948 resultados para Plant indicator species


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Twenty eight species within Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae (includes Mycosphaerella, Teratosphaeria, Pseudocercospora and Sonderhenia) are reported from Eucalyptus and Corymbia in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia, based on field surveys and examination of herbarium specimens and published reports. Teratosphaeria cryptica was the most commonly recorded species, with the widest host range and distribution, followed by Mycosphaerella marksii. Six new species are described: T. keanei, T. coolabuniensis, T. crispata, M. medusae, M. nootherensis and T. praelongispora. New or interesting records for known species are reported, including new records for Australia (T. pluritubularis and T. verrucosiafricana) and new records for Queensland (T. excentrica, T. multiseptata, T. nubilosa, T. suberosa and Ps. pseudoeucalyptorum).


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Regeneration ecology, diversity of native woody species and its potential for landscape restoration was studied in the remnant natural forest at the College of Forestry and Natural Resources at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia. The type of forest is Afromontane rainforest , with many valuable tree species like Aningeria adolfi-friederici, and it is an important provider of ecological, social and economical services for the population that lives in this area. The study contains two parts, natural regeneration studies (at the natural forest) and interviews with farmers in the nearby village of the remnant patch. The objective of the first part was to investigate the floristic composition, densitiy and regeneration profiles of native woody species in the forest, paying special attention to woody species that are considered the most relevant (socio-economic). The second part provided information on woody species preferred by the farmers and on multiple uses of the adjacent natural forest, it also provided information and analysed perceptions on forest degradation. Systematic plot sampling was used in the forest inventory. Twenty square plots of 20 x 20 m were assessed, with 38 identified woody species (the total number of species was 45), representing 26 families. Of these species 61% were trees, 13% shrubs, 11% lianas and 16% species that could have both life forms. An analysis of natural regeneration of five important tree species in the natural forest showed that Aningeria adolfi-friederici had the best regeneration results. An analysis of population structure (as determined by height classes) of two commercially important woody species in the forest, Aningeria adolfi-friederici and Podocarpus falcatus, showed a marked difference: Aningeria had a typical “reversed J” frequency distribution, while Podocarpus showed very low values in all height classes. Multi dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to map the sample plots according to their similarity in species composition, using the Sørensen quantitative index, coupled with indicator species analysis .Three groups were identified with respective indicator species: Group 1 – Adhatoda schimperiana, Group 2 – Olea hochstetteri , Group 3 – Acacia senegal and Aningeria adolfi-friederici. Thirty questionnaire interviews were conducted with farmers in the village of Gotu Onoma that use the nearby remant forest patch. Their tree preferences were exotic species such as Eucalyptus globulus for construction and fuelwood and Grevillea robusta for shade and fertility. Considering forest land degradation farmers were aware of the problem and suggested that the governmental institutions address the problem by planting more Eucalyptus globulus. The natural forest seemed to have moderate levels of disturbance and it was still floristically diverse. However, the low rate of natural regeneration of Podocarpus falcatus suggested that this species is threatened and must be a priority in conservation actions. Plantations and agroforestry seem to be possible solutions for rehabilitation of the surrounding degraded lands, thereby decreasing the existent pressure in the remnant natural forest.


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To protect and restore lake ecosystems under threats posed by the increasing human population, information on their ecological quality is needed. Lake sediments provide a data rich archive that allows identification of various biological components present prior to anthropogenic alterations as well as a constant record of changes. By providing a longer dimension of time than any ongoing monitoring programme, palaeolimnological methods can help in understanding natural variability and long-term ecological changes in lakes. As zooplankton have a central role in the lake food web, their remains can potentially provide versatile information on past trophic structure. However, various taphonomic processes operating in the lakes still raise questions concerning how subfossil assemblages reflect living communities. This thesis work aimed at improving the use of sedimentary zooplankton remains in the reconstruction of past zooplankton communities and the trophic structure in lakes. To quantify interspecific differences in the accumulation of remains, the subfossils of nine pelagic zooplankton taxa in annually laminated sediments were compared with monitoring results for live zooplankton in Lake Vesijärvi. This lake has a known history of eutrophication and recovery, which resulted from reduced external loading and effective fishing of plankti-benthivorous fish. The response of zooplankton assemblages to these known changes was resolved using annually laminated sediments. The generality of the responses observed in Lake Vesijärvi were further tested with a set of 31 lakes in Southern Finland, relating subfossils in surface sediments to contemporary water quality and fish density, as well as to lake morphometry. The results demonstrated differential preservation and retention of cladoceran species in the sediment. Daphnia, Diaphanosoma and Ceriodaphnia were clearly underrepresented in the sediment samples in comparison to well-preserved Bosmina species, Chydorus, Limnosida and Leptodora. For well-preserved species, the annual net accumulation rate was similar to or above the expected values, reflecting effective sediment focusing and accumulation in the deepest part of the lake. The decreased fish density and improved water quality led to subtle changes in zooplankton community composition. The abundance of Diaphanosoma and Limnosida increased after the reduction in fish density, while Ceriodaphnia and rotifers decreased. The most sensitive indicator of fish density was the mean size of Daphnia ephippia and Bosmina (E.) crassicornis ephippia and carapaces. The concentration of plant-associated species increased, reflecting expanding littoral vegetation along with increasing transparency. Several of the patterns observed in Lake Vesijärvi could also be found within the set of 31 lakes. According to this thesis work, the most useful cladoceran-based indices for nutrient status and planktivorous fish density in Finnish lakes were the relative abundances of certain pelagic taxa, and the mean size of Bosmina spp. carapaces, especially those of Bosmina (E.) cf. coregoni. The abundance of plant-associated species reflected the potential area for aquatic plants. Lake morphometry and sediment organic content, however, explained a relatively high proportion of the variance in the species data, and more studies are needed to quantify lake-specific differences in the accumulation and preservation of remains. Commonly occurring multicollinearity between environmental variables obstructs the cladoceran-based reconstruction of single environmental variables. As taphonomic factors and several direct and indirect structuring forces in lake ecosystems simultaneously affect zooplankton, the subfossil assemblages should be studied in a holistic way before making final conclusions about the trophic structure and the change in lake ecological quality.


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One of the objectives of the Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research is to assess the sensitivity of British plant and animal species to climate change. The first phase of the program involved the identification of criteria for selecting species suitable for the study of effects of projected climate change in the British Isles. Apart from shallow ponds, annual temperature ranges of 0 to 25 C in temperate freshwater habitats are narrower than those in most temperate terrestrial habitats. Although freshwater organisms have to exist within a narrower range than their terrestrial equivalents, few species can survive throughout their life cycle over the whole temperature range. Field studies on the effects of natural and artificial thermal discharges into streams and rivers have shown that increases in water temperature affect aquatic insects at both the species and community level. Although field data provide valuable information, a more productive approach is to determine experimentally the requirements of different species. Although there are just over 1850 species of aquatic insects in the British Isles, detailed quantitative information on the relationship between temperature and development of eggs, larvae and pupa is available for relatively few species. One exception is the egg stage of stoneflies (Plecoptera). The range for egg hatching in stoneflies clearly show that some species could be threatened while others could benefit from a defined increase in water temperature as a result of climate change. A critical review of the available data on this group would produce a set of equations that could be used to predict the ecological effects of climate change on this group of indicator species.


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In a semi-urbanized stretch of river Kubanni, Zaria, seasonal variations of some tree metals (copper, zinc and lead) in fish species (Clarias sp., Tilapia sp and Alestes sp) were investigated over a period of eight months. Water and fish were sampled monthly, pooled separately and seasonal analysis of each trace determined using atomic absorption method. The concentration of each of the elements in water higher in the dry season than during the rainy season. The dry and rainy season concentrations of copper, zinc and lead were 6.85~c10.66 mu gg super(-1)&1.45~c1.10 mu gg super(-1); 2.13~c1.68 mu gg super(-1)&0.1 5~c0.05 mu gg super(-1); and 0.52~c0.50 mu gg super(-1) & 0.31~c0.14 mu gg super(-1) respectively. Similarly, all the three accumulated more zinc and lead in the dry season than during the rainy season. Tilapia species and to some extent, Alestes species being pelagic had a higher concentration of trace metals than Clarias species which is a bottom dwelling fish Tilapia species may therefore be a better indicator species than Clarias species for monitoring trace metals in water bodies. Reasons for the observed variations in the trace metals were discussed


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The study of metallothioneins (MTs) has greatly improved our understanding of body burdens, metal storage and detoxification in aquatic organisms subjected to contamination by the toxic heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn. These studies have shown that in certain organisms MT status can be used to assess impact of these metals at the cellular level and, whilst validation is currently limited to a few examples, this stress response may be linked to higher levels of organisation, thus indicating its potential for environmental quality assessment. Molluscs, such as Mytilus spp., and several commonly occurring teleost species, are the most promising of the indicator species tested. Natural variability of MT levels caused by the organism's size, condition, age, position in the sexual cycle, temperature and various stressors, can lead to difficulties in interpretation of field data as a definitive response-indicator of metal contamination unless a critical appraisal of these variables is available. From laboratory and field studies these data are almost complete for teleost fish. Whilst for molluscs much of this information is lacking, when suitable controls are utilised and MT measurements are combined with observations of metal partitioning, current studies indicate that they are nevertheless a powerful tool in the interpretation of impact, and may prove useful in water quality assessment.


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在云南省澜沧县对草地、以紫茎泽兰群落以及次生林地中的土壤动物一步甲和蚯蚓群落进行动态取样调查,来探讨紫茎泽兰入侵后对群落结构、生物多样性的影响。 在紫茎泽兰和草地群落中共捕获2253头步甲,35个种,其中草地上捕获1574头步甲,28个种,紫茎泽兰样地中有679头步甲,34个种;紫茎泽兰群落中步甲个体数量少,但物种数多,多样性也比较高;草地中步甲优势物种为Harpalus indicus和Tetragonoderus arcuatus占总数的59%;而紫茎泽兰中的优势物种比较分散;紫茎泽兰群落中步甲个体体型较大,而草地中体型小的步甲所占比例较高;步甲分布与落叶层厚度、土壤全磷含量、植被高度、地上生物量及土壤pH和土壤全钾含量有一定的相关性;紫茎泽兰群落与草地中的指示物种也不同,Hyphaereon masumotoi和Cosmodiscus sp.是紫茎泽兰的指示物种,而草地的指示物种有Aephnidius adelioides,Tetragonoderus arcuatus,Harpalus indicus,Harpaliscus birmanicus,Chlaenius cambodiensi。 受紫茎泽兰入侵的林地边缘步甲群落的分布规律表明,步甲个体数量排序:林地内部>紫茎泽兰群落>林地边缘:三者步甲优势种的组成,既有交叉也有区别;三者的步甲物种数及多样性指数差异不显著,步甲群落的时间动态也相似;林地边缘、内部及紫茎泽兰群落在步甲个体体型结构上差异不大,具有指示作用的步甲种少。 在草地、紫茎泽兰及次生林地三种植被类型中,共采集到3546条蚯蚓,8个种。其中,紫茎泽兰群落有1663条蚯蚓,远高于次生林及草地。多裂远盲蚓和娇小远盲蚓是当地蚯蚓群落的优势种;紫茎泽兰入侵地的蚯蚓物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数大于草地及次生林地;蚯蚓数量及生物量的时间动态受月份降雨量的影响很大,体型大小不同的蚯蚓受降雨变化影响的程度不同:蚯蚓的分布与落叶层厚度、土壤全氮含量、土壤pH及有机质含量相关性较强;蚯蚓群落中只有大唇远盲蚓是紫茎泽兰样地中的指示物种。 在紫茎泽兰控制实验样地内,步甲的数量及物种数的排序是原始紫茎泽兰>半密度紫茎泽兰>去除处理。优势物种都为Anisodactylus karennius,所占比例高,其在原始紫茎泽兰群落中的分布数量远高于半密度及去除样地;步甲群落多样性指数(H’)和物种数差异不显著;三种处理的步甲群落时间动态不同,表现出不同的高峰期;Galeritula feoe和Nanodiodes piceus是原始和半密度紫茎泽兰样地中的指示物种。 总之,紫茎泽兰入侵相对单一草地后,会引起步甲个体数量下降,物种数和多样性上升,群落结构发生很大变化;紫茎泽兰入侵的林地边缘及外部草地后,林地边缘的环境变化幅度减小,林地的边际效应趋于不明显;紫茎泽兰单优群落有利于蚯蚓生存于生活,与草地及林地相比,能增加蚯蚓鲜重及多样性水平。


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The digestibility and passage of an experimental diet was used to compare the digestive physiology of two Propithecus species: P. verreauxi and P. tattersalli. Though both animals have a similar feeding ecology, the captive status of P. verreauxi is considered more stable than that of P. tattersalli. The test diet included a local tree species, Rhus copallina, at 15% of dry matter intake (DMI) and Mazuri Leafeater Primate Diet at 85% of DMI. The chemical composition of the diet (dry matter basis) was 25% crude protein, 34% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and 22% acid detergent fiber (ADF) with a gross energy of 4.52 kcal/g. After a 6 week acclimation to the experimental diet, animals were placed in research caging. After a 7 day adjustment period, animals were dosed with chromium mordant and Co-EDTA as markers for digesta passage and all feed refusals and feces were collected at timed intervals for 7 days. Digestibility values, similar for both species, were approximately 65% for dry matter, crude protein, and energy, and 40% and 35% respectively, for NDF and ADF. Transit times (17-18.5 hr) and mean retention times (31-34 hr) were not significantly different between species, and there was no difference between the chromium mordant and Co-EDTA. Serum values for glucose, urea, and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were obtained during four different time periods to monitor nutritional status. While there was no change in serum glucose, serum urea increased over time. The NEFAs increased across all four time periods for P. verreauxi and increased for the first three periods then decreased in the last period for P. tattersalli. Results obtained indicate no difference in digestibility nor digesta passage between species, and that both Propithecus species were similar to other post-gastric folivores.


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Executive Summary 1. The Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) has been developed since 1998. Defra funding has supported a core part of its work, the Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Sub-programme. This report relates to Biology and Sensitivity work for the period 2001-2004. 2. MarLIN Biology and Sensitivity research takes information on the biology of species to identify the likely effects of changing environmental conditions linked to human activities on those species. In turn, species that are key functional, key structural, dominant, or characteristic in a biotope (the habitat and its associated species) are used to identify biotope sensitivity. Results are displayed over the World Wide Web and can be accessed via a range of search tools that make the information of relevance to environmental management. 3. The first Defra contract enabled the development of criteria and methods of research, database storage methods and the research of a wide range of species. A contract from English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage enabled biotopes relevant to marine SACs to be researched. 4. Defra funding in 2001-2004 has especially enabled recent developments to be targeted for research. Those developments included the identification of threatened and declining species by the OSPAR Biodiversity Committee, the development of a new approach to defining sensitivity (part of the Review of Marine Nature Conservation), and the opportunity to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) more effectively to link survey data to MarLIN assessments of sensitivity. 5. The MarLIN database has been developed to provide a resource to 'pick-and-mix' information depending on the questions being asked. Using GIS, survey data that provides locations for species and biotopes has been linked to information researched by MarLIN to map the likely sensitivity of an area to a specified factor. Projects undertaken for the Irish Sea pilot (marine landscapes), in collaboration with CEFAS (fishing impacts) and with the Countryside Council for Wales (oil spill response) have demonstrated the application of MarLIN information linked to survey data in answering, through maps, questions about likely impacts of human activities on seabed ecosystems. 6. GIS applications that use MarLIN sensitivity information give meaningful results when linked to localized and detailed survey information (lists of species and biotopes as point source or mapped extents). However, broad landscape units require further interpretation. 7. A new mapping tool (SEABED map) has been developed to display data on species distributions and survey data according to search terms that might be used by an environmental manager. 8. MarLIN outputs are best viewed on the Web site where the most up-to-date information from live databases is available. The MarLIN Web site receives about 1600 visits a day. 9. The MarLIN approach to assessing sensitivity and its application to environmental management were presented in papers at three international conferences during the current contract and a 'touchstone' paper is to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Hydrobiologia. The utility of MarLIN information for environmental managers, amongst other sorts of information, has been described in an article in Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10. MarLIN information is being used to inform the identification of potential indicator species for implementation of the Water Framework Directive including initiatives by ICES. 11. Non-Defra funding streams are supporting the updating of reviews and increasing the amount of peer review undertaken; both of which are important to the maintenance of the resource. However, whilst MarLIN information is sufficiently wide ranging to be used in an 'operational' way for marine environmental protection and management, new initiatives and the new biotopes classification have introduced additional species and biotopes that will need to be researched in the future. 12. By the end of the contract, the Biology and Sensitivity Key Information database contained full Key Information reviews on 152 priority species and 117 priority biotopes, together with basic information on 412 species; a total of 564 marine benthic species.


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Background. Biological monitors are increasingly important in 'Biological Early Warning Systems' (BEWS) for monitoring water quality. This study examines the freshwater amphipod Crangonyx pseudogracilis as a potential new indicator species when used in the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor (MFB). The MFB is an online continuous biomonitor which uses impedance conversion to record behavioural responses of vertebrates and invertebrates.


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Ambient (03) ozone concentrations were compared to ozone damage on milkweed plants to determine if there was a correlation. Eight survey sites of at least 100 plants each were located within 5 kilometers of Air Quality Index (AQI) stations in southern Ontario. Sites were visited nine times from June-September (2007) and milkweed leaves from 75 plants were assessed using methods pioneered in the United States. Ambient 0 3 results were calculated into SUM65, seasonal cumulative 0 3, and total 03. The 0 3 exposure indices SUM65 and cumulative 0 3 were tested statistically to determine which index is biologically relevant to milkweed as an 0 3 damage indicator species. The milkweed damage indices were incidence of leaves damaged per plant, incidence of plants damaged per site, and total 0 3• The incidence of plants injured per site was the best damage parameter with an F(1,28)=17.37, p=0.0003 for SUM65 and F(1,28)=7.5, p=O.0106 for cumulative 03 .. Milkweed plants showed quantifiable ozone damage with minimal spatial differences in damage and thus have potential use as a biomonitor species in southern Ontario.


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Accurate knowledge of species’ habitat associations is important for conservation planning and policy. Assessing habitat associations is a vital precursor to selecting appropriate indicator species for prioritising sites for conservation or assessing trends in habitat quality. However, much existing knowledge is based on qualitative expert opinion or local scale studies, and may not remain accurate across different spatial scales or geographic locations. Data from biological recording schemes have the potential to provide objective measures of habitat association, with the ability to account for spatial variation. We used data on 50 British butterfly species as a test case to investigate the correspondence of data-derived measures of habitat association with expert opinion, from two different butterfly recording schemes. One scheme collected large quantities of occurrence data (c. 3 million records) and the other, lower quantities of standardised monitoring data (c. 1400 sites). We used general linear mixed effects models to derive scores of association with broad-leaf woodland for both datasets and compared them with scores canvassed from experts. Scores derived from occurrence and abundance data both showed strongly positive correlations with expert opinion. However, only for occurrence data did these fell within the range of correlations between experts. Data-derived scores showed regional spatial variation in the strength of butterfly associations with broad-leaf woodland, with a significant latitudinal trend in 26% of species. Sub-sampling of the data suggested a mean sample size of 5000 occurrence records per species to gain an accurate estimation of habitat association, although habitat specialists are likely to be readily detected using several hundred records. Occurrence data from recording schemes can thus provide easily obtained, objective, quantitative measures of habitat association.


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P>1. The use of indicators to identify areas of conservation importance has been challenged on several grounds, but nonetheless retains appeal as no more parsimonious approach exists. Among the many variants, two indicator strategies stand out: the use of indicator species and the use of metrics of landscape structure. While the first has been thoroughly studied, the same cannot be said about the latter. We aimed to contrast the relative efficacy of species-based and landscape-based indicators by: (i) comparing their ability to reflect changes in community integrity at regional and landscape spatial scales, (ii) assessing their sensitivity to changes in data resolution, and (iii) quantifying the degree to which indicators that are generated in one landscape or at one spatial scale can be transferred to additional landscapes or scales. 2. We used data from more than 7000 bird captures in 65 sites from six 10 000-ha landscapes with different proportions of forest cover in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Indicator species and landscape-based indicators were tested in terms of how effective they were in reflecting changes in community integrity, defined as deviations in bird community composition from control areas. 3. At the regional scale, indicator species provided more robust depictions of community integrity than landscape-based indicators. At the landscape scale, however, landscape-based indicators performed more effectively, more consistently and were also more transferable among landscapes. The effectiveness of high resolution landscape-based indicators was reduced by just 12% when these were used to explain patterns of community integrity in independent data sets. By contrast, the effectiveness of species-based indicators was reduced by 33%. 4. Synthesis and applications. The use of indicator species proved to be effective; however their results were variable and sensitive to changes in scale and resolution, and their application requires extensive and time-consuming field work. Landscape-based indicators were not only effective but were also much less context-dependent. The use of landscape-based indicators may allow the rapid identification of priority areas for conservation and restoration, and indicate which restoration strategies should be pursued, using remotely sensed imagery. We suggest that landscape-based indicators might often be a better, simpler, and cheaper strategy for informing decisions in conservation.