973 resultados para Personagens literárias


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Ilustração componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).


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Universidade da Madeira


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The research aimed to study the emergence, role, and the possibilities of environmental movements in Sergipe, running through an analysis of the period between 1983 and 2011. This goal has been guided by the core issue of research, which was to analyze the relationship between the mission, structure and action of environmental organizations in Sergipe. The research arose from the need to map and critically evaluate the environmental movement in Sergipe. The methodological procedures focused on the literature search, survey papers in Sergipe a time gap of 28 years, detailed analysis of nine "movements" and selected in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews with dozens of social actors involved in the area. In conclusion, we observed that environmentalism in Sergipe, from its inception, was associated with recovery of consciousness regarding the environment, to combat local problems of degradation, and the search for legitimacy of public opinion. Although the environmental movement have been, at times, the attention of mass media, the movement failed to leave the niche and achieve a more representative portion of society. You can still see the deep relationship between the profile of environmental leaders, capital strength and the practical results of the environmental actions and finally, it was observed that the action of the movements has much stronger bond with the relationship of the organization and its main leaders with the other "environmentalist," than with the structure and mission of the institution


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In the study of African literature in Portuguese language, the theme importance of memory is done by contact those literary works have with the context in which they operate. This study aims to reflect how memory as social element becomes an agent of the composition of literary structure in the O Vendedor de Passados (2004), by José Eduardo Agualusa. Therefore, we have as reference the critical method developed by Antonio Candido (1976), regarding the critical dialectic, in order to understand how such a throwback acts in the structuring of the romance in a relationship with both structural and thematic elements. Firstly, it presents a panoramic reading the Angolan literary scene in the post-independence, relating this context with the route of writing of José Eduardo Agualusa. Then it performs the analysis of the relationships between narratives categories - narrator, characters, space, time - and the memorial element, keeping in mind that these categories would be constructed in dialogue with the memory. Lastly, there is the reflection on the dynamics between fiction and reality apprehended in novelistic discourse in which a seller of past figures in an analysis that takes place from the skeptical look on this work. As a theoretical approach, we highlight mainly readings: Hampaté-Bâ (2010), Laura Padilla (2007), Tania Macêdo (2008) for the observation of the specific African context quickened in the novel; Tedesco (2004), Halbwachs (2006), Le Goff (2003) regarding the conceptualisation of memory; and Landesman (2006), Krause (2004), Gai (1997) in cutting the skeptical outlook with which the romance dialogues


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Este trabalho analisa relações da experiência, memória e humor e investiga representações da infância, da velhice, da loucura e do alcoolismo no romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris, de Eulício Farias de Lacerda e em contos de Primeiras Estórias, de Guimarães Rosa, destacando-se que meninos, velhos, cegos e loucos, mesmo marginalizados, podem ser encarados como atores sociais na formação das comunidades. Verifica-se que essas personagens constituem uma coletividade no sentido de evocar a representação de indivíduos. Também se procura examinar práticas literárias e culturais no âmbito do sistema literário brasileiro, com ênfase em regionalismos, oralidade e considerações sobre literatura e sociedade. É desse modo que se busca observar que as obras destacadas estão inseridas numa discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento sociocultural. Portanto, a preocupação desta pesquisa deriva da discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento social. Diante disso, observa-se nos textos de Guimarães Rosa e de Eulício Farias um tratamento narrativo em torno dessas personagens, enfatizando que as situações vividas por eles envolvem experiências que os levam a construir, em relação ao contexto social, aspectos de amadurecimento, rememoração, compartilhamento, encantamento, viagem ao desconhecido, movimentos históricos, alegrias e tristezas, sempre demonstrando uma sintonia com a temática da modernidade. Assim, as condições sociais são interpretadas para evidenciar e confrontar: discriminação, amizade, conflito, respeito, marginalização, memória social. Ainda são estabelecidas comparações entre personagens do romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris com as de alguns contos de Primeiras Estórias, salientando-se considerações sobre o narrador, as inter-relações, regionalismo e relações entre literatura, organização e processo social. Esta pesquisa tem por base o conceito de sistema literário consolidado idealizado por Antonio Candido e os postulados de estudiosos e teóricos como: Walter Benjamin, Jacqueline Held, Mikhail Bakhtin, Roland Barthes, Ana Paula Pacheco, Serge Moscovici, François Laplantine, Liane Trindade


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This thesis A paz tensa da chama fugaz: a configuração do amor no romance contemporâneo, Lygia Fagundes Telles e Lídia Jorge aims to study the configuration of Love in contemporary novels. Their corpuses of study are the novels As horas nuas (1989), by the Brazilian writer Lygia Fagundes Telles; and O vento assobiando nas gruas (2002), by the Portuguese writer Lídia Jorge. The following research tries to understand how the characters from those texts deal with some love questions on the context of the contemporary narrative; it also tries to comprehend the love expression which is formed as a contradictorily fluid feeling and intensely wanted, which are important points concerning the love discourse at the present day. As a critic-comparative study, this research focuses on the problematic concerned love as a synonym of Eros, in other words, the relation between lovers, analyzed through social and philosophical perspective. Through that, this work broadens the study of two contemporary novels, and it also establish connections between the characters from those novels and the literary environment where they are placed, once it focuses on the human and social context presented in this books. The thesis ends calling attention to the dichotomy of love and death, to the image of love which grows through absence and through the longing of completeness of the human being; that is why this work sustains that the Lygia Fagundes Telles and Lídia Jorge update and materialized in their texts the plurality of contemporary love conception, which continues to be contradictory, fragmented and problematic


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The allegory of the divided line presents one structure that divides itself into four levels of reality. Two of them move in the world of appearances or opinion, and the others into the world of being or intelligibility: eikasia and pistis, and dianoia and noesis. The difficulty is the following: if there are four levels of reality each with their respective objects that are apprehended according to a type of knowledge involved, is there an interpretation of the justice according to each level? Accordingly, our intention, after presenting the types of knowledge in the allegory of the divided line, is to demonstrate how the justice is comprehended at each level of reality. We understand that Plato uses the characters to represent levels involving different types of knowledge. The characters are Cephalus, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus, Glaucon, Adimantus and Socrates, and the comprehension about what is the justice at each level follows what these characters understand justice to be


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Cette dissertation a pour but d´analyser la ville de São Luís do Maranhão pendant la Première Republique, d´après le roman Vencidos e Degenerados, de José do Nascimento Moraes, publié en 1915. À partir des rapports entre l´Histoire et la Littérature, nous nous intéressons à la façon dont l´auteur écrit l´histoire d´une ville qui, après la fin de l´esclavage et l´installation de la Republique, conserve des anciens préjugés de race et reste plongée dans l´immobilité economique. Le roman fait partie d´un ensemble d´oeuvres scientifiques et littéraires d´une géneration connue sous le nom de Novos Atenienses (nouveaux athéniens), laquelle discutait la crise économique et culturelle vécue par le Maranhão au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Le discours formulé par les nouveaux-athéniens comprennait des eléments nostalgiques associés au culte des lettres envisageant la conquête de la réconaissance littéraire et le désir d´adapter la ville de São Luis aux modèles de progrès et modernisation de la période républicaine. Dans ce contexte, Moraes introduit les thèmes liés à la discrimination raciale qui demerait après la fin de l´esclavage, qu´il considérait un obstacle au progrès de la capitale de Maranhão, et aussi la cause des pérsecutions littéraires dont il était victime. On a analisé le roman en cherchant compreendre les rapports entre les individus et les rapports qui´ils entretienent avec les spaces de la ville, à partir de questions d´ordre littéraire, raciale et urbaine. En guise de conclusion, la narration de l´oeuvre est dévellopée de façon que la ville, peuplée de gens de couleurs, sert à legitimée l´oeuvre littéraire de Moraes, dont le nom a été oublié dans les principaux cercles littéraires de la capitale pendant la période examinée


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A tessitura deste trabalho abarca os traços da Biologia presentes em duas obras infanto-juvenis de Monteiro Lobato. Os entendimentos acerca dos traços biológicos como evolução, seleção natural, tamanho, classificação e organização natural se hibridizam, mesclam-se a outros discursos e significados e apontam relações e significações que se dão entre os espaços - diferenças - dos múltiplos conhecimentos. Ao reconhecer que a Biologia participa dessa Literatura, construiu-se um olhar para seus significados que são (re)criados em relação às diferenças, não funcionando como decalque, cópia de um campo cultural único ou suposto como original. Ao migrar para o texto, os significados culturais desses traços biológicos expandem o campo da escritura por uma interrupção e um espaçamento. Investigaram-se as relações de diferenças que se estabelecem entre Literatura e Biologia, e a intensidade das narrativas que trazem traços de crenças, valores, interesses políticos no discurso científico, e que são arrastados para a Literatura, num trajeto híbrido e nômade.


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Cet article présente une recherche sur les facteurs producteurs de la criminalité réalisée au début de la décennie 80 qui, en s'appuyant sur longs entretiens réalisées avec des prisonnières, a élaboré un ensemble d'hypothèses afin de comprendre les relations constitutives que ce phénomène maintient avec la pauvreté, avec la violence policière/pénitentiaire et avec les propres savoirs par lesquels ses actes et ses auteurs deviennent objet de connaissance. Sa présentation, aujourd'hui, vise deux objectifs: le premier, en hommage et reconnaissance à Sylvia Leser de Mello, est celui d'offrir un simple exemple, parmi tant d'autres, d'une des nombreuses aventures de recherche rendue possible par son orientation. Le second est celui de partager avec des chercheurs qui s'intéressent au même thème une étude qui, polémique et innovatrice à l'époque de sa réalisation, conserve sa pertinence face, actuellement, aux caractéristiques particulièrement graves présentées par les questions abordées.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)