795 resultados para Pellets


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Syftet med denna studie är att hitta driftsbetingelser som sänker pelletsförbrukning och utsläpp och därmed även de totala kostnaderna för ett värmesystem. Värmesystemet har två huvudsakliga energikällor; sol och pellets. En elpatron används också, för att täcka upp med värme när solen lyser med sin frånvaro och pelletsystemet inte har hunnit börja leverera värme,till exempel i samband med start av brännaren. Lasten utgör värme till ett småhus av dagens standard och tappvarmvattenbehov.


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Emissions from residential combustion appliances vary significantly depending on the firing behaviours and combustion conditions, in addition to combustion technologies and fuel quality. Although wood pellet combustion in residential heating boilers is efficient, the combustion conditions during start-up and stop phases are not optimal and produce significantly high emissions such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon from incomplete combustion. The emissions from the start-up and stop phases of the pellet boilers are not fully taken into account in test methods for ecolabels which primarily focus on emissions during operation on full load and part load. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the emission characteristics during realistic operation of residential wood pellet boilers in order to identify when the major part of the annual emissions occur. Emissions from four residential wood pellet boilers were measured and characterized for three operating phases (start-up, steady and stop). Emissions from realistic operation of combined solar and wood pellet heating systems was continuously measured to investigate the influence of start-up and stop phases on total annual emissions. Measured emission data from the pellet devices were used to build an emission model to predict the annual emission factors from the dynamic operation of the heating system using the simulation software TRNSYS. Start-up emissions are found to vary with ignition type, supply of air and fuel, and time to complete the phase. Stop emissions are influenced by fan operation characteristics and the cleaning routine. Start-up and stop phases under realistic operation conditions contribute 80 – 95% of annual carbon monoxide (CO) emission, 60 – 90% total hydrocarbon (TOC), 10 – 20% of nitrogen oxides (NO), and 30 – 40% particles emissions. Annual emission factors from realistic operation of tested residential heating system with a top fed wood pelt boiler can be between 190 and 400 mg/MJ for the CO emissions, between 60 and 95 mg/MJ for the NO, between 6 and 25 mg/MJ for the TOC, between 30 and 116 mg/MJ for the particulate matter and between 2x10-13 /MJ and 4x10-13 /MJ for the number of particles. If the boiler has the cleaning sequence with compressed air such as in boiler B2, annual CO emission factor can be up to 550 mg/MJ. Average CO, TOC and particles emissions under realistic annual condition were greater than the limits values of two eco labels. These results highlight the importance of start-up and stop phases in annual emission factors (especially CO and TOC). Since a large or dominating part of the annual emissions in real operation arise from the start-up and stop sequences, test methods required by the ecolabels should take these emissions into account. In this way it will encourage the boiler manufacturers to minimize annual emissions. The annual emissions of residential pellet heating system can be reduced by optimizing the number of start-ups of the pellet boiler. It is possible to reduce up to 85% of the number of start-ups by optimizing the system design and its controller such as switching of the boiler pump after it stops, using two temperature sensors for boiler ON/OFF control, optimizing of the positions of the connections to the storage tank, increasing the mixing valve temperature in the boiler circuit and decreasing the pump flow rate. For 85 % reduction of start-ups, 75 % of CO and TOC emission factors were reduced while 13% increase in NO and 15 % increase in particle emissions was observed.


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Vid förbränning av biobränslen såsom träpellets bildas partiklar som orsakar avsättningar på ytor i pannans konvektionsparti. Det som leder till försämrad effektivitet och kräver sotning. Dessutom sker utsläpp av partiklar till uteluften som kan ge hälsoeffekter. Vid förbränning kan alkalimetaller, som till exempel kalium, frigöras från bränslet och de kan bilda klibbiga avsättningar tillsammans med klor, svavel eller kisel, som i sin tur samlar in mer partiklar och det bygger på avsättningar i konvektionspartiet. Det förväntas att magnesi-um reagerar (huvudsakligen med klor, svavel och kisel) så att sammansättningar med högre smältpunkter erhålls, vilket kan minska avsättningar i konvektionspartiet. Karlstads Universitet har producerat tre olika typer av träpellets; en referenspellet utan tillsat-ser, en pellet med magnesiumoxid (MgO) och en pellet med magnesiumhydroxid (Mg(OH)2). Kortare eldningsprov med de olika bränslena har genomförts i en 20 kW pelletspanna och uppkomna avsättningar i konvektionspartiet och emissioner har registreras. Avsättningarna i konvektionspartiet kvantifierades med en gravimetrisk metod och analyserades med SEM, vilket gör det möjligt att se vilka grundämnen som förekommer i avsättningarna. Gasformiga emissioner som CO, NO och TOC registrerades liksom partikelutsläpp. Motsvarande försök gjordes också med en kommersiellt tillverkad pellet. Tillsats av MgO och Mg(OH)2 ökade mängden flygaska och partikelutsläpp (PM 2,5). Massan av fasta beläggningar i konvektionspartiet ökade också jämfört med referenspellets utan dessa tillsatser. Dessutom bildades stora mängder flygaska i fallen med magnesiumtillsats. Att tillsatserna bildade flygaska kan förklaras av den normalt mycket låga askhalten i träpel-lets och därmed är också halten av alkalimetaller låg jämfört med pellets som tillverkas av spannmål. Magnesiumtillsatsen syftar till att reagera med alkalimetaller och bilda föreningar med så hög smältpunkt att de inte fastnar i pannans konvektionsparti. Troligen är magnesium-tillsatsen för hög jämfört med mängden alkali i pelletsen. Från SEM-analysen kan man se att mängden kalium minskar med magnesiumtillsatserna och det verkar som att principen fungerar. Dock hamnade stora mängder flygaska med hög andel magnesium i konvektionspartiet (lös flygaska har avlägsnats före den gravimetriska mätning-en och före SEM-analysen av substraten). Detta kan ha förhindrat substraten från att få högre andel fasta avsättningar från bland annat kalium och klor under denna korta mätperiod som genomfördes. Det kan dock inte uteslutas att de minskade avsättningarna av kalium och klor berodde på just tillsatsen av magnesium.


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A fixed bed photocatalytic reactor has been designed and built with a UV
radiation source. Ti02 pellets were placed on the three fixed beds within the
reactor. Acetone was used as an indicator of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the experiment. Under the flow rate of 12.75 l/min, the oxidation efficiencies were obtained at four different concentrations of acetone laden gas streams ranged from 40ppm to 250ppm. It was found that the lower the acetone concentration of the untreated inlet gas, the higher the oxidation efficiency; the obtained oxidation efficiency was in the range of 40-70% for various concentrations of untreated gases.


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Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) process is an effective way to deal with organic pollutants in wastewater which could be difficult to be degraded by conventional biological treatment methods. Normally the TiO2 powder in nanometre size range was directly used as photocatalyst for dye degradation in wastewater. However the titanium dioxide powder was arduous to be recovered from the solution after treatment. In this application, a new form of TiO2 (i.e. pillar pellets ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 mm long and with a diameter of 3.7 mm) was used and investigated for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. A test system was built with a flat plate reactor (FPR) and UV light source (blacklight and solar simulator as light source respectively) for investigating the effectiveness of the new form of TiO2. It was found that the photocatalytic process under this configuration could efficiently remove colours from textile dyeing effluent. Comparing with the TiO2 powder, the pellet was very easy to recovered from the treated solution and can be reused in multiple times without the significant change on the photocatalytic property. The results also showed that to achieve the same photocatalytic performance, the FPR area by pellets was about 91% smaller than required by TiO2 powder. At least TiO2 pellet could be used as an alternative form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, also other wastewater treatment processes.


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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are air pollutants that come from burning fossil fuels and industrial emissions. They have potentially adverse health effects being carcinogenic and highly persistent in the environment. The use of photocatalytic oxidation to remove VOCs has the potential to be applied in indoor air quality improvement and industrial emission control. A fixed bed photocatalytic reactor was designed and built. UV black light lamps were installed in the reactor to provide a source of UV radiation. A non-film titania media as pellets were placed on the three fixed beds within the reactor. Toluene and acetone were used as indicators of VOCs during the experiment. With a flow rate of 12.75l/min, the oxidation efficiencies were obtained at four different concentrations of acetone laden gas streams ranging from 40ppm to 250ppm. It was found that the lower the acetone concentration of the untreated inlet gas, the higher the oxidation efficiency. The oxidation efficiency was in the range of 40–70% for various concentrations of untreated gases. Two concentrations of toluene laden gas stream were also tested using the same reactor. The oxidation efficiencies were found as 50% for 120ppm toluene gas and 45% for 300ppm toluene gas. It was found that the times required for toluene to reach oxidization equilibrium have been halved than for acetone gas stream. Other parameters such as flow rate and UV intensity were also altered to see their effects on the oxidation efficiency. A full spectrum scan was carried out using a Bio-rad Infrared spectrometer. It was found that the main components of the treated gas stream from the outlet of the reactor were CO2 and water along with small amount of untreated acetone. The suspected intermediates of aliphatic hydrocarbons and CO were found in very minimal amounts or undetectable. The research experiments supported that the TiO2 pellets can work effectively in a fixed bed photocatalytic reactor and achieve significant oxidation efficiencies for degradation of toluene and acetone as indicators of VOCs.


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The porous Ti02 pellets were prepared based on pigment grade titaina, P25 titania powder and titaniurn(lV) butoxide. The characterization was done with X-Ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and BET measurements. The result shows that Ti02 pellets by using titaniurn(IV) butoxide with some addictive have the best surface porosity, with specific surface area of 196.9m2/g. For pigment grade titania and P25 titania powder, it is still effective to enhance the surface area after reassembling. The surface area increased from 11.6 to 29.2 m2/g for pigment grade titania and from 50 to 84.4 m2/g for P25 titania powder. Furthermore, it has been investigated on how to optimize and get the highest surface area by controlling the sintering temperature, reaction temperature, pH of solution, and the amount of alcohol and addictive of surfactant during preparation. The experimental photocatalytic degradation of acetone and toluene was performed using titania pellets made from P25 titania powder.


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This paper presents an experimental study on employing a pellet form of catalyst in photo-reduction of carbon dioxide with water. Water was first absorbed into titania pellets. Highly purified carbon dioxide gas was then discharged into a reactor containing the wet pellets, which were then illuminated continuously for 65 hours using UVC lamps. Analysing the products accumulated in the reactor confirmed that methane and hydrogen were produced through photo-reduction of carbon dioxide with water. No other hydrocarbons were detected. Increasing the temperature in the reactor has showed little change on the amount of methane produced.


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It has been shown that CO2 could be transformed into hydrocarbons when it is in contact with water vapour and catalysts under UV irradiation. This paper presents an experimental set-up to study the process employing a new approach of heterogeneous photocatalysis using pellet form of catalyst instead of immobilized catalysts on solid substrates. In the experiment, CO2 mixed with water vapour in saturation state was discharged into a quartz reactor containing porous TiO2 pellets and illuminated by various UV lamps of different wavelengths for 48 h continuously. The gaseous products extracted were identified using gas chromatography. The results confirmed that CO2 could be reformed in the presence of water vapour and TiO2 pellets into CH4 under continuous UV irradiation at room conditions. It showed that when UVC (253.7 nm) light was used, total yield of methane was approximately 200 ppm which was a fairly good reduction yield as compared to those obtained from the processes using immobilized catalysts through thin-film technique and anchoring method. CO and H2 were also detected. Switching from UVC to UVA (365 nm) resulted in significant decrease in the product yields. The pellet form of catalyst has been found to be attractive for use in further research on photocatalytic reduction of CO2.


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A utilização de pellets de madeira é bastante difundida nos países desenvolvidos, em particular na Europa, e apresenta demanda crescente para a produção de energia elétrica e térmica, incluindo a calefação residencial. O Brasil apresenta capacidade indiscutível para a geração de diferentes biomassas e em quantidades expressivas, dada à vantagem competitiva de suas condições edafo-climáticas, sua extensão territorial e de ter baixos custos de produção. Apontar-se-á neste trabalho as condições mercadológicas, logísticas, normativas, de incentivos fiscais e de ambiente econômico, com as quais o país poderá se consolidar como um grande produtor e consumidor desta fonte de energia limpa e renovável. Este estudo apresenta as melhores técnicas conhecidas para a venda a pequenos e médios consumidores e para a produção, eficiente e com escala, de pellets de madeira, dentro do Estado de São Paulo. É discutida a necessidade de se ter florestas plantadas com o único propósito de serem transformadas em pellets. Nos últimos anos, os preços dos resíduos de madeira subiram no mercado interno, praticamente os excluindo como fonte de matéria-prima, num cenário de longo prazo. O objetivo final desta dissertação é apresentar os principais aspectos econômico-financeiros que influenciam os cenários para que os pellets de madeira possam substituir o óleo BPF-A1 no mercado regional, e assim discutindo se sua produção se mostrará atraente e confiável para potenciais investidores. Para a avaliação da viabilidade financeira, são utilizados os métodos-chave, Payback, Valor Presente Líquido e Taxa Interna de Retorno, e uma análise de sensibilidade das principais variáveis identificadas. Os principais resultados revelam um Payback de 47 meses, um NPV de R$10.942.127 e uma IRR de 25,18% a.a. em termos reais, para o cenário-base, além de identificar o preço da matéria-prima e a escala de produção como as variáveis mais sensíveis.


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Forragens com alta umidade e baixa concentração de carboidratos solúveis, como é o caso dos capins tropicais, podem conduzir a condições desfavoráveis para a produção de silagens de qualidade satisfatória. Esse estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil fermentativo e microbiológico de silagens de capim-Marandu [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich) Stapf cv. Marandu], colhido com 58 dias de crescimento, aditivadas com polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP),. Foram utilizados silos experimentais de PVC adaptados com válvula do tipo Bunsen, tendo a silagem atingindo densidade de 900 kg m-3. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três proporções de PCP (0, 50 e 100 g kg-1 em relação a matéria natural) e sete tempos de abertura após a ensilagem (1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 56 dias). A presença de PCP aumentou os teores de CHOs em 15 a 20%, reduziu o pH (5,3 para 4,2) e diminuiu as concentrações de N-NH3. Houve crescimento da população de enterobactérias somente durante o primeiro dia de fermentação (média 3 UFC g-1), pequeno desenvolvimento de clostrideos (média 0,5 UFC g-1) e dominância de bactérias homo em relação às heterofermentativas, para os três tratamentos estudados. A adição de polpa cítrica durante a ensilagem do capim-Marandu foi benéfica, podendo ser recomendada desde que haja benefício econômico na sua adoção.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)