980 resultados para Pancreas ductal ligature


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FUNDAMENTOS: Recentemente demonstramos reversão da constrição ductal fetal após redução da ingesta materna de alimentos ricos em polifenóis (ARP), por sua ação inibidora da síntese das prostaglandinas. OBJETIVOS: Testar a hipótese de que fetos normais no 3º trimestre também melhoram a dinâmica ductal após restrição materna de polifenóis. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico aberto com 46 fetos com idade gestacional (IG) > 28 semanas submetidos a dois estudos Dopplerecocardiográficos com intervalo de duas semanas, sendo os examinadores cegados para os hábitos alimentares maternos. Um questionário de frequência alimentar validado para esse objetivo foi aplicado e uma dieta com alimentos pobres em polifenóis (< 30 mg/100 mg) foi orientada. Um grupo controle de 26 fetos no 3º trimestre foi submetido ao mesmo protocolo. Utilizou-se o teste-t para amostras independentes. RESULTADOS: A IG média foi 33 ± 2 semanas. A média do consumo materno diário de polifenóis (CMDP) foi 1277 mg, caindo para 126 mg após orientação (p = 0,0001). Ocorreu diminuição significativa nas Velocidades Ductais Sistólica (VSD) e Diastólica (VDD) e na relação dos diâmetros ventriculares (VD/VE), assim como aumento do índice de pulsatilidade (IP) [VSD = 1,2 ± 0,4 m/s (0,7-1,6) para 0,9 ± 0,3 m/s (0,6-1,3) (p = 0,018);VDD = 0,21 ± 0,09 m/s (0,15-0,32) para 0,18 ± 0,06 m/s (0,11-0,25) (p = 0,016); relação VD/VE = 1,3 ± 0,2 (0,9-1,4) para 1,1 ± 0,2 (0,8 - 1,3) (p = 0,004); IP do ducto = 2,2 ± 0,03 (2,0-2,7) para 2,4 ± 0,4 (2,2-2,9) (p = 0,04)]. A IG média dos controles foi de 32 ± 4 semanas, não ocorrendo diferenças significativas no CMDP, nas velocidades ductais, no IP do ducto e na relação VD/VE. CONCLUSÃO: A restrição da ingesta de alimentos ricos em polifenóis no 3º trimestre por duas semanas melhora a dinâmica do fluxo no ducto arterioso fetal e as dimensões do VD.


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Transplantation of insulin secreting cells is regarded as a possible treatment for type 1 diabetes. One major difficulty in this approach is, however, that the transplanted cells are exposed to the patient's inflammatory and autoimmune environment, which originally destroyed their own beta-cells. Therefore, even if a good source of insulin-secreting cells can be identified for transplantation therapy, these cells need to be protected against these destructive influences. The aim of this project was to evaluate, using a clonal mouse beta-cell line, whether genetic engineering of protective genes could be a viable option to allow these cells to survive when transplanted into autoimmune diabetic mice. We demonstrated that transfer of the Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic gene and of several genes specifically interfering with cytokines intracellular signalling pathways, greatly improved resistance of the cells to inflammatory stresses in vitro. We further showed that these modifications did not interfere with the capacity of these cells to correct hyperglycaemia for several months in syngeneic or allogeneic streptozocin-diabetic mice. However, these cells were not protected against autoimmune destruction when transplanted into type 1 diabetic NOD mice. This suggests that in addition to inflammatory attacks by cytokines, autoimmunity very efficiently kills the transplanted cells, indicating that multiple protective mechanisms are required for efficient transplantation of insulin-secreting cells to treat type 1 diabetes.


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Neonatal diabetes mellitus can be transient or permanent. The severe form of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus can be associated with pancreas agenesis. Normal pancreas development is controlled by a cascade of transcription factors, where insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1) plays a crucial role. Here, we describe two novel mutations in the IPF1 gene leading to pancreas agenesis. Direct sequence analysis of exons 1 and 2 of the IPF1 gene revealed two point mutations within the homeobox in exon 2. Genetic analysis of the parents showed that each mutation was inherited from one parent. Mutations localized in helices 1 and 2, respectively, of the homeodomain, decreased the protein half-life significantly, leading to intracellular IPF1 levels of 36% and 27% of wild-type levels. Both mutant forms of IPF1 were normally translocated to the nucleus, and their DNA binding activity on different known target promoters was similar to that of the wild-type protein. However, transcriptional activity of both mutant IPF1 proteins, alone or in combination with HNF3 beta/Foxa2, Pbx1, or the heterodimer E47-beta 2 was reduced, findings accounted for by decreased IPF1 steady state levels and not by impaired protein-protein interactions. We conclude that the IPF1 level is critical for human pancreas formation.


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Ductal growth of the mammary gland occurs in two distinct stages. The first round of branching morphogenesis occurs during embryogenesis, and the second round commences at the onset of puberty. Currently, relatively little is known about the genetic networks that control the initial phases of ductal expansion, which, unlike pubertal development, proceeds independent of hormonal input in female mice. Here we identify NF-κB downstream of the TNF-like ligand ectodysplasin (Eda) as a unique regulator of embryonic and prepubertal ductal morphogenesis. Loss of Eda, or inhibition of NF-κB, led to smaller ductal trees with fewer branches. On the other hand, overexpression of Eda caused a dramatic NF-κB-dependent phenotype in both female and male mice characterized by precocious and highly increased ductal growth and branching that correlated with enhanced cell proliferation. We have identified several putative transcriptional target genes of Eda/NF-κB, including PTHrP, Wnt10a, and Wnt10b, as well as Egf family ligands amphiregulin and epigen. We developed a mammary bud culture system that allowed us to manipulate mammary development ex vivo and found that recombinant PTHrP, Wnt3A, and Egf family ligands stimulate embryonic branching morphogenesis, suggesting that these pathways may cooperatively mediate the effects of Eda.


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Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), accounting for 15-25% of all breast cancers, is frequently diagnosed by mammographic examination. This heterogeneous disease requires a rigorous local treatment based, in about two-third of cases, on conservative surgery and radiotherapy. DCIS are currently classified on the basis of nuclear grade. Most lesions, and especially high nuclear grade DCIS, are limited to one quadrant. Micropapillary DCIS are likely to be of larger size/extent and thus a conservative approach is often difficult. A careful pathological examination of an oriented excisional biopsy is a pre-requisite for optimal therapy.


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Progenitor cells can be obtained by outgrowth from tissue explants during primary ex vivo tissue culture. We have isolated and characterized cells outgrown from neonatal mouse pancreatic explants. A relatively uniform population of cells showing a distinctive morphology emerged over time in culture. This population expressed monocyte/macrophage and hematopoietic markers (CD11b(+) and CD45(+)), and some stromal-related markers (CD44(+) and CD29(+)), but not mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-defining markers (CD90(-) and CD105(-)) nor endothelial (CD31(-)) or stem cell-associated markers (CD133(-) and stem cell antigen-1; Sca-1(-)). Cells could be maintained in culture as a plastic-adherent monolayer in culture medium (MesenCult MSC) for more than 1 year. Cells spontaneously formed sphere clusters "pancreatospheres" which, however, were nonclonal. When cultured in appropriate media, cells differentiated into multiple mesenchymal lineages (fat, cartilage, and bone). Positive dithizone staining suggested that a subset of cells differentiated into insulin-producing cells. However, further studies are needed to characterize the endocrine potential of these cells. These findings indicate that a myelomonocytoid population from pancreatic explant outgrowths has mesenchymal differentiation potential. These results are in line with recent data onmonocyte-derivedmesenchymal progenitors (MOMPs).


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Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital abnormalities which are more commonly diagnosed in infancy and childhood. However, in rare cases, these lesions can remain asymptomatic until adulthood. The combination of duplication cyst and pancreas divisum is extremely rare and both conditions have been linked with acute recurrent pancreatitis. We present the case of a 37 years-old patient who presented with repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis. By means of magnetic resonance imaging and endoscopic ultrasonography we discovered a duplication cyst whose cavity received drainage from the dorsal pancreas. After opening the cyst cavity to the duodenal lumen with a needle knife the patient presented no further episodes in the clinical follow-up. Comparable literature findings and therapeutic options for these abnormalities are discussed with regard to the presented case.


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We report a case series of three children with solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPT) in which a complete radiological work-up, including ultrasound, computed tomography scans, and MRI, has been carried out. The aim of this article is to highlight the characteristic imaging findings of SPT in the pediatric age group and to establish a correlation with typical histopathological findings of the lesion.


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Three-dimensional models of organ biogenesis have recently flourished. They promote a balance between stem/progenitor cell expansion and differentiation without the constraints of flat tissue culture vessels, allowing for autonomous self-organization of cells. Such models allow the formation of miniature organs in a dish and are emerging for the pancreas, starting from embryonic progenitors and adult cells. This review focuses on the currently available systems and how these allow new types of questions to be addressed. We discuss the expected advancements including their potential to study human pancreas development and function as well as to develop diabetes models and therapeutic cells.


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BACKGROUND: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) incidence has grown with the implementation of screening and its detection varies across International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) countries. The aim of this survey is to describe the management of screen-detected DCIS in ICSN countries and to evaluate the potential for treatment related morbidity. METHODS: We sought screen-detected DCIS data from the ICSN countries identified during 2004-2008. We adopted standardised data collection forms and analysis and explored DCIS diagnosis and treatment processes ranging from pre-operative diagnosis to type of surgery and radiotherapy. RESULTS: Twelve countries contributed data from a total of 15 screening programmes, all from Europe except the United States of America and Japan. Among women aged 50-69years, 7,176,050 screening tests and 5324 screen-detected DCIS were reported. From 21% to 93% of DCIS had a pre-operative diagnosis (PO); 67-90% of DCIS received breast conservation surgery (BCS), and in 41-100% of the cases this was followed by radiotherapy; 6.4-59% received sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) only and 0.8-49% axillary dissection (ALND) with 0.6% (range by programmes 0-8.1%) being node positive. Among BCS patients 35% received SLNB only and 4.8% received ALND. Starting in 2006, PO and SLNB use increased while ALND remained stable. SLNB and ALND were associated with larger size and higher grade DCIS lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Variation in DCIS management among screened women is wide and includes lymph node surgery beyond what is currently recommended. This indicates the presence of varying levels of overtreatment and the potential for its reduction.


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Introduction : Les tumeurs solides pseudo-papillaires du pancréas (SPT) sont des tumeurs rares, d'étiopathogénie encore incertaine.Le but de notre travail était de décrire les caractéristiques radiologiques des SPT dans le groupe d'âge pédiatrique et d'étudier leur corrélation avec les études anatomopathologiques en vue d'établir un diagnostic.Patients et Méthodes : Nous avons étudié rétrospectivement trois malades pédiatriques pour lesquelles le diagnostic de tumeur solide pseudo-papillaire du pancréas a été porté à l'examen d'une pièce opératoire. Ce groupe comprenait 3 jeunes filles et femmes (âge médian: 13 ans).Résultats : La tumeur a été découverte pendant le bilan de symptômes digestifs non spécifiques. Les examens biologiques n'étaient pas informatifs. Des investigations radiologiques complètes ont été réalisées y compris les ultrasons (US), la tomodensitométrie (CT) et l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM).Celles-ci ont montré de volumineuses lésions nodulaires, peu vascularisées, de compositions habituellement hétérogènes, avec des composantes kystiques et hémorragiques identifiées dans les 3 cas. Un traitement chirurgical a été pratiqué chez toute les patientes. L'étude de la pièce opératoire a montré une tumeur encapsulée dans les 3 cas. Aucune métastase n'a été mise en évidence.Conclusion : Les SPT doivent être considérées dans le diagnostic différentiel des masses pancréatiques pédiatriques, en particulier chez les adolescentes. Certaines caractéristiques radiologiques comme des masses volumineuses bien circonscrites, des lésions hétérogènes avec des zones kystiques et hémorragiques, de plus entourées d'une pseudocapsule fibreuse réactive, suggèrent fortement le diagnostic de SPT. Celui-ci devrait ensuite être confirmé par une biopsie avant que la résection chirurgicale soit effectuée. Chez les enfants, Γ écho graphie abdominale reste la méthode de première intention, suivie par l'IRM comme technique d'imagerie de choix pour évaluer les caractéristiques et l'extension de la lésion, tout en évitant l'exposition des patients aux rayonnements ionisants.


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Objectives and Study: To document the demographics, mechanisms and outcome of traumatic pancreatitis in children at a single large tertiary referral centre in Australia. Methods: We undertook a 10-year retrospective audit of children admitted to the Royal Children's Hospital [RCH], Melbourne, Australia with a hospital coded diagnosis which included pancreatic injury between 1993 and 2002. Data included patient demographics, source of admission, mechanism of injury, pancreatic complications, associated injuries, Intensive Care Unit [ICU] admission, results of any operative findings, results of any acute computed tomography (CT) and/or ultrasound (US) imaging of pancreas, selected laboratory findings and length of stay. Results: We identified two distinct groups of patients in the 91 documented cases of pancreatic trauma (median age 8.0 yr, range 0.6-15.8 yr; M:F 2.5:1.0). Fifty-nine had a history of abdominal trauma and elevated serum lipase but no CT or ultrasound evidence of pancreatic injury (Group A). Thirty-two had a history of abdominal trauma, elevated serum lipase but also had CT scan and/or ultrasound evidence of pancreatic injury[Group B]. Patients with ''less severe'' injury based on normal imaging had a lower initial lipase level [Group A, median 651 U/L (interquartile range 520 - 1324) vs, Group B, 1608 U/L (interquartile range 680-3526); P = 0.005] and shorter admission time [Group A, 9.0 days (interquartile range 5.5-15.5) vs Group B, 13.4 days (interquartile range 6.8 - 23.8), P = 0.04]. There were no differences with respect to mortality [Group A, 13.5 % vs Group B, 12.5 %] but patients with evidence of injury on imaging were more likely to have surgical intervention [P = 0.0001]. The single most important overall cause of pancreatic trauma was involvement in a motor vehicle accident as a passenger or pedestrian. However, in children with high-grade ductal injury, bicycle handlebar injuries were most common. Associated injuries were common in both groups. Conclusion: Significant pancreatic injury can occur in the absence of abnormality on medical imaging. Pancreatic trauma commonly occurs in the context of multiple injuries after motor vehicle accidents in children and bicycle handlebar injuries, especially in boys. Most children can be treated conservatively, with surgical intervention being limited to high-grade ductal injury.


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Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPPP) is a very rare pancreatic tumor with low malignancy potential, occurring mostly in adolescent females and often not considered in the differential diagnosis of pancreas tumors in children. Patients with SPPP usually present with non specific abdominal symptoms and normal clinical laboratory tests. Between 2005 and 2007, 3 cases of SPPP were evaluated in our institution. The purpose of this communication is to describe the typical imaging findings of the SPPP tumor at US, CT and MRI and to correlate the images with the macro- and microscopic features of the lesion.