877 resultados para Photic Stimulation
This study assesses gender differences in spatial and non-spatial relational learning and memory in adult humans behaving freely in a real-world, open-field environment. In Experiment 1, we tested the use of proximal landmarks as conditional cues allowing subjects to predict the location of rewards hidden in one of two sets of three distinct locations. Subjects were tested in two different conditions: (1) when local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations, and (2) when no local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations. We found that only 17 of 20 adults (8 males, 9 females) used the proximal landmarks to predict the locations of the rewards. Although females exhibited higher exploratory behavior at the beginning of testing, males and females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations similarly when local visual cues were present. Interestingly, when the spatial and local information conflicted in predicting the reward locations, males considered both spatial and local information, whereas females ignored the spatial information. However, in the absence of local visual cues females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations as well as males. In Experiment 2, subjects (9 males, 9 females) were tested with three asymmetrically-arranged rewarded locations, which were marked by local cues on alternate trials. Again, females discriminated the rewarded locations as well as males in the presence or absence of local cues. In sum, although particular aspects of task performance might differ between genders, we found no evidence that women have poorer allocentric spatial relational learning and memory abilities than men in a real-world, open-field environment.
Environ 2-3% d’enfants avec convulsions fébriles (CF) développent une épilepsie, mais les outils cliniques existants ne permettent pas d’identifier les enfants susceptibles de développer une épilepsie post-convulsion fébrile. Des études ont mis en évidence des anomalies d’EEG quantifiée, et plus particulièrement en réponse à la stimulation lumineuse intermittente (SLI), chez des patients épileptiques. Aucune étude n’a analysé ces paramètres chez l’enfant avec CF et il importe de déterminer s’ils sont utiles pour évaluer le pronostic des CF. Les objectifs de ce programme de recherche étaient d’identifier, d’une part, des facteurs de risque cliniques qui déterminent le développement de l’épilepsie après des CF et, d’autre part, des marqueurs électrophysiologiques quantitatifs qui différencieraient les enfants avec CF des témoins et pourraient aider à évaluer leur pronostic. Afin de répondre à notre premier objectif, nous avons analysé les dossiers de 482 enfants avec CF, âgés de 3 mois à 6 ans. En utilisant des statistiques de survie, nous avons décrit les facteurs de risque pour développer une épilepsie partielle (antécédents prénataux, retard de développement, CF prolongées et focales) et généralisée (antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie, CF récurrentes et après l’âge de 4 ans). De plus, nous avons identifié trois phénotypes cliniques distincts ayant un pronostic différent : (i) CF simples avec des antécédents familiaux de CF et sans risque d’épilepsie ultérieure; (ii) CF récurrentes avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie généralisée; (iii) CF focales avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie partielle. Afin de répondre à notre deuxième objectif, nous avons d’abord analysé les potentiels visuels steady-state (PEVSS) évoqués par la SLI (5, 7,5, 10 et 12,5 Hz) en fonction de l’âge. Le tracé EEG de haute densité (128 canaux) a été enregistré chez 61 enfants âgés entre 6 mois et 16 ans et 8 adultes normaux. Nous rapportons un développement topographique différent de l’alignement de phase des composantes des PEVSS de basses (5-15 Hz) et de hautes (30-50 Hz) fréquences. Ainsi, l’alignement de phase des composantes de basses fréquences augmente en fonction de l’âge seulement au niveau des régions occipitale et frontale. Par contre, les composantes de hautes fréquences augmentent au niveau de toutes les régions cérébrales. Puis, en utilisant cette même méthodologie, nous avons investigué si les enfants avec CF présentent des anomalies des composantes gamma (50-100 Hz) des PEVSS auprès de 12 cas de CF, 5 frères et sœurs des enfants avec CF et 15 témoins entre 6 mois et 3 ans. Nous montrons une augmentation de la magnitude et de l’alignement de phase des composantes gamma des PEVSS chez les enfants avec CF comparés au groupe témoin et à la fratrie. Ces travaux ont permis d’identifier des phénotypes électro-cliniques d’intérêt qui différencient les enfants avec CF des enfants témoins et de leur fratrie. L’étape suivante sera de vérifier s’il y a une association entre les anomalies retrouvées, la présentation clinique et le pronostic des CF. Cela pourrait éventuellement aider à identifier les enfants à haut risque de développer une épilepsie et permettre l’institution d’un traitement neuroprotecteur précoce.
We examined the EEG of 88 patients with chronic renal failure (80 adults and 8 children) submitted to different types of treatment such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialisys, renal transplantation, and ambulatory follow-up. The main alteration observed was diffuse disorganization of background activity. The following features were detected in decreasing order of frequency: low-voltage EEG, triphasic waves, abnormal waking reactions, and paradoxal alpha rhythm. The children showed abnormal alpha rhythm. The alterations induced by intermittent photic stimulation in our patients were minimal, and this was the main difference in relation to data reported by other authors in EEG studies on patients with chronic uremia.
Over the last few years, neurologists have been showing increasing interest in the study of the sympathetic skin response (SSR). In the present report we describe a simple method that permitted us to determine a wide variation of SSR in response to different stimuli such as respiration, deglutition, blinking, skeletal movements, biting, auditory or light stimuli, vocalization, and sphincter contraction. These results raise doubts about the role of SSR as a complementary diagnostic method.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND: A key aspect of representations for object recognition and scene analysis in the ventral visual stream is the spatial frame of reference, be it a viewer-centered, object-centered, or scene-based coordinate system. Coordinate transforms from retinocentric space to other reference frames involve combining neural visual responses with extraretinal postural information. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined whether such spatial information is available to anterior inferotemporal (AIT) neurons in the macaque monkey by measuring the effect of eye position on responses to a set of simple 2D shapes. We report, for the first time, a significant eye position effect in over 40% of recorded neurons with small gaze angle shifts from central fixation. Although eye position modulates responses, it does not change shape selectivity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that spatial information is available in AIT for the representation of objects and scenes within a non-retinocentric frame of reference. More generally, the availability of spatial information in AIT calls into questions the classic dichotomy in visual processing that associates object shape processing with ventral structures such as AIT but places spatial processing in a separate anatomical stream projecting to dorsal structures.
Ciliary locomotion in the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda is modulated by the visual and graviceptive systems. Components of the neural network mediating ciliary locomotion have been identified including aggregates of polysensory interneurons that receive monosynaptic input from identified photoreceptors and efferent neurons that activate cilia. Illumination produces an inhibition of type I(i) (off-cell) spike activity, excitation of type I(e) (on-cell) spike activity, decreased spike activity in type III(i) inhibitory interneurons, and increased spike activity of ciliary efferent neurons. Here we show that pairs of type I(i) interneurons and pairs of type I(e) interneurons are electrically coupled. Neither electrical coupling or synaptic connections were observed between I(e) and I(i) interneurons. Coupling is effective in synchronizing dark-adapted spontaneous firing between pairs of I(e) and pairs of I(i) interneurons. Out-of-phase burst activity, occasionally observed in dark-adapted and light-adapted pairs of I(e) and I(i) interneurons, suggests that they receive synaptic input from a common presynaptic source or sources. Rhythmic activity is typically not a characteristic of dark-adapted, light-adapted, or light-evoked firing of type I interneurons. However, burst activity in I(e) and I(i) interneurons may be elicited by electrical stimulation of pedal nerves or generated at the offset of light. Our results indicate that type I interneurons can support the generation of both rhythmic activity and changes in tonic firing depending on sensory input. This suggests that the neural network supporting ciliary locomotion may be multifunctional. However, consistent with the nonmuscular and nonrhythmic characteristics of visually modulated ciliary locomotion, type I interneurons exhibit changes in tonic activity evoked by illumination.
Small bistratified cells (SBCs) in the primate retina carry a major blue-yellow opponent signal to the brain. We found that SBCs also carry signals from rod photoreceptors, with the same sign as S cone input. SBCs exhibited robust responses under low scotopic conditions. Physiological and anatomical experiments indicated that this rod input arose from the AII amacrine cell-mediated rod pathway. Rod and cone signals were both present in SBCs at mesopic light levels. These findings have three implications. First, more retinal circuits may multiplex rod and cone signals than were previously thought to, efficiently exploiting the limited number of optic nerve fibers. Second, signals from AII amacrine cells may diverge to most or all of the approximately 20 retinal ganglion cell types in the peripheral primate retina. Third, rod input to SBCs may be the substrate for behavioral biases toward perception of blue at mesopic light levels.
The sensory neurons (photoreceptors) in the visual system of Hermissenda are one site of plasticity produced by Pavlovian conditioning. A second site of plasticity produced by conditioning is the type I interneurons in the cerebropleural ganglia. Both photoreceptors and statocyst hair cells of the graviceptive system form monosynaptic connections with identified type I interneurons. Two proposed neurotransmitters in the graviceptive system, serotonin (5-HT) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), have been shown to modify synaptic strength and intrinsic neuronal excitability in identified photoreceptors. However, the potential role of 5-HT and GABA in plasticity of type I interneurons has not been investigated. Here we show that 5-HT increased the peak amplitude of light-evoked complex excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), enhanced intrinsic excitability, and increased spike activity of identified type I(e(A)) interneurons. In contrast, 5-HT decreased spike activity and intrinsic excitability of type I(e(B)) interneurons. The classification of two categories of type I(e) interneurons was also supported by the observation that 5-HT produced opposite effects on whole cell steady-state outward currents in type I(e) interneurons. Serotonin produced a reduction in the amplitude of light-evoked complex inhibitory PSPs (IPSPs), increased spontaneous spike activity, decreased intrinsic excitability, and depolarized the resting membrane potential of identified type I(i) interneurons. In contrast to the effects of 5-HT, GABA produced inhibition in both types of I(e) interneurons and type I(i) interneurons. These results show that 5-HT and GABA can modulate the intrinsic excitability of type I interneurons independent of the presynaptic effects of the same transmitters on excitability and synaptic efficacy of photoreceptors.
PURPOSE. In Old World primates, the retina receives input from histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamus. They are a subset of the neurons that project throughout the central nervous system and fire maximally during the day. The contribution of these neurons to vision, was examined by applying histamine to a dark-adapted, superfused baboon eye cup preparation while making extracellular recordings from peripheral retinal ganglion cells. METHODS. The stimuli were 5-ms, 560-nm, weak, full-field flashes in the low scotopic range. Ganglion cells with sustained and transient ON responses and two cell types with OFF responses were distinguished; their responses were recorded with a 16-channel microelectrode array. RESULTS. Low micromolar doses of histamine decreased the rate of maintained firing and the light sensitivity of ON ganglion cells. Both sustained and transient ON cells responded similarly to histamine. There were no statistically significant effects of histamine in a more limited study of OFF ganglion cells. The response latencies of ON cells were approximately 5 ms slower, on average, when histamine was present. Histamine also reduced the signal-to-noise ratio of ON cells, particularly in those cells with a histamine-induced increase in maintained activity. CONCLUSIONS. A major action of histamine released from retinopetal axons under dark-adapted conditions, when rod signals dominate the response, is to reduce the sensitivity of ON ganglion cells to light flashes. These findings may relate to reports that humans are less sensitive to light stimuli in the scotopic range during the day, when histamine release in the retina is expected to be at its maximum.
V2 has long been recognized to contain functionally distinguishable compartments that are correlated with the stripelike pattern of cytochrome oxidase activity. Early electrophysiological studies suggested that color, direction/disparity, and orientation selectivity were largely segregated in the thin, thick, and interstripes, respectively. Subsequent studies revealed a greater degree of homogeneity in the distribution of response properties across stripes, yet color-selective cells were still found to be most prevalent in the thin stripes. Optical recording studies have demonstrated that thin stripes contain both color-preferring and luminance-preferring modules. These thin stripe color-preferring modules contain spatially organized hue maps, whereas the luminance-preferring modules contain spatially organized luminance-change maps. In this study, the neuronal basis of these hue maps was determined by characterizing the selectivity of neurons for isoluminant hues in multiple penetrations within previously characterized V2 thin stripe hue maps. The results indicate that neurons within the superficial layers of V2 thin stripe hue maps are organized into columns whose aggregated hue selectivity is closely related to the hue selectivity of the optically defined hue maps. These data suggest that thin stripes contain hue maps not simply because of their moderate percentage of hue-selective neurons, but because of the columnar and tangential organization of hue selectivity.
Perceptual learning is a training induced improvement in performance. Mechanisms underlying the perceptual learning of depth discrimination in dynamic random dot stereograms were examined by assessing stereothresholds as a function of decorrelation. The inflection point of the decorrelation function was defined as the level of decorrelation corresponding to 1.4 times the threshold when decorrelation is 0%. In general, stereothresholds increased with increasing decorrelation. Following training, stereothresholds and standard errors of measurement decreased systematically for all tested decorrelation values. Post training decorrelation functions were reduced by a multiplicative constant (approximately 5), exhibiting changes in stereothresholds without changes in the inflection points. Disparity energy model simulations indicate that a post-training reduction in neuronal noise can sufficiently account for the perceptual learning effects. In two subjects, learning effects were retained over a period of six months, which may have application for training stereo deficient subjects.
Despite rapid to-and-fro motion of the retinal image that results from their incessant involuntary eye movements, persons with infantile nystagmus (IN) rarely report the perception of motion smear. We performed two experiments to determine if the reduction of perceived motion smear in persons with IN is associated with an increase in the speed of the temporal impulse response. In Experiment 1, increment thresholds were determined for pairs of successively presented flashes of a long horizontal line, presented on a 65-cd/m2 background field. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the first and second flash varied from 5.9 to 234 ms. In experiment 2, temporal contrast sensitivity functions were determined for a 3-cpd horizontal square-wave grating that underwent counterphase flicker at temporal frequencies between 1 and 40 Hz. Data were obtained for 2 subjects with predominantly pendular IN and 8 normal observers in Experiment 1 and for 3 subjects with IN and 4 normal observers in Experiment 2. Temporal impulse response functions (TIRFs) were estimated as the impulse response of a linear second-order system that provided the best fit to the increment threshold data in Experiment 1 and to the temporal contrast sensitivity functions in Experiment 2. Estimated TIRFs of the subjects with pendular IN have natural temporal frequencies that are significantly faster than those of normal observers (ca. 13 vs. 9 Hz), indicating an accelerated temporal response to visual stimuli. This increase in response speed is too small to account by itself for the virtual absence of perceived motion smear in subjects with IN, and additional neural mechanisms are considered.
Ocular dominance (OD) plasticity is a robust paradigm for examining the functional consequences of synaptic plasticity. Previous experimental and theoretical results have shown that OD plasticity can be accounted for by known synaptic plasticity mechanisms, using the assumption that deprivation by lid suture eliminates spatial structure in the deprived channel. Here we show that in the mouse, recovery from monocular lid suture can be obtained by subsequent binocular lid suture but not by dark rearing. This poses a significant challenge to previous theoretical results. We therefore performed simulations with a natural input environment appropriate for mouse visual cortex. In contrast to previous work, we assume that lid suture causes degradation but not elimination of spatial structure, whereas dark rearing produces elimination of spatial structure. We present experimental evidence that supports this assumption, measuring responses through sutured lids in the mouse. The change in assumptions about the input environment is sufficient to account for new experimental observations, while still accounting for previous experimental results.
The correlation between cholinergic sensitivity and the level of stratification for ganglion cells was examined in the rabbit retina. As examples, we have used ON or OFF alpha ganglion cells and ON/OFF directionally selective (DS) ganglion cells. Nicotine, a cholinergic agonist, depolarized ON/OFF DS ganglion cells and greatly enhanced their firing rates but it had modest excitatory effects on ON or OFF alpha ganglion cells. As previously reported, we conclude that DS ganglion cells are the most sensitive to cholinergic drugs. Confocal imaging showed that ON/OFF DS ganglion cells ramify precisely at the level of the cholinergic amacrine cell dendrites, and co-fasciculate with the cholinergic matrix of starburst amacrine cells. However, neither ON or OFF alpha ganglion cells have more than a chance association with the cholinergic matrix. Z -axis reconstruction showed that OFF alpha ganglion cells stratify just below the cholinergic band in sublamina a while ON alpha ganglion cells stratify just below cholinergic b . The latter is at the same level as the terminals of calbindin bipolar cells. Thus, the calbindin bipolar cell appears to be a prime candidate to provide the bipolar cell input to ON alpha ganglion cells in the rabbit retina. We conclude that the precise level of stratification is correlated with the strength of cholinergic input. Alpha ganglion cells receive a weak cholinergic input and they are narrowly stratified just below the cholinergic bands.