990 resultados para Pareto-Front


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Flash floods are of major relevance in natural disaster management in the Mediterranean region. In many cases, the damaging effects of flash floods can be mitigated by adequate management of flood control reservoirs. This requires the development of suitable models for optimal operation of reservoirs. A probabilistic methodology for calibrating the parameters of a reservoir flood control model (RFCM) that takes into account the stochastic variability of flood events is presented. This study addresses the crucial problem of operating reservoirs during flood events, considering downstream river damages and dam failure risk as conflicting operation criteria. These two criteria are aggregated into a single objective of total expected damages from both the maximum released flows and stored volumes (overall risk index). For each selected parameter set the RFCM is run under a wide range of hydrologic loads (determined through Monte Carlo simulation). The optimal parameter set is obtained through the overall risk index (balanced solution) and then compared with other solutions of the Pareto front. The proposed methodology is implemented at three different reservoirs in the southeast of Spain. The results obtained show that the balanced solution offers a good compromise between the two main objectives of reservoir flood control management


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es profundizar en el análisis y diseño de un sistema inteligente para la predicción y control del acabado superficial en un proceso de fresado a alta velocidad, basado fundamentalmente en clasificadores Bayesianos, con el prop´osito de desarrollar una metodolog´ıa que facilite el diseño de este tipo de sistemas. El sistema, cuyo propósito es posibilitar la predicción y control de la rugosidad superficial, se compone de un modelo aprendido a partir de datos experimentales con redes Bayesianas, que ayudar´a a comprender los procesos dinámicos involucrados en el mecanizado y las interacciones entre las variables relevantes. Dado que las redes neuronales artificiales son modelos ampliamente utilizados en procesos de corte de materiales, también se incluye un modelo para fresado usándolas, donde se introdujo la geometría y la dureza del material como variables novedosas hasta ahora no estudiadas en este contexto. Por lo tanto, una importante contribución en esta tesis son estos dos modelos para la predicción de la rugosidad superficial, que se comparan con respecto a diferentes aspectos: la influencia de las nuevas variables, los indicadores de evaluación del desempeño, interpretabilidad. Uno de los principales problemas en la modelización con clasificadores Bayesianos es la comprensión de las enormes tablas de probabilidad a posteriori producidas. Introducimos un m´etodo de explicación que genera un conjunto de reglas obtenidas de árboles de decisión. Estos árboles son inducidos a partir de un conjunto de datos simulados generados de las probabilidades a posteriori de la variable clase, calculadas con la red Bayesiana aprendida a partir de un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. Por último, contribuimos en el campo multiobjetivo en el caso de que algunos de los objetivos no se puedan cuantificar en números reales, sino como funciones en intervalo de valores. Esto ocurre a menudo en aplicaciones de aprendizaje automático, especialmente las basadas en clasificación supervisada. En concreto, se extienden las ideas de dominancia y frontera de Pareto a esta situación. Su aplicación a los estudios de predicción de la rugosidad superficial en el caso de maximizar al mismo tiempo la sensibilidad y la especificidad del clasificador inducido de la red Bayesiana, y no solo maximizar la tasa de clasificación correcta. Los intervalos de estos dos objetivos provienen de un m´etodo de estimación honesta de ambos objetivos, como e.g. validación cruzada en k rodajas o bootstrap.---ABSTRACT---The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to go more deeply into the analysis and design of an intelligent system for surface roughness prediction and control in the end-milling machining process, based fundamentally on Bayesian network classifiers, with the aim of developing a methodology that makes easier the design of this type of systems. The system, whose purpose is to make possible the surface roughness prediction and control, consists of a model learnt from experimental data with the aid of Bayesian networks, that will help to understand the dynamic processes involved in the machining and the interactions among the relevant variables. Since artificial neural networks are models widely used in material cutting proceses, we include also an end-milling model using them, where the geometry and hardness of the piecework are introduced as novel variables not studied so far within this context. Thus, an important contribution in this thesis is these two models for surface roughness prediction, that are then compared with respecto to different aspects: influence of the new variables, performance evaluation metrics, interpretability. One of the main problems with Bayesian classifier-based modelling is the understanding of the enormous posterior probabilitiy tables produced. We introduce an explanation method that generates a set of rules obtained from decision trees. Such trees are induced from a simulated data set generated from the posterior probabilities of the class variable, calculated with the Bayesian network learned from a training data set. Finally, we contribute in the multi-objective field in the case that some of the objectives cannot be quantified as real numbers but as interval-valued functions. This often occurs in machine learning applications, especially those based on supervised classification. Specifically, the dominance and Pareto front ideas are extended to this setting. Its application to the surface roughness prediction studies the case of maximizing simultaneously the sensitivity and specificity of the induced Bayesian network classifier, rather than only maximizing the correct classification rate. Intervals in these two objectives come from a honest estimation method of both objectives, like e.g. k-fold cross-validation or bootstrap.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es la caracterización de la generación térmica representativa de la existente en la realidad, para posteriormente proceder a su modelización y simulación integrándolas en una red eléctrica tipo y llevar a cabo estudios de optimización multiobjetivo económico medioambiental. Para ello, en primera instancia se analiza el contexto energético y eléctrico actual, y más concretamente el peninsular, en el que habiendo desaparecido las centrales de fuelóleo, sólo quedan ciclos combinados y centrales de carbón de distinto rango. Seguidamente se lleva a cabo un análisis de los principales impactos medioambientales de las centrales eléctricas basadas en combustión, representados sobre todo por sus emisiones de CO2, SO2 y NOx, de las medidas de control y mitigación de las mismas y de la normativa que les aplica. A continuación, a partir de las características de los combustibles y de la información de los consumos específicos, se caracterizan los grupos térmicos frente a las funciones relevantes que definen su comportamiento energético, económico y medioambiental, en términos de funciones de salida horarias dependiendo de la carga. Se tiene en cuenta la posibilidad de desnitrificación y desulfuración. Dado que las funciones objetivo son múltiples, y que están en conflicto unas con otras, se ha optado por usar métodos multiobjetivo que son capaces de identificar el contorno de puntos óptimos o frente de Pareto, en los que tomando una solución no existe otra que lo mejore en alguna de las funciones objetivo sin empeorarlo en otra. Se analizaron varios métodos de optimización multiobjetivo y se seleccionó el de las ε constraint, capaz de encontrar frentes no convexos y cuya optimalidad estricta se puede comprobar. Se integró una representación equilibrada de centrales de antracita, hulla nacional e importada, lignito y ciclos combinados en la red tipo IEEE-57, en la que se puede trabajar con siete centrales sin distorsionar demasiado las potencias nominales reales de los grupos, y se programó en Matlab la resolución de flujos óptimos de carga en alterna con el método multiobjetivo integrado. Se identifican los frentes de Pareto de las combinaciones de coste y cada uno de los tres tipos de emisión, y también el de los cuatro objetivos juntos, obteniendo los resultados de costes óptimos del sistema para todo el rango de emisiones. Se valora cuánto le cuesta al sistema reducir una tonelada adicional de cualquier tipo de emisión a base de desplazarse a combinaciones de generación más limpias. Los puntos encontrados aseguran que bajo unas determinadas emisiones no pueden ser mejorados económicamente, o que atendiendo a ese coste no se puede reducir más allá el sistema en lo relativo a emisiones. También se indica cómo usar los frentes de Pareto para trazar estrategias óptimas de producción ante cambios horarios de carga. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is the characterization of electrical generation based on combustion processes representative of the actual power plants, for the latter modelling and simulation of an electrical grid and the development of economic- environmental multiobjective optimization studies. In this line, the first step taken is the analysis of the current energetic and electrical framework, focused on the peninsular one, where the fuel power plants have been shut down, and the only ones remaining are coal units of different types and combined cycle. Then it is carried out an analysis of the main environmental impacts of the thermal power plants, represented basically by the emissions of CO2, SO2 y NOx, their control and reduction measures and the applicable regulations. Next, based on the combustibles properties and the information about the units heat rates, the different power plants are characterized in relation to the outstanding functions that define their energy, economic and environmental behaviour, in terms of hourly output functions depending on their load. Optional denitrification and desulfurization is considered. Given that there are multiple objectives, and that they go in conflictive directions, it has been decided the use of multiobjective techniques, that have the ability of identifying the optimal points set, which is called the Pareto front, where taken a solution there will be no other point that can beat the former in an objective without worsening it in another objective. Several multiobjective optimization methods were analysed and pondered, selecting the ε constraint technique, which is able to find no convex fronts and it is opened to be tested to prove the strict Pareto optimality of the obtained solutions. A balanced representation of the thermal power plants, formed by anthracite, lignite, bituminous national and imported coals and combined cycle, was integrated in the IEEE-57 network case. This system was selected because it deals with a total power that will admit seven units without distorting significantly the actual size of the power plants. Next, an AC optimal power flow with the multiobjective method implemented in the routines was programmed. The Pareto fronts of the combination of operative costs with each of the three emissions functions were found, and also the front of all of them together. The optimal production costs of the system for all the emissions range were obtained. It is also evaluated the cost of reducing an additional emission ton of any of the emissions when the optimal production mix is displaced towards cleaner points. The obtained solutions assure that under a determined level of emissions they cannot be improved economically or, in the other way, at a determined cost it cannot be found points of lesser emissions. The Pareto fronts are also applied for the search of optimal strategic paths to follow the hourly load changes.


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de otimização multiobjetivo aplicado ao projeto de concepção de submarinos convencionais (i.e. de propulsão dieselelétrica). Um modelo de síntese que permite a estimativa de pesos, volume, velocidade, carga elétrica e outras características de interesse para a o projeto de concepção é formulado. O modelo de síntese é integrado a um modelo de otimização multiobjetivo baseado em algoritmos genéticos (especificamente, o algoritmo NSGA II). A otimização multiobjetivo consiste na maximização da efetividade militar do submarino e na minimização de seu custo. A efetividade militar do submarino é representada por uma Medida Geral de Efetividade (OMOE) estabelecida por meio do Processo Analítico Hierárquico (AHP). O Custo Básico de Construção (BCC) do submarino é estimado a partir dos seus grupos de peso. Ao fim do processo de otimização, é estabelecida uma Fronteira de Pareto composta por soluções não dominadas. Uma dessas soluções é selecionada para refinamento preliminar e os resultados são discutidos. Subsidiariamente, esta dissertação apresenta discussão sucinta sobre aspectos históricos e operativos relacionados a submarinos, bem como sobre sua metodologia de projeto. Alguns conceitos de Arquitetura Naval, aplicada ao projeto dessas embarcações, são também abordados.


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To solve multi-objective problems, multiple reward signals are often scalarized into a single value and further processed using established single-objective problem solving techniques. While the field of multi-objective optimization has made many advances in applying scalarization techniques to obtain good solution trade-offs, the utility of applying these techniques in the multi-objective multi-agent learning domain has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Agents learn the value of their decisions by linearly scalarizing their reward signals at the local level, while acceptable system wide behaviour results. However, the non-linear relationship between weighting parameters of the scalarization function and the learned policy makes the discovery of system wide trade-offs time consuming. Our first contribution is a thorough analysis of well known scalarization schemes within the multi-objective multi-agent reinforcement learning setup. The analysed approaches intelligently explore the weight-space in order to find a wider range of system trade-offs. In our second contribution, we propose a novel adaptive weight algorithm which interacts with the underlying local multi-objective solvers and allows for a better coverage of the Pareto front. Our third contribution is the experimental validation of our approach by learning bi-objective policies in self-organising smart camera networks. We note that our algorithm (i) explores the objective space faster on many problem instances, (ii) obtained solutions that exhibit a larger hypervolume, while (iii) acquiring a greater spread in the objective space.


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In this paper we study the self-organising behaviour of smart camera networks which use market-based handover of object tracking responsibilities to achieve an efficient allocation of objects to cameras. Specifically, we compare previously known homogeneous configurations, when all cameras use the same marketing strategy, with heterogeneous configurations, when each camera makes use of its own, possibly different marketing strategy. Our first contribution is to establish that such heterogeneity of marketing strategies can lead to system wide outcomes which are Pareto superior when compared to those possible in homogeneous configurations. However, since the particular configuration required to lead to Pareto efficiency in a given scenario will not be known in advance, our second contribution is to show how online learning of marketing strategies at the individual camera level can lead to high performing heterogeneous configurations from the system point of view, extending the Pareto front when compared to the homogeneous case. Our third contribution is to show that in many cases, the dynamic behaviour resulting from online learning leads to global outcomes which extend the Pareto front even when compared to static heterogeneous configurations. Our evaluation considers results obtained from an open source simulation package as well as data from a network of real cameras. © 2013 IEEE.


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Heterogeneous multi-core FPGAs contain different types of cores, which can improve efficiency when used with an effective online task scheduler. However, it is not easy to find the right cores for tasks when there are multiple objectives or dozens of cores. Inappropriate scheduling may cause hot spots which decrease the reliability of the chip. Given that, our research builds a simulating platform to evaluate all kinds of scheduling algorithms on a variety of architectures. On this platform, we provide an online scheduler which uses multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (EA). Comparing the EA and current algorithms such as Predictive Dynamic Thermal Management (PDTM) and Adaptive Temperature Threshold Dynamic Thermal Management (ATDTM), we find some drawbacks in previous work. First, current algorithms are overly dependent on manually set constant parameters. Second, those algorithms neglect optimization for heterogeneous architectures. Third, they use single-objective methods, or use linear weighting method to convert a multi-objective optimization into a single-objective optimization. Unlike other algorithms, the EA is adaptive and does not require resetting parameters when workloads switch from one to another. EAs also improve performance when used on heterogeneous architecture. A efficient Pareto front can be obtained with EAs for the purpose of multiple objectives.


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This paper presents a numerical study of a linear compressor cascade to investigate the effective end wall profiling rules for highly-loaded axial compressors. The first step in the research applies a correlation analysis for the different flow field parameters by a data mining over 600 profiling samples to quantify how variations of loss, secondary flow and passage vortex interact with each other under the influence of a profiled end wall. The result identifies the dominant role of corner separation for control of total pressure loss, providing a principle that only in the flow field with serious corner separation does the does the profiled end wall change total pressure loss, secondary flow and passage vortex in the same direction. Then in the second step, a multi-objective optimization of a profiled end wall is performed to reduce loss at design point and near stall point. The development of effective end wall profiling rules is based on the manner of secondary flow control rather than the geometry features of the end wall. Using the optimum end wall cases from the Pareto front, a quantitative tool for analyzing secondary flow control is employed. The driving force induced by a profiled end wall on different regions of end wall flow are subjected to a detailed analysis and identified for their positive/negative influences in relieving corner separation, from which the effective profiling rules are further confirmed. It is found that the profiling rules on a cascade show distinct differences at design point and near stall point, thus loss control of different operating points is generally independent.


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Network Virtualization is a key technology for the Future Internet, allowing the deployment of multiple independent virtual networks that use resources of the same basic infrastructure. An important challenge in the dynamic provision of virtual networks resides in the optimal allocation of physical resources (nodes and links) to requirements of virtual networks. This problem is known as Virtual Network Embedding (VNE). For the resolution of this problem, previous research has focused on designing algorithms based on the optimization of a single objective. On the contrary, in this work we present a multi-objective algorithm, called VNE-MO-ILP, for solving dynamic VNE problem, which calculates an approximation of the Pareto Front considering simultaneously resource utilization and load balancing. Experimental results show evidences that the proposed algorithm is better or at least comparable to a state-of-the-art algorithm. Two performance metrics were simultaneously evaluated: (i) Virtual Network Request Acceptance Ratio and (ii) Revenue/Cost Relation. The size of test networks used in the experiments shows that the proposed algorithm scales well in execution times, for networks of 84 nodes


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Ligand-protein docking is an optimization problem based on predicting the position of a ligand with the lowest binding energy in the active site of the receptor. Molecular docking problems are traditionally tackled with single-objective, as well as with multi-objective approaches, to minimize the binding energy. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-objective formulation that considers: the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands and the binding (intermolecular) energy, as two objectives to evaluate the quality of the ligand-protein interactions. To determine the kind of Pareto front approximations that can be obtained, we have selected a set of representative multi-objective algorithms such as NSGA-II, SMPSO, GDE3, and MOEA/D. Their performances have been assessed by applying two main quality indicators intended to measure convergence and diversity of the fronts. In addition, a comparison with LGA, a reference single-objective evolutionary algorithm for molecular docking (AutoDock) is carried out. In general, SMPSO shows the best overall results in terms of energy and RMSD (value lower than 2A for successful docking results). This new multi-objective approach shows an improvement over the ligand-protein docking predictions that could be promising in in silico docking studies to select new anticancer compounds for therapeutic targets that are multidrug resistant.


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The usage of multi material structures in industry, especially in the automotive industry are increasing. To overcome the difficulties in joining these structures, adhesives have several benefits over traditional joining methods. Therefore, accurate simulations of the entire process of fracture including the adhesive layer is crucial. In this paper, material parameters of a previously developed meso mechanical finite element (FE) model of a thin adhesive layer are optimized using the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). Objective functions are defined as the error between experimental data and simulation data. The experimental data is provided by previously performed experiments where an adhesive layer was loaded in monotonically increasing peel and shear. Two objective functions are dependent on 9 model parameters (decision variables) in total and are evaluated by running two FEsimulations, one is loading the adhesive layer in peel and the other in shear. The original study converted the two objective functions into one function that resulted in one optimal solution. In this study, however, a Pareto frontis obtained by employing the SPEA2 algorithm. Thus, more insight into the material model, objective functions, optimal solutions and decision space is acquired using the Pareto front. We compare the results and show good agreement with the experimental data.