990 resultados para Paige, Lucius R. (Lucius Robinson), 1802-1896.


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Successful Marine Spatial Planning depends upon the identification of areas with high importance for particular species, ecosystems or processes. For seabirds, advancements in biologging devices have enabled us to identify these areas through the detailed study of at-sea behaviour. However, in many cases, only positional data are available and the presence of local biological productivity and hence seabird foraging behaviour is inferred from these data alone, under the untested assumption that foraging activity is more likely to occur in areas where seabirds spend more time. We fitted GPS devices and accelerometers to northern gannets Morus bassanus and categorised the behaviour of individuals outside the breeding colony as plunge diving, surface foraging, floating and flying. We then used the locations of foraging events to test the efficiency of 2 approaches: time-in-area and kernel density (KD) analyses, which are widely employed to detect highly-used areas and interpret foraging behaviour from positional data. For KD analyses, the smoothing parameter (h) was calculated using the ad hoc method (KDad hoc), and KDh=9.1, where h = 9.1 km, to designate core foraging areas from location data. A high proportion of foraging events occurred in core foraging areas designated using KDad hoc, KDh=9.1, and time-in-area. Our findings demonstrate that foraging activity occurs in areas where seabirds spend more time, and that both KD analysis and the time-in-area approach are equally efficient methods for this type of analysis. However, the time-in-area approach is advantageous in its simplicity, and in its ability to provide the shapes commonly used in planning. Therefore, the time-in-area approach can be used as a simple way of using seabirds to identify ecologically important locations from both tracking and survey data.


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A poaia-branca (Richardia brasiliensis Gomez) é uma das principais plantas que infestam espontaneamente os agroecossistemas na América do Sul e, com freqüência, atingem elevadas densidades populacionais, provocando sérios prejuízos aos agricultores. Nos estudos envolvendo a biologia e o controle de plantas daninhas, a área foliar é uma das mais importantes caractersticas a serem avaliadas, mas tem sido pouco estudada porque sua determinação exige equipamentos sofisticados ou utiliza técnica destrutiva. Visando obter equações que permitissem a estimativa da área foliar desta planta daninha utilizando caractersticas lineares do limbo foliar, facilmente mensurveis em plantas no campo, foram estudadas correlações entre a área foliar real e as seguintes caractersticas das folhas: comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C), largura máxima do limbo (L) e o produto CxL. Para tanto, foram mensurados os limbos de 500 folhas coletadas em diversas épocas, locais e culturas, em plantas que apresentavam bom aspecto sanitário e nutricional. Todas as equações, lineares simples, geométricas e exponenciais, permitiram boa estimativa da área foliar (AF) da poaia-branca. do ponto de vista prtico, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto Cx L, a qual apresentou o menor QM Resíduo. Assim, a estimativa da área folia r de R. brasiliensis pode ser efetuada pela equação AF= 0.5899 (CxL), com coeficiente de determinação (R2) de valor 0.9886 .


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The EU HIBISCUS project consisted of a series of field campaigns during the intense convective summers in 2001, 2003 and 2004 in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Its objective was to investigate the impact of deep convection on the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) and the lower stratosphere by providing a new set of observational data on meteorology, tracers of horizontal and vertical transport, water vapour, clouds, and chemistry in the tropical Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS). This was achieved using short duration research balloons to study local phenomena associated with convection over land, and long-duration balloons circumnavigating the globe to study the contrast between land and oceans.Analyses of observations of short-lived tracers, ozone and ice particles show strong episodic local updraughts of cold air across the lapse rate tropopause up to 18 or 19 km (420-440 K) in the lower stratosphere by overshooting towers. The long duration balloon and satellite measurements reveal a contrast between the composition of the lower stratosphere over land and oceanic areas, suggesting significant global impact of such events. The overshoots are shown to be well captured by non-hydrostatic meso-scale Cloud Resolving Models indicating vertical velocities of 50-60 m s(-1) at the top of the Neutral Buoyancy Level (NBL) at around 14 km, but, in contrast, are poorly represented by global Chemistry-Transport Models (CTM) forced by Numerical Weather Forecast Models (NWP) underestimating the overshooting process. Finally, the data collected by the HIBISCUS balloons have allowed a thorough evaluation of temperature NWP analyses and reanalyses, as well as satellite ozone, nitrogen oxide, water vapour and bromine oxide measurements in the tropics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Appendix "Open letter to the Ohio Legislature": [l] ℓ., [2] p.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The text by J.R. Planché is based on C.M. Wieland's poem of the same title. Cf. Loewenberg. Annals of opera.