgery supports Texas' decision to not publicly fund bariatric surgery through its Medicare and Medicaid programs. ^ Methods. We conducted literature reviews to determine the current cost of obesity in Texas as well as the methods being employed to treat obesity currently. We then analyzed the history of bariatric surgery and its current implementation, looking at safety and the future benefits of bariatric surgery. We then looked at key cost-benefit analyses and meta-analyses to determine the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery. We then analyzed both direct medical expenditures and indirect benefits of bariatric surgery. ^ Conclusions. If the obesity epidemic continues unabated, it will become one of the leading health expenditures in Texas within decades. Given that surgery is currently the only approved therapy for obesity that has been shown to be effective in the majority of patients, Texas' decision not to publicly fund bariatric surgery is short sighted.^


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"I don't think we truly understand how to implement. What does it mean to truly implement? Not the command center type that our culture is very good at, but a thorough planned systematic approach" (HP, 9.28.2011). This important question is asked by a clinician who works in a health care setting and who has experienced the implementation of a public policy. This case study applied the lessons learned from three generations of public policy research to a health care setting. As a result of the study an analytical frame was created as a guide to assess an organization's readiness for the implementation of a public policy.^


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This dissertation provides a theory of the effects and determinants of an economy's level of social services. The dissertation focuses on how the provision of social services will affect the effort decisions of workers, which will ultimately determine the economy's level of output. A worker decides on how much effort to contribute in relation to the level of social services he/she receives. The higher the level of social services received, the lower the cost—disutility—from providing effort will be. The government provides public infrastructure and social services (i.e. health services) in accordance with the economy's endowment of effort. In doing so, the government takes the aggregate effort endowment as given. Since, with higher individual work effort the higher the economy's total level of effort, failure by workers to coordinate effort levels will result in possible instances of low effort, low social services and low output; and, other instances of high effort, high social services and high output. Therefore, this dissertation predicts that in the context of social services, coordination failures in effort levels can lead to development traps. ^


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This study explored the relationship between social fund projects and poverty reduction in selected communities in Jamaica. The Caribbean nation's social fund projects aim to reduce “public” poverty by rehabilitating and expanding social and economic infrastructure, improving social services, and strengthening organizations at the community level. Research questions addressed the characteristics of poverty-focused social fund projects; the nexus between poverty reduction and three key concepts suggested by the literature— community (citizen) participation, social capital, and empowerment; and the impact of the projects on poverty. ^ In this qualitative study, data were collected and triangulated by means of in-depth, semi-structured interviews, supplemented by key informant data; non-participant observation; and document reviews. Thirty-four respondents were interviewed individually at eight rural and urban sites over a period of four consecutive months, and 10 key informants provided supplementary data. Open, axial, and selective coding was used for data reduction and analysis as part of the grounded theory method, which included constant comparative analysis. The codes generated a set of themes and a substantive-formal theory. Findings were crosschecked with interview respondents and key informants and validated by means of an audit trail. ^ The results have revealed that the approach to poverty reduction in social fund-supported communities is a process of development-focused collaboration among various stakeholders. The process encompasses four stages: (1) identifying problems and priorities, (2) motivating and mobilizing, (3) working together, and (4) creating an enabling environment. The underlying stakeholder involvement theory posits that collaboration increases the productivity of resources and creates the conditions for community-driven development. In addition, the study has found that social fund projects are largely community-based, collaborative, and highly participatory in their implementation, as well as prescription-driven, results-oriented, and leadership-dependent. Further, social capital formation across communities was found to be limited, and in general, the projects have been enabling rather than empowering. The projects have not reduced poverty per se; however, they have been instrumental in improving conditions that were concomitants of poverty. ^


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The challenging living conditions of many Senegalese families, and the absence of a providing spouse, have led women to covet new economic opportunities, such as microcredit loans. These loans offer Senegalese women the possibility to financially support their households and become active participants in their economies by starting or sustaining their micro businesses. The study takes place in Grand-Yoff, an overpopulated peri-urban area of the Senegalese capital city Dakar, where most people face daily survival issues. This research examines the impact of microcredit activities in the household of Senegalese female loan recipients in Grand-Yoff by examining socioeconomic indicators, in particular outcomes of health, education and nutrition.^ The research total sample is constituted of 166 female participants who engage in microcredit activities. The research combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data for the study were gathered through interviews, surveys, participant observation, focus-groups with the study participants and some of their household members, and document analysis.^ While some women in the study make steady profits from their business activities, others struggle to make ends meet from their businesses’ meager or unreliable profits. Some study participants who are impoverished have no choice but to invest their loans directly into their households’ dire needs, hence missing their business prerogative. Many women in the study end up in a vicious cycle of debt by defaulting on their loans or making late payments because they do not have the required household and socioeconomic conditions to take advantage of these loans. Therefore, microcredit does not make a significant impact in the households of the poorest female participants. The study finds that microcredit improves the household well-being - especially nutrition, health and education - of the participants who have acquired significant social capital such as a providing spouse, formal education, training, business experience, and belonging to business or social networks.^ The study finds that microcredit’s household impact is intimately tied to the female borrowers’ household conditions and social capital. It is recommended that microcredit services and programs offer their female clients assistance and additional basic services, financial guidance, lower interest rates, and flexible repayment schedules. ^


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This dissertation addressed the issue of sustainable development at the level of individual behaviors. Environmental perceptions were obtained from people living around the biosphere reserve Chamela-Cuixmala in Jalisco, Mexico. Several environmental issues were identified by the people, such as garbage and grey water on the streets, burning plastics, and the lack of usage of recreational areas. All these issues could be addressed with a change in behavior by the villagers. Familiarization activities were conducted to gain people's trust in order to conduct a community forum. These activities included giving talks to school children and organizing workshops. Four different methodologies were generated using memetics and participation to test which would ameliorate those environmental issues identified by the people through a change in behavior. The methodologies were 1) Memes; 2) Participation and Memes; 3) Participation; 4) Neither Participation nor Memes. A meme is an idea expressed within a linguistic structure or architecture that provides it with self-disseminating and self-protecting characteristics within and among the minds of individuals congruent with their values, beliefs and filters. Four villages were chosen as the treatments, and one as the control, for a total of five experimental villages. A different behavior was addressed in each treatment village (garbage, grey-water, burning plastics, recreation.) A nonequivalent control-group design was established. A pretest was conducted in all five villages; the methodologies were tested in the four treatment villages; a posttest was conducted on the five villages. The pretest and posttest consisted in measuring sensory specific indicators which are manifestations of behavior that can either be seen, smelled, touched, heard or tasted. Statistically significant differences in behavior from the control were found for two of the methodologies 1) Memes (p=0.0403) and 2) Participation and Memes (p=0.0064). For the methodologies of 3) Participation alone and 4) Neither, the differences were not significant (p=0.8827, p=0.5627 respectively). When using memes, people's behavior improved when compared to the control. Participation alone did not generate a significant difference. Participation aided in the generation of the memes. Memetics is a tool that can be used to establish a linkage between human behavior and ecological health.