994 resultados para Piezocone penetration tests (CPTU)


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El interés creciente en encontrar alimentos precocinados congelados que se asemejen a productos naturales, capaces de superar un procesado con el menor daño, ha generado un aumento en el estudio de nuevos productos en este campo de la investigación. Las características de cada matriz alimentaria, la composición y estructura de los ingredientes, así como el efecto de las interacciones entre ellos, modifica la textura, estructura y las propiedades físicas y sensoriales del alimento, así como su aceptación por el consumidor. En este contexto, la investigación realizada en esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo en puré de patata considerado como una matriz alimentaria semisólida y se ha centrado en analizar los efectos de la concentración y modificación de la composición en las propiedades reológicas y de textura, en las propiedades físico-químicas y estructurales, así como en los atributos sensoriales de los purés de patata cuando a estos se le añaden diferentes ingredientes funcionales como fibra de guisante, inulina, aceite de oliva, aislado de proteína de soja, ácidos grasos omega 3 y/o sus mezclas. Para ello, se han realizado cuatro estudios donde se determinan las propiedades reológicas mediante ensayos dinámicos oscilatorios y en estado estacionario, los parámetros instrumentales de textura mediante ensayos de extrusión inversa y de penetración cónica, además de los cambios estructurales a través de cromatografía iónica con detector de pulsos amperométrico, cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Conjuntamente, se han evaluado los atributos sensoriales de los diferentes purés generando los descriptores que mejor definen la calidad sensorial del producto, utilizando un panel de jueces entrenados y valorándose la aceptación global de los nuevos productos mediante un panel de consumidores. En un primer estudio, el puré de patata natural congelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con fibra dietética insoluble (fibra de guisante), fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y sus mezclas. La fibra de guisante influyó significativa y negativamente en la textura del puré de patata, percibiéndose en el producto un incremento de la dureza y de la arenosidad, mientras que la inulina produjo un ablandamiento del sistema. En un segundo estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con y sin crioprotectores, se enriqueció con fibra dietética soluble (inulina), aceite de oliva virgen extra y sus mezclas. La adición de estos dos ingredientes generó un ablandamiento de la matriz del sistema, produciéndose, sin embargo, un efecto sinérgico entre ambos ingredientes funcionales. La inulina tuvo un efecto más significativo en la viscosidad aparente del producto, mientras que el aceite de oliva virgen extra afectó más significativamente a la pseudoplasticidad, al índice de consistencia y a la viscosidad plástica del mismo. El proceso de congelación y descongelación utilizado favoreció la reducción del tamaño de las partículas de inulina haciéndolas imperceptibles al paladar, obteniéndose productos más cremosos y con mayor aceptabilidad global que sus homólogos frescos. En un tercer estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con mezclas de fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y aislado de proteína de soja. Los resultados demostraron que el ciclo de congelación y descongelación realizado no afecta el grado de polimerización de la inulina. La estructura química de la inulina tampoco se vio afectada por la incorporación de la soja. El proceso de congelación/descongelación, así como la adición de concentraciones altas de inulina y bajas de aislado de proteína de soja, favorecen la disminución de la contribución de la componente viscosa en las propiedades viscoelásticas del puré de patata. La cremosidad fue el único atributo sensorial que presentó una correlación lineal significativa entre las puntuaciones otorgadas por panelistas entrenados y no entrenados. Por último, se elaboró un puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado optimizado con crioprotectores y enriquecido con la suma de ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA, C22:6 n-3) y ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA, C20:5 n-3) y con ácido α-linolénico (ALA, C18:3 n-3) microencapsulados. El ciclo de congelación y descongelación no afectó al perfil de ácidos grasos del puré de patata. La adición de omega 3 procedente de aceites de lino y pescado microencapsulados mejora los indicadores nutricionales que definen la calidad de la grasa, obteniéndose un producto más saludable. ABSTRACT The growing interest in finding frozen precooked products that are like a natural product and capable of withstanding initial processing with minimum damage and remaining stable during preservation and reheating prior to consumption has generated an increase in studies of new products in this field of research. The characteristics of each food matrix, the composition and structure of the ingredients and the effect of interactions between them alter the texture, structure and physical and sensory properties of the food product and its acceptance by the consumer. In this context, the research conducted in this doctoral thesis was carried out on mashed potato, considered as a semi-solid food matrix, and focused on analysing the effects of concentration and modification of the composition of the mashed potato matrix on the rheological and textural properties, physicochemical and structural properties and sensory attributes of mashed potato when various functional ingredients are added to it, such as pea fibre, inulin, olive oil, soy protein isolate, omega 3 fatty acids and/or mixtures of these ingredients. Four studies were conducted for this purpose. Rheological properties were determined by oscillatory dynamic tests and stationary state tests, and instrumental texture parameters by backward extrusion and cone penetration tests. Structural changes were studied by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detector, gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector and scanning electron microscopy. The sensory attributes of the various mashed potato mixtures were evaluated by generating the descriptors that best defined the sensory quality of the products and using a panel of trained judges, and overall acceptance of the new products was evaluated by a panel of consumers. In the first study, frozen natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with insoluble dietary fibre (pea fibre), soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and mixtures of the two. Pea fibre had a significant negative influence on the texture of the mashed potato, producing an increase in hardness and granularity, whereas inulin produced a softening of the system. In the second study, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato prepared with and without cryoprotectants was enriched with soluble dietary fibre (inulin), extra virgin olive oil and mixtures of the two. The addition of these two ingredients generated softening of the matrix of the system, but a synergic effect between the two functional ingredients was produced. Inulin had a more significant effect on the apparent viscosity of the product, whereas extra virgin olive oil had a more significant effect on its pseudoplasticity, consistency index and plastic viscosity. The freezing and thawing process that was used contributed to a reduction in the size of the inulin particles, making them imperceptible to the palate and producing creamier products with greater overall acceptability than their fresh equivalents. In the third study, the fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with mixtures of soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and soy protein isolate. The results showed that the freezing and thawing process that was performed did not affect the degree of polymerisation of the inulin. The chemical structure of the inulin was also not affected by the incorporation of soy. The freezing and thawing process and the addition of high concentrations of inulin and low concentrations of soy protein isolate favoured a decrease in the contribution of the viscous component to the viscoelastic properties of the mashed potato. Creaminess was the only sensory attribute that presented a significant linear correlation between the scores given by trained and untrained panellists. Lastly, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato optimised with cryoprotectants was prepared and enriched with the sum of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3) and with α-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 n-3), microencapsulated. The freezing and thawing process did not affect the fatty acid profile of the mashed potato. The addition of omega 3 obtained from microencapsulated linseed and fish oils improved the nutritional indicators that define the quality of the fat, producing a healthier product.


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This research in Cordoba's mosque tower main objective was to analyze and characterize the foundations and the underlying soil, calculating the stability of the monument as well as the settlement and deformations performed, using traditional calculation methods and also by finite elements, and to determine differences between both, as well as the stability factor of the Minaret Tower. The works done to study the soil, were drill bores and dynamic penetration tests, classification of samples by size, Atterberg limits, physical and chemical analysis, showing the typical geotechnical composition of the Guadalquivir valley: an alluvial material composed by sand, gravels and silt clays. To study the foundations, inclined bore samples were extracted with 10-65º, showing calcarenite stone ashlars and lime concrete alternating with stone and brick masonry.


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In this paper we developed a prototype for dynamic and quantitative analysis of the hardness of metal surfaces by penetration tests. It consists of a micro-indenter which is driven by a gear system driven by three-rectified. The sample to be tested is placed on a table that contains a load cell that measures the deformation in the sample during the penetration of micro-indenter. With this prototype it is possible to measure the elastic deformation of the material obtained by calculating the depth of penetration in the sample from the difference of turns between the start of load application to the application of the load test and return the indenter until the complete termination of load application. To determine the hardness was used to measure the depth of plastic deformation. We used 7 types of steel trade to test the apparatus. There was a dispersion of less than 10% for five measurements made on each sample and a good agreement with the values of firmness provided by the manufacturers.


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The cone penetration test (CPT), together with its recent variation (CPTU), has become the most widely used in-situ testing technique for soil profiling and geotechnical characterization. The knowledge gained over the last decades on the interpretation procedures in sands and clays is certainly wide, whilst very few contributions can be found as regards the analysis of CPT(u) data in intermediate soils. Indeed, it is widely accepted that at the standard rate of penetration (v = 20 mm/s), drained penetration occurs in sands while undrained penetration occurs in clays. However, a problem arise when the available interpretation approaches are applied to cone measurements in silts, sandy silts, silty or clayey sands, since such intermediate geomaterials are often characterized by permeability values within the range in which partial drainage is very likely to occur. Hence, the application of the available and well-established interpretation procedures, developed for ‘standard’ clays and sands, may result in invalid estimates of soil parameters. This study aims at providing a better understanding on the interpretation of CPTU data in natural sand and silt mixtures, by taking into account two main aspects, as specified below: 1)Investigating the effect of penetration rate on piezocone measurements, with the aim of identifying drainage conditions when cone penetration is performed at a standard rate. This part of the thesis has been carried out with reference to a specific CPTU database recently collected in a liquefaction-prone area (Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy). 2)Providing a better insight into the interpretation of piezocone tests in the widely studied silty sediments of the Venetian lagoon (Italy). Research has focused on the calibration and verification of some site-specific correlations, with special reference to the estimate of compressibility parameters for the assessment of long-term settlements of the Venetian coastal defences.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of piezocone tests with a slot filter filled with automotive grease for site characterization of tropical soils is assessed. Laboratory tests using the slot filter filled with automotive grease as well as the conventional porous piezo-element saturated with glycerin were carried out to evaluate the pore pressure (u 2) transducer response. CPTu tests using piezo-elements saturated with glycerin and the slot filter filled with grease were pushed side by side in different research sites in Brazil. Estimates of mechanical and hydraulic soil parameters were made based on pore pressure dissipation curves from using both techniques. Laboratory test results indicate that the pore pressure response using the slot filter with grease was delayed when compared to the piezo-element saturated with glycerin, since grease has a higher viscosity. For tropical soils, the records of u2 in piezocone tests using slot filter with grease presented larger peaks than with porous element saturated with glycerin. Records of u2 using the slot filter above the groundwater table suggest the increase of the degree of saturation in unsaturated zone, where porous filter can be desaturated by suction. The slot filter can be used to help the interpretation of the soil profile with deep groundwater level as well as to help detecting its position for some studied soils. The results shown high repeatability for all study sites. This technique is much easier to handle, especially for tropical soils, where the groundwater table is usually deep and pre-drilling is expensive and time consuming. © 2009 IOS Press.


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This paper presents a system for performing down-hole seismic test together with the piezocone test in order to determine the shear wave velocity (Vs) and for calculating the maximum shear modulus (Go); a basic parameter for analyzing the dynamic soil behavior and a reference value of the soil stiffness. The system components are described and tests results for checking the geophone response are also presented, both before and after installation into the probe. The system was used in down-hole tests carried out at three experimental research sites located in the interior of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, where in situ seismic test results are available. The Vs values measured in down-hole tests carried out with this system were consistent with those determined in cross-hole tests and with a commercial seismic piezocone, which enabled to validate the developed system.


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A suit able decision-making on managing a contaminated site characterization program is strongly dependent of the diagnosis process. A detailed diagnosis can be done based on a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) elaboration using high resolution site characterization tools. The piezocone (CPTu) test is a high resolution tool which allows attaching several specific sensors, like the resistivity probe. This hybrid device is called the resistivity piezocone (RCPTu). A simulated geo-environmental site characterization program was performed on an erosion site using different tools (direct push tools soil samplers, hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling and RCPTu tests) to develop the CSM for a site similar to the Brazilian conditions. It was observed a good agreement between the site profiles interpreted by the different methods. The resistivity sensor attached to the piezocone improved the interpretation and the decision-making process on site was significantly better for the CSM elaboration. The RCPTu test data also allowed identifying the hydrogeological heterogeneities. The present study shows that the RCPTu test is also a useful and powerful tool to development an accurate CSM in a Brazilian condition, especially in an approach that prioritizes high resolution geo-environmental investigation. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Cone penetrometer tests were carried out in a 140 mm diameter triaxial chamber by using a miniature cone of diameter 19.5 mm. The rate of cone penetration was varied from 0.01 mm/s to 0.1 mm/s. Tests were performed in (i) clean sand, (ii) silty sand, and (iii) sand added with fly ash. Two different effective vertical pressures (sigma(nu)), 100 kPa and 300 kPa, were employed. It was noted that for clean and silty sand, the effect of penetration rate on the ultimate tip resistance (q(cu)) of the cone was found to remain only marginal. On the other hand, for sand added with 30% fly ash, the variation in q(cu) values with penetration rate was found to become quite significant. The effect of penetratio rate on q(cu) in all the cases was found to increase with a decrease in the rate of cone penetration. It was noted that with an increase in sigma(nu), the effect of penetration rate on q(cu) was found to become smaller. The effect of the cone penetration rate on q(cu) generally reduces with an increase in the relative density of the material.


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E glass epoxy laminates of thicknesses in the range 2-5 mm were subjected to repeated impacts. For each thickness the number of hits to cause tup penetration was determined and the value of this number was higher the larger the thickness of the laminate tested. The C-scan, before and after impact, was done to obtain information regarding flaw distribution. Short beam shear test samples were made from locations at fixed distances from impact point and tested. The samples closer to the zone of impact showed lower strength values. Scanning fractography revealed shear deformation features for these samples and brittle fracture features for the region near the zone of impact.


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Subsurface lithology and seismic site classification of Lucknow urban center located in the central part of the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) are presented based on detailed shallow subsurface investigations and borehole analysis. These are done by carrying out 47 seismic surface wave tests using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and 23 boreholes drilled up to 30 m with standard penetration test (SPT) N values. Subsurface lithology profiles drawn from the drilled boreholes show low- to medium-compressibility clay and silty to poorly graded sand available till depth of 30 m. In addition, deeper boreholes (depth >150 m) were collected from the Lucknow Jal Nigam (Water Corporation), Government of Uttar Pradesh to understand deeper subsoil stratification. Deeper boreholes in this paper refer to those with depth over 150 m. These reports show the presence of clay mix with sand and Kankar at some locations till a depth of 150 m, followed by layers of sand, clay, and Kankar up to 400 m. Based on the available details, shallow and deeper cross-sections through Lucknow are presented. Shear wave velocity (SWV) and N-SPT values were measured for the study area using MASW and SPT testing. Measured SWV and N-SPT values for the same locations were found to be comparable. These values were used to estimate 30 m average values of N-SPT (N-30) and SWV (V-s(30)) for seismic site classification of the study area as per the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) soil classification system. Based on the NEHRP classification, the entire study area is classified into site class C and D based on V-s(30) and site class D and E based on N-30. The issue of larger amplification during future seismic events is highlighted for a major part of the study area which comes under site class D and E. Also, the mismatch of site classes based on N-30 and V-s(30) raises the question of the suitability of the NEHRP classification system for the study region. Further, 17 sets of SPT and SWV data are used to develop a correlation between N-SPT and SWV. This represents a first attempt of seismic site classification and correlation between N-SPT and SWV in the Indo-Gangetic Basin.


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Seismic site characterization is the basic requirement for seismic microzonation and site response studies of an area. Site characterization helps to gauge the average dynamic properties of soil deposits and thus helps to evaluate the surface level response. This paper presents a seismic site characterization of Agartala city, the capital of Tripura state, in the northeast of India. Seismically, Agartala city is situated in the Bengal Basin zone which is classified as a highly active seismic zone, assigned by Indian seismic code BIS-1893, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part-1 General Provisions and Buildings. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (2002), it is the highest seismic level (zone-V) in the country. The city is very close to the Sylhet fault (Bangladesh) where two major earthquakes (M (w) > 7) have occurred in the past and affected severely this city and the whole of northeast India. In order to perform site response evaluation, a series of geophysical tests at 27 locations were conducted using the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) technique, which is an advanced method for obtaining shear wave velocity (V (s)) profiles from in situ measurements. Similarly, standard penetration test (SPT-N) bore log data sets have been obtained from the Urban Development Department, Govt. of Tripura. In the collected data sets, out of 50 bore logs, 27 were selected which are close to the MASW test locations and used for further study. Both the data sets (V (s) profiles with depth and SPT-N bore log profiles) have been used to calculate the average shear wave velocity (V (s)30) and average SPT-N values for the upper 30 m depth of the subsurface soil profiles. These were used for site classification of the study area recommended by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) manual. The average V (s)30 and SPT-N classified the study area as seismic site class D and E categories, indicating that the city is susceptible to site effects and liquefaction. Further, the different data set combinations between V (s) and SPT-N (corrected and uncorrected) values have been used to develop site-specific correlation equations by statistical regression, as `V (s)' is a function of SPT-N value (corrected and uncorrected), considered with or without depth. However, after considering the data set pairs, a probabilistic approach has also been presented to develop a correlation using a quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot. A comparison has also been made with the well known published correlations (for all soils) available in the literature. The present correlations closely agree with the other equations, but, comparatively, the correlation of shear wave velocity with the variation of depth and uncorrected SPT-N values provides a more suitable predicting model. Also the Q-Q plot agrees with all the other equations. In the absence of in situ measurements, the present correlations could be used to measure V (s) profiles of the study area for site response studies.