786 resultados para Pilat, Mont


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El batolito de Andorra-Mont Lluís es un tipico representante de los granitos de emplazamiento epizonal de 10s Pirineos. En su parte sur-occidental està constituido principalmente por granodioritas biotíticas, granodioritas biotítico-hornbléndicas y granitos biotíticos. Desde un punto de vista geoquímico puede considerarse como una asociación plutónica alumino-cafémica, ligeramente férrica y calcoalcalina con una ligera tendencia subalcalina.


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The Mont-Mort metapelites are one of the best preserved relies of the Variscan unit in the Brianconnais basement. These micaschists crystallized during a poly-phase metamorphic cycle, under amphibolite facies conditions. Mineral parageneses and geothermobarometric calculations indicate a two-stage evolution. Stage (1) (550-600 degrees C and 5-8 kbar) is documented by assemblages of zoned garnet, staurolite, kyanite(?), biotite, muscovite, quartz and pla gioclase. Stage (2) (550-600 degrees C and 2 kbar) is illustrated by assemblages of andalusite, sillimanite, muscovite, biotite. This metamorphic evolution is characterized by a nearly isothermal decompression path, terminating with the formation of andalusite-bearing veins. U-Pb monazite dates at 330 Ma and Ar-40/Ar-39 muscovite dates at 290-310 Ma (without substantial evidence of argon resetting) point to Variscan metamorphism and yield an estimate of the time interval between the thermal peak and the retrogression stage within this part of the Brianconnais basement. Restoring the Brianconnais and other Alpine basement units within an existing geodynamic model of Cordillera construction and destruction, it is possible to understand better the transition from a medium pressure/high temperature regime (collision with a peak metamorphism around 330 Ma) to low-P/high-T conditions (decompression in an extensional regime) with high geothermal gradient, as recorded by the successive Variscan parageneses within the Mont-Mort metapelites.


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Ce working paper traite des règles prévues en France pour gérer les usages des forêts et de l'eau souterraine ainsi que leur interdépendance. En deuxième partie, deux études de cas (sur le Mont Forchat, Haute Savoie) montrent de quelle manière les règles prédéfinies sont mises en oeuvre et parviennent (ou pas) à protéger les captages d'eau souterraine. En troisième partie, une application du cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels des ressources (RIR) permet de discuter en profondeur des mécanismes institutionnels en oeuvre et des enjeux en présence dans le contexte français.