995 resultados para Polarization Mode Dispersion
Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies), New Jersey (Estats Units), entre el 15 de setembre de 2005 i el 15 de gener de 2006. Els sistemes de transmissió per fibra òptica fonamenten les principals xarxes de comunicacions. A mesura que la demanda d’ample de banda per usuari creixi, seran necessaris nous sistemes que siguin capaços de cobrir les necessitats a curt i llarg termini. La tecnologia dels sistemes òptics limita fortament la complexitat dels sistemes de transmissió / recepció en comparació, per exemple, als sistemes d’ones de ràdio. La tendència és la de dissenyar sistemes avançats amb detecció directa i mirar d’aplicar tècniques bàsiques de processat del senyal. Una d’aquestes tècniques és l’equalització electrònica, és a dir, fer ús de les tècniques de processament del senyal per tal de compensar la distorsió introduïda pel canal, deguda per una o diverses degradacions típiques: dispersió cromàtica, efectes no lineals, dispersió del mode de polarització (PMD) ... Dins d’un entorn comercial d’empresa, s’ha avaluat el funcionament dels sistemes d’equalització FFE-DFE aixi com MLSE en presència de dispersió cromàtica i/o dispersió del mode de polarització (PMD) en transmissions NRZ/RZ.
Cette étude vise à tester la pertinence des images RSO - de moyenne et de haute résolution - à la caractérisation des types d’occupation du sol en milieu urbain. Elle s’est basée sur des approches texturales à partir des statistiques de deuxième ordre. Plus spécifiquement, on recherche les paramètres de texture les plus pertinents pour discriminer les objets urbains. Il a été utilisé à cet égard des images Radarsat-1 en mode fin en polarisation HH et Radarsat-2 en mode fin en double et quadruple polarisation et en mode ultrafin en polarisation HH. Les occupations du sol recherchées étaient le bâti dense, le bâti de densité moyenne, le bâti de densité faible, le bâti industriel et institutionnel, la végétation de faible densité, la végétation dense et l’eau. Les neuf paramètres de textures analysés ont été regroupés, en familles selon leur définition mathématique. Les paramètres de ressemblance/dissemblance regroupent l’Homogénéité, le Contraste, la Similarité et la Dissimilarité. Les paramètres de désordre sont l’Entropie et le Deuxième Moment Angulaire. L’Écart-Type et la Corrélation sont des paramètres de dispersion et la Moyenne est une famille à part. Il ressort des expériences que certaines combinaisons de paramètres de texture provenant de familles différentes utilisés dans les classifications donnent de très bons résultants alors que d’autres associations de paramètres de texture de définition mathématiques proches génèrent de moins bons résultats. Par ailleurs on constate que si l’utilisation de plusieurs paramètres de texture améliore les classifications, la performance de celle-ci plafonne à partir de trois paramètres. Malgré la bonne performance de cette approche basée sur la complémentarité des paramètres de texture, des erreurs systématiques dues aux effets cardinaux subsistent sur les classifications. Pour pallier à ce problème, il a été développé un modèle de compensation radiométrique basé sur la section efficace radar (SER). Une simulation radar à partir du modèle numérique de surface du milieu a permis d'extraire les zones de rétrodiffusion des bâtis et d'analyser les rétrodiffusions correspondantes. Une règle de compensation des effets cardinaux fondée uniquement sur les réponses des objets en fonction de leur orientation par rapport au plan d'illumination par le faisceau du radar a été mise au point. Des applications de cet algorithme sur des images RADARSAT-1 et RADARSAT-2 en polarisations HH, HV, VH, et VV ont permis de réaliser de considérables gains et d’éliminer l’essentiel des erreurs de classification dues aux effets cardinaux.
A photonic crystal fiber selectively filled with silver nanoparticles dispersed in polydimethylsiloxane has been numerically studied via finite elements analysis. These nanoparticles possess a localized surface plasmon resonance in the visible region which depends on the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The refractive index of polydimethylsiloxane can be thermally tuned leading to the design of polarization tunable filters. Filters found with this setup show anisotropic attenuation of the x-polarization fundamental mode around ?x = 1200dB/cm remarkably higher than the y-polarization mode. Moreover, high fiber birefringence and birefringence reversal is observed in the spectral region of the plasmon.
This thesis presents results of transmission experiments using optical solitons in a dispersion managed optical fibre recirculating loop. The basic concepts of pulse propagation in optical fibre are introduced before optical solitons and their use in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The role of dispersion management in such systems is then considered. The design, operation and limitations of the recirculating loop and soliton sources which were used and the experimental techniques are described before the experimental work is presented. The experimental work covers a number of areas all of which used dispersion management of the transmission line. A novel ultra-long distance propagation scheme which achieved low timing jitter by suppression of the amplifier noise and by working close to the zero dispersion wavelength has been discovered. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as wavelength filters to suppress noise and reduce timing jitter has been investigated. The performance of the fibre grating cornpared favourably with that of a bulk device and was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The upgrade of existing standard fibre systems to higher bit rates is currently an important issue. The possibility of using solitons with dispersion compensation to allow an increase in data rate of existing standard fibre systems to 10Gbit/s over 5000km has been demonstrated. The applicability of this technique to longer distances, higher bit rates or longer amplifier spans is also investigated by optimisation of the dispersion management scheme. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as the dispersion compensating elements in such standard fibre transmission experiments has been examined and the main problem that these devices currently have, high polarisation mode dispersion, is discussed. The likely future direction of optical communications and what part solitons and dispersion management will play in this development is discussed in the thesis conclusions
We proposed and demonstrated pulsed fiber lasers Q-switched and mode-locked by using a large-angle tilted fiber grating, for the first time to our best knowledge. Owing to the unique polarization properties of the large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG), i.e. polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, switchable dual-wavelength Q-switched and mode-locked pulses have been achieved with short and long cavities, respectively. For the mode-locking case, the laser was under the operation of nanosecond rectangular pulses, due to the peak-power clamping effect. With the increasing pump power, the durations of both single-and dual-wavelength rectangular pulses increase. It was also found that each filtered wavelength of the dual-wavelength rectangular pulse corresponds to an individual nanosecond rectangular pulse by employing a tunable bandpass filter.
We report on the generation of orthogonally polarized bright–dark pulse pair in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with a large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG). The unique polarization properties of the LA-TFG, i.e., polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, enable dual-wavelength mode-locking operation. Besides dual-wavelength bright pulses with uniform polarization at two different wavelengths, the bright–dark pulse pair has also been achieved. It is found that the bright–dark pulse pair is formed due to the nonlinear couplings between lights with two orthogonal polarizations and two different wavelengths. Furthermore, harmonic mode-locking of bright–dark pulse pair has been observed. The obtained bright–dark pulse pair could find potential use in secure communication system. It also paves the way to manipulate the generation of dark pulse in terms of wavelength and polarization, using specially designed fiber grating for mode-locking.
It is through the application of an electronic partition approach called Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory (SAPT) that the nature of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions can be unveiled according to the contribution of electrostatic, charge transfer, exchange repulsion, polarization, and dispersion terms. Among these, electrostatic partition governs the formation of the hydrogen bonds, whose energies are arguably high. However, the weakness of the interaction strength is caused by dispersion forces, whose contribution decisively lead to the stabilization of complexes formed via van der Waals interactions.
A novel direct integration technique of the Manakov-PMD equation for the simulation of polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) in optical communication systems is demonstrated and shown to be numerically as efficient as the commonly used coarse-step method. The main advantage of using a direct integration of the Manakov-PMD equation over the coarse-step method is a higher accuracy of the PMD model. The new algorithm uses precomputed M(w) matrices to increase the computational speed compared to a full integration without loss of accuracy. The simulation results for the probability distribution function (PDF) of the differential group delay (DGD) and the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the polarisation dispersion vector for varying numbers of precomputed M(w) matrices are compared to analytical models and results from the coarse-step method. It is shown that the coarse-step method achieves a significantly inferior reproduction of the statistical properties of PMD in optical fibres compared to a direct integration of the Manakov-PMD equation.
We compare the Q parameter obtained from scalar, semi-analytical and full vector models for realistic transmission systems. One set of systems is operated in the linear regime, while another is using solitons at high peak power. We report in detail on the different results obtained for the same system using different models. Polarisation mode dispersion is also taken into account and a novel method to average Q parameters over several independent simulation runs is described. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report a distinctive polarization mode coupling behaviour of tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) with a tilted angle exceeding 45°. The ex-45° TFBGs exhibit pronounced polarization mode splitting resulted from the birefringence induced by the grating structure asymmetry. We have fabricated TFBGs with a tilted structure at 81° and studied their properties under transverse load applied to their equivalent fast and slow axes. The results show that the light coupling to the orthogonally polarized modes of the 81°-TFBGs changes only when the load is applied to their slow axis, giving a prominent directional loading response. For the view of real applications, we further investigated the possibility of interrogating such a TFBG-based load sensor using low-cost and compact-size single wavelength source and power detector. The experimental results clearly show that the 81°-TFBGs plus the proposed power-measurement interrogation scheme may be developed to an optical fibre vector sensor system capable of not just measuring the magnitude but also recognizing the direction of the applied transverse load. Using such an 81°-TFBG based load sensor, a load change as small as 1.6 × 10-2 g may be detected by employing a standard photodiode detector.
We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%.
We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%.
An all-fiber normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with 45- tilted fiber grating (TFG) isto the best of our knowledgeexperimentally demonstrated for the first time. Stable linearly-chirped pulses with the duration of 4 ps and the bandwidth of 9 nm can be directly generated from the laser cavity. By employing the 45 TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dBoutput pulses with high polarization extinction ratio of 26 dB are implemented in the experiment. Our result shows that the 45 TFG can work effectively as a polarizerwhich could be exploited to singlepolarization all-fiber lasers.
An all-fiber normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with 45- tilted fiber grating (TFG) isto the best of our knowledgeexperimentally demonstrated for the first time. Stable linearly-chirped pulses with the duration of 4 ps and the bandwidth of 9 nm can be directly generated from the laser cavity. By employing the 45 TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dBoutput pulses with high polarization extinction ratio of 26 dB are implemented in the experiment. Our result shows that the 45 TFG can work effectively as a polarizerwhich could be exploited to singlepolarization all-fiber lasers.