109 resultados para Physiognomy
The present study describes and evaluates the horizontal and vertical structures of a lowland forest fragment on a hillock in the municipality of Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (22 degrees 31`56 `` S and 42 degrees 20`46 `` W). Twenty plots (10x2m) totaling 0.5ha were laid out following the slope grade using DBH >= 5cm as the inclusion criterion. A total of 734 individuals were encountered, yielding a total density of 1468 ind./ha and a total basal area of 10783m(2). The richness values (129 species/41 families), Shannon-Wiener diversity (4.22) and equitability (0.87) indices indicated an accentuated floristic heterogeneity and low ecological dominance. Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae showed the greatest species richness, corroborating other studies that indicated these species as the most representative of Atlantic Forest areas in southeastern Brazil. The species with the greatest importance values (VI) were Aparisthmium cordatum, Guapira opposita, Lacistema pubescens, Xylopia sericea, Tapirira guianensis and Piptocarpha macropoda. The high diversity observed was influenced by earlier anthropogenic actions and by the current successional stage. The forest fragment studied demonstrated closer floristic similarity to areas inventoried in a close-by biological reserve than to fragments dispersed throughout the coastal plain. Similarities in soil type, degree of soil saturation and use-history of forest resources all support these relationships. The fragmented physiognomy of the central lowland in this region and the use-history of the landscape make these small remnant forest areas important in terms of establishing strategies for landscape restoration and species conservation.
Brazilian Campos grasslands are rich in species and the maintenance of its diversity and physiognomy is dependent on disturbance (e.g. fire and grazing) Nevertheless, studies about fire intensity and severity are inexistent. The present paper describes fire parameters, using 14 experimental burn plots in southern Brazil (30 degrees 02` to 30 degrees 04`S, and 51 degrees 06` to 51 degrees 09`W. 311masl). Two sites under different fire histories were chosen: frequently burned and excluded since six years. Experimental burning was performed during summer (2006-2007), when most burning takes place in these grasslands. The following parameters were measured: air temperature and moisture, vegetation height, wind speed, fuel (fine, coarse), fuel moisture, fire temperatures (soil level and at 50cm), ash, residuals, flame freight, fire duration: burning efficiency and fire intensity were later calculated. Fuel load varied from 0.39 to 1.44kg.m(-2). and correlated positively with both fire temperature and fire intensity. Fire temperatures ranged 47 to 537.5 degrees C. being higher in the excluded site Fire intensity was low compared to grassland elsewhere (36 5-319.5kW.m(-1)), differing significantly between sties Fine fuel was the variable that best explained fire intensity. The results on fire intensity and severity in Campos grasslands can be considered a pilot study, since plots were very small. However the data provided can help other researchers to get permission for experimentation using larger plots The results provide support for further studies about the effects of fire on grassland vegetation and for studies involving fire models and fire risk prediction
The private equity industry was experiencing a phenomenal boom at the turn of the century but collapsed abruptly in 2008 with the onset of the financial crisis. Considered one of the worst crises since the Great Depression of the 1930s, it had sent ripples around the world threatening the collapse of financial institutions and provoking a liquidity crunch followed by a huge downturn in economic activity and recession. Furthermore, the physiognomy of the financial landscape had considerably altered with banks retracting from the lending space, accompanied by a hardening of financial regulation that sought to better contain systemic risk. Given the new set of changes and challenges that had arisen from this period of financial turmoil, private equity found itself having to question current practices and methods of operation in order to adjust to the harsh realities of a new post-apocalyptic world. Consequently, this paper goes on to explore how the private equity business, management and operation model has evolved since the credit crunch with a specific focus on mature markets such as the United States and Europe. More specifically, this paper will aim to gather insights on the development of the industry since the crisis in Western Europe through a case study approach using as a base interviews with professionals working in the industry and those external to the sector but who have/have had considerable interaction with PE players from 2007 to the present.
Studies on Brazilian biodiversity are still very few and can observe the difference of knowledge between the different regions of the country. This affirmation can be verified in the investigation to identify the rare species in Brazil and the key biodiversity areas (ACBs). In that study were identified for Brasil 2.256 rare species and 752 ACBs. The Rio Grande do Norte (RN) was the only Brazilian state that has not been identified any rare species and no ACBs, possibly due to the lack of floristic studies in this state. A particular area was selected for this study: an area of ecological tension with savanna physiognomy in Rio do Fogo, RN. This savanna community is represented in RN in a fragment and immersed in restinga and caatinga and was identified and described only through of radar imagens there are no studies to date in loco . We have prepared the following questions about this community savanna: 1) The region delimited and described by through of radar images by the RADAMBRASIL, 1976, can be associated of the Cerrado, in terms of floristic ?; 2) What is the floristic composition of this area? This area includes rare species, endemic or endangered? 3) What is the geographical and phytogeographical distribution of plant species registered in this area? 4) Those plant species registered are endemic or have affinity with other areas phytoecological Brazilian? To answer these questions we performed a floristic inventory of the August 2007 to September/2009. The results are presented in two chapters (manuscripts). The first chapter, titled "The Savannah Rio Grande do Norte: floristic links with other plant formations in the Northeast and Center-West Brazil" was submitted to the Revista Brasileira de Botância. Chapter 1 discusses the phytogeographical distribution of the species, by comparing floristic studies conducted in the Cerrado, Caatinga and Restinga in the Northeast and Cerrado of the Central Brazil. The analysis of data of this study and compilation with other studies indicated that: i) the record of 94 plant species; ii) of total species, about 64% are associated with the Cerrado, the second specialized bibliography, and about 78% as the List of Species of Flora of Brazil. However, about 73% of total species (94) are also distributed in the Caatinga, the Atlantic forest 64%, the Amazon forest 64%, the Pantanal 15% and the Pampa 12%. Floristically the data show that the community studied is influenced by other floras, has a structure where grasses dominate and also because of his appearance the same savanna then be classified as a Savana gramíneo-lenhosa do tabuleiro . Chapter 2, titled "Considerations on the flora of a savanna community in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil: Subsidy key area for conservation" was submitted to the Revista Natureza e Conservação. This has the objective of improve the knowledge of flora of Rio Grande do Norte and to identify possible rare species and consequently increase the key areas of biodiversity in Brazil. The data indicated that: i) of 94 species registered in the study area, 40 were new records for the Rio Grande do Norte state; ii) These citations to unpublished state, Stylosanthes montevidensis Vogel (Fabaceae) and Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth (Poaceae) are indicated for the first time to the Northeast of Brazil; iii) are registered in the area 24 species endemic to Brazil and 63 non-endemic; iv) Aspilia procumbens Baker (Asteraceae) registered in the area is considered a restricted species and micro endemic Rio Grande do Norte, ie rare species; v) Aspilia procumbens is also cited in the category of critically endangered species and Stilpnopappus cearensis Hubber (Asteraceae) a species vulnerable to extinction. This study shows a new area phytoecological in Rio Grande do Norte and indicates the area's potential to contribute with the sites of global significance for biodiversity conservation, either locally, regionally and nationally. This will certainly contribute to respond some targets set by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and the Convention on Biological Diversity such as the inventory of vegetal diversity in a region with little collection, which will provide data that contributes to questions and themes related to biodiversity.
This research intended to study the process of production of the rural space in the municipal district of Little Ceará-Mirim, looking for to identify the transformations in him happened, above all in the last thirty years. Since the beginning of your historical formation, the area in study had as element modelador and transformer of the physiognomy of your territory the culture canavieira that printed in your economy and in your society marks of a powerful nobility. The sugar-cane is covered of a cyclical character facing acme phases and decadence, as the one that it happens at the present time. Simultaneously, the sphere rural cearimirinense is going by changes by the implantation of modern companies gone back to the papaya production destined to the internal market and more precisely to the external market. Of this context they also consist the supplying farms of this same product. In the group of the establishments in the rural landscape here analyzed, they still interfere the mixed farms, the ones that practice agriculture, the ones that were devoted to the livestock, as well as the farms and the ranches. Another innovation is the caprinocultura developed in modern molds, using the system voisin of pasture rodízio being constituted in a pioneering experience in Brazil. Of that reality they announce other elements, to example of the establishments, being configured as new forms of use of the soil. In the perspective of turning them productive, the challenge resides of overcoming the difficulties in them existent. The reality of the space in screen is replete of lacks in all the instances. It is inferred that the municipal district possesses an enormous potential, however the performance of the administrative components is seen as deficient. He becomes urgent that the municipal public power promotes changes, mainly in what it respects to the social area, with a better attendance to the rural communities, for them to act positively in the process of the development of this municipal district
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A diversidade de espécies de vespas sociais associadas à vegetação de cerrado no Oeste da Bahia foi analisada neste estudo. Dentre as dezenove espécies de vespas sociais encontradas, Chartergus globiventris de Saussure, Chartergellus communis Richards e Metapolybia cingulata (Fabricius) são registradas pela primeira vez para o estado. O cerrado arbóreo, apesar de apresentar maior riqueza (S = 19) e maior diversidade de espécies (H' = 2,33), apresentou níveis de abundância (N = 87 ninhos) inferiores aos sistemas agrícolas (N = 107 ninhos; S = 8 espécies; H' = 1,84). A fisionomia de cerrado campo sujo apresentou a menor abundância de colônias de vespas sociais (N = 61) e valores intermediários de riqueza (S = 13) e diversidade (H' = 2,20).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The species of the sandy plains forests (forests of the ''restingas'') have not yet had their spatial patterns studied as aids to the understanding of the diversity found in the different physiognomies along the Brazilian coast. In this paper a 10 x 10 m quadrat framework laid in a hectare of a tree dominant forest in the sandy plains of the Picinguaba area of the Serra do Mar State Park (municipality of Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil) was used to assess the spatial pattern of distribution for the ten most important species : Pera glabrata, Euterpe edulis, Eugenia brasiliensis, Alchornea triplinervea, Guatteria australis, Myrcia racemosa, Jacaranda semiserrata, Guarea macrophylla, Euplassa cantareirae and Nectandra oppositifolia. The spatial patterns were inferred through the calculations of their T-Square Index (C) and Dispersal Distance Index (I). P. glabrata shows a random pattern, E. edulis aggregate, E. brasiliensis, A. triplinervia, G. australis, E. cantareirae and N. oppositifolia with a tendency between aggregate and uniform and, M. racemosa, J. semiserrata and G. macrophylla between aggregate and random. Although the indexes are dependent of the sample size and of the technique adjustments, the relationship of the pattern with the environmental factors is shown by clustering methods. The results give confirmation of how the spatial patterns bring associations between populations and shape of the vegetation physiognomy.
The social wasp nests were quantified in three different plant physiognomies (forested Caatinga, shrubby Caatinga, and agricultural systems) to analyze the effect of environmental seasonality and plant physiognomy on the richness, nest abundance, and species composition of social wasps in the region of tropical dry forest of Brazil. The forested Caatinga physiognomy had the greatest richness of species (S = 16), followed by shrubby Caatinga (S 13) and by agricultural system (S = 12). The first axis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) explained 67.8% of the variability and shows a gradient of the fauna from agricultural system and shrubby Caatinga to forested Caatinga. In the first axis, wet season scores were much higher than those for the dry season in forested Caatinga. The second axis explained 18.7% of the variability and shows a separation of samples collected during the wet or the dry periods in shrubby Caatinga. This separation was less evident in the agricultural system. Variations in nest abundance were more intense in arbustive caatinga (45% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), moderate in forested Caatinga (24% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), and low in agricultural systems (8% decrease in the dry period).
This study objective was to evaluate the effective revegetation in a Mogi Guaçu River degraded floodplain area, located at Luiz Antonio municipality (21° 31' S e 47° 55' W), São Paulo State, Brazil. Two native riparian forest remnants (RIP1 and RIP2) and three 10-year-old reforested areas, planted of native species (R1, R2 and R3), were analyzed by using phytosociological describers of the arboreal stratum (trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm) as indicators. The arboreal stratum inventory was accomplished by 180 plots (10 × 10 m each), 60 representing every native forest and 20 for every reforested area. A total of 60 arboreal species was recorded, only six species (Cecropia hololeuca, Crotón urucurana, Genipa americana, Inga striata, Nectandra megapotamica e Peltophorum dubium) occurring in all the five studied areas. Seventeen species were common to both native forests, and nine species were recorded in all the reforested areas. Sebastlania commersonlana and Guarea macrophyllawere recorded in the native forests (RlP1 and RIP2), and Cecropia hololeuca, Croton urucurana and Inga striata occurring in all the reforested areas, were the species that best characterize the physiognomy of local diversity and were the most important among the studied species. The results showed that the rehabilitation of the areas made by the reforestation created conditions to implant forests with similar structures of the adjacent natural remainders. The reforestation with native species performed in the degraded floodplain of Mogi Guaçu River, initially with the predomination of invasive grasses, has been effective at the first stage of the ecological restoration process. The reforestation is making possible the natural regeneration of species from the adjacent remnants, what indicates that the similarity between planted forests and the native ones are rising through the time. The phytosociology, accomplished ten years after the planting date, is adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of the reforestation during the restoration process of degradated areas in the Mogi Guaçu floodplain.