958 resultados para Personality Inventory


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Over 2,000 adults in their sixties completed the Centrality of Event Scale (CES) for the traumatic or negative event that now troubled them the most and for their most positive life event, as well as measures of current PTSD symptoms, depression, well-being, and personality. Consistent with the notion of a positivity bias in old age, the positive events were judged to be markedly more central to life story and identity than were the negative events. The centrality of positive events was unrelated to measures of PTSD symptoms and emotional distress, whereas the centrality of the negative event showed clear positive correlations with these measures. The centrality of the positive events increased with increasing time since the events, whereas the centrality of the negative events decreased. The life distribution of the positive events showed a marked peak in young adulthood whereas the life distribution for the negative events peaked at the participants' present age. The positive events were mostly events from the cultural life script-that is, culturally shared representations of the timing of major transitional events. Overall, our findings show that positive and negative autobiographical events relate markedly differently to life story and identity. Positive events become central to life story and identity primarily through their correspondence with cultural norms. Negative events become central through mechanisms associated with emotional distress.


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In the mnemonic model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the current memory of a negative event, not the event itself, determines symptoms. The model is an alternative to the current event-based etiology of PTSD represented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The model accounts for important and reliable findings that are often inconsistent with the current diagnostic view and that have been neglected by theoretical accounts of the disorder, including the following observations. The diagnosis needs objective information about the trauma and peritraumatic emotions but uses retrospective memory reports that can have substantial biases. Negative events and emotions that do not satisfy the current diagnostic criteria for a trauma can be followed by symptoms that would otherwise qualify for PTSD. Predisposing factors that affect the current memory have large effects on symptoms. The inability-to-recall-an-important-aspect-of-the-trauma symptom does not correlate with other symptoms. Loss or enhancement of the trauma memory affects PTSD symptoms in predictable ways. Special mechanisms that apply only to traumatic memories are not needed, increasing parsimony and the knowledge that can be applied to understanding PTSD.


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To understand academic performance of students, the variable of conscientiousness from personality inventory Big Five, has been recognized as an important key. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship established between the personality factor conscientiousness itself and two of its facets, laboriousness and planning, with academic performance, and observe if there are genre differences in consciousness personality factor. A total of 456 Spanish students of high school and college participated in the study. They were requested to answer a personality report and a self inform questionnaire. The results show that both conscientiousness as a personality dimension and the consideration of laboriousness facet are able to predict academic performance, especially with regard to student’s exam marks, classroom attendance and dedication to study. The genre variable pointed out that feminine genre is more conscious than male in that personality factor. From a practical perspective, these results indicate that the establishment of a routine of continuous work is suitable for improving student grades and their adaptation to the educational environment.


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Previous studies have suggested an association between depressed mood and the dietary intake of fish. In all cases, however, dietary fish intake has been considered at the exclusion of all other aspects of the diet. This analysis investigates associations between depressed mood and dietary fish intake, while also concurrently investigating intake of a number of other dietary components. The analysis is conducted on data from 10,602 men from Northern Ireland and France screened for inclusion into the PRIME cohort study. Depressed mood was assessed using a self-report questionnaire based on the Welsh Pure Depression sub-scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, diet was assessed using a Food Frequency Questionnaire, and limited demographics were also measured. Using regression, depressed mood is initially inversely associated with dietary fish intake. On inclusion of all other dietary variables, the strength of this relationship reduces but remains, and significant associations with a number of other foods are also found. On additional inclusion of all demographic variables, the strength of the above relationships again reduces, and associations with various measures of socio-economic status and education are also significant. These findings suggest that depressed mood is associated with fish intake both directly, and indirectly as part of a diet that is associated with depression and as part of a lifestyle that is associated with depression. Additional support for these conclusions is also provided in the pattern of associations between depressed mood and diet in the two countries. The relative contributions of fish intake to depressed mood both directly and indirectly are yet to be determined. However, while diet is not measured and until lifestyle can be adequately measured, the potential roles of diet and lifestyle in the association between depressed mood and dietary fish intake should not be ignored.


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In a prospective study of 36 children who were extremely low birthweight (ELBW: <1000 g) preterm infants and 36 matched full-term controls, differences were found in somatization at age 4 1/2 years. Only children who had been extremely premature, and thereby experienced prolonged hospitalization and repeated medical intervention in infancy, had clinically high somatization scores on the Personality Inventory for Children. The combination of family relations at age 4 1/2 years, neonatal intensive care experience, poor maternal sensitivity to child cues in mother-child interaction observed at age 3 years, and child avoidance of touch or holding at age 3, predicted somatization scores, prior to school entry. Due to the known higher incidence of actual medical problems among children with a history of extreme prematurity, the high somatization ELBW children were compared with the normal somatization ELBW children. There were no differences in prevalence of actual medical problems between the 2 ELBW groups, and the importance of maternal factors in relation to somatization was confirmed. Child temperament at age 3, but not personality at 4 1/2, was related to somatization. The etiology of recurrent physical complaints of no known medical cause appears to be a multi-dimensional problem. Non-optimal parenting may contribute to the development of inappropriate strategies for coping with common pains of childhood, or of chronic pain patterns, in some children who have experienced prolonged or repeated pain as neonates.


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The current worldwide nursing shortage and high attrition of nursing students remain a challenge for the nursing profession. The aim of this paper was to investigate how key psychological attributes and constructions differentiate between completers and non-completers of nursing education. A questionnaire including measures of gender role identity and perceived gender appropriateness of careers was administered to 384 students early in the first year of the course. At the end of the programme attrition rates were obtained. The findings indicate that males were more likely to leave the course than females. Furthermore, those who completed the course tended to view nursing as more appropriate for women, in contrast to the non-completers who had less gender typed views. The female-dominated nature of nursing, prevalent stereotypes and gender bias inherent in nursing education seem to make this an uncomfortable place for males and those with less gendered typed views. Whilst it is acknowledged that attrition is undoubtedly a complex issue with many contributing factors, the nursing profession need to take steps to address this bias to ensure their profession is open equally to both female and male recruits.


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This thesis investigates critical thinking with a particular focus on measurement in undergraduate students. A higher education context was chosen because many regard critical thinking development as a primary goal for third level education. Nine studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal in design, were conducted with undergraduate psychology students (N=387), using the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) and the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST). Studies 1-3 revealed psychometric weaknesses in the CCTDI and revised the scale with factor analysis and reliability analysis to form the CCTDI United Kingdom revision (CCTDI-UK). Study 4 investigated convergent validity and showed significant inter-correlation between the sub-scales of the CCTDI-UK, and significant correlations with the Openness scale of the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). The study also provided evidence for improvement in scores on three of the six sub-scales in the CCTDI-UK (Truth-Seeking, Inquisitiveness, Open-Mindedness) during the course of an undergraduate degree. Study 5 explored a two factor structure for critical thinking dispositions. Study 6 used reliability analysis to revise the CCTST to produce the CCTST-UK. Study 7 showed that the CCTST-UK had a moderate correlation with degree attainment and a slightly higher correlation with a test of non-verbal intelligence (Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices short form); in addition, the study showed that scores on the CCTST-UK improved during the course of the degree. Studies 8 and 9 investigated the potential of critical thinking for predicting degree attainment. A-levels predicted approximately 10% of the variance of degree attainment while entry level scores on the CCTST-UK predicted an additional 5%. Exit level scores on the CCTST-UK and the Inquisitive sub-scale of the CCTDI-UK were found to be predictors of degree attainment The main conclusions of the thesis were that these tests had significant potential for predicting degree attainment and that they measured a substantial proportion of the theoretical constructs identified by the major authors in critical thinking.


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OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, some attention has been given to spirituality and faith and their role in cancer patients' coping. Few data are available about spirituality among cancer patients in Southern European countries, which have a big tradition of spirituality, namely, the Catholic religion. As part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study--SEPOS), the aim of this study was to examine the effect of spirituality in molding psychosocial implications in Southern European cancer patients. METHOD: A convenience sample of 323 outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer between 6 to 18 months, a good performance status (Karnofsky Performance Status > 80), and no cognitive deficits or central nervous system (CNS) involvement by disease were approached in university and affiliated cancer centers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland (Italian speaking area). Each patient was evaluated for spirituality (Visual Analog Scale 0-10), psychological morbidity (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--HADS), coping strategies (Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer--Mini-MAC) and concerns about illness (Cancer Worries Inventory--CWI). RESULTS. The majority of patients (79.3%) referred to being supported by their spirituality/faith throughout their illness. Significant differences were found between the spirituality and non-spirituality groups (p ≤ 0.01) in terms of education, coping styles, and psychological morbidity. Spirituality was significantly correlated with fighting spirit (r = -0.27), fatalism (r = 0.50), and avoidance (r = 0.23) coping styles and negatively correlated with education (r = -0.25), depression (r = -0.22) and HAD total (r = -0.17). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Spirituality is frequent among Southern European cancer patients with lower education and seems to play some protective role towards psychological morbidity, specifically depression. Further studies should examine this trend in Southern European cancer patients.


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BACKGROUND: Although hopelessness has been studied in cancer, no data are available in non-English-speaking countries. OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to amass data from Southern European countries (Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland) in order to fill this void. METHOD: A group of 312 cancer patients completed the Mini-MAC Hopelessness subscale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Cancer Worry Inventory (CWI), and a six-item Visual Analog scale (VAS) to measure intensity of physical symptoms, general well-being, difficulty in coping with cancer, intensity of social support from close relationships, leisure activity, and support from religious beliefs. RESULTS: Regression analysis indicated that HADS-Depression, VAS Maladaptive Coping and Well-Being, and the CWI explained 42% of the variance. CONCLUSION: Hopelessness in cancer patients seems not exclusively to correspond to depression, but is related to various other psychosocial factors, such as maladaptive coping, as well.


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The EEG of the sleep onset period of psychophysiological insomniacs, psychiatric insomniacs and controls was compared using power spectral analysis (FFT). Eighteen drug-free subjects were equally divided into three groups according to their responses in the Brock Sleep and Insomnia Questionnaire, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Sleep Disorders Questionnaire. Group 1 consisted of psychophysiological insomniacs, group 2 included insomniacs with an indication of psychiatric disturbances, and group 3 was a control group. EEG, EOG and EMG were recorded for two consecutive nights. Power spectral analysis (FFT) of EEG at C4 from the sleep onset period (defined as lights out to the first five minutes of stage 2) was performed on all standard frequency bands, delta: .5-4 Hz; theta: 4-8 Hz; alpha: 8-12 Hz; sigma: 12-15 Hz beta: 15-25 Hz. Psychophysiological insomniacs had less alpha during wakefulness than the other two groups and did not show the dramatic drop in alpha across the sleep onset period, which characterizes normal sleep. They also had less delta, especially during stage 2 on night 2. They also showed less delta in the last quartile of the chronological analysis of the sleep onset period. Psychiatric insomniacs showed lower relative beta power values overall while psychophysiological insomniacs showed higher relative beta power values during wakefulness. This microanalysis 11 confirms that the sleep onset period is generally similar for psychiatric insomniacs and normal sleepers. This may be due to the sample of psychiatric insomniacs being heterogeneous or may reflect a sleep onset system that is essentially intact. Psychophysiological insomniacs have higher cortical arousal during the sleep onset period than do the psychiatric insomniacs and the controls. Clear differences in the sleep onset period of psychophysiological insomniacs exist. The dramatic changes in power values in these two groups are not seen in the psychophysiological insomniacs, which may make the discrimination between wakefulness and sleep more difficult.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate Howard Gardner's (1983) Multiple Intelligences theory, which proposes that there are eight independent intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Musical. To explore Gardner's theory, two measures of each ability area were administered to 200 participants. Each participant also completed a measure of general cognitive ability, a personality inventory, an ability self-rating scale, and an ability self-report questionnaire. Nonverbal measures were included for most intelligence domains, and a wide range of content was sampled in Gardner's domains. Results showed that all tests of purely cognitive abilities were significantly correlated with the measure of general cognitive ability, whereas Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and one of the Intrapersonal measures were not. Contrary to what Multiple Intelligences theory would seem to predict, correlations among the tests revealed a positive manifold and factor analysis indicated a large factor of general intelligence, with a mathematical reasoning test and a classification task from the Naturalistic domain having the highest ^- loadings. There were only minor sex differences in performance on the ability tests. Participants' self-estimates of ability were significantly and positively correlated with actual performance in some, but not all, intelligences. With regard to personality, a hypothesized association between Openness to Experience and crystallized intelligence was supported. The implications of the findings in regards to the nature of mental abilities were discussed, and recommendations for further research were made.


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L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'examiner le lien entre les traits de personnalité évalués selon l'approche des cinq facteurs et les résultats des traitements psychosociaux auprès de jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, 129 personnes ont été recrutées à participer à une étude expérimentale randomisée. Les participants ont été assignés soit à un groupe de thérapie cognitive-comportementale, soit à un groupe d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales visant la gestion des symptômes, soit à une liste d'attente. Les participants ont complété pré- et post-traitement le Questionnaire bref de personnalité NEO Révisé (Costa & McCrae, 1992), l'Échelle abrégée d'évaluation psychiatrique (Lukoff et al., 1986; Ventura et al., 1993) et l'Échelle d'adaptation cybernétique (Edwards & Baglioni, 1993). Dans le premier article, les profils de personnalité et la stabilité temporelle des traits de personnalité des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique ont été étudiés. Les résultats révèlent différents profils de personnalité et une stabilité des traits de personnalité. Dans le second article, les profils de personnalité et la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité ou des profils sur les résultats thérapeutiques ont été investigués. Les résultats révèlent aussi différents profils de personnalité, aucun spécifiquement lié aux symptômes. Aucun lien n'a pu être rapporté entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique. Toutefois, les traits de personnalité et les profils sont liés à l'amélioration des stratégies actives d'adaptation. Dans le dernier article, la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité sur les résultats thérapeutiques selon le groupe de traitement spécifique a été étudiée. Les résultats démontrent un lien entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique et des stratégies d'adaptation selon le traitement. Les traits de personnalité sont particulièrement liés aux résultats thérapeutiques des stratégies actives d'adaptation. Cette thèse contribue à l'avancement des connaissances en se penchant sur l'importance des traits de personnalité dans le traitement psychosocial des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique et en soulignant la nécessité d'étudier davantage les différences individuelles de la personnalité de cette clientèle. Les implications cliniques des résultats et les recommandations pour la recherche sont présentées.


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L’élaboration de programme d’interventions propres aux fraudeurs soulève la question de la particularité de leur personnalité. Des écrits suggèrent que la personnalité des fraudeurs présenterait des similitudes avec les traits psychopathiques. L’objectif de l’étude est donc de décrire et d’explorer ces traits chez des fraudeurs spécialisés incarcérés, et ce, à l’aide des questionnaires Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) et Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS). Trois groupes de détenus (35 hommes, 17 femmes) ont rempli les questionnaires: fraudeurs spécialisés (n=23), autres délinquants sans crimes violents (ASV, n=19) et autres délinquants avec crimes violents (AAV, n=10). Un groupe d’étudiants (n=430) a aussi complété le PPI, permettant ainsi d’ajouter un groupe de comparaison. Les analyses ont permis de constater que le groupe de fraudeurs diffère peu des autres groupes quant à leurs traits psychopathiques. Cependant, ils sont moins enclins que le groupe d’AAV à adopter des pensées criminelles, fréquentes chez les psychopathes.


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Problématique : La majorité des études publiées sur la réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate de deux implants non jumelés avec une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement n’ont rapporté que des mesures cliniques objectives et très peu ont évalué les mesures centrées sur le patient, et ce, avec des erreurs de mesure. Aucune étude n’a évalué les attentes des patients vis-à-vis d'un tel protocole. Objectifs : Évaluer les attentes, le niveau de satisfaction ainsi que la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire des édentés complets suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate. Méthodologie : Cet essai clinique de phase 1 utilise un design pré-post afin d’évaluer les mesures centrées sur le patient. Dix-huit individus, complètement édentés et âgés en moyenne de 62,39 ± 7,65 ans, ont reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement sur deux implants non jumelés suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate, conjointement à une prothèse totale conventionnelle maxillaire. Un instrument adapté pour mesurer leurs attentes à l’aide d’échelles visuelles analogues, le questionnaire « McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument » ainsi que le questionnaire OHIP-20 ont été remis aux patients avant de procéder aux traitements (T0), ainsi qu’aux rendez-vous de suivi à 2 semaines (T1), 1 mois (T2) et 4 mois (T3). De plus, l’inventaire de personnalité révisé (NÉO PI-R) ainsi qu’un questionnaire sociodémographique ont été remplis par les participants. Les « change scores » ont été calculés puis des tests non paramétriques et des analyses de variances en mesures répétées suivies de comparaisons par paires ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les données recueillies. La taille d’effet a été estimée. Résultats : Les participants avaient différentes attentes par rapport à la mise en charge immédiate. Certains s’attendaient à un effet positif à court terme par rapport à leur apparence esthétique (83,3 %) et à leur vie sociale (55,7 %), alors que d’autres avaient des craintes envers leur confort (5,6 %), leur habileté à mastiquer (11,1 %) et à nettoyer leur prothèse inférieure (11,1 %). À 4 mois, le protocole de mise en charge immédiate avait rencontré la majorité des attentes des patients par rapport à l’esthétique (94.4 %), la mastication (83.3 %), la phonétique (61.1 %), le confort (94.4 %), l’hygiène (88.9 %) et leur vie sociale (88.9 %). Une amélioration statistiquement significative de la satisfaction en générale, du confort, de l’esthétique, de la stabilité de la prothèse inférieure et de l’habileté à mastiquer a été notée à 2 semaines (p<0,001). Également, les comparaisons par paires ont révélé une diminution statistiquement significative du score total de l’OHIP-20 (p < 0,001) de même que la majorité des domaines de l’OHIP (p < 0.01), sauf pour l’handicap social qui n’a diminué significativement qu’après 1 mois (p = 0.01). Ces changements (pour la satisfaction et la qualité de vie) sont restés stables au cours des suivis subséquents. Indépendamment des traits de personnalité et des variables sociodémographiques, le protocole immédiat a satisfait 94,4 % des participants et a amélioré leur qualité de vie avec une large magnitude d’effet (d = 1.9; p < 0.001). Bien que deux patients aient perdu des implants au cours du traitement, 100 % des participants étaient d’accord pour recommander cette procédure à leurs pairs. Conclusions: Le protocole de mise en charge immédiate semble satisfaire les patients quelles que soient leurs attentes. Le protocole MCI peut améliorer, à court terme, la qualité de vie des patients totalement édentés. Les résultats prometteurs de la phase 1 devraient être corroborés lors de la 2e phase de cette étude.


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Certaines études récentes confirment que les tests de personnalité sont largement utilisés à des fins de sélection dans les organisations nord-américaines et que leur fréquence d’utilisation continue de croître (Boudrias, Pettersen, Longpré, & Plunier, 2008; Rothstein & Goffin, 2006). Or, les résultats des recherches portant sur le lien prévisionnel entre la personnalité et le rendement global au travail sont peu convaincants (Morgeson et al., 2007b; Murphy & Dzieweczynski, 2005). La présente thèse vise à vérifier si une amélioration des liens prédictifs entre la personnalité et le rendement au travail pourrait être obtenue en modifiant la façon d’opérationnaliser les variables prévisionnelles issues des inventaires de personnalité et en précisant les critères à prédire de manière à les rendre plus spécifiques et mieux arrimés. Pour ce faire, la capacité prévisionnelle d’une approche centrée sur le critère, c’est-à-dire l’utilisation de composites de traits de personnalité, est comparée à l’approche traditionnelle centrée sur le prédicteur, dans ce cas-ci, les cinq grands facteurs de personnalité (Big Five). D’autre part, le rendement au travail est opérationnalisé sous l’angle des compétences en emploi, ce qui permet d’en différencier les dimensions et d’augmenter la spécificité des critères. Des hypothèses précisant les facteurs de personnalité qui devraient permettre de prédire chacune des compétences évaluées sont testées. De plus, des hypothèses précisant les traits de personnalité servant à créer les variables composites sont aussi testées. Finalement, une hypothèse portant sur la comparaison de la puissance prévisionnelle des deux approches est mise à l’épreuve. L’échantillon de la recherche est composé de 225 employés occupant divers emplois au sein d’une grande organisation québécoise. Ils ont complété un inventaire de personnalité au travail dans le cadre des processus de sélection de l’organisation. Leur supérieur immédiat a effectué une évaluation de leurs compétences et de leur rendement au moins six (6) mois après leur embauche. Les résultats démontrent que la maîtrise des compétences est mieux prédite par une approche centrée sur le prédicteur (c’est-à-dire les Big Five) que par une approche centrée sur le critère (c’est-à-dire les variables composites). En effet, seules trois hypothèses portant sur le lien entre certains facteurs de personnalité et les compétences se sont avérées partiellement soutenues. Les résultats d’analyses statistiques supplémentaires, réalisées a posteriori afin de mieux comprendre les résultats, laissent supposer la présence de variables modératrices, dont, notamment, les caractéristiques situationnelles. En somme, il nous semble plus probable d’arriver, dans le futur, à trouver une méthode structurée de création des variables composites qui permettrait d’obtenir des liens prévisionnels plus puissants que de découvrir des variables composites qui seraient elles-mêmes généralisables à tous les emplois et à toutes les organisations. Par ailleurs, nous encourageons les praticiens à porter attention à la façon d’utiliser les données de personnalité. Pour le moment, il semble que les facteurs de personnalité permettent de prédire, en partie, le rendement futur en emploi. Or, les preuves empiriques concernant l’efficacité d’autres approches demeurent relativement rares et, surtout, insuffisantes pour guider fidèlement les praticiens à travers les choix nécessaires à leur utilisation.