63 resultados para Phakopsora pachyrhizi


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Foi avaliado o desenvolvimento da ferrugem asiática e da produtividade da cultura da soja em razão de pulverizações fungicidas realizadas em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura. Os tratamentos consistiram na pulverização da mistura fungicida piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole no estádio fenológico V10 e R2; R2 e R5.2; apenas em R2; sem pulverização (testemunha). Os valores da AACPD total (área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença) e da produtividade da cultura da soja nos tratamentos com pulverização fungicida foram superiores ao tratamento testemunha. Até o 117º dia após a emergência das plantas, a aplicação de fungicida em V10 e R2 promoveu maior controle da ferrugem. Os resultados evidenciaram que a pulverização fungicida contra P. pachyrhizi é indispensável para diminuir as perdas na produtividade provocadas pela doença e que, em algumas situações, apenas uma pulverização fungicida no estádio R2 pode reduzir perdas significativas na produtividade.


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A influência de acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), e fungicidas aplicados via tratamento de sementes sobre a ferrugem asiática bem como o crescimento de plântulas de soja foi avaliada em experimento conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, utilizando as cultivares de soja 'Agiara', 'M-soy 8000' e 'M-soy 8080'. Os tratamentos foram três doses de ASM (0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 g de i.a. por kg de sementes), ASM (na dose de 0,1 g de i.a. por kg de sementes) combinado aos fungicidas flutriafol, pyraclostrobin e azoxystrobin, e a aplicação isolada destes, além de uma testemunha tratada com água. Os resultados mostraram redução da Área Abaixo da Curva de Progresso da Ferrugem (AACPF) com o aumento da dose de ASM nas três cultivares de soja. A utilização isolada do ASM em diferentes doses proporcionou uma redução da AACPF além de apresentar, na maioria dos casos, um efeito sinérgico com os fungicidas, aumentando a eficiência de controle quando comparada às aplicações isoladas. Com exceção do ASM na menor dosagem, todos os tratamentos apresentaram controle superior a 77 % comparados à testemunha. em geral, o tratamento de sementes com ASM e fungicidas resultou numa redução da massa seca (MS) em relação à testemunha. A utilização de ASM associado a fungicidas na tentativa de atrasar a infecção da ferrugem asiática da soja nos períodos iniciais da cultura constitui-se em uma alternativa viável para redução do inóculo inicial, entretanto possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos devem ser considerados.


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Asian soybean rust (ASR) is caused by the fungal pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow. It was first identified in Brazil in 2001 and quickly infected soybean areas in several countries in South America. Primary efforts to combat this disease must involve the development of resistant cultivars. Four distinct genes that confer resistance against ASR have been reported: Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4. However, no cultivar carrying any of those resistance loci has been released. The main objective of this study was to genetically map Rpp2 and Rpp4 resistance genes. Two F(2:3) populations, derived from the crosses between the resistant lines PI 230970 (Rpp2), PI 459025 (Rpp4) and the susceptible cultivar BRS 184, were used in this study. The mapping populations and parental lines were inoculated with a field isolate of P. pachyrhizi and evaluated for lesion type as resistant (RB lesions) or susceptible (TAN lesions). The mapping populations were screened with SSR markers, using the bulk segregant analysis (BSA) to expedite the identification of linked markers. Both resistance genes showed an expected segregation ratio for a dominant trait. This study allowed mapping Rpp2 and Rpp4 loci on the linkage groups J and G, respectively. The associated markers will be of great value on marker assisted selection for this trait.


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Aiming at improving the efficiency control of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, this research evaluated different application techniques, using spray deposits and yield parameters of soybean crop. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in the soybean crop, Conquista variety, in the 2006/2007 season. The first experiment was arranged in random blocks with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were conducted in factorial arrangement 4×2 (four air levels 0, 9, 11 and 29 km/h combined at two nozzle angles 0 and 30°) using AXI 110015 nozzles. Ten plants on each plot were selected for sampling spray deposits. Artificial targets were fixed on plants, two in the top and another two in the bottom part of plants (abaxial and adaxial leaf surface each one). For deposit evaluations, a cupric tracer was used and the amount of deposits was determined by a spectrophotometer. The second experiment was carried out in the same place and the treatments were of the same arrangement as the previous experiment, including control treatment (untreated plants). The spraying with triazole fungicide was realized in R2 and R5.2 growth stages of soybean with 142 l/ha spray volume. The nozzle angled of 30° combined with maximum air speed promoted the highest spray deposits on the soybean crop and influenced positively the control of the soybean Asian rust as well in the productivity of this crop.


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Currently, one of factors that cause the production cost increase of soybean crop is the pesticide application. The most important disease in soybean crop is Asian rust, caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydon & P. Sydon fungus, which can cause significant loss of the production. Therefore, this work aimed at evaluation of different spraying techniques on the spray deposits and some parameters of soybean crop: grain size, weight of 1 000 seeds and the crop productivity. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP (Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas/Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho) - Botucatu, S P, Brazil, in soybean crop, Conquista variety, in the 2007/2008 season. In the first experiment, three air levels (0, 9 and 29 km/h of the air speed generated by fan) with flat fan nozzle XR 8002 with a spray volume of 130 l/ha were compared with a rotating nozzle - using low volume oily - LVO at 40 l/ha of spray volume. The second experiment was carried out under the same conditions as the previous experiment, including a control treatment (untreated plants). The disease severity was evaluated using a diagrammatic scale with a visual evaluation of the disease on 15 leaves of each plot. The grades varied between 0.6 and 78.5% of the disease severity. The use of air assistance when compared with the rotating system nozzle did not show significant differences for spray deposits on adaxial and abaxial surface of the leaves in bottom part of the plant. The air assistance with maximum air speed (29 km/h) increased the productivity with respect of the other treatments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)