992 resultados para Plasma Progesterone
Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that regulates either the estrous cycle and pregnancy. It presents extreme dependency on the adequate blood supply. This work aims to evaluate goat corpus luteum (CL) vascular density (VD) over the estrous cycle. For that purpose, 20 females were submitted to estrus synchronization/ovulation treatment using a medroxyprogesterone intra-vaginal sponge as well as intramuscular (IM) application of cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophine (eCG). After sponge removal, estrus was identified at about 72hs. Once treatment was over, female goats were then subdivided into 4 groups (n=5 each) and slaughtered on days 2, 12, 16 and 22 after ovulation (p.o). Ovaries were collected, withdrawn and weighted. CL and ovaries had size and area recorded. Blood samples were collected and the plasma progesterone (P4) was measured through RIA commercial kits. The VD was 24.42±6.66, 36.26±5.61, 8.59±2.2 and 3.97±1.12 vessels/mm² for days 2, 12, 16 and 22 p.o, respectively. Progesterone plasma concentrations were 0.49±0.08, 2.63±0.66, 0.61±0.14 and 0.22±0.04ng/ml for days 2, 12, 16 e 22 p.o, respectively. Studied parameters were affected by the estrous cycle phase. Values greater than 12 p.o were observed. In the present work we observed that ovulation occurred predominantly in the right ovary (70% of the animals), which in turn presented bigger measures than the contra lateral one. There is a meaningful relationship between the weight and size of the ovary and these of CL (r=0.87, r=0.70, respectively, p<0.05). It is possible to conclude that morphology of goat's ovaries and plasma progesterone concentration changed according to estrous cycle stages. We propose these parameters can be used as indicators of CL functional activity.
Studies were funded by Colegio de Postgraduados, México. CONACyT, México. SRE, México. Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, University of Montreal and an Operating Grant to B.D. Murphy from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
The noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) has been reported to regulate luteinising hormone (LH) secretion in female rats. Both oestrogen and progestin receptors have been demonstrated in LC neurones, suggesting that these cells are possibly responsive to variations in circulating levels of ovarian steroids. We therefore evaluated changes in the activity of LC neurones during the oestrous cycle and after ovarian-steroid treatment in ovariectomised (OVX) rats, as determined by immunoreactivity to Fos-related antigens (FRA), which comprises all of the known members of the Fos family. Effects of ovarian steroids on the firing rate of LC neurones were also determined in a slice preparation. The number of FRA/tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir) neurones in the LC increased from 14.00-16.00 h on pro-oestrus, coinciding with the onset of the LH surge and rise in plasma progesterone. FRA immunoreactivity was unaltered during dioestrus. Oestradiol-treated OVX rats (OVX+E) displayed marked reduction in FRA/TH-ir neurones in LC compared to oil-treated OVX rats. Accordingly, oestradiol superfusion significantly reduced the spontaneous firing rate of LC neurones in slices from OVX rats. Compared to OVX+E, oestradiol-treated rats injected with progesterone at 08.00 h (OVX+EP) exhibited higher number of FRA/TH-ir neurones in the LC at 10.00 h and 16.00 h, and great amplification of the LH surge. Bath application of progesterone significantly increased the spontaneous firing rate of OVX+E LC neurones. Our data suggest that ovarian steroids may physiologically modulate the activity of LC neurones in females, with possible implications for LH secretion. Moreover, oestradiol and progesterone appear to exert opposite and complementary effects (i.e. whereas oestradiol inhibits, progesterone, after oestradiol priming, stimulates LC activity).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study was conducted in order to verify the efficacy of lower doses and alternative routes of a prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, luprostiol (PGF), for the induction of luteolysis and the precipitation of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus). A conventional dose (15 mg) of PGF was compared to doses lower than the conventional dose, which ranges from 10 to 50%, that were administered intramuscularly (IM), intravulvosubmucosally (IVSM), or in the Bai-hui acupuncture site located within the lumbosacral area. The cows were administered PGF 8 day after estrus in the presence of a corpus luteum, and randomly assigned to the following groups: G1 (positive control), 15 mg, IM (n = 23); G2, 7.5 mg, IM (n = 23); G3, 3.75 mg, I M (n = 24); G4, 7.5 mg, IVSM (n = 25); G5, 3.75 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 24); and G6, 1.5 mg, Bai-hui acupoint (n = 25). The results indicated that 50% of a conventional dose of PGF (7.5 mg) resulted in a complete luteal regression (plasma progesterone < 1 ng/ml) at Hour 48, and hastened estrus, regardless of whether or not PGF was administered IM or IVSM. Comparatively, 10 or 25% of the conventional dose, even when administered to the Bai-hui acupoint, resulted in an initial reduction in the concentration of progesterone at Hour 24, followed by an increase observed at Hour 48. In conclusion, 25% of a conventional PGF dose administered via the Bai-hui acupoint proved inadequate to induce a complete luteal regression, whereas 50% of a conventional dose administered IM or IVSM was found to be the minimal dose required to induce effectively a complete luteal regression, and to precipitate the onset of estrus in nonlactating Nelore cows.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dez vacas multíparas, secas, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de cinco animais cada. Nos dias 8 a 12 do diestro, o primeiro grupo recebeu 100 ml de anti-soro contra líquido folicular livre de esteróides (anti-LFb) produzido em ovelhas ovariectomizadas. O segundo grupo (controle) recebeu 100 ml de soro de ovelhas não-imunizadas. Seis horas após a aplicação, os dois grupos foram superovulados com FSH (18 NIH-FSH-S1 unidades) e LH (0,29 NIH-LH-S1 unidades) administrados em quantidades decrescentes durante quatro dias. Na manhã do terceiro dia, foi administrada uma dose luteolítica de cloprostenol. Duas inseminações foram realizadas 48 e 60 horas após. Os embriões foram recuperados pelo método cervical 7 dias após a primeira inseminação. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas durante todo o período experimental para determinar, por radioimunoensaio, as concentrações plasmáticas de FSH, LH e progesterona. Todas as vacas do grupo imunizado e 3 do grupo controle apresentaram mais de 2 CL. Não existiu diferença significativa (P>0,05) na taxa de ovulação entre os grupos imunizado e controle (14,4 e 9,9, respectivamente). O número de embriões recuperado não foi significativamente diferente (P>0,05) entre os grupos, embora o grupo imunizado tenha apresentado maior número de embriões transferíveis (3,4 ± 1,0 versus 0,8 ± 0,4, P<0,05). As concentrações de gonadotrofinas plasmáticas não foram correlacionadas com a taxa de ovulação ou com o número de embriões recuperados. As concentrações de progesterona plasmática foram positivamente correlacionadas (r = 0,88, P<0,01) com a taxa de ovulação. Os resultados sugerem que o anti-LFb, aplicado antes da superovulação, não reduz a variabilidade da resposta ovariana.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivou-se com este trabalho o fornecimento de informações sobre o padrão de secreção da progesterona (P4) e as características de manifestação do ciclo estral em borregas lanadas e deslanadas, durante o período de abril a novembro, no Estado de São Paulo. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas da veia jugular de 12 borregas das raças Santa Inês (SI), Romney Marsh (RM) e Suffolk (SU), e as concentrações foram determinadas pelo método de radioimunoensaio utilizando-se kits comerciais. O estro foi detectado por machos vasectomizados (impregnados com tinta pó xadrez + óleo comestível na região peitoral) em 31 borregas (10 SI, 11 RM e 10 SU). O estro foi determinado pelo confronto da observação de fêmeas marcadas pelos machos vasectomizados e dos valores de concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona inferiores a 1 ng/mL. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos ciclos estrais foi de duração normal (14 - 19 dias) para todas as raças. A duração dos ciclos de duração normal das borregas SU foi inferior aos das borregas SI e RM, as quais não diferiram entre si. Não houve diferença entre as raças na duração dos ciclos curtos (< 14 dias) e longos (20 - 26 dias). O padrão de secreção de P4 mostrou a presença de ciclos estrais múltiplos (27 - 57 dias) indicando a incidência de ovulações silenciosas. As borregas SI encontravam-se em atividade cíclica reprodutiva apresentando valores que variaram de 0,08 a 7,36 ng/mL, enquanto que as raças RM e SU encontravam-se em atividade somente no período de abril a julho com valores que variaram de 0,13 a 7,05 ng/mL e de 0,15 a 7,30 ng/mL, respectivamente. de agosto a novembro, estas duas raças encontravam-se em anestro. Conclui-se que, em São Paulo, a raça SI não possui estacionalidade no ciclo reprodutivo como as raças RM e SU.
To verify the effects of energy supplementation and fat on follicular dynamics, metabolic profile and the production of oocytes, 15 young heifers (Bos taurus indicus) with an average age of 14 months and with an initial weight of 256.35 kg were assigned to two treatments according to weight and follicular population as evaluated by ultrasonography: in T1 (1.0 × M), animals received 100% of the energy requirements for maintenance; in T2 (1.7 × M), animals received 170% of the energy requirements for maintenance, achieved by the addition of 200 g of Megalac®. After a period of adaptation to the diet, the treatments, blood collection and follicular aspirations were started using a randomized design. The dry matter intake and weight gain were lower in the 1.0 × M group than in the 1.7 × M group. No differences were found in the plasma progesterone concentrations, albumin, glucose, urea or gonadotropin (FSH and LH) levels between the groups. The mean concentrations of cholesterol were higher in the 1.7 × M group. The total number of small (<4 mm) and medium follicles (4-8 mm) was not altered by the treatments, but the number of small follicles increased on days 1 and 2 of the estrous cycle, with higher values found in the 1.7 × M group. The average of the oocytes also increased (9.50±2.1 and 12.5±4.4 for the 1.0 × M and 1.7 × M groups, respectively). The rapid increase in the amount of energy offered in the diet changes the amount of follicles and oocytes available for follicular aspiration (OPU) in young heifers without changing their metabolic profile.
A series of experiments with Holstein heifers was conducted to develop the capability of inducing accessory corpus luteum (CL) with a GnRH agonist (Buserelin, 8 mu g; GnRHa) or hCG; (3,000 IU) to increase plasma progesterone concentrations (Exp. 1, 2, and 3) and to test whether induction of accessory CL with hCG will increase conception rates in heifers (Exp. 4) and lactating cows (Exp. 5). In Exp. 1, heifers were treated on d 5 after estrus with GnRHa (n = 8) or saline (n = 7); heifers in Exp. 2 received hCG (n = 5) or saline (n = 4) on d 5. Experiment 3 allowed a contemporary evaluation of heifers treated on d 5 with GnRHa (n = 6), hCG (n = 6), saline (n = 6), or GnRHa at d 5 and hCG at the time of the induced ovulation (n = 5). The GnRHa and hCG were equally effective in inducing an accessory CL (93% induction rate), but the subsequent increase in progesterone concentrations was greater in hCG-treated heifers. A greater half life of hCG may provide longer LH-like stimulation of the first-wave follicle and subsequent developing accessory CL or a greater luteotropic effect on the original CL. Induction of an accessory CL with hCG on d 5 or 6 after insemination did not increase pregnancy rates in fertile heifers (Exp. 4: hCG = 64.8% vs control = 62.9%; n = 243) or lactating dairy cows during summer heat stress (Exp. 5: hCG = 24.2% vs control = 23.5%; n = 201).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Studies with Doppler ultrassonography started at the end of the 90s for the determination of physiological and pathological alterations in the reproductive tract of the mare. Uterine alterations caused by inflammation, response from seminal plasma infusion, hormonal variations during estrous and diestrus, pregnancy and action of various vasoactive factors influence on the vascular perfusion detected by Doppler ultrasound. The development of efficient methods for uterine quality evaluation is of big importance for field equine reproduction veterinarians, once uterine environment is responsible for pregnancy maintenance. Review: Nowadays, the most used methods of uterine evaluation are the mode B ultrassonography, cytology, culture and biopsy. Hemodynamic evaluation of the uterus can be done by spectral data collected from large vessels, as A. uterine and its ramifications, or from subjective or objective evaluations from endometrium, miometrium and mesometrium attachment, which provide data referent to local and specific alterations of the evaluated area. Alterations in uterine vascular perfusion has been detected during estrous cycle, during pregnancy and in cases of infusion of inflammatory substances. These alterations happen because of vasoactive substances that act in the uterus during these events, however, most of these vasoactive substances are probably not even known. Also, important hemodynamic alterations in old mares, as an increase in vascular resistance, have been described. This increase might result from fibrosis of the uterus and in women it is considered to be a cause of infertility. In mares, periglandular fibrosis of the endometrium is considered to be the major diagnosable cause of embryonic and fetal loss in older mares. For the CL, ovarian artery of the mare supplies the ovary as well as the oviduct and therefore can be used for evaluation of these areas. The CL evaluation can also be done by the percentage of luteum area with colored signals as an indicator of the extent of blood flow. The percentage of the CL area with colored signals is determined subjectively by images observations in real time and/or by a freezing Power Doppler cross-section image with the maximum number of color pixels taped and the total number of color pixels is assessed by a computer analysis system. Therefore, a high correlation between plasmatic progesterone and CL vascularization also allows the CL evalution by this technique. In a first report, CL circulation reached its maximum on D5, the progesterone concentration in peripheral blood increased until D7 and in a posterior report, maximum perfusion was achieved two days after the maximum progesterone concentration (D8). Blood flow reduced between D10-D14 some days before the plasma progesterone decrease and, during the luteolytic period (D15-D17), the decline in CL blood-flow area was greater than blood flow decrease. Conclusion: Doppler ultrassonography add knowledge about uterine viability and CL functionality can be easily used by veterinarians in the field. It is a noninvasive method that provides real time results. However, because of the short time studies in this area have been done, many other answers still need to be found until normal and pathological patterns will be established.