948 resultados para Parkinson`s disease
Chronic L-DOPA pharmacotherapy in Parkinson`s disease is often, accompanied by the development of abnormal and excessive movements known as L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. Rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of dopaminergic neurons chronically treated with L-DOPA develop a rodent analog of this dyskinesia characterized by severe axial, limb, locomotor and orofacial abnormal involuntary movements. While the mechanisms by which these effects occur are not clear, they may involve the nitric oxide system. In the present study we investigate if nitric oxide synthase inhibitors can prevent dyskinesias induced by repeated administration Of L-DOPA in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. Chronic L-DOPA (high fixed dose, 100 mg/kg; low escalating dose, 10-30 mg/kg) treatment induced progressive dyskinesia changes. Two nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, 7-nitroindazole (1-30 mg/kg) and NG-nitro-L-arginine (50 mg/kg), given 30 min before L-DOPA, attenuate dyskinesia. 7-Nitroindazolee also improved motor performance of these animals in the rota-rod test. These results suggest the possibility that nitric oxide synthase inhibitors may be useful to treat L-DOPA.-Induced dyskinesia. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study determined the frequencies of a G-to-A transition (S/N167) polymorphism in exon 4 of the parkin gene in Australian Parkinson's disease patients and control subjects. The genotype of each subject was determined using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism analysis. Overall, the A allele was significantly less common in the Parkinson's disease group (1.7%) compared with the control group (3.8%, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.19-1.00, P < 0.05), although the frequency in the young onset Parkinson's disease group (6.6%) was not significantly different to controls. The A allele is less common in Australian Caucasian subjects compared to Japanese Parkinson's disease patients and appears to be under-represented in older-onset Parkinson's disease. <(c)> 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
An inverse association between cigarette smoking and idiopathic Parkinson's disease has been reported in several retrospective studies, but prospective evidence is available only for men. We assessed the association between the incidence of Parkinson's disease and smoking in two large prospective cohort studies comprising men and women. New cases of Parkinson's disease were identified in the Nurses' Health Study for 1976-1996, and in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study for 1986-1996. Smoking history was assessed at baseline and updated on subsequent biennial questionnaires. In women, the age-adjusted rate ratios (95% confidence intervals) for Parkinson's disease relative to never-smokers were 0.7 (0.5, 1.0) for past smokers, and 0.4 (0.2, 0.7) for current smokers. In men, the age-adjusted rate ratios for Parkinson's disease relative to never-smokers were 0.5 (0.4, 0.7) for past smokers, and 0.3 (0.1, 0.8) for current smokers. In both cohorts, the strength of the association decreased with time since quitting (among past smokers), increased with number of cigarettes per day (among current smokers), and increased with pack-years of smoking. These prospective findings confirm that an inverse association between smoking and the incidence of Parkinson's disease exists in both men and women.
Recent semantic priming investigations in Parkinsons disease (PD) employed variants of Neelys (1977) lexical decision paradigm to dissociate the automatic and attentional aspects of semantic activation (McDonald, Brown, Gorell, 1996; Spicer, Brown, Gorell, 1994). In our earlier review, we claimed that the results of Spicer, McDonald and colleagues normal control participants violated the two-process model of information processing (Posner Snyder, 1975) upon which their experimental paradigm had been based (Arnott Chenery, 1999). We argued that, even at the shortest SOA employed, key design modifications to Neelys original experiments biased the tasks employed by Spicer et al. and McDonald et al. towards being assessments of attention-dependent processes. Accordingly, we contended that experimental procedures did not speak to issues of automaticity and, therefore, Spicer, McDonald and colleagues claims of robust automatic semantic activation in PD must be treated with caution.
Nineteen persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 19 matched control participants completed a battery of online lexical decision tasks designed to isolate the automatic and attentional aspects of semantic activation within the semantic priming paradigm. Results highlighted key processing abnormalities in PD. Specifically, persons with PD exhibited a delayed time course of semantic activation. In addition, results suggest that experimental participants were unable to implicitly process prime information and, therefore, failed to engage strategic processing mechanisms in response to manipulations of the relatedness proportion. Results are discussed in terms of the 'Gain/Decay' hypothesis (Milberg, McGlinchey-Berroth, Duncan, & Higgins, 1999) and the dopaminergic modulation of signal to noise ratios in semantic networks.
Apart from very few families who have a direct cause from genetic mutation, causes of most Parkinson's disease (PD) remain unclear. Many allelic association studies on polymorphism of different candidate genes have been studied. Although these association studies do not imply a causal relationship, it does warrant further studies to elucidate the pathophysiologic significance. CYP1A1 polymorphisms have been reported to be associated with PD in a Japanese population sample. Since CYP1A1 transforms aromatic hydrocarbons into products that may be neurotoxic and perhaps lead to PD, we therefore undertook a study to look at the possible association of CYP1A1 polymorphism and PD in a Chinese population. Contrary to the Japanese result, we did not find any statistically significant difference between the PD group and the control group in our study with a bigger sample size.
Iron homeostasis is altered in Parkinson's disease (PD). The HFE protein is an important regulator of cellular iron homeostasis and variations within this gene can result in iron overload and the disorder known as hereditary haemochromatosis. We studied the Cys282Tyr single nucleotide polymorphism as a genetic risk factor for PD in two distinct and separately collected cohorts of Australian PD patients and controls. In the combined cohort comprising 438 PD patients and 485 control subjects, we revealed an odds ratio for possession of the 282Tyr allele of 0.61 (95% confidence interval, Cl = 0.42-0.90, P = 0.011) from univariate chi-squared and 0.59 (95% Cl = 0.39-0.90, P = 0.014) after logistic regression analyses (correcting for potential confounding factors). These results suggest that possession of the 282Tyr allele may offer some protection against the development of PD. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The interaction between genetic and environmental factors for PD was examined in a Chinese population. It was found that although the intron 2 MAOB (GT)(n) repeat polymorphism was not associated with PID in the population, a relationship might have been masked by the protective effect of tea drinking. In individuals who did not drink tea (<1 cup/day), the possession of short length less than or equal to 178 bp (GT), alleles conferred a borderline significant increased risk for PD (adjusted OR = 1.47; C.l. = 1.03-2. 1). As the extent of tea consumption increased, the association between the less than or equal to178 bp allele and PD disappeared. This result suggests that the MAOB gene may be associated with PD in Chinese if the putative protective effect of tea drinking is taken into account. The significance of this finding is unclear as the study may be limited because of its marginal significance and limited numbers. However, it does demonstrate the importance of considering putative positive and negative environmental risk factors in any examination of genetic risk factors for PD. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The impact of basal ganglia dysfunction on semantic processing was investigated by comparing the performance of individuals with nonthalamic subcortical (NS) vascular lesions, Parkinson's disease (PD), cortical lesions, and matched controls on a semantic priming task. Unequibiased lexical ambiguity primes were used in auditory prime-target pairs comprising 4 critical conditions; dominant related (e.g., bank-money), subordinate related (e.g., bank-river), dominant unrelated (e.g.,foot-money) and subordinate unrelated (e.g., bat-river). Participants made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on targets using a go-no-go response. When a short prime-target interstimulus interval (ISI) of 200 ins was employed, all groups demonstrated priming for dominant and subordinate conditions, indicating nonselective meaning facilitation and intact automatic lexical processing. Differences emerged at the long ISI (1250 ms), where control and cortical lesion participants evidenced selective facilitation of the dominant meaning, whereas NS and PD groups demonstrated a protracted period of nonselective meaning facilitation. This finding suggests a circumscribed deficit in the selective attentional engagement of the semantic network on the basis of meaning frequency, possibly implicating a disturbance of frontal-subcortical systems influencing inhibitory semantic mechanisms.
Postural control deficits are the most disabling aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), resulting in decreased mobility and functional independence. The aim of this study was to assess the postural control stability, revealed by variables based on the centre of pressure (CoP), in individuals with PD while performing a sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence under single- and dual-task conditions. An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was performed. The sample consisted of 9 individuals with PD and 9 healthy controls. A force platform was used to measure the CoP displacement and velocity during the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence. The results were statistically analysed. Individuals with PD required greater durations for the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence than the controls (p < 0.05). The anteroposterior and mediolateral CoP displacement were higher in the individuals with PD (p < 0.05). However, only the anteroposterior CoP velocity in the stand-to-sit phase (p = 0.006) was lower in the same individuals. Comparing the single- and dual-task conditions in both groups, the duration, the anteroposterior CoP displacement and velocity were higher in the dual-task condition (p < 0.05). The individuals with PD presented reduced postural control stability during the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence, especially when under the dual-task condition. These individuals have deficits not only in motor performance, but also in cognitive performance when performing the sit-to-stand-to-sit sequence in their daily life tasks. Moreover, both deficits tend to be intensified when two tasks are performed simultaneously.