88 resultados para Pears
Multi-species fisheries are complex to manage and the ability to develop an appropriate governance structure is often seriously impeded because trading between sustainability objectives at the species level, economic objectives at the fleet level, and social objectives at the community scale, is complex. Many of these fisheries also tend to have a mix of information, with stock assessments available for some species and almost no information on other species. The fleets themselves comprise fishers from small family enterprises to large vertically integrated businesses. The Queensland trawl fishery in Australia is used as a case study for this kind of fishery. It has the added complexity that a large part of the fishery is within a World Heritage Area, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which is managed by an agency of the Australian Commonwealth Government whereas the fishery itself is managed by the Queensland State Government. A stakeholder elicitation process was used to develop social, governance, economic and ecological objectives, and then weight the relative importance of these. An expert group was used to develop different governance strawmen (or management strategies) and these were assessed by a group of industry stakeholders and experts using multi-criteria decision analysis techniques against the different objectives. One strawman clearly provided the best overall set of outcomes given the multiple objectives, but was not optimal in terms of every objective, demonstrating that even the "best" strawman may be less than perfect. © 2012.
The ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), has been commercially used to extend the storage life of European pear fruit and to allow shipment to distant markets. However, the influence of 1-MCP on the ability of fruit to ripen to an acceptable sensory quality has not been investigated in 'Bartlett' pear, one of the most aromatic of pear fruit. In the current study, early-, mid- and late-season 'Bartlett' pear fruit were treated with 0.6μLL-1 1-MCP at 0°C for 24h, 100μLL-1 ethylene at 20°C for 24h, or untreated before immediate transfer to 20°C for ripening until eating soft (13N firmness). Fruit from each treatment were subjected to objective and sensory quality evaluation once ripe. Sensory quality showed differences related to harvest maturity; the importance of harvest maturity depended on the treatment. Treatment with 1-MCP effectively slowed fruit ripening and therefore extended postharvest life, but also resulted in fully ripened pears with more desirable sensory traits, as compared with ethylene-treated and untreated pears. The enhanced sensory quality was related to higher sweetness, juiciness and pear aroma and reduced fermented aroma, gritty texture and tart taste. In addition, the sensory profiles of 1-MCP-treated pears were more stable among fruit from the three harvest dates than the ethylene-treated pears, which exhibited very different sensory profiles between early- and late-season fruits. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.
Report of the London Mathematical Society meeting to launch "The Book of Presidents, 1865-1965, London Mathematical Society" by Susan Oakes, Alan Pears and Adrian Rice, London Mathematical Society, 2005, ISBN: 978-0950273419
Since the introduction of molecular computation1, 2, experimental molecular computational elements have grown3, 4, 5 to encompass small-scale integration6, arithmetic7 and games8, among others. However, the need for a practical application has been pressing. Here we present molecular computational identification (MCID), a demonstration that molecular logic and computation can be applied to a widely relevant issue. Examples of populations that need encoding in the microscopic world are cells in diagnostics or beads in combinatorial chemistry (tags). Taking advantage of the small size9 (about 1 nm) and large 'on/off' output ratios of molecular logic gates and using the great variety of logic types, input chemical combinations, switching thresholds and even gate arrays in addition to colours, we produce unique identifiers for members of populations of small polymer beads (about 100 m) used for synthesis of combinatorial libraries10, 11. Many millions of distinguishable tags become available. This method should be extensible to far smaller objects, with the only requirement being a 'wash and watch' protocol12. Our focus on converting molecular science into technology concerning analog sensors13, 14, turns to digital logic devices in the present work.
Anthracene-based, H+-driven, ‘off–on–off’ fluorescent PET (photoinduced electron transfer) switches are immobilized on organic and inorganic polymeric solids in the form of Tentagel® and silica, respectively. The environment of the organic bead displaces apparent switching thresholds towards lower pH values whereas the Si–O- groups of silica electrostatically cause the opposite effect. These switches are ternary logic gate tags, one of which can be particularly useful in strengthening molecular computational identification (MCID) of small solid objects.
Ancien possesseur : Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963)
Fire blight is an economically important disease of apples and pears that is caused by the
bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Control of the disease depends on limiting primaly blosson1
infection in the spring, and rapidly removing infected tissue. The possibility of using phages to
control E.amylovora populations has been suggested, but previous studies have. failed to show
high treatment efficacies. This work describes the development of a phage-based biopesticide
that controls E. amylovora populations under field conditions, and significantly reduces the
incidence of fire blight.
This work reports the first use ofPantoea agglomerans, a non-pathogenic relative ofE.
amylovora, as a carrier for E. amylovora.phages. Its role is to support a replicating population of
these phages on blossom surfaces during the period when the flowers are most susceptible to
infection. Seven phages and one carrier isolate were selected for field trials from existing
collections of 56 E. amylovora phages and 249 epiphytic orchard bacteria. Selection of the .
phages and carrier was based on characteristics relevant to the production and field perfonnance
of a biopesticide: host range, genetic diversity, growth under the conditions of large-scale
production, and the ability to prevent E. amylovora from infecting pear blossoms. In planta
assays showed that both the phages and the carrier make significant contributions to reducirig the
development of fire blight symptoms in pear blossoms.
Field-scale phage production and purification methods were developed based on the
growth characteristics of the phages and bacteria in liquid culture, and on the survival of phages
in various liquid media.
Six of twelve phage-carrier biopesticide treatments caused statistically signiflcant reductions in disease incidence during orchard trials. Multiplex real-time PCR was used to
simultaneously monitor the phage, carrier, and pathogen populations over the course of selected
treatments. In all cases. the observed population dynamics of the biocontrol agents and the
pathogen were consistent with the success or failure of each treatment to control disease
incidence. In treatments exhibiting a significantly reduced incidel1ce of fire blight, the average
blossom population ofE.amylovora had been reduced to pre-experiment epiphytic levels. In
successful treatments the phages grew on the P. agglomerans carrier for 2 to 3 d after treatment
application. The phages then grew preferentially on the pathogen, once it was introduced into this
blossom ecosystem. The efficacy of the successful phage-based treatnlents was statistically
similar to that of streptomycin, which is the most effective bactericide currently available for fire
blight prevention.
The in planta behaviour ofE. amylovora was compared to that ofErwinia pyrifoliae, a
closely related species that causes fire blight-like synlptoms on pears in southeast Asia. Duplex
real-time PCR was used to monitor the population dynamics of both species on single blossonls.
E. amylovora exhibited a greater competitive fitness on Bartlett pear blossoms than E. pyrifoliae.
The genome ofErwinia phage
The Ontario Tender Fruit Marketing Board operates under the Farm Producers Marketing Act. It covers all tender fruit farmers who produce either fresh or canned products. Today the board has over 500 grower-members. Tender fruit in the Niagara region includes: peaches, pears, plums, grapes and cherries. The fruits are used in a number of different ways, from jams and jellies to desserts, sauces and wine. Peaches were first harvested along the Niagara river in 1779. Peter Secord (Laura Secord’s uncle) is thought to be the first farmer to plant fruit trees when he took a land grant near Niagara in the mid 1780s. Since the beginnings of Secord’s farm, peaches, pears and plums have been grown in the Niagara region ever since. However, none of the original varities of peach trees remain today. Peaches were often used for more than eating by early settlers. The leaves and bark of the tree was used to make teas for conditions such as chronic bronchitis, coughs and gastritis. Cherries have been known to have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Like peaches and cherries, pears had many uses for the early pioneers. The wood was used to make furniture. The juice made excellent ciders and the leaves provided yellow dyes. Plums have been around for centuries, not only in the Niagara region, but throughout the world. They have appeared in pre-historic writings and were present for the first Thanksgiving in 1621. The grape industry in Ontario has also been around for centuries. It began in 1798 when land was granted to Major David Secord (brother-in-law to Laura Secord) slightly east of St. David’s, on what is Highway No. 8 today. Major Secord’s son James was given a part of the land in 1818 and in 1857 passed it onto Porter Adams. Adams is known to be the first person to plant grapes in Ontario1. Tender fruits are best grown in warm temperate climates. The Niagara fruit belt, stretching 65km from Hamilton to Niagara on the Lake, provides the climate necessary for this fruit production. This belt produces 90% of Ontario’s annual tender fruit crop. It is one of the largest fruit producing regions in all of Canada.
Fire blight is a disease caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia amylovora, an economically important pathogen in the commercial production of apples and pears. Bacteriophages have been proposed as a commercial biopesticide to relieve the pressures on apple and pear production and provide alternatives to existing biological control options. This work reports on the investigation of host resistance in the development of a phage biopesticide. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) deficient bacterial mutants were generated through recombineering to investigate the role of EPS in bacteriophage adsorption and infection. The mutants that were deficient in amylovoran production were avirulent and resistant to infection by phages of the Podoviridae and some of the Siphoviridae family. Levan deficient bacterial mutants resulted in reduced phage titers in some phages from the Myoviridae family. Exopolysaccharide mimetic monosaccharides were used to demonstrate that levan and amylovoran play an important role in phage attack of E. amylovora.
Este estudio muestra la prevalencia por enfermedad laboral de un grupo de trabajadores afiliados a una ARL en Colombia. Compara la morbilidad laboral entre dos grupo de trabajadores expuestos y no expuestos al trabajo agrícola y al interior del grupo de trabajadores agrícolas agrupados en las actividades de corte de caña, cultivo de banano y flores. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal durante el periodo 2011-2012, mediante la revisión de una base de datos de morbilidad laboral. Se realizó un análisis uni-variado y Bi-variado y se comparó la morbilidad con datos sociodemográficos, grupos de trabajadores agrícolas y no agrícolas, y actividad productiva del sector agrícola. Se revisaron 3129 diagnósticos de enfermedad profesional durante el periodo de estudio, 433 diagnósticos fueron trabajadores agrícolas y 2696 pertenecieron a otros grupos de trabajadores. Los desórdenes Osteomusculares fueron los diagnósticos más prevalentes en el grupo Agro 92% y No Agro 86% y en las actividades de corte de caña, cultivo de banano y flores. Entre el grupo Agrícola y no agrícola se encontraron diferencias significativas en los siguientes diagnósticos: Síndrome del túnel del carpo, Síndrome de manguito rotador, Otras sinovitis y tenosinovitis, Lumbago no Especificado, Hipoacusia Neurosensorial Bilateral y epicondilitis lateral; de igual manera se encontraron diferencias entre las actividades de corte de caña y cultivo de banano y flores en los diagnósticos de: Epicondilitis, Sinovitis, Síndrome del túnel del Carpo y Trastorno lumbar. El factor de riesgo más prevalente en el grupo agrícola fue el Ergonómico con el 92.8% de los casos
El principal objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat estudiar la producció de metabòlits amb activitat antibiòtica per soques de l'espècie Pseudomonas fluorescens de la col·lecció EPS, i també avaluar la seva potencialitat com a agents de biocontrol. Es va disposar també de diverses soques de P. fluorescens, cedides per altres investigadors, que van utilitzar-se com a referència perquè algunes són actives en control biològic i produeixen metabòlits secundaris d'interès en el biocontrol de malalties de plantes. La present memòria s'estructura en cinc capítols, que són, introducció al control biològic, descripció de l'etapa de selecció de soques i cerca dels metabòlits produïts, estudi de la producció d'HCN per la soca EPS288, estudi de la producció de l'antibiòtic 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (DAPG), i finalment, el darrer capítol, on s'ha estudiat la producció de DAPG sobre material vegetal i la capacitat de colonitzar arrels per diverses soques d'interès. En l'etapa de prospecció, va demostrar-se que un 37% del total de les soques de la col·lecció EPS produïen HCN, totes de l'espècie P. fluorescens, i un 90% d'aquestes provenien de les arrels de plantes. Es va confirmar la producció dels metabòlits secundaris 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol, àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic, i pirrolnitrina, per diverses soques de la col·lecció EPS seleccionades mitjançant tècniques moleculars. Així, de la col·lecció EPS, les soques EPS317 i EPS808 produeixen DAPG, la EPS263 àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic i pirrolnitrina i, EPS894, EPS895, EPS945 produeixen àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic. La producció d'HCN es va estudiar més exhaustivament en la soca EPS288, seleccionada per la seva activitat antifúngica i candidata a agent de biocontrol contra Stemphylium vesicarium, causant de la estemfiliosi de la perera, i contra Penicillium expansum, causant de la podridura blava en conservació de fruita a postcollita. Per aquest estudi, es va dissenyar i validar un sistema per recollir l'HCN a partir de cultius en medi líquid. S'ha demostrat que la temperatura d'incubació, la concentració cel·lular de sembra i la composició del medi de cultiu afectaven a la producció d'HCN. Els medis complexos i la glicina n'afavorien la síntesi i la font de carboni no afectava. La soca EPS288 va produir més HCN que P. fluorescens CHA0, soca de referència productora d'HCN i descrita com a activa en processos de biocontrol de fongs fitopatògens. En l'estudi de la producció de DAPG, les soques de la col·lecció EPS i de referència, es van comparar en diversos medis de cultiu estudiant l'efecte de la complexitat i consistència del medi, i l'addició de ferro o de glucosa. Va demostrar-se que la producció de DAPG depèn principalment de la soca i de les característiques del medi de cultiu. La glucosa estimula la producció, mentre que el ferro pràcticament no afecta, i en general, el medi sòlid i complex estimula la producció de DAPG. Tanmateix, aquests efectes varien en alguna de les soques assajades donant lloc a comportaments singulars. En el seguiment del creixement amb un sistema automàtic es va comprovar que la velocitat específica de creixement i la concentració cel·lular assolida al final del cultiu, estaven condicionades per la composició del medi de cultiu. En les proves d'antagonisme vers fitopatògens que foren seleccionats com a indicadors, va observar-se que tant l'antagonisme in vitro com la inhibició d'infeccions sobre material vegetal estaven parcialment relacionades amb la producció dels metabòlits secundaris estudiats. La promoció del creixement de portaempelts per aquestes soques depenia de la soca i de l'hoste, però no es pogué establir una relació causa-efecte amb el metabòlits produïts. També es va comprovar que algunes de les soques podien sobreviure en ferides de pomes i de peres, on produïren DAPG. Mutants resistents a rifampicina de diverses soques de la col·lecció EPS i de referència es van inocular en llavors de pomera i de tomatera que es van sembrar i incubar en condicions controlades. Es va fer el seguiment de la població bacteriana total i resistent a rifampicina present a les arrels durant 72 dies. Totes les soques van colonitzar les arrels de les plantes, mantenint una elevada població durant 37 dies, cap d'elles va estimular el creixement ni mostrar efectes fitotòxics, no afectant tampoc signicativament a la població bacteriana espontània de les arrels. La soca EPS808, una de les seleccionades pel treball, va aconseguir uns nivells de producció de DAPG, una velocitat de creixement i una supervivència relativa a les arrels similar a altres soques de referència descrites com a bons agents de biocontrol. En conseqüència, se la considera una candidata a agent de biocontrol que hauria de ser objecte de futurs estudis d'eficàcia.
This chapter presents techniques used for the generation of 3D digital elevation models (DEMs) from remotely sensed data. Three methods are explored and discussed—optical stereoscopic imagery, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), and LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). For each approach, the state-of-the-art presented in the literature is reviewed. Techniques involved in DEM generation are presented with accuracy evaluation. Results of DEMs reconstructed from remotely sensed data are illustrated. While the processes of DEM generation from satellite stereoscopic imagery represents a good example of passive, multi-view imaging technology, discussed in Chap. 2 of this book, InSAR and LIDAR use different principles to acquire 3D information. With regard to InSAR and LIDAR, detailed discussions are conducted in order to convey the fundamentals of both technologies.