982 resultados para Pneumonia, nonspecific interstitial
A pneumonia e a bronquiolite na infância são as principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo, sendo o Vírus Respiratório Sincicial Humano (VSRH) o principal agente viral. O VSRH está associado a surtos anuais de doenças respiratórias, onde a co-infecção bacteriana tem sido relatada. Este foi o primeiro estudo do VRSH em crianças hospitalizadas com Pneumonia Adquirida na Comunidade (PAC) em Belém, Pará (Norte do Brasil), que teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo VSRH e avaliar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo em oito hospitais no período de novembro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Foram testadas 1.050 amostras de aspirado nasofaríngeo para o VRSH, obtidas de crianças hospitalizadas com até três anos de idade com diagnóstico de PAC, pelo método da imunofluorescência direta e da reação em cadeia por polimerase após transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para identificação do subtipo viral. Foram obtidos resultados da dosagem de proteína C-reativa (PCR) e da cultura bacteriana. Resultados. A infecção pelo VSRH foi diagnosticada em 243 (23,1%) crianças. A idade média do grupo VRSH-positivo foi menor do que a do grupo VRSH-negativo (12,1 meses versus (vs) 15,5 meses, ambos com variância de 1-36 meses, p<0,001), enquanto que a distribuição por genero foi similar. O grupo VRSH-positivo apresentou menor dosagem (PCR) quando comparados ao grupo VRSH-negativo (15,3 vs 24.0 mg/dL, p<0,05). Os achados radiológicos confirmaram que 54,2% do grupo VRSH-positivo e 50,3% do grupo VRSH-negativo apresentavam infiltrado intersticial. A infecção bacteriana foi identificada predominantemente no grupo VRSH-positivo (10% vs 4,5%, p<0,05). Rinorréia e obstrução nasal foram predominantemente observadas no grupo VRSH-positivo. A co-circulação dos subtipos A e B foi observada, com predominância do subtipo B (209/227). A análise multivariada revelou que a idade de 1 ano (p<0,015), os níveis de PCR inferior a 48 mg/dL (p<0,001) e a co-infecção bacteriana (p<0,032) foram independentemente associados com a presença do VRSH em oposição ao grupo VRSH-negativo, e na análise dos sintomas, a obstrução nasal foi independentemente associada com o grupo VRSH-positivo (p<0,001). Conclusão. O presente estudo destaca a relevância da infecção por VSRH em casos hospitalizados de PAC em nossa região; nossos resultados justificam a realização de investigações adicionais que possam ajudar a elaborar estratégias para o controle da doença.
Background Molecular methods based on phylogenetic differences in the 16S rRNA gene are able to characterise the microbiota of the respiratory tract in health and disease. Objectives Our goals were (1) to characterise bacterial communities in lower and upper airways of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and (2) to compare the results with the microbiota of patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and normal controls. Methods We examined the upper and lower respiratory tract of 18 patients with ILD of whom 5, 6, and 7 had idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP), non-IIP and sarcoidosis, respectively. In addition, six immune-compromised patients with PCP and nine healthy subjects were included as controls. Exclusion criteria were recent bacterial/viral respiratory tract infection, HIV-positivity and subjects receiving antibiotic therapy. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and oropharyngeal swabs were simultaneously collected, and microbiota was characterised by ultra-deep 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Results The microbiota in lower airways of the majority of patients (30; 90%) primarily consisted of Prevotellaceae, Streptococcaceae and Acidaminococcaceae. α and β diversity measurements revealed no significant differences in airway microbiota composition between the five different groups of patients. Comparison of bacterial populations in upper and lower respiratory tract showed significant topographical discontinuities for 7 (23%) individuals. Conclusions IIP, non-IIP and sarcoidosis are not associated with disordered airway microbiota and a pathogenic role of commensals in the disease process is therefore unlikely. Nevertheless, molecular analysis of the topographical microbiota continuity along the respiratory tract may provide additional information to assist management of individual patients.
Nearly 50% of patients with heart failure (HF) have preserved LV ejection fraction, with interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy as early manifestations of pressure overload. However, methods to assess both tissue characteristics dynamically and noninvasively with therapy are lacking. We measured the effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade on tissue phenotypes in LV pressure overload using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Mice were randomized to l-nitro-ω-methyl ester (l-NAME, 3 mg/mL in water; n=22), or l-NAME with spironolactone (50 mg/kg/day in subcutaneous pellets; n=21). Myocardial extracellular volume (ECV; marker of diffuse interstitial fibrosis) and the intracellular lifetime of water (τic; marker of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy) were determined by CMR T1 imaging at baseline and after 7 weeks of therapy alongside histological assessments. Administration of l-NAME induced hypertensive heart disease in mice, with increases in mean arterial pressure, LV mass, ECV, and τic compared with placebo-treated controls, while LV ejection fraction was preserved (>50%). In comparison, animals receiving both spironolactone and l-NAME (l-NAME+S) showed less concentric remodeling, and a lower myocardial ECV and τic, indicating decreased interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy (ECV: 0.43 ± 0.09 for l-NAME versus 0.25 ± 0.03 for l-NAME+S, P<0.001; τic: 0.42 ± 0.11 for l-NAME groups versus 0.12 ± 0.05 for l-NAME+S group). Mice treated with a combination of l-NAME and spironolactone were similar to placebo-treated controls at 7 weeks. Spironolactone attenuates interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in hypertensive heart disease. CMR can phenotype myocardial tissue remodeling in pressure-overload, furthering our understanding of HF progression.
The tolerance to the combined effects of temperature and salinity was investigated in the interstitial isopod Coxicerberus ramosae (Albuquerque, 1978), a species of intertidal zone of sandy beaches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The animals were collected on Praia Vermelha Beach. The experiments lasted 24 h and nine salinities and seven temperatures were used for a total of 63 combinations. Thirty animals were tested in each combination. The species showed high survival in most of the combinations. The temperature of 35 ºC was lethal and at 5 ºC, the animals tolerated only a narrow range of salinities. The statistical analyses showed that the effects of temperature and salinity were significant on the survival, which confirmed the euryhalinity and eurythermy of this species.
The aim of the present study was to compare quantitatively the distribution of dendritic cell subpopulations in chronic periodontitis and gingivitis. Fourteen biopsies from patients with chronic periodontitis and fifteen from patients with gingivitis were studied. An immunoperoxidase technique was used to quantify the number of Langerhans' cells (CD1a) and interstitial dendritic cells (factor XIIIa) in the oral and sulcular and junctional/pocket epithelia and in the lamina propria. A greater number of factor XIIIa+ dendritic cells in the lamina propria and CD1a+ dendritic cells in the oral epithelium were observed in gingivitis compared to the periodontitis group (p = 0.05). In the sulcular and junctional/pocket epithelia and in the lamina propria, the number of CD1a+ dendritic cells was similar in the gingivitis and periodontitis groups. In conclusion, the number of Langerhans' cells in the oral epithelium and interstitial dendritic cells in the lamina propria is increased in gingivitis compared to periodontitis, which may contribute to the different pattern of host response in these diseases.
The Indirect Fluorescence Assay (IFA) and the indirect ELISA were comparatively used to detect IgG and IgM antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii in experimentally and naturally infected primates. In the experimentally infected group, antibodies of diagnostic value were detected at day 9 post-infection (PI) with the IFA (IgG and IgM) and with IgG-ELISA. IgM-ELISA detected antibodies for T. gondii starting at day 3 PI until the end of the experiment (102 days PI). Of the 209 naturally infected sera tested, from many zoos of State of Sao Paulo, 64.59 and 67.94% were positive in the IgG-IFA test and IgG-ELISA respectively. IgM-ELISA test detected seropositivity in 52.63% of the sera although IgM-IFA test detected it in only in 0.96% of the samples. The differential toxoplasmosis diagnosis was accomplished with Neospora caninum by IFA, observing 61 (29.2%) seropositive animals for this parasite and 149 (70.8%) negative. Sixty animals were positive for both T. gondii and N. caninum. Pneumonia, splenomegaly, and intestinal ulcers were macroscopically observed. Unremarkable interstitial pneumonia, enteritis, colitis, splenitis, and glomerulitis were microscopically observed. The immunohistochemical stain could not detect the presence of T. gondii in the tissues of the animals infected experimentally.
Objective: To determine whether the presence of in vitro penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae increases the risk of clinical failure in children hospitalised with severe pneumonia and treated with penicillin/ampicillin. Design: Multicentre, prospective, observational study. Setting: 12 tertiary-care centres in three countries in Latin America. Patients: 240 children aged 3-59 months, hospitalised with severe pneumonia and known in vitro susceptibility of S pneumoniae. Intervention: Patients were treated with intravenous penicillin/ampicillin after collection of blood and, when possible, pleural fluid for culture. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test was used to determine penicillin susceptibility of the pneumococcal strains isolated. Children were continuously monitored until discharge. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was treatment failure (using clinical criteria). Results: Overall treatment failure was 21%. After allowing for different potential confounders, there was no evidence of association between treatment failure and in vitro resistance of S pneumoniae to penicillin according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)/National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) interpretative standards ((adj)RR = 1.03; 95%Cl: 0.49-1.90 for resistant S pneumoniae). Conclusions: Intravenous penicillin/ampicillin remains the drug of choice for treating penicillin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia in areas where the MIC does not exceed 2 mu g/ml.
Objective To examine the ability of the criteria proposed by the WHO to identify pneumonia among cases presenting with wheezing and the extent to which adding fever to the criteria alters their performance. Design Prospective classification of 390 children aged 2-59 months with lower respiratory tract disease into five diagnostic categories, including pneumonia. WHO criteria for the identification of pneumonia and a set of such criteria modified by adding fever were compared with radio-graphically diagnosed pneumonia as the gold standard. Results The sensitivity of the WHO criteria was 94% for children aged <24 months and 62% for those aged >= 24 months. The corresponding specificities were 20% and 16%. Adding fever to the WHO criteria improved specificity substantially (to 44% and 50%, respectively). The specificity of the WHO criteria was poor for children with wheezing (12%). Adding fever improved this substantially (to 42%). The addition of fever to the criteria apparently reduced their sensitivity only marginally (to 92% and 57%, respectively, in the two age groups). Conclusion The authors' results reaffirm that the current WHO criteria can detect pneumonia with high sensitivity, particularly among younger children. They present evidence that the ability of these criteria to distinguish between children with pneumonia and those with wheezing diseases might be greatly enhanced by the addition of fever.
Background: Dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM) are rare systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases with high fatality rates. There have been few population-based mortality studies of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the world, and none have been conducted in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to employ multiple-cause of-death methodology in the analysis of trends in mortality related to dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1985 and 2007. Methods: We analyzed mortality data from the Sao Paulo State Data Analysis System, selecting all death certificates on which DM or PM was listed as a cause of death. The variables sex, age and underlying, associated or total mentions of causes of death were studied using mortality rates, proportions and historical trends. Statistical analysis were performed by chi-square and H Kruskal-Wallis tests, variance analysis and linear regression. A p value less than 0.05 was regarded as significant. Results: Over a 23-year period, there were 318 DM-related deaths and 316 PM-related deaths. Overall, DM/PM was designated as an underlying cause in 55.2% and as an associated cause in 44.8%; among 634 total deaths females accounted for 71.5%. During the study period, age-and gender-adjusted DM mortality rates did not change significantly, although PM as an underlying cause and total mentions of PM trended lower (p < 0.05). The mean ages at death were 47.76 +/- 20.81 years for DM and 54.24 +/- 17.94 years for PM (p = 0.0003). For DM/PM, respectively, as underlying causes, the principal associated causes of death were as follows: pneumonia (in 43.8%/33.5%); respiratory failure (in 34.4%/32.3%); interstitial pulmonary diseases and other pulmonary conditions (in 28.9%/17.6%); and septicemia (in 22.8%/15.9%). For DM/PM, respectively, as associated causes, the following were the principal underlying causes of death: respiratory disorders (in 28.3%/26.0%); circulatory disorders (in 17.4%/20.5%); neoplasms (in 16.7%/13.7%); infectious and parasitic diseases (in 11.6%/9.6%); and gastrointestinal disorders (in 8.0%/4.8%). Of the 318 DM-related deaths, 36 involved neoplasms, compared with 20 of the 316 PM-related deaths (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Our study using multiple cause of deaths found that DM/PM were identified as the underlying cause of death in only 55.2% of the deaths, indicating that both diseases were underestimated in the primary mortality statistics. We observed a predominance of deaths in women and in older individuals, as well as a trend toward stability in the mortality rates. We have confirmed that the risk of death is greater when either disease is accompanied by neoplasm, albeit to lesser degree in individuals with PM. The investigation of the underlying and associated causes of death related to DM/PM broaden the knowledge of the natural history of both diseases and could help integrate mortality data for use in the evaluation of control measures for DM/PM.
Background: The tubule-interstitial fibrosis is the hallmark of progressive renal disease and is strongly associated with inflammation of this compartment. Heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule that has been shown to be beneficial in various models of renal injury. However, the role of HO-1 in reversing an established renal scar has not yet been addressed. Aim: We explored the ability of HO-1 to halt and reverse the establishment of fibrosis in an experimental model of chronic renal disease. Methods: Sprague-Dawley male rats were subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) and divided into two groups: non-treated and Hemin-treated. To study the prevention of fibrosis, animals were pre-treated with Hemin at days -2 and -1 prior to UUO. To investigate whether HO-1 could reverse established fibrosis, Hemin therapy was given at days 6 and 7 post-surgery. After 7 and/or 14 days, animals were sacrificed and blood, urine and kidney tissue samples were collected for analyses. Renal function was determined by assessing the serum creatinine, inulin clearance, proteinuria/creatininuria ratio and extent of albuminuria. Arterial blood pressure was measured and fibrosis was quantified by Picrosirius staining. Gene and protein expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic molecules, as well as HO-1 were performed. Results: Pre-treatment with Hemin upregulated HO-1 expression and significantly reduced proteinuria, albuminuria, inflammation and pro-fibrotic protein and gene expressions in animals subjected to UUO. Interestingly, the delayed treatment with Hemin was also able to reduce renal dysfunction and to decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, all in association with significantly reduced levels of fibrosis-related molecules and collagen deposition. Finally, TGF-beta protein production was significantly lower in Hemin-treated animals. Conclusion: Treatment with Hemin was able both to prevent the progression of fibrosis and to reverse an established renal scar. Modulation of inflammation appears to be the major mechanism behind HO-1 cytoprotection.
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema is a common complication of mechanical ventilation in preterm babies. We report a case of severe unilateral pulmonary interstitial emphysema in a premature newborn, treated with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, lateral decubitus positioning and selective intubation. After complete radiological resolution of the pulmonary emphysema in the left lung, the patient was studied by electrical impedance tomography and a marked reduction of ventilation was identified in the left lung despite radiological resolution of the cysts. This finding indicates that functional abnormalities may persist for longer periods after radiologic resolution of such lesions.
Lung disease during active human visceral leishmaniasis is frequently reported. As such, studies have associated pulmonary symptoms to interstitial pneumonitis with a mononuclear infiltrate. However, the immune response in this condition has never been described before. The aim of this study was to determine the immunophenotypic pattern and cytokine profile of lung involvement (IPL) in human visceral leishmaniasis. Quantitative methods of analysis were performed using immunohistochemistry, and were compared with a control group of normal lung. Interstitial macrophages and cd8 cells were increased in IPL, and IL-4 as well as TNF-alpha displayed increased expression when compared to the control group. This inflammatory process with a Th2 pattern, as suggested by increased IL-4 and low IFN-gamma expression, is consistent with the immune response in other organs of visceral leishmaniasis. The microenvironment of the immune response in this condition is associated with lung disease in patients with interstitial pneumonitis related to visceral leishmaniasis, increasing the chance of bacterial infection.
In animal models, interstitial angiotensin II (ang II) and AT1 receptor (AT1R) are key mediators of renal inflammation and fibrosis in progressive chronic nephropathies. We hypothesized that these molecules were overexpressed in patients with progressive glomerulopathies. In this observational retrospective study, we described the expression of ang II and AT1R by immunohistochemistry in kidney biopsies of 7 patients with minimal change disease (MCD) and in 25 patients with progressive glomerulopathies (PGPs). Proteinuria, serum albumin, and serum creatinine were not statistically different between MCD and PGP patients. Total expression of ang II and AT1R was not statistically different between MCD (108.7 +/- 11.5 and 73.2 +/- 13.6 cells/mm(2), respectively) and PGN patients (100.7 +/- 9.0 and 157.7 +/- 13.8 cells/mm(2), respectively; p>0.05). Yet, interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R (91.6 +/- 16.0 and 45.6 +/- 5.4 cells/mm(2), respectively) was higher in patients with PGN than in those with MCD (22.0 +/- 4.1 and 17.9 +/- 2.9 cells/mm(2), respectively, p<0.05), as was the proportion of interstitial fibrosis (11.0 +/- 0.7% versus 6.1 +/- 1.2%, p<005). In patients with MCD, ang II and AT1R expressions predominate in the tubular compartment (52% and 36% of the positive cells, respectively). In those with PGP, the interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R predominates (58% and 45%, respectively). In conclusion, interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R is increased in patients with progressive glomerulopathies. The relationship of these results and interstitial fibrosis and disease progression in humans warrants further investigations.
Severe infections caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia are associated with high mortality, and strategies to improve the clinical outcome for infected patients are needed. A retrospective cohort study of patients with bloodstream infection (BSIs) and pneumonia caused by S. maltophilia was conducted. Multivariate analysis was performed to access factors associated with 14-day mortality. A total of 60 infections were identified. Among these, eight (13%) were pneumonias and 52 were BSIs; 33.3% were primary, 13% were central venous catheter (CVC)-related and 40% were secondary BSIs. Fifty-seven (85%) patients had received previous antimicrobial therapy; 88% had CVC, 57% mechanical ventilation and 75% were in the intensive care unit at the onset of infection. Malignancy (45%) was the most frequent underlying disease. The mean of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores was 17 and for the Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, it was 7 points. The overall and 14-day mortality were, respectively, 75% and 48%. Forty-seven (78%) patients were treated and, of these, 74% received trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Independent risk factors associated with mortality were SOFA index > 6 points (0.005) and septic shock (0.03). The Kaplan-Meier estimations curves showed that patients with APACHE II score > 20 and SOFA score > 10 had a survival chance of, respectively, less than 8% and less than 10% (P <= 0.001) at 21 days after the first positive S. maltophilia culture. Our results suggest that the independent factors associated with outcome in patients with infection caused by S. maltophilia are septic shock and higher SOFA index.