59 resultados para Palaeoceanography


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Calcareous nannoplankton analyses on late quaternary sediments from the eastern North Atlantic ODP Site 980 (55°29'N, 14°42'W) provide detailed insight into palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes that occurred throughout the Termination II and the adjacent interglacial of the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. This study presents the development of the coccolith assemblage throughout the interglacial MIS 5 towards the beginning of the glacial MIS 4 in the vicinity of the Rockall Plateau and investigates and characterises the impact of climatic and environmental variations on the coccolith assemblage distribution between 135 and 65 ky. In general, the coccolith assemblage is dominated by Gephyrocapsa muellerae and Emiliania huxleyi, whilst significant changes in palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic conditions are mainly shown by variations of subordinate species. A drastic increase in coccolith accumulation rates and a change from a less to a higher diverse species assemblage indicate a rapid increase in surface water temperatures during the onset of MIS 5 from c. 127.5 ky on. Highest coccolith numbers, high numbers of taxa and a large diversity indicate highest coccolithophore primary productivity and peak interglacial conditions during MIS 5.5, which are due to the high influence of relatively warm surface water to this region. Coccolith numbers peak again around 120 ky and decline afterwards but stay above glacial levels. The two cooling events of MIS 5.4 and 5.2 interrupt the generally warm conditions and are indicated by lowered coccolith numbers, a drop of thermophile species and a reduction of the species diversity. Decreasing coccolith numbers and a slightly reduced diversity indicate that environmental conditions deteriorated towards the onset of MIS 4. The analysis of the coccolith assemblage reveals that not only the stadial events MIS 5.4 and 5.2 are characterised by colder conditions, but furthermore confirms the upcoming notion that MIS 5.5 was terminated by a slight short-term cooling of the surface water which occurred around 124 ky.


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The responses of larger (>50 µm in diameter) protozooplankton groups to a phytoplankton bloom induced by in situ iron fertilization (EisenEx) in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) of the Southern Ocean in austral spring are presented. During the 21 days of the experiment, samples were collected from seven discrete depths in the upper 150 m inside and outside the fertilized patch for the enumeration of acantharia, foraminifera, radiolaria, heliozoa, tintinnid ciliates and aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates. Inside the patch, acantharian numbers increased twofold, but only negligibly in surrounding waters. This finding is of major interest, since acantharia are suggested to be involved in the formation of barite (BaSO_4 ) found in sediments and which is a palaeoindicator of both ancient and modern high productivity regimes. Foraminifera increased significantly in abundance inside and outside the fertilized patch. However the marked increase of juveniles after a full moon event suggests a lunar periodicity in the reproduction cycle of some foraminiferan species rather than a reproductive response to enhanced food availability. In contrast, adult radiolaria showed no clear trend during the experiment, but juveniles increased threefold indicating elevated reproduction. Aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates almost doubled in numbers and biomass, but also increased outside the patch. Tintinnid numbers decreased twofold, although biomass remained constant due to a shift in the size spectrum. Empty tintinnid loricae, however, increased by a factor of two indicating that grazing pressure on this group mainly by copepods intensified during EisenEx. The results show that iron-fertilization experiments can shed light on the biology and the role of these larger protists in pelagic ecosystem which will improve their use as proxies in palaeoceanography.


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A multiproxy record including benthic foraminifera, diatoms and XRF data of a marine sediment core from a SW Greenland fjord provides a detailed reconstruction of the oceanographic and climatic variations of the region during the last 4400 cal. years. The lower part of our record represents the final termination of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. After the onset of the 'Neoglaciation' at approximately 3.2 ka cal. BP, the fjord system was subject to a number of marked hydrographical changes that were closely linked to the general climatic and oceanographic development of the Labrador Sea and the North Atlantic region. Our data show that increased advection of Atlantic water (Irminger Sea Water) from the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea was a typical feature of Northeast Atlantic cooling episodes such as the 'Little Ice Age' and the 'European Dark Ages', while the advection of Irminger Sea Water decreased significantly during warm episodes such as the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and the 'Roman Warm Period'.Whereas the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' was characterized by relatively cool climate as suggested by low meltwater production, the preceding 'Dark Ages' display higher meltwater runoff and consequently warmer climate. When compared with European climate, these regional climate anomalies indicate persisting patterns of advection of colder, respectively warmer air masses in the study region during these periods and thus a long-term seesaw climate pattern between West Greenland and Europe.