993 resultados para Políticas públicas educacionais


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Essa dissertação reflete sobre o papel que os conselhos de educação têm adquirido na gestão do setor educacional como uma alternativa de ampliação da participação da sociedade civil, buscando compreender os limites e as possibilidades que este espaço apresenta e se a relação contribui para a efetivação e ampliação dos direitos de cidadania. Procurou-se sistematizar as experiências de um conselho municipal de educação instituído por um governo progressista, e que se envolveu em um processo gradual de debates, embates e disputas entre a sociedade civil e o poder público que demandaram muitos desafios, entraves e possibilidades de se efetivar, no município de Belém, políticas públicas educacionais que, alicerçados em um movimento mais amplo de superação da cultura hegemônica imposta, propuseram e criaram ações alternativas, em contrapartida à política educacional implementada através do Ministério da Educação no governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1993 a 2002).Assim, procuramos investigar neste estudo, o Conselho Municipal de Educação de Belém/PA, considerando, a participação e o controle social na construção do espaço público nas relações entre o poder público e a sociedade civil, visando compreender as possibilidades e os limites deste no processo de consolidação de ações institucionais inovadoras na gestão pública. Tomamos como pressuposto a idéia de que os Conselhos, na intermediação entre Estado e sociedade, traduzem idéias e concepções mais amplas de educação e de sociedade que, em cada momento histórico, influenciam a dinâmica das políticas educacionais em pauta. Desse modo, justifica-se a preocupação relacionada às possibilidades dos conselhos ampliarem o debate de forma mais democrática, acerca do conjunto de mudanças a que vem se submetendo os diversos segmentos sociais, principalmente os mais subalternizados, objetivando contribuir para uma interlocução cada vez maior com os usuários das políticas sociais públicas. A dimensão política da representatividade foi também objeto de reflexão, seja pela necessidade de se avaliar a sua legitimidade e a direção dada às discussões, bem como os limites da representação delegada.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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This paper analyzes the transformations in Brazilian society, especially in relations between the fields of work, education and youth. The implementation of a new logic in the process of capital accumulation, changes meant to hit the job market, causing new social issues, especially for youth, which can be translated by rising unemployment and new job settings, thus, have sparked a broad debate around the requirements that the market imposes on that intend to engage in it, relations skills, knowledge and ability to enter the labor market of the population, reissuing the discussion on social inequalities that required the field of alternative public policies to address this situation of exclusion. Turning to the reflection on the process of qualification / training and placing young people in employment relationships, this study aims to address and reflect on educational policies aimed at the inclusion ofyouth in the labor market, as well as analyze the actions of generating jobs and skills for young people between 18 and 29 years to do so, we will examine the National Youth Inclusion Program- PROJOVEM - sponsored by the Federal Governrnent, which aims to expand the service to the youngsters excluded from school and vocational training, allowing young people to be reintegrated into the educational process, receiving social skills training


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n this paper I pose some questions that I systematized after taking part in a colloquium proposed by the National Conference on Education (CONAE 2010) to discuss the theme “Environmental Education and Curriculum Contextualization”. Regarding public environmental education policies, I try to indicate some perspectives that are both coherent with what Brazilian educators and environmentalists have been proposing and considered necessary for the consolidation of an Articulated National Education System. I present a synthesis of the environmental education proposals systematized in the CONAE Reference Document, which was designed as a guide to state and local conferences. I make an effort to carry out a preliminary analysis of both the process and the content of the public environmental education proposals systematized in the Essential Documents (Volumes I and II), Thematic Plenary Meeting Documents, and Final Document. Furthermore, I try to present a short synthesis of the prevailing tendencies of educational policies in Brazil in the last decades, pointing out the meaning and need of social activism for the construction of public policies for education, in general, and for environmental education, specifically.


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The ‘Estatuto do Idoso’ (senior citizen statute), Brazilian federal law promulgated in 2003, defines senior citizen as the person with 60 years old, or more. Revered as a landmark recognition of the senior´s rights, it guarantees, among others, the right of education. According to the statutory provisions, the education is personal right of the elderly person and must be assured with absolute priority by the State, the family, the society, as well by entities. However, in practice, just few senior citizens enjoy the right of education, since this policy has not been developed with focus in the old age, since educational practices are aimed, in most cases, to the younger age groups. Nevertheless, some initiatives seek to invest in the education for the elderly, like happens with the University of the Third Age (U3A). Although this kind of initiatives have been reason of celebration such projects should be enforced and consolidated as an object of better political investment to enlarge the access to the education right to the senior citizens in general. Due to the visibility achieved by the senior population, a possible way to the establishment of services in the area of education, would be the formation of partnerships between educational institutions that understand old age as a potential expansion of cultural goods and production of knowledge.


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There are three distinct and complementary objectives The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm), including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand evening openings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivos discutir a função da creche e da pré‐escola no contexto das políticas públicas para a educação infantil, bem como refletir sobre a formação necessária aos profissionais da educação infantil para alcançar uma melhor qualidade do atendimento. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um formato de investigação caracterizado como estudo de caso etnográfico. Essa forma de pesquisa nos permitiu conhecer, em maior profundidade, a cultura de uma instituição e as perspectivas dos profissionais que participavam de seu cotidiano. Nesse sentido, realizamos observações sistemáticas da rotina institucional, bem como, entrevistas não‐ estruturadas e semi‐estruturadas com as educadoras que atuavam na creche e na pré‐escola. O estudo evidenciou distinções quanto à escolaridade, à jornada de trabalho das educadoras que atuavam na creche e na pré‐escola, bem como nos objetivos educacionais estabelecidos para essas modalidades de atendimento a infância. As concepções das educadoras acerca dos objetivos da Educação Infantil retratam uma visão compensatória e preventiva.  


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Based on the theoretical approach on the structure and functioning of the capitalist mode of production in the light of the Marxian perspective of Althusser, Poulanzas and Saes, the objective of this study is to describe and analyze the career path of the deployment process of education workers public state of Minas Gerais, in the context of neoliberal educational policies implemented in the period 2003-2014. This study will make use of the techniques of bibliographical and documentary research; to do so, we will try, at first, to establish the correspondence of this peculiar mode of production (capitalism) and the bourgeois state, trying to understand their legal and political structure, characterized by the right and the bourgeois bureaucracy, highlighting the importance of the state apparatus to conditioning ideologies and their structures for prescription of social practices. In the second phase, we will present to the prevailing ideologies School appear in the form of speech and legal and governmental practices in today's society. Finally, we will seek to understand the applicability of the theory studied in the concrete reality of educational public policies implemented in Minas Gerais, in the perspective of democratic government, modernized and efficient state, as opposed to the interests of the Single Union of Education Workers (Sind-UTE / MG). Thus, we can conclude that our work object is to analyze the educational policies of the bourgeois state, focusing on career path in the context of Minas Gerais, from 2003 to 2014, and its social, political and economic education for workers Minas Gerais state and the society today.


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La evolución del salario formal comparada con la de los precios al consumidor permite monitorear los ingresos reales de los estratos socioeconómicos medios. Sin embargo, refleja de manera muy parcial la situación de los hogares pobres, ya que en este segmento de la población el trabajo informal es clave como fuente de recursos y de supervivencia. En este informe se define un Índice de Ingresos de Hogares Pobres y se enfatiza la importancia de que las políticas públicas contemplen la informalidad laboral masiva que sufre la Argentina


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Resumen: El análisis de los indicadores de ingresos, desigualdad y pobreza en cada uno de los 32 centros urbanos muestra las grandes disparidades regionales de la Argentina. En la Zona Norte del país el ingreso per capita es un 35% inferior al promedio nacional, la pobreza es 4 veces mayor que en la capital y la distribución del ingreso es más desigual. Los datos estadísticos disponibles indican que el crecimiento económico y las políticas públicas que se han implementado recientemente han reducido los niveles de pobreza agregados, pero han tenido poco impacto en las regiones más pobres del país. Por otra parte, el impacto distributivo de las políticas y programas públicos en la Argentina es reducido cuando se los compara con lo que sucede en los países mas desarrollados. Se requiere el diseño y la implementación de nuevas políticas públicas de reducción de la pobreza que se focalicen en los problemas y dificultades específicas que enfrentan las regiones más pobres. Entre ellas se destaca la necesidad de políticas para disminuir la alta informalidad del empleo que caracteriza a estas zonas. Por otra parte, las nuevas políticas deberían transferir las responsabilidades y premiar los esfuerzos propios de los gobiernos locales, reemplazando la actual “cultura de la dependencia” de los programas del gobierno central por un desarrollo institucional local que enfatice la gestión eficiente de las administraciones públicas provinciales y el desarrollo del capital social local.


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Al desagregar territorialmente los indicadores socioeconómicos disponibles aparecen enormes diferencias entre los niveles de ingresos, pobreza e informalidad de las distintas localidades del interior del país. Este hecho nos alerta sobre la urgencia de incorporar una dimensión regional en el diseño de las políticas públicas y poner especial énfasis en el desarrollo de algunas de estas regiones. Con este objetivo en mente, en este número de Empleo y Desarrollo Social se discute la necesidad por una estrategia de descentralización que induzca una mejora continua de la gestión mediante un esquema de incentivos y los mecanismos de control apropiados