995 resultados para Photometry, Astronomical.


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19 B-type stars, selected from the Palomar-Green Survey, have been observed at infrared wavelengths to search for possible infrared excesses, as part of an ongoing programme to investigate the nature of early-type stars at high Galactic latitudes. The resulting infrared fluxes, along with Stromgren photometry, are compared with theoretical flux profiles to determine whether any of the targets show evidence of circumstellar material, which may be indicative of post-main- sequence evolution. Eighteen of the targets have flux distributions in good agreement with theoretical predictions. However, one star, PG 2120 + 062, shows a small near-infrared excess, which may be due either to a cool companion of spectral type F5-F7, or to circumstellar material, indicating that it may be an evolved object such as a post-asymptotic giant branch star, in the transition region between the asymptotic giant branch and planetary nebula phase, with the infrared excess due to recent mass loss during giant branch evolution.


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Aims. Infrared and optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel are used to study the effects and properties of dust in symbiotic binaries containing a cool Mira component, as well as showing "obscuration events" of increased absorption, which are typical for such Miras. Methods. A set of photometric observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel in different wavelength bands - visual from 1949 to 2002 and near-infrared (JHKL) from 1975 to 2002 - are presented. The variability due to the normal Mira pulsation was removed from the JHKL data, which were then compared with the American Association of Variable Star Observers' (AAVSO) visual light curve. The changes of the Fe II emission line fluxes during the 1996-2000 obscuration episode were studied in the optical spectra taken with the Anglo-Australian telescope. Results. We discuss the three periods during which the Mira component was heavily obscured by dust as observed in the different wavelength bands. A change in the correlations of J with other infrared magnitudes was observed with the colour becoming redder after JD 2 446 600. Generally, J-K was comparable, while K-L was larger than typical values for singleMiras. A distance estimate of 2.5 kpc, based on the IR data, is given. A larger flux decrease for the permitted than for the forbidden Fe II lines, during the obscuration episode studied, has been found. There is no evidence for other correlations with line properties, in particular with wavelength, which suggests obscuration due to separate optically thick clouds in the outer layers. Conclusions.


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We present Strömgren uvby photometry for a sample of 31 high Galactic latitude stars selected from the Palomar-Green Survey. The data include photometric magnitudes accurate to


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We present results from broad-band V- and R-filter observations obtained at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma on 2002 July 12-14. A total of six comets were imaged, and their heliocentric distances ranged from 2.8 to 6.1 au. The comets observed were 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 129P/Shoemaker-Levy 3, 133P/Elst-Pizarro, 143P/Kowal-Mrkos, P/1998 U4 (Spahr) and P/2001 H5 (NEAT). A detailed surface brightness profile analysis indicates that three of the targeted comets (43P/Wolf-Harrington, 129P/Shoemaker-Levy 3 and P/1998 U4) were visibly active, and the remaining three comets were stellar in appearance. Further analysis shows that for the three `stellar-like' comets the possible coma contribution to the observed flux does not exceed 12.2 per cent, and in the case of comet 143P/Kowal-Mrkos the coma contribution is expected to be as low as 1 per cent, and so the resulting photometry most likely represents that of the projected nucleus surface. Effective radii for the inactive comets range from 1.02 to 4.56 km, and the effective radius upper limits for the active comets range from 1.94 to 4.15 km. We assume an albedo and phase coefficient of 0.04 and 0.035 mag deg-1, respectively, with the exception of comets 133P/Elst-Pizarro and 143P/Kowal-Mrkos for which phase coefficients were previously measured. These values are compared with previous measurements, and for comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington we find that the nucleus axial ratio a/b could be as large as 2.44. For the active comets we measured dust production levels in terms of the Af? quantity. Spectral gradients were extracted for two of the inactive comets from their measured broad-band colour indices, and compared with the rest of the comet population for which (V-R) colour and spectral gradient values exist. We find a spectral gradient for 143P/Kowal-Mrkos of 9.9 +/- 8.1 per cent/100 nm, which is very typical of Jupiter-family comets, the majority of which have reflectivity gradients in the range 0-13 per cent (100 nm)-1. The spectral gradient for comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro is amongst the bluest yet measured. We measure a (V-R) colour index value of 0.14 +/- 0.11 for the nucleus of 133P/Elst-Pizarro which is considerably lower than previous measurements. A possible explanation for this difference is considered.


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TheWide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) survey currently operates two installations, designated SuperWASP-N and SuperWASP-S, located in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively. These installations are designed to provide high time-resolution photometry for the purpose of detecting transiting extrasolar planets, asteroids, and transient events. Here, we present results from a transit-hunting observing campaign using SuperWASP-N covering a right ascension (RA) range of 06h < RA < 16h. This paper represents the fifth and final in the series of transit candidates released from the 2004 observing season. In total, 729 335 stars from 33 fields were monitored with 130 566 having sufficient precision to be scanned for transit signatures. Using a robust transit detection algorithm and selection criteria, six stars were found to have events consistent with the signature of a transiting extrasolar planet based on the photometry, including the known transiting planet XO-1b. These transit candidates are presented here along with discussion of follow-up observations and the expected number of candidates in relation to the overall observing strategy.


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We present photometry on 23 Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) observed at large heliocentric distance, primarily using the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). Snapshot images were taken of 17 comets, of which five were not detected, three were active and nine were unresolved and apparently inactive. These include 103P/Hartley 2, the target of the NASA Deep Impact extended mission, EPOXI. For six comets we obtained time-series photometry and use this to constrain the shape and rotation period of these nuclei. The data are not of sufficient quantity or quality to measure precise rotation periods, but the time-series do allow us to measure accurate effective radii and surface colours. Of the comets observed over an extended period, 40P/Väisälä 1, 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson and P/2004 H2 (Larsen) showed faint activity which limited the study of the nucleus. Light curves for 94P/Russell 4 and 121P/Shoemaker-Holt 2 reveal rotation periods of around 33 and 10h, respectively, although in both cases these are not unique solutions. 94P was observed to have a large range in magnitudes implying that it is one of the most elongated nuclei known, with an axial ratio a/b >= 3. 36P/Whipple was observed at five different epochs, with the INT and ESO's 3.6-m NTT, primarily in an attempt to confirm the preliminary short rotation period apparent in the first data set. The combined data set shows that the rotation period is actually longer than 24h. A measurement of the phase function of 36P's nucleus gives a relatively steep ß = 0.060 +/- 0.019. Finally, we discuss the distribution of surface colours observed in JFC nuclei, and show that it is possible to trace the evolution of colours from the Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) population to the JFC population by applying a `dereddening' function to the KBO colour distribution.


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We report the discovery of WASP-3b, the third transiting exoplanet to be discovered by the WASP and SOPHIE collaboration. WASP-3b transits its host star USNO-B1.01256-0285133 every 1.846834 +/- 0.000002 d. Our high-precision radial velocity measurements present a variation with amplitude characteristic of a planetary-mass companion and in phase with the light curve. Adaptive optics imaging shows no evidence for nearby stellar companions, and line-bisector analysis excludes faint, unresolved binarity and stellar activity as the cause of the radial velocity variations. We make a preliminary spectroscopic analysis of the host star and find it to have Teff = 6400 +/- 100K and log g = 4.25 +/- 0.05 which suggests it is most likely an unevolved main-sequence star of spectral type F7-8V. Our simultaneous modelling of the transit photometry and reflex motion of the host leads us to derive a mass of 1.76+0.08-0.14 MJ and radius 1.31+0.07-0.14 RJ for WASP-3b. The proximity and relative temperature of the host star suggests that WASP-3b is one of the hottest exoplanets known, and thus has the potential to place stringent constraints on exoplanet atmospheric models.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of seven short-period (Porb


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable SDSS J150722.30+523039.8 (hereafter SDSS J1507). This system has an orbital period of 66.61 min, placing it below the observed `period minimum' for cataclysmic variables. We determine the system parameters via a parametrized model of the eclipse fitted to the observed lightcurve by ?2 minimization. We obtain a mass ratio of q = 0.0623 +/- 0.0007 and an orbital inclination . The primary mass is Mw = 0.90 +/- 0.01Msolar. The secondary mass and radius are found to be Mr = 0.056 +/- 0.001Msolar and Rr = 0.096 +/- 0.001Rsolar, respectively. We find a distance to the system of 160 +/- 10pc. The secondary star in SDSS J1507 has a mass substantially below the hydrogen burning limit, making it the second confirmed substellar donor in a cataclysmic variable. The very short orbital period of SDSS J1507 is readily explained if the secondary star is nuclearly evolved, or if SDSS J1507 formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. Given the lack of any visible contribution from the secondary star, the very low secondary mass and the low HeI ?6678/Ha emission-line ratio, we argue that SDSS J1507 probably formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. If confirmed, SDSS J1507 will be the first such system identified. The implications for binary star evolution, the brown dwarf desert and the common envelope phase are discussed.


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We report the discovery of a periodic modulation in the optical lightcurve of the candidate ultracompact X-ray binary 4U 1822-000. Using time-resolved optical photometry taken with the William Herschel Telescope we find evidence for a sinusoidal modulation with a semi-amplitude of 8 per cent and a period of 191 min, which is most likely close to the true orbital period of the binary. Using the van Paradijs & McClintock relation for the absolute magnitude and the distance modulus allowing for interstellar reddening, we estimate the distance to 4U 1822-000 to be 6.3 kpc. The long orbital period casts severe doubts on the ultracompact nature of 4U 1822-000.


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We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variable V347 Pup ( = LB 1800). There is evidence of irradiation on the inner hemisphere of the secondary star, which we correct for using a model to give a secondary-star radial velocity of K R = 198 +/- 5 km s(-1). The rotational velocity of the secondary star in V347 Pup is found to be v sin i = 131 +/- 5 km s(-1) and the system inclination is i = 84degrees.0 +/- 2degrees.3. From these parameters we obtain masses of M-1 = 0.63 +/- 0.04 M for the white dwarf primary and M-2 = 0.52 +/- 0.06 M for the M0.5V secondary star, giving a mass ratio of q = 0.83 +/- 0.05. On the basis of the component masses, and the spectral type and radius of the secondary star in V347 Pup, we find tentative evidence for an evolved companion. V347 Pup shows many of the characteristics of the SW Sex stars, exhibiting single-peaked emission lines, high-velocity S-wave components and phase-offsets in the radial velocity curve. We find spiral arms in the accretion disc of V347 Pup and measure the disc radius to be close to the maximum allowed in a pressureless disc.


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We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variables AC Cnc and V363 Aur (=Lanning 10). There is evidence of irradiation on the inner hemisphere of the secondary star in both systems, which we correct for using a model that reproduces the observations remarkably well. We find the radial velocity of the secondary star in AC Cnc to be K-R=176+/-3 km s(-1) and its rotational velocity to be v sin i=135+/-3 km s(-1). From these parameters we obtain masses of M-1=0.76+/-0.03 M-circle dot for the white-dwarf primary and M-2=0.77+/-0.05 M-circle dot for the K2+/-1 V secondary star, giving a mass ratio of q=1.02+/-0.04. We measure the radial and rotational velocities of the G7+/-2V secondary star in V363 Aur to be K-R=168+/-5 km s(-1) and v sin i=143+/-5 km s(-1), respectively. The component masses of V363 Aur are M-1=0.90+/-0.06M(circle dot) and M-2=1.06+/-0.11 M-circle dot giving a mass ratio of q=1.17+/-0.07. The mass ratios for AC Cnc and V363 Aur fall within the theoretical limits for dynamically and thermally stable mass transfer. Both systems are similar to the SW Sex stars, exhibiting single-peaked emission lines with transient absorption features, high-velocity S-wave components and phase-offsets in their radial-velocity curves. The Balmer lines in V363 Aur show a rapid increase in flux around phase 0 followed by a rapid decrease, which we attribute to the eclipse of an optically thick region at the centre of the disc. This model could also account for the behaviour of other SW Sex stars where the Balmer lines show only a shallow eclipse compared to the continuum.


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We present results from a search for additional transiting planets in 24 systems already known to contain a transiting planet. We model the transits due to the known planet in each system and subtract these models from light curves obtained with the SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) survey instruments. These residual light curves are then searched for evidence of additional periodic transit events. Although we do not find any evidence for additional planets in any of the planetary systems studied, we are able to characterize our ability to find such planets by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Artificially generated transit signals corresponding to planets with a range of sizes and orbital periods were injected into the SuperWASP photometry and the resulting light curves searched for planets. As a result, the detection efficiency as a function of both the radius and orbital period of any second planet is calculated. We determine that there is a good (>50 per cent) chance of detecting additional, Saturn-sized planets in P ~ 10 d orbits around planet-hosting stars that have several seasons of SuperWASP photometry. Additionally, we confirm previous evidence of the rotational stellar variability of WASP-10, and refine the period of rotation. We find that the period of the rotation is 11.91 +/- 0.05 d, and the false alarm probability for this period is extremely low (~10-13).


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Most of our knowledge of extrasolar planets rests on precise radial-velocity measurements, either for direct detection or for confirmation of the planetary origin of photometric transit signals. This has limited our exploration of the parameter space of exoplanet hosts to solar- and later-type, sharp-lined stars. Here we extend the realm of stars with known planetary companions to include hot, fast-rotating stars. Planet-like transits have previously been reported in the light curve obtained by the SuperWASP survey of the A5 star HD15082 (WASP-33 V = 8.3, v sini = 86 km s-1). Here we report further photometry and time-series spectroscopy through three separate transits, which we use to confirm the existence of a gas-giant planet with an orbital period of 1.22d in orbit around HD15082. From the photometry and the properties of the planet signal travelling through the spectral line profiles during the transit, we directly derive the size of the planet, the inclination and obliquity of its orbital plane and its retrograde orbital motion relative to the spin of the star. This kind of analysis opens the way to studying the formation of planets around a whole new class of young, early-type stars, hence under different physical conditions and generally in an earlier stage of formation than in sharp-lined late-type stars. The reflex orbital motion of the star caused by the transiting planet is small, yielding an upper mass limit of 4.1MJupiter on the planet. We also find evidence of a third body of substellar mass in the system, which may explain the unusual orbit of the transiting planet. In HD 15082, the stellar line profiles also show evidence of non-radial pulsations, clearly distinct from the planetary transit signal. This raises the intriguing possibility that tides raised by the close-in planet may excite or amplify the pulsations in such stars.