905 resultados para Plates ninety five
We studied the secretory IgA (sIgA) response of the mucosal urinary tract of malnourished children before and after nutritional rehabilitation. sIgA concentration (mg/l) was determined by ELISA in 187 children aged 3 months to 5 years. The children, who frequented a day care center, were divided into four groups, according to nutritional status: 57 were eutrophic, 49 were undergrown, 57 were moderately malnourished and 24 were severely malnourished. In addition, dip slide (Urotube, Roche) and dip-stick (Combur 9-Boehringer) tests showed that children had no bacteriuria or any other urinary abnormalities. Plasma albumin concentration (g/dl) was significantly lower (P<0.005) in the severely malnourished group (mean 3.0 ± 0.3 SD) than in the eutrophic group (mean 4.0 ± 0.5 SD). When each nutritional state was analyzed, no significant differences in the sIgA were found between the 0 |-| 1 and 1 -| 5 year age range. In the moderately and severely malnourished groups, sIgA (0.36 and 0.45, respectively) was significantly lower than in the eutrophic (0.69) and undergrown (0.75) groups. Ninety-five children were included in the 8-month follow-up study; 30 children were excluded from the follow-up because 4 had bacteriuria, 11 had leukocyturia, 8 had proteinuria and 7 had hematuria. Among the malnourished children, 40% showed nutritional improvement (P<0.05) and significantly increased sIgA as compared to reference values for the eutrophic and undergrown groups. These data suggest that malnourished children have a significantly lower urinary sIgA than eutrophic children. After nutritional rehabilitation, they develop local immunity with a significant increase in sIgA.
Blue native polyacrylamide electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) is a technique developed for the analysis of membrane complexes. Combined with histochemical staining, it permits the analysis and quantification of the activities of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation enzymes using whole muscle homogenates, without the need to isolate muscle mitochondria. Mitochondrial complex activities were measured by emerging gels in a solution containing all specific substrates for NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase enzymes (complexes I and IV, respectively) and the colored bands obtained were measured by optique densitometry. The objective of the present study was the application of BN-PAGE colorimetric staining for enzymatic characterization of mitochondrial complexes I and IV in rat muscles with different morphological and biochemical properties. We also investigated these activities at different times after acute exercise of rat soleus muscle. Although having fewer mitochondria than oxidative muscles, white gastrocnemius muscle presented a significantly higher activity (26.7 ± 9.5) in terms of complex I/V ratio compared to the red gastrocnemius (3.8 ± 0.65, P < 0.05) and soleus (9.8 ± 0.9, P < 0.001) muscles. Furthermore, the complex IV/V ratio of white gastrocnemius muscle was always significantly higher when compared to the other muscles. Ninety-five minutes of exhaustive physical exercise induced a decrease in complex I/V and complex IV/V ratios after all resting times (0, 3 and 6 h) compared to control (P < 0.05), probably reflecting the oxidative damage due to increasing free radical production in mitochondria. These results demonstrate the possible and useful application of BN-PAGE-histochemical staining to physical exercise studies.
Quatre-vingt-quinze squelettes humains issus des fouilles archéologiques du cimetière protestant Saint-Matthew (ville de Québec, 1771-1860) ont été étudiés en associant deux aspects de la paléonutrition : la paléochimie et la paléopathologie. Le but de cette recherche est d’explorer la relation entre nutrition et état de santé pour cette population préindustrielle. Des informations directes sur l’alimentation ont été recueillies par l’analyse des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote du collagène des os, et des informations indirectes ont été obtenues par une quantification de l’état de santé des individus. Les méthodes paléopathologiques utilisées sont celles de l’« indice de santé » (Steckel et al., 2002) pour la comparaison interpopulationnelle, puis des méthodes comprenant des degrés de sévérité plus précis afin d’étudier les variations intrapopulationnelles. L’analyse de ces données atteste d’un état de santé relativement mauvais par comparaison avec d’autres groupes nord-américains contemporains, malgré une alimentation similaire. Des différences alimentaires ont été observées en fonction des données paléodémographiques (âge, sexe), mettant notamment en évidence une variabilité temporelle dans la réalisation du processus de sevrage. De plus, un régime alimentaire moins riche en ressources C4 (maïs, sucre de canne) et en ressources animales (viande, poissons, produits laitiers) a été constaté pour les enfants entre 2 et 7 ans par rapport aux individus plus vieux. Enfin, une relation possible entre la sévérité de certaines pathologies (cribra orbitalia et périostite) et la consommation des ressources alimentaires en C4 et/ou marines et riches en protéines a été observée.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of lifetime panic disorder (PD) diagnosis in a sample of patients with bipolar disorder type I (BPI), evaluating clinical and demographic variables. Methods: Ninety-five outpatients from the Bipolar Disorder Research Program at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School were enrolled. Twenty-seven BPI patients with PD were compared to 68 BPI patients without any anxiety disorders regarding clinical and demographic variables. Results: Compared to BPI patients without any anxiety disorders, patients with BPI + PD presented significantly higher number of mood episodes (18.9 +/- 13.8 vs 8.5 +/- 7.8; P < .001), depressive episodes (10.8 +/- 8.2 vs 4.6 +/- 4,8; P = .001), and manic episodes (7.4 +/- 7.3 vs 3.6 +/- 3.6; P = .008). Patients with BPI + PD had more frequently a depressive episode as their first one compared to BPI patients without anxiety disorders (94.1% vs 57.5%; P = .011). Patients with BPI + PD had more comorbidity with lifetime diagnosis of drug abuse or dependence (33.3% vs 8.8%; P = .010) and eating disorders (29.6% vs 6.0%; P = .004). Conclusions: The higher number of mood episodes in general presented by patients with BPI + PD when compared with BPI patients without any anxiety disorders, along with the higher frequencies of drug misuse and eating disorders, indicates that PD comorbidity is associated with a poorer Course and outcome of BPI. The higher frequency of depression as the onset mood episode and the higher number of manic episodes in the group with PD may have important treatment implications and should be further investigated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Alarming S.T.I’s percentages and low condom use motivated this research. Healthcare professional’s risk-behavior and attitudes towards risk-behavior were reviewed. Three hypotheses, aimed to test whether healthcare professionals working with S.T.I’s should have a different attitude, knowledge and behavior to condom use compared to healthcare professionals that did not work with S.T.I’s. Ninety-five participants working at a hospital in middle-Sweden answered a questionnaire, based on the Swedish UNGKAB09 research. Mann-Whitney analyses showed no significant difference between the two groups on knowledge, attitude and behavior. A high percentage of steady relationships, high homogeneity between groups as well the same attitudes and intentions could have been a reliability problem. The collected data was however interesting as a base for further research
Maria Judite de Carvalho began his literature in 1949 in journals of Lusitanian capital. Until his death, which occurred in 1998, published more a thousand texts, most of them have never been extracted from their support original, the newspaper, making them unknown to the public today. In order to rescue of this precious material chosen as the literary corpus of Search the chronicles published in the Diário de Lisboa, periodic where the writer published the largest number of texts in the section Rectângulos da Vida, 395 (three hundred and ninety-five) chronic for five consecutive years (1968-1972). Looking at these texts I realized that she inserted into her narrative the changes occurred in the twentieth century, in Portugal, capturing the moment of breaking with traditional models and introducing new paradigms imposed by modernity. What happens in this period is an extremely fast and deep change of values and customs with which the Portuguese society faces and experiences with a certain uneasiness. Given this unstable scenario, Maria Judite expresses, through her ironic and critical narrative, the portrait of the Portuguese people and their behavior full of anguish and sorrows that are revealed through the gloom. After a thorough reading of his texts I found that this was the guiding element of juditiana writing. It is presented in the chronicles in many respects they were privileged during the five years of publications they are loneliness, abandonment, death, isolation of individuals who feel increasingly powerless in the face of changes experienced as a consequence of this state and present is melancholy all the time. This is a photograph of Maria Judite de Carvalho on Portuguese society told in her chronicles as I saw this survey.
OBJETIVO: A peridural (AP) e a técnica de duplo bloqueio (DB) são utilizadas em analgesia para o trabalho de parto. Este estudo comparou os efeitos na mãe e no feto de ambas as técnicas em analgesia e anestesia para o parto. MÉTODOS: Quarenta parturientes ASA I e II receberam por via peridural 15 ml de ropivacaína a 0,125% (grupo AP) e 5 µg de sufentanil com 2,5 mg bupivacaína por via subaracnóidea (grupo DB). Foram avaliados: intensidade de dor, altura do bloqueio sensitivo, tempo de latência, bloqueio motor, duração da analgesia de parto, tempo para a resolução do parto, hipotensão materna e presença de prurido. Os recém-nascidos foram avaliados pelo índice de Apgar e escore da capacidade adaptativa e neurológica (ECAN), método de Amiel-Tison. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos na intensidade da dor, no tempo de latência, no nível do bloqueio sensitivo e no índice de Apgar. O bloqueio motor, a duração da analgesia e o tempo para resolução do parto foram maiores no grupo DB, do qual sete parturientes apresentaram prurido leve. ECAN foi maior no grupo AP após meia hora, duas horas e 24 horas. Noventa e cinco por cento dos recém-nascidos do grupo AP e 60% do grupo DB foram considerados neurologicamente vigorosos ao exame de 24 horas. CONCLUSÃO: As duas técnicas mostraram-se eficazes para analgesia do trabalho de parto. As parturientes do grupo DB apresentaram prurido e trabalho de parto mais prolongado. Recém-nascidos de mães que receberam analgesia de parto via peridural apresentaram melhor ECAN.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding cattle with isoprotein and isoenergetic diets, with and without the addition of polyclonal antibody preparation (PAP), yeasts (YST) or monensin sodium (MON) on performance, carcass characteristics and gain cost in feedlot. Ninety-five 20-month old bullocks (323.3±21.8 kg) were distributed in 25 pens. The completely randomized experimental design had a 2 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement and the treatments were replicated 5 times. There was no effect of MON for DMI throughout the feedlot period; however, MON reduced the dry matter intake (DMI) in g/kg of BW in the first 28 days when compared with the other treatments. The gain cost decreased with MON addition in relation to the other treatments. Inclusion of YST decreased average daily gain (ADG), final body weight, hot carcass weight, carcass weight, gain to feed ratio and DMI in g/kg body weight, worsening feed conversion and increasing the gain cost in the feeding periods. Inclusion of PAP increased ADG and decreased the gain cost, besides improving feed conversion. For MON and PAP, a difference was found for kidney-pelvic fat and kidney-pelvic fat per 100 kg of hot carcass weight. For MON and YST, there was a difference in ADG, feed conversion, gain cost and carcass yield and kidney-pelvic fat per 100 kg of hot carcass. Treatment YST worsened performance in relation to the non-supplemented treatments. Feeding PAP to animals did not influence performance and carcass characteristics of bullocks in feedlot negatively. Thus, PAP shows potential to substitute MON in cattle feeding using isoprotein and isoenergetic diets.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of surface hydration state and application method on the microtensile bond strength of one-step self-etching adhesives systems to cut enamel.Materials and Methods: One hundred ninety-five bovine teeth were used. The enamel on the buccal side was flattened with 600-grit SiC paper. For the control group, 15 teeth received Adper Single Bond 2, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. The other specimens were divided into three groups according to the adhesive system used: Futura Bond M (FM; Voco), Clearfil S-3 Bond (CS; Kuraray), and Optibond All in One (OA; Kerr). For each group, two hydration states were tested: D: blown dry with air; W: the excess of water was removed with absorbent paper. Two application methods were tested: P (passive): the adhesive was simply left on the surface; A (active): the adhesive was rubbed with an applicator point. A coat of Grandio composite resin (Voco) was applied on the surface. The teeth were sectioned to obtain enamel-resin sticks (1 x 1 mm), which underwent microtensile bond testing. The data in MPa were submitted to a three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: The ANOVA showed significant differences for application method and the type of adhesive, but not for hydration state. For the application method, the results of Tukey's test were: P: 31.46 (+/-7.09)a; A: 34.04 (+/-7.19)b. For the type of adhesive, the results were: OA: 31.29 (+/-7.05)a; CS: 32.28 (+/-7.14)a; FM: 34.68 (+/-7.17)b; different lower-case letters indicate statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Active application improved the bond strength to cut enamel. The adhesive Futurabond M showed the highest bond strength to cut enamel.
A hundred and ninety-five (195) strains of Enterobacter spp., isolated from diverse clinical specimens - urine, feces, cateter, blood, wound, tracheal aspirate, vaginal fluid - were submitted to the conventional identification by biochemical tests, and were also submitted to the identification by panels NegCombo 20 of the system automated MicroScan - AutoScan- 4 (Dade Behring Inc., West Sacramento, CA, USA). The samples were from patients of the Clinical Laboratory from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente, SP, and from patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo, UNOESTE. Of the total of strains tested, 191 (97.9%) presented agreement between the two approaches utilized and 4 strains (2.1%) presented identification disagreement, that is, the genus identified was different in each approach. By this study, the conclusion is that both the approaches utilized for the identification presented advantages and disadvantages related to the cost, facility of execution, quickness, reliability and some other characteristics. Even so, our results showed that conventional methods represent a reliable tool for Enterobacter identification.
The knowledge of cell-cycle control has shown that the capacity of malignant growth is acquired by the stepwise accumulation of defects in specific genes regulating cell growth. Histologic diagnosis might be improved by a quantitative evaluation of more specific diagnosis biomarkers, which could help to precisely identify pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether computer-based quantitative assessment of p53, PCNA and Ki-67 immunohistochemical expression, could be used clinically to foresee the risk of oral malignant transformation. This retrospective study was carried out in ninety-five oral biopsies, 27 were classified as fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia, 40 as leukoplakia and 28 as oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sixteen out of the 40 leukoplakia were diagnosed as non-dysplastic leukoplakia, the other 24 being dysplastic leukoplakia, of which 50.0% were classified as moderate to severe dysplasia. Comparison of the four groups of oral tissues showed significant rises in p53 and Ki-67 positivity index, which increased steadily in the order benign, pre-malignant, and malignant. In contrast, it was not possible to relate higher PCNA levels with pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. We therefore conclude that PCNA immunohistochemistry expression is probably an inappropriate marker to identify oral carcinogenesis, whereas joint quantitative evaluation of p53 and Ki-67, appears to be useful as a tumor marker, providing a pre-diagnostic estimate of the potential for cell-cycle deregulation of the oral proliferate status.
Peptic ulcers are a common disorder of the entire gastrointestinal tract that occurs mainly in the stomach and the proximal duodenum. This disease is multifactorial and its treatment faces great difficulties due to the limited effectiveness and severe side effects of the currently available drugs. The use of natural products for the prevention and treatment of different pathologies is continuously expanding throughout the world. This is particularly true with regards to flavonoids, which represent a highly diverse class of secondary metabolites with potentially beneficial human health effects that is widely distributed in the plant kingdom and currently consumed in large amounts in the diet. They display several pharmacological properties in the gastroprotective area, acting as anti-secretory, cytoprotective and antioxidant agents. Besides their action as gastroprotectives, flavonoids also act in healing of gastric ulcers and additionally these polyphenolic compounds can be new alternatives for suppression or modulation of peptic ulcers associated with H. pylori. In this review, we have summarized the literature on ninety-five flavonoids with varying degrees of antiulcerogenic activity, confirming that flavonoids have a therapeutic potential for the more effective treatment of peptic ulcers.
The objective of this study was to determine the mean distance between the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin, as well as the mean distance between the infraorbital foramen and the piriform aperture on both sides of dry human skulls, with the aim of improving the efficiency in clinical situations, such as surgery and anesthetic procedures. Two hundred ninety-five skulls were used (590 sides), located in the Frankfurt Plane through a craniostat. The measurements were collected by two distinct operators, with a dry tip compass and carried to a caliper. The general mean obtained between the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin was 6.37 mm (±1.69 mm), with a mean of 6,28 mm (±1.79 mm) on the right side and 6.45 mm (±1.76 mm) on the left side. The general mean obtained between the infraorbital foramen and the piriform aperture was 17.67 mm (±1.95 mm), being 17.75 mm (±2.10 mm) on the right side and 17.60 mm (±2.04 mm) on the left side. There were statistically significant differences between the right and left distances of the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin, verified by the Student's-t test. The results of this study allow a more precise location of the infraorbital foramen, particularly as regards the infraorbital margin, since this distance is of relevant importance as a repair point during surgical procedures involving this anatomical structure.