994 resultados para Plastic bottles


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Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar, 22 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Esta investigación evalúa el impacto ambiental del proceso de producción de fibra corta en Enka de Colombia teniendo en cuenta tres escenarios diferentes, utilizando la metodología establecida en el Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard -- Generando una comparación entre dichos escenarios con el fin de evaluar si hay una compensación entre las emisiones que se generan por el uso de una carboeléctrica y las emisiones que se pueden ahorrar mediante el reciclaje de botellas PET -- A partir de lo anterior se realiza un inventario de análisis de ciclo de vida donde se evalúan las emisiones asociadas a la producción de materias primas, transporte, consumo de energía y residuos para cada escenario -- Con el desarrollo de este proyecto se logra concluir que sí hay una reducción de emisiones por el reciclaje de botellas PET, reduciendo las emisiones de CO2 en aproximadamente un 15.4%


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Terephthalic acid (PTA) is one of the monomers used for the synthesis of the polyester, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), that is used for the large-scale manufacture of synthetic fibers and plastic bottles. PTA is largely produced from the liquid-phase oxidation of petroleum-derived p-xylene (PX). However, there are now ongoing worldwide efforts exploring alternative routes for producing PTA from renewable, biomass resources.

In this thesis, I present a new route to PTA starting from the biomass-derived platform chemical, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). This route utilizes new, selective Diels-Alder-dehydration reactions involving ethylene and is advantageous over the previously proposed Diels-Alder-dehydration route to PTA from HMF via 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) since the H2 reduction of HMF to DMF is avoided. Specifically, oxidized derivatives of HMF are reacted as is, or after etherification-esterification with methanol, with ethylene over solid Lewis acid catalysts that do not contain strong Brønsted acids in order to synthesize intermediates of PTA and its equally important diester, dimethyl terephthalate (DMT). The partially oxidized HMF, 5-(hydroxymethyl)furoic acid (HMFA) is reacted with high pressure ethylene over a pure-silica molecular sieve catalyst containing framework tin (Sn-Beta) to produce the Diels-Alder-dehydration product, 4-(hydroxymethyl)benzoic acid (HMBA), with ~30% selectivity at ~20% yield. If HMFA is protected with methanol to form methyl 5-(methoxymethyl)furan-2-carboxylate (MMFC), MMFC can react with ethylene in the presence of a pure-silica molecular sieve containing framework zirconium (Zr-Beta) to produce methyl 4-(methoxymethyl)benzenecarboxylate (MMBC) with >70% selectivity at >20% yield. HMBA and MMBC can then be oxidized to produce PTA and DMT, respectively. When Lewis acid containing mesoporous silica (MCM-41) and amorphous silica, or Brønsted acid containing zeolites (Al-Beta), are used as catalysts, a significant decrease in selectivity/yield of the Diels-Alder-dehydration product is observed.

An investigation to elucidate the reaction network and side products in the conversion of MMFC to MMBC was performed, and the main side products are found to be methyl 4-formylcyclohexa-1,3-diene-1-carboxylate and the ethylene Diels-Alder adduct of this cyclohexadiene. These products presumably form by a different dehydration pathway of the MMFC/ethylene Diels-Alder adduct and should be included when determining the overall selectivity to PTA or DMT since, like MMBC, these compounds are precursors to PTA or DMT.

Fundamental physical and chemical information on the ethylene Diels-Alder-dehydration reactions catalyzed by the Lewis acid-containing molecular sieves was obtained. Madon-Boudart experiments using Zr-Beta as catalyst show that the reaction rates are limited by chemical kinetics only (physical transport limitations are not present), all the Zr4+ centers are incorporated into the framework of the molecular sieve, and the whole molecular sieve crystal is accessible for catalysis. Apparent activation energies using Zr-Beta are low, suggesting that the overall activation energy of the system may be determined by a collection of terms and is not the true activation energy of a single chemical step.


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Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent


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Dirk de Bruyn’s expanded cinema performances engage the æsthetics of process at a number of levels. At the core of these performances are several of three- or four-screen, essentially abstract films of the same duration which comment upon and echo each other in a constant interplay of flicker-like positive and negative imagery. The soundtrack of the films works in a related way: the same or similar words and sound fragments are overlayed, or are repeated in an absurd call-and-answer pattern running from one speaker to another. This overall design or formal system is then set into play and relativised in the live event through a number of treatment-techniques. Reels are placed out of order or interspliced with other short films or fragments of found footage or tests, the bulb of one or more projectors can be occasionally turned off while the soundtrack continues, or the projector can be stopped altogether, extending, stretching out or disrupting completely the apparent synchrony between each screen and soundtrack. The light beam of each projector is filtered, distorted, split and multiplied using hand-held colour gels, plastic bottles, prisms and mirrors, or else silhouetted or blocked completely with the artist’s own hands and body. The projectors themselves can be inverted, turned around or physically transported across the space, mixing and overlaying the imagery, animating different areas of the performance environment and transforming the body of the audience itself into a screen medium.


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Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recycling plastic water bottles has become one of the major challenges world wide. The present study provides an approach for the use of plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil, which can be used for ground improvement, subbases, and subgrade preparation in road construction. The experimental results are presented in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response and compression paths. On the basis of experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with the addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to evaluate the response of plastic waste mixed soil. It is noted that the model captures the stress-strain and pore water pressure response of all percentages of plastic waste adequately. The paper also provides a comparative study of failure stress obtained from different published models and the proposed model, which are compared with experimental results. The improvement in strength attributable to the inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in ground improvement projects.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) whose migration from food packaging is recognized worldwide. However, the real overall food contamination and related consequences are yet largely unknown. Among humans, children’s exposure to BPA has been emphasized because of the immaturity of their biological systems. The main aim of this study was to assess the reproductive impact of BPA leached from commercially available plastic containers used or related to child nutrition, performing ecotoxicological tests using the biomonitoring species Daphnia magna. Acute and chronic tests, as well as single and multigenerational tests were done. Migration of BPA from several baby bottles and other plastic containers evaluated by GC-MS indicated that a broader range of foodstuff may be contaminated when packed in plastics. Ecotoxicological test results performed using defined concentrations of BPA were in agreement with literature, although a precocious maturity of daphnids was detected at 3.0 mg/L. Curiously, an increased reproductive output (neonates per female) was observed when daphnids were bred in the polycarbonate (PC) containers (145.1±4.3 % to 264.7±3.8 %), both in single as in multigenerational tests, in comparison with the negative control group (100.3±1.6 %). A strong correlated dose-dependent ecotoxicological effect was observed, providing evidence that BPA leached from plastic food packaging materials act as functional estrogen in vivo at very low concentrations. In contrast, neonate production by daphnids cultured in polypropylene and non-PC bottles was slightly but not significantly enhanced (92.5±2.0 % to 118.8±1.8 %). Multigenerational tests also revealed magnification of the adverse effects, not only on fecundity but also on mortality, which represents a worrying trend for organisms that are chronically exposed to xenoestrogens for many generations. Two plausible explanations for the observed results could be given: a non-monotonic dose–response relationship or a mixture toxicity effect.


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How did branded bottles of water insinuate themselves into our daily lives? Why did water become an economic good—no longer a common resource but a commercial product, in industry parlance a “fast moving consumer good,” or FMCG? Plastic Water examines the processes behind this transformation. It goes beyond the usual political and environmental critiques of bottled water to investigate its multiplicity, examining a bottle of water’s simultaneous existence as, among other things, a product, personal health resource, object of boycotts, and part of accumulating waste matter. Throughout, the book focuses on the ontological dimensions of drinking bottled water—the ways in which this habit enacts new relations and meanings that may interfere with other drinking water practices.


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Experts in injection molding often refer to previous solutions to find a mold design similar to the current mold and use previous successful molding process parameters with intuitive adjustment and modification as a start for the new molding application. This approach saves a substantial amount of time and cost in experimental based corrective actions which are required in order to reach optimum molding conditions. A Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) System can perform the same task by retrieving a similar case which is applied to the new case from the case library and uses the modification rules to adapt a solution to the new case. Therefore, a CBR System can simulate human e~pertise in injection molding process design. This research is aimed at developing an interactive Hybrid Expert System to reduce expert dependency needed on the production floor. The Hybrid Expert System (HES) is comprised of CBR, flow analysis, post-processor and trouble shooting systems. The HES can provide the first set of operating parameters in order to achieve moldability condition and producing moldings free of stress cracks and warpage. In this work C++ programming language is used to implement the expert system. The Case-Based Reasoning sub-system is constructed to derive the optimum magnitude of process parameters in the cavity. Toward this end the Flow Analysis sub-system is employed to calculate the pressure drop and temperature difference in the feed system to determine the required magnitude of parameters at the nozzle. The Post-Processor is implemented to convert the molding parameters to machine setting parameters. The parameters designed by HES are implemented using the injection molding machine. In the presence of any molding defect, a trouble shooting subsystem can determine which combination of process parameters must be changed iii during the process to deal with possible variations. Constraints in relation to the application of this HES are as follows. - flow length (L) constraint: 40 mm < L < I 00 mm, - flow thickness (Th) constraint: -flow type: - material types: I mm < Th < 4 mm, unidirectional flow, High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) and Acrylic. In order to test the HES, experiments were conducted and satisfactory results were obtained.


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A finite element numerical simulation is carried out to examine stress distributions on railhead in the vicinity of the endpost of a insulated rail joint. The contact patch and pressure distribution are considered using modified Hertzian formulation. A combined elasto-plastic material modelling available in Abaqus is employed in the simulation. A dynamic load factor of 1.21 is considered in modelling for the wheel load based on a previous study as part of this on going research. Shakedown theorem is employed in this study. A peak pressure load which is above the shakedown limit is determined as input load. As a result, a progressive damage in the railhead has been captured as depicted in the equivalent plastic strain plot.


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Based on the molecular dynamics simulation, plastic deformation mechanisms associated with the zigzag stress curves in perfect and surface defected copper nanowires under uniaxial tension are studied. In our previous study, it has found that the surface defect exerts larger influence than the centro-plane defect, and the 45o surface defect appears as the most influential surface defect. Hence, in this paper, the nanowire with a 45o surface defect is chosen to investigate the defect’s effect to the plastic deformation mechanism of nanowires. We find that during the plastic deformation of both perfect and defected nanowires, decrease regions of the stress curve are accompanied with stacking faults generation and migration activities, but during stress increase, the structure of the nanowire appears almost unchanged. We also observe that surface defects have obvious influence on the nanowire’s plastic deformation mechanisms. In particular, only two sets of slip planes are found to be active and twins are also observed in the defected nanowire.


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Failure of buried pipes due to reactive soil movement (e.g. shrinking/swelling) is a common problem for water and gas pipe networks in Australia and the world. Soil movement is closely related to seasonal climatic change, and particularly to the moisture content of soil. Although some research has been carried out to understand the effect of freezing and thawing of soils and temperature effects in colder climates, very limited research has been undertaken to examine the possible failure mechanisms of pipes buried in reactive soils. This study reports the responses of a 2 m long polyethylene pipe buried in reactive clay in a box under laboratory conditions. The soil and pipe movements were measured as the soil was wetted from the bottom of the box. It was observed that the pipe underwent substantial deformation as the soil swelled with increase of the moisture content. The results are explained with a simplified numerical analysis.