999 resultados para Parallel imaging


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This paper proposes a parallel architecture for estimation of the motion of an underwater robot. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low-level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data. In a motion estimation algorithm, correspondences between two images have to be solved at the low level. In the underwater imaging, normalised correlation can be a solution in the presence of non-uniform illumination. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of the correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. Taking into consideration the complexity of the normalised correlation criteria, a new approach using parallel organisation of every processor from the architecture is proposed


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AIMS: Although the coronary artery vessel wall can be imaged non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the in vivo reproducibility of wall thickness measures has not been previously investigated. Using a refined magnetization preparation scheme, we sought to assess the reproducibility of three-dimensional (3D) free-breathing black-blood coronary MRI in vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: MRI vessel wall scans parallel to the right coronary artery (RCA) were obtained in 18 healthy individuals (age range 25-43, six women), with no known history of coronary artery disease, using a 3D dual-inversion navigator-gated black-blood spiral imaging sequence. Vessel wall scans were repeated 1 month later in eight subjects. The visible vessel wall segment and the wall thickness were quantitatively assessed using a semi-automatic tool and the intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan reproducibilities were determined. The average imaged length of the RCA vessel wall was 44.5+/-7 mm. The average wall thickness was 1.6+/-0.2 mm. There was a highly significant intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.94), and inter-scan (r=0.90) correlation for wall thickness (all P<0.001). There was also a significant agreement for intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan measurements on Bland-Altman analysis. The intra-class correlation coefficients for intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.92), and inter-scan (r=0.86) analyses were also excellent. CONCLUSION: The use of black-blood free-breathing 3D MRI in conjunction with semi-automated analysis software allows for reproducible measurements of right coronary arterial vessel-wall thickness. This technique may be well-suited for non-invasive longitudinal studies of coronary atherosclerosis.


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Diffusion magnetic resonance studies of the brain are typically performed using volume coils. Although in human brain this leads to a near optimal filling factor, studies of rodent brain must contend with the fact that only a fraction of the head volume can be ascribed to the brain. The use of surface coil as transceiver increases Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), reduces radiofrequency power requirements and opens the possibility of parallel transmit schemes, likely to allow efficient acquisition schemes, of critical importance for reducing the long scan times implicated in diffusion tensor imaging. This study demonstrates the implementation of a semiadiabatic echo planar imaging sequence (echo time=40 ms, four interleaves) at 14.1T using a quadrature surface coil as transceiver. It resulted in artifact free images with excellent SNR throughout the brain. Diffusion tensor derived parameters obtained within the rat brain were in excellent agreement with reported values.


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RESUME LARGE PUBLIC Le système nerveux central est principalement composé de deux types de cellules :les neurones et les cellules gliales. Ces dernières, bien que l'emportant en nombre sur les neurones, ont longtemps été considérées comme des cellules sans intérêts par les neuroscientifiques. Hors, les connaissances modernes à leurs sujets indiquent qu'elles participent à la plupart des tâches physiologiques du cerveau. Plus particulièrement, elles prennent part aux processus énergétiques cérébraux. Ceux-ci, en plus d'être vitaux, sont particulièrement intrigants puisque le cerveau représente seulement 2 % de la masse corporelle mais consomme environ 25 % du glucose (substrat énergétique) corporel. Les astrocytes, un type de cellules gliales, jouent un rôle primordial dans cette formidable utilisation de glucose par le cerveau. En effet, l'activité neuronale (transmission de l'influx nerveux) est accompagnée d'une augmentation de la capture de glucose, issu de la circulation sanguine, par les astrocytes. Ce phénomène est appelé le «couplage neurométabolique » entre neurones et astrocytes. L'ion sodium fait partie des mécanismes cellulaires entrant en fonction lors de ces processus. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, les aspects dynamiques de la régulation du sodium astrocytaire et leurs implications dans le couplage neurométabolique ont été étudiés par des techniques d'imagerie cellulaires. Ces études ont démontré que les mitochondries, machineries cellulaires convertissant l'énergie contenue dans le glucose, participent à la régulation du sodium astrocytaire. De plus, ce travail de thèse a permis de découvrir que les astrocytes sont capables de se transmettre, sous forme de vagues de sodium se propageant de cellules en cellules, un message donnant l'ordre d'accroître leur consommation d'énergie. Cette voie de signalisation leur permettrait de fournir de l'énergie aux neurones suite à leur activation. RESUME Le glutamate libéré dans la fente synaptique pendant l'activité neuronale, est éliminé par les astrocytes environnants. Le glutamate est co-transporté avec des ions sodiques, induisant une augmentation intracellulaire de sodium (Na+i) dans les astrocytes. Cette élévation de Na+i déclenche une cascade de mécanismes moléculaires qui aboutissent à la production de substrats énergétiques pouvant être utilisés par les neurones. Durant cette thèse, la mesure simultanée du sodium mitochondrial (Na+mit) et cytosolique par des techniques d'imagerie utilisant des sondes fluorescentes spécifiques, a indiqué que les variations de Na+i induites par le transport du glutamate sont transmises aux mitochondries. De plus, les voies d'entrée et de sortie du sodium mitochondrial ont été identifiées. L'échangeur de Na+ et de Ca2+ mitochondrial semble jouer un rôle primordial dans l'influx de Na+mit, alors que l'efflux de Na+mit est pris en charge par l'échangeur de Na+ et de H+ mitochondrial. L'étude du Na+mit a nécessité l'utilisation d'un système de photoactivation. Les sources de lumière ultraviolette (UV) classiques utilisées à cet effet (lasers, lampes à flash) ayant plusieurs désavantages, une alternative efficace et peu coûteuse a été développée. Il s'agit d'un système compact utilisant une diode électroluminescente (LED) à haute puissance et de longueur d'onde de 365nm. En plus de leurs rôles dans le couplage neurométabolique, les astrocytes participent à la signalisation multicellulaire en transmettant des vagues intercellulaires de calcium. Ce travail de thèse démontre également que des vagues intercellulaires de sodium peuvent être évoquées en parallèle à ces vagues calciques. Le glutamate, suite à sa libération par un mécanisme dépendent du calcium, est réabsorbé par les transporteurs au glutamate. Ce mécanisme a pour conséquence la génération de vagues sodiques se propageant de cellules en cellules. De plus, ces vagues sodiques sont corrélées spatialement avec une consommation accrue de glucose par les astrocytes. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis de montrer que le signal sodique astrocytaire, déclenché en réponse au glutamate, se propage à la fois de façon intracellulaire aux mitochondries et de façon intercellulaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les astrocytes fonctionnent comme un réseau de cellules nécessaire au couplage énergétique concerté entre neurones et astrocytes et que le sodium est un élément clé dans les mécanismes de signalisations cellulaires sous-jacents. SUMMARY Glutamate, released in the synaptic cleft during neuronal activity, is removed by surrounding astrocytes. Glutamate is taken-up with Na+ ions by specific transporters, inducing an intracellular Na+ (Na+i) elevation in astrocytes which triggers a cascade of molecular mechanisms that provides metabolic substrates to neurons. Thus, astrocytic Na+i homeostasis represents a key component of the so-called neurometabolic coupling. In this context, the first part of this thesis work was aimed at investigating whether cytosolic Na+ changes are transmitted to mitochondria, which could therefore influence their function and contribute to the overall intracellular Na+ regulation. Simultaneous monitoring of both mitochondrial Na+ (Na+mit) and cytosolic Na+ changes with fluorescent dyes revealed that glutamate-evoked cytosolic Na+ elevations are indeed transmitted to mitochondria. The mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchangers have a prominent role in the regulation of Na+mit influx pathway, and Na+mit extrusion appears to be mediated by Na+/H+ exchangers. To demonstrate the implication of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, this study has required the technical development of an UV-flash photolysis system. Because light sources for flash photolysis have to be powerful and in the near UV range, the use of UV lasers or flash lamps is usually required. As an alternative to these UV sources that have several drawbaks, we developped a compact, efficient and lowcost flash photolysis system which employs a high power 365nm light emitting diode. In addition to their role in neurometabolic coupling, astrocytes participate in multicellular signaling by transmitting intercellular Ca2+ waves. The third part of this thesis show that intercellular Na+ waves can be evoked in parallel to Ca2+ waves. Glutamate released by a Ca2+ wave-dependent mechanism is taken up by glutamate transporters, resulting in a regenerative propagation of cytosolic Na+ increases. Na+ waves in turn lead to a spatially correlated increase in glucose uptake. In conclusion, the present thesis demonstrates that glutamate-induced Na+ changes occurring in the cytosol of astrocytes propagate to both the mitochondrial matrix and the astrocytic network. These results furthermore support the view that astrocytic Na+ is a signal coupled to the brain energy metabolism.


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PURPOSE: At high magnetic field strengths (B0 ≥ 3 T), the shorter radiofrequency wavelength produces an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit magnetic field. This can lead to variable contrast across the brain which is particularly pronounced in T2 -weighted imaging that requires multiple radiofrequency pulses. To obtain T2 -weighted images with uniform contrast throughout the whole brain at 7 T, short (2-3 ms) 3D tailored radiofrequency pulses (kT -points) were integrated into a 3D variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence. METHODS: The excitation and refocusing "hard" pulses of a variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence were replaced with kT -point pulses. Spatially resolved extended phase graph simulations and in vivo acquisitions at 7 T, utilizing both single channel and parallel-transmit systems, were used to test different kT -point configurations. RESULTS: Simulations indicated that an extended optimized k-space trajectory ensured a more homogeneous signal throughout images. In vivo experiments showed that high quality T2 -weighted brain images with uniform signal and contrast were obtained at 7 T by using the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that T2 -weighted images devoid of artifacts resulting from B1 (+) inhomogeneity can be obtained at high field through the optimization of extended kT -point pulses. Magn Reson Med 71:1478-1488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The knowledge on the optics of fogbows is scarce, and their polarization characteristics have never been measured to our knowledge. To fill this gap we measured the polarization features of 16 fogbows during the Beringia 2005 Arctic polar research expedition by imaging polarimetry in the red, green and blue spectral ranges. We present here the first polarization patterns of the fogbow. In the patterns of the degree of linear polarization p, fogbows and their supernumerary bows are best visible in the red spectral range due to the least dilution of fogbow light by light scattered in air. In the patterns of the angle of polarization α fogbows are practically not discernible because their α-pattern is the same as that of the sky: the direction of polarization is perpendicular to the plane of scattering and is parallel to the arc of the bow, independently of the wavelength. Fogbows and their supernumeraries were best seen in the patterns of the polarized radiance. In these patterns the angular distance δ between the peaks of the primary and the first supernumerary and the angular width σ of the primary bow were determined along different radii from the center of the bow. δ ranged between 6.08° and 13.41° , while σ changed from 5.25° to 19.47° . Certain fogbows were relatively homogeneous, meaning small variations of δ and σ along their bows. Other fogbows were heterogeneous, possessing quite variable δ- and σ-values along their bows. This variability could be a consequence of the characteristics of the high Arctic with open waters within the ice shield resulting in the spatiotemporal change of the droplet size within the fog


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This paper proposes a parallel architecture for estimation of the motion of an underwater robot. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low-level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data. In a motion estimation algorithm, correspondences between two images have to be solved at the low level. In the underwater imaging, normalised correlation can be a solution in the presence of non-uniform illumination. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of the correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. Taking into consideration the complexity of the normalised correlation criteria, a new approach using parallel organisation of every processor from the architecture is proposed


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El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi aprofundeix i aporta solucions innovadores en el camp orientat a tractar el problema de la correspondència en imatges subaquàtiques. En aquests entorns, el que realment complica les tasques de processat és la falta de contorns ben definits per culpa d'imatges esborronades; un fet aquest que es deu fonamentalment a il·luminació deficient o a la manca d'uniformitat dels sistemes d'il·luminació artificials. Els objectius aconseguits en aquesta tesi es poden remarcar en dues grans direccions. Per millorar l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment es va proposar un nou mètode que introdueix paràmetres de textura per rebutjar falses correspondències entre parells d'imatges. Un seguit d'assaigs efectuats en imatges submarines reals han estat portats a terme per seleccionar les estratègies més adients. Amb la finalitat d'aconseguir resultats en temps real, es proposa una innovadora arquitectura VLSI per la implementació d'algunes parts de l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment amb alt cost computacional.


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The real-time parallel computation of histograms using an array of pipelined cells is proposed and prototyped in this paper with application to consumer imaging products. The array operates in two modes: histogram computation and histogram reading. The proposed parallel computation method does not use any memory blocks. The resulting histogram bins can be stored into an external memory block in a pipelined fashion for subsequent reading or streaming of the results. The array of cells can be tuned to accommodate the required data path width in a VLSI image processing engine as present in many imaging consumer devices. Synthesis of the architectures presented in this paper in FPGA are shown to compute the real-time histogram of images streamed at over 36 megapixels at 30 frames/s by processing in parallel 1, 2 or 4 pixels per clock cycle.


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A novel setup for imaging and interferometry through reflection holography with Bi12TiPO20(BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. A variation of the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was developed resulting in a compact, robust and simple interferometer. A red He-Ne laser was used as light source and the holographic recording occurred by diffusion with the grating vector parallel to the crystal [0 0 1]-axis. In order to enhance the holographic image quality and reduce noise a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input and the crystal was tilted around the [0 0 1]-axis. This enabled the orthogonally polarized transmission and diffracted beams to be separated by the PBS, providing the holographic image only. The possibility of performing deformation and strain analysis as well as vibration measurement of small objects was demonstrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho apresenta resultados práticos de uma atenção sistemática dada ao processamento e à interpretação sísmica de algumas linhas terrestres do conjunto de dados do gráben do Tacutu (Brasil), sobre os quais foram aplicadas etapas fundamentais do sistema WIT de imageamento do empilhamento CRS (Superfície de Reflexão Comum) vinculado a dados. Como resultado, esperamos estabelecer um fluxograma para a reavaliação sísmica de bacias sedimentares. Fundamentado nos atributos de frente de onda resultantes do empilhamento CRS, um macro-modelo suave de velocidades foi obtido através de inversão tomográfica. Usando este macro-modelo, foi realizado uma migração à profundidade pré- e pós-empilhamento. Além disso, outras técnicas baseadas no empilhamento CRS foram realizadas em paralelo como correção estática residual e migração de abertura-limitada baseada na zona de Fresnel projetada. Uma interpretação geológica sobre as seções empilhadas e migradas foi esboçada. A partir dos detalhes visuais dos painéis é possível interpretar desconformidades, afinamentos, um anticlinal principal falhado com conjuntos de horstes e grábens. Também, uma parte da linha selecionada precisa de processamento mais detalhado para evidenciar melhor qualquer estrutura presente na subsuperfície.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To assess the fetal lumbosacral spine by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography using volume contrast imaging (VCI) omni view method and compare reproducibility and agreement between three different measurement techniques: standard mouse, high definition mouse and pen-tablet. Methods: A comparative and prospective study with 40 pregnant women between 20 and 34+6 weeks was realized. 3D volume datasets of the fetal spine were acquired using a convex transabdominal transducer. Starting scan plane was the coronal section of fetal lumbosacral spine by VCI-C function. Omni view manual trace was selected and a parallel plane of fetal spine was drawn including interest region. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used for reproducibility analysis. The relative difference between three used techniques was compared by chi-square test and Fischer test. Results: Pen-tablet showed better reliability (ICC = 0.987). In the relative proportion of differences, this was significantly higher for the pen-tablet (82.14%; p < 0.01). In paired comparison, the relative difference was significantly greater for the pen-tablet (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The pen-tablet showed to be the most reproductive and concordant method in the measurement of body vertebral area of fetal lumbosacral spine by 3D ultrasonography using the VCI.


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Purpose: To evaluate if the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) ultrasound descriptor of orientation can be used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study to evaluate breast mass lesions identified by MRI from 2008 to 2010 who had ultrasound (US) and histopathologic confirmation. Lesions were measured in the craniocaudal (CC), anteroposterior (AP), and transverse (T) axes and classified as having a nonparallel orientation, longest axis perpendicular to Cooper's ligaments, or in a parallel orientation when the longest axis is parallel to Cooper's ligaments. The MR image data were correlated with the US orientation according to BI-RADS and histopathological diagnosis. Results: We evaluated 71 lesions in 64 patients. On MRI, 27 lesions (38.0%) were nonparallel (8 benign and 19 malignant), and 44 lesions (62.0%) were parallel (33 benign and 11 malignant). There was significant agreement between the lesion orientation on US and MRI (kappa value = 0.901). The positive predictive values (PPV) for parallel orientation malignancy on MR and US imaging were 70.4% and 73.1%, respectively. Conclusion: A descriptor of orientation for breast lesions can be used on MRI with PPV for malignant lesions similar to US. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012; 36:13831388. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The term "Brain Imaging" identi�es a set of techniques to analyze the structure and/or functional behavior of the brain in normal and/or pathological situations. These techniques are largely used in the study of brain activity. In addition to clinical usage, analysis of brain activity is gaining popularity in others recent �fields, i.e. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and the study of cognitive processes. In this context, usage of classical solutions (e.g. f MRI, PET-CT) could be unfeasible, due to their low temporal resolution, high cost and limited portability. For these reasons alternative low cost techniques are object of research, typically based on simple recording hardware and on intensive data elaboration process. Typical examples are ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where electric potential at the patient's scalp is recorded by high impedance electrodes. In EEG potentials are directly generated from neuronal activity, while in EIT by the injection of small currents at the scalp. To retrieve meaningful insights on brain activity from measurements, EIT and EEG relies on detailed knowledge of the underlying electrical properties of the body. This is obtained from numerical models of the electric �field distribution therein. The inhomogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of human tissues make accurate modeling and simulation very challenging, leading to a tradeo�ff between physical accuracy and technical feasibility, which currently severely limits the capabilities of these techniques. Moreover elaboration of data recorded requires usage of regularization techniques computationally intensive, which influences the application with heavy temporal constraints (such as BCI). This work focuses on the parallel implementation of a work-flow for EEG and EIT data processing. The resulting software is accelerated using multi-core GPUs, in order to provide solution in reasonable times and address requirements of real-time BCI systems, without over-simplifying the complexity and accuracy of the head models.