949 resultados para Peer-to-Peer


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Video streaming applications have hitherto been supported by single server systems. A major drawback of such a solution is that it increases the server load. The server restricts the number of clients that can be simultaneously supported due to limitation in bandwidth. The constraints of a single server system can be overcome in video streaming if we exploit the endless resources available in a distributed and networked system. We explore a P2P system for streaming video applications. In this paper we build a P2P streaming video (SVP2P) service in which multiple peers co-operate to serve video segments for new requests, thereby reducing server load and bandwidth used. Our simulation shows the playback latency using SVP2P is roughly 1/4th of the latency incurred when the server directly streams the video. Bandwidth consumed for control messages (overhead) is as low as 1.5% of the total data transfered. The most important observation is that the capacity of the SVP2P grows dynamically.


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Clock synchronisation is an important requirement for various applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Most of the existing clock synchronisation protocols for WSNs use some hierarchical structure that introduces an extra overhead due to the dynamic nature of WSNs. Besides, it is difficult to integrate these clock synchronisation protocols with sleep scheduling scheme, which is a major technique to conserve energy. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed peer-to-peer based clock synchronisation protocol, named Distributed Clock Synchronisation Protocol (DCSP), using a novel technique of pullback for complete sensor networks. The pullback technique ensures that synchronisation phases of any pair of clocks always overlap. We have derived an exact expression for a bound on maximum synchronisation error in the DCSP protocol, and simulation study verifies that it is indeed less than the computed upper bound. Experimental study using a few TelosB motes also verifies that the pullback occurs as predicted.


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Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are widely used to distribute data to large number of users. Traditionally, content is being replicated among a number of surrogate servers, leading to high operational costs. In this context, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) CDNs have emerged as a viable alternative. An issue of concern in P2P networks is that of free riders, i.e., selfish peers who download files and leave without uploading anything in return. Free riding must be discouraged. In this paper, we propose a criterion, the Give-and-Take (G&T) criterion, that disallows free riders. Incorporating the G&T criterion in our model, we study a problem that arises naturally when a new peer enters the system: viz., the problem of downloading a `universe' of segments, scattered among other peers, at low cost. We analyse this hard problem, and characterize the optimal download cost under the G&T criterion. We propose an optimal algorithm, and provide a sub-optimal algorithm that is nearly optimal, but runs much more quickly; this provides an attractive balance between running time and performance. Finally, we compare the performance of our algorithms with that of a few existing P2P downloading strategies in use. We also study the computation time for prescribing the strategy for initial segment and peer selection for the newly arrived peer for various existing and proposed algorithms, and quantify cost-computation time trade-offs.


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Analisa o uso do aplicativo de compartilhamento de arquivos, os chamados peer-to-peer, em relação à privacidade e ao direito autoral dos usuários de internet.


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提出并实现了一种建立在Peer-to-Peer 搜索策略上的自组织、自适应、高效和可靠的文件系统DISPFS(Double ID Space basedPeer-to-peer File System)。它在双层ID 空间中构造虚拟存储节点,不仅有效地取得了文件系统内的负载均衡、提高系统利用率,而且保证了动态环境中文件的可靠、快速获取。试验数据表明,DISPFS 在系统接近满负荷运行和文件插入/删除操作频繁的双重压力下依然保持优良的性能。


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We present a distributed indexing scheme for peer to peer networks. Past work on distributed indexing traded off fast search times with non-constant degree topologies or network-unfriendly behavior such as flooding. In contrast, the scheme we present optimizes all three of these performance measures. That is, we provide logarithmic round searches while maintaining connections to a fixed number of peers and avoiding network flooding. In comparison to the well known scheme Chord, we provide competitive constant factors. Finally, we observe that arbitrary linear speedups are possible and discuss both a general brute force approach and specific economical optimizations.


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The initial phase in a content distribution (file sharing) scenario is a delicate phase due to the lack of global knowledge and the dynamics of the overlay. An unwise distribution of the pieces in this phase can cause delays in reaching steady state, thus increasing file download times. We devise a scheduling algorithm at the seed (source peer with full content), based on a proportional fair approach, and we implement it on a real file sharing client [1]. In dynamic overlays, our solution improves up to 25% the average downloading time of a standard protocol ala BitTorrent.


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© Comer, Clark, Canelas.This study aimed to evaluate how peer-to-peer interactions through writing impact student learning in introductory-level massive open online courses (MOOCs) across disciplines. This article presents the results of a qualitative coding analysis of peer-to-peer interactions in two introductory level MOOCs: English Composition I: Achieving Expertise and Introduction to Chemistry. Results indicate that peer-to-peer interactions in writing through the forums and through peer assessment enhance learner understanding, link to course learning objectives, and generally contribute positively to the learning environment. Moreover, because forum interactions and peer review occur in written form, our research contributes to open distance learning (ODL) scholarship by highlighting the importance of writing to learn as a significant pedagogical practice that should be encouraged more in MOOCs across disciplines.


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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of training tutors in content knowledge of a particular domain versus training them in tutoring skills of pedagogical knowledge when tutoring on a complex tutee task. Forty-seven tutor-tutee pairs of fourth year secondary school students were created and assigned to one of two treatments. Twenty-two tutors received training in content knowledge and the other twenty-five tutors in tutoring skills. Tutors formulated written feedback immediately after the training. Tutees first interpreted the tutor feedback and then used it to revise their research questions. The results showed that tutors trained in tutoring skills formulated more effective feedback than tutors trained in content knowledge. In addition, tutees helped by tutoring-skills tutors found the feedback more motivating than those helped by content- knowledge tutors. However, no differences were found in tutee performance on revision. The findings are discussed in terms of the set-up of this study and implications for improving the effectiveness of peer tutoring.