1000 resultados para PROGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS
Los agentes antiplaquetarios son el principal tratamiento para pacientes con síndromes coronarios agudos, han demostrado reducción en el riesgo de muerte, infarto del miocardio, y necesidad de revascularización urgente. Algunos pacientes presentan eventos cardiacos mayores a pesar de recibir estos medicamentos. El impacto de la resistencia a los medicamentos ha sido material de múltiples estudios. En Colombia no existen estadísticas sobre la resistencia al Clopidogrel.En nuestro estudio la prevalencia de resistencia a Clopidogrel por el método de agregometria plaquetaria por transferencia de luz con muestras tomadas entre el día 7 y el 10 post angioplastia, está por encima del promedio internacional en nuestra población, lo que amerita la realización de nuevos estudios por las implicaciones pronosticas que pudieran tener en términos de eventos cardiovasculares adversos.
OBJETIVOS: Describir y comparar los cambios dinámicos de la geometría del anillo mitral durante todo el ciclo cardiaco en pacientes con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y pacientes con válvula mitral normal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Los estudios ecocardiográficos analizados fueron 37, 23 con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y 14 con válvula mitral normal. La reconstrucción del anillo se realizó en la estación de trabajo Xcelera (Philips Medial Systems) mediante la herramienta de análisis mitral (MVQ), en 5 momentos del ciclo cardiaco: Comienzo de Sístole, Mitad de Sístole, Final de Sístole, Mitad de Diástole y Final de Diástole. RESULTADOS: El anillo del grupo control, fue más dinámico, con sus menores dimensiones al final de la diástole, presentando incremento progresivo durante la sístole. Los cambios en el perímetro y el área, fueron significativos entre el comienzo y mitad de la sístole (p:0.087 y p: 0.055). En el grupo con insuficiencia mitral isquémica, el anillo fue más estático. Todas las dimensiones en este grupo, fueron mayores en los cinco momentos del ciclo cardiaco. (p < 0.1). El anillo también fue más plano, con un índice morfológico anular menor al del grupo control (p:0.087). DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: En pacientes sin insuficiencia mitral, el anillo es una estructura dinámica. Durante la sístole, las menores dimensiones se produjeron al comienzo de este periodo y la conformación en silla de montar se mantuvo, protegiendo contra la insuficiencia mitral. El anillo del grupo con insuficiencia mitral fue más estático y plano, perdiendo los mecanismos protectores.
Introducción: La evaluación de la función miocárdica global y regional juega una papel crítico en el diagnóstico y manejo de los pacientes con enfermedad coronaria con importantes implicaciones pronosticas, las nuevas técnicas ecocardiográficas como la evaluación del STRAIN han sido validadas como una herramienta objetiva, comprehensiva y precisa para evaluar dichos parámetros. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad del strain global longitudinal para la detección de estenosis coronaria significativa, número de territorios comprometidos y territorio anatómico del vaso culpable; en pacientes sin antecedentes de enfermedad coronaria previa con infarto agudo del miocardio. Diseño: estudio de pruebas diagnósticas retrospectivo en el que se utilizó como gold estándar la angiografía coronaria, se seleccionaron 64 pacientes con ecocardiograma transtorácico previo a la angiografía coronaria. Resultados: Se demostró una exactitud intermedia del strain global longitudinal para detectar estenosis coronaria por análisis de curvas ROC, con un área bajo la curva de 0,78 p= 0,000 (IC 0,6; 1,0), Una sensibilidad de 96.5% (91.7%, 101.3%), especificidad 40.0% (9.6%, 70.4%) y una prevalencia real del enfermedad coronaria de 85.1% (76.5%, 93.6%) Conclusiones: La medición de la función global y regional por medio del strain global longitudinal identifica pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio que tienen estenosis coronaria significativa, número de territorios afectados, y la distribución anatómica de los posibles vasos culpables, sin embargo hay que tener precaución en su uso que sólo se limite a escenarios en donde pueda ser interpretado adecuadamente. Palabras clave: strain global bidimensional, detección de estenosis coronaria significativa, infarto del miocardio.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic implications of the sonographic appearance of prostate cancers. All patients with biopsy-proven prostate cancer between January 2003 and July 2004 (and at least 5 years of follow-up) were selected retrospectively. After exclusions, 101 patients constituted our study population and were divided into isoechoic (or nonvisible) and hypoechoic (or visible) lesion. The clinical outcomes of these two groups were compared. The outcomes for the two groups were significantly different (p < 0.01). For nonvisible lesions, 37 of the 41 patients (90.2%) had no disease relapse and 2 (4.9%) had biochemical failure. For the visible lesions, 37 of the 60 (61.6%) patients were free of recurrence, 7 (11.7%) had systemic metastases and 10 (16.7%) died of complications related to prostate cancer. Our data show that patients with nonvisible prostate cancer had significantly better outcomes than patients with visible lesions during a five-year period of evaluation. (E-mail: fmuglia@fmrp.usp.br) (c) 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Abstract Background: Left ventricular free wall rupture occurs in up to 10% of the in-hospital deaths following myocardial infarction. It is mainly associated with posterolateral myocardial infarction and its antemortem diagnosis is rarely made. Contrast echocardiography has been increasingly used for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction, with important prognostic implications. In this case, we reported its use for the detection of a mechanical complication following myocardial infarction. Case presentation: A 50-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall underwent myocardial contrast echocardiography for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in the third day post-infarction. A perfusion defect was detected in lateral and inferior walls as well as the presence of contrast extrusion from the left ventricular cavity into the myocardium, forming a serpiginous duct extending from the endocardium to the epicardial region of the lateral wall, without communication with the pericardial space. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of impending rupture of the left ventricular free wall. While waiting for cardiac surgery, patient presented with cardiogenic shock and died. Anatomopathological findings were consistent with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall and a left ventricular free wall rupture at the infarct site. Conclusion: This case illustrates the early diagnosis of left ventricular free wall rupture by contrast echocardiography. Due to its ability to be performed at bedside this modality of imaging has the potential to identify this catastrophic condition in patients with acute myocardial infarction and help to treat these patients with emergent surgery.
Abstract Background In patients with advanced non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NIC), right-sided cardiac disturbances has prognostic implications. Right coronary artery (RCA) flow pattern and flow reserve (CFR) are not well known in this setting. The purpose of this study was to assess, in human advanced NIC, the RCA phasic flow pattern and CFR, also under right-sided cardiac disturbances, and compare with left coronary circulation. As well as to investigate any correlation between the cardiac structural, mechanical and hemodynamic parameters with RCA phasic flow pattern or CFR. Methods Twenty four patients with dilated severe NIC were evaluated non-invasively, even by echocardiography, and also by cardiac catheterization, inclusive with Swan-Ganz catheter. Intracoronary Doppler (Flowire) data was obtained in RCA and left anterior descendent coronary artery (LAD) before and after adenosine. Resting RCA phasic pattern (diastolic/systolic) was compared between subgroups with and without pulmonary hypertension, and with and without right ventricular (RV) dysfunction; and also with LAD. RCA-CFR was compared with LAD, as well as in those subgroups. Pearson's correlation analysis was accomplished among echocardiographic (including LV fractional shortening, mass index, end systolic wall stress) more hemodynamic parameters with RCA phasic flow pattern or RCA-CFR. Results LV fractional shortening and end diastolic diameter were 15.3 ± 3.5 % and 69.4 ± 12.2 mm. Resting RCA phasic pattern had no difference comparing subgroups with vs. without pulmonary hypertension (1.45 vs. 1.29, p = NS) either with vs. without RV dysfunction (1.47 vs. 1.23, p = NS); RCA vs. LAD was 1.35 vs. 2.85 (p < 0.001). It had no significant correlation among any cardiac mechanical or hemodynamic parameter with RCA-CFR or RCA flow pattern. RCA-CFR had no difference compared with LAD (3.38 vs. 3.34, p = NS), as well as in pulmonary hypertension (3.09 vs. 3.10, p = NS) either in RV dysfunction (3.06 vs. 3.22, p = NS) subgroups. Conclusion In patients with chronic advanced NIC, RCA phasic flow pattern has a mild diastolic predominance, less marked than in LAD, with no effects from pulmonary artery hypertension or RV dysfunction. There is no significant correlation between any cardiac mechanical-structural or hemodynamic parameter with RCA-CFR or RCA phasic flow pattern. RCA flow reserve is still similar to LAD, independently of those right-sided cardiac disturbances.
Disregolazioni dei recettori tirosinchinasici (RTK) sono di frequente riscontro nei tumori dell’uomo e in molti casi sono indicatori biologici che permettono di definire in maniera più accurata la prognosi dei pazienti. Possono rappresentare inoltre marker predittivi per la risposta a terapie antitumorali con farmaci a bersaglio molecolare. Numerosi inibitori tirosinchinasici (TKI) sono attualmente in corso di studio o già disponibili per l’utilizzo in oncologia umana, e molti di questi hanno dimostrato una significativa efficacia utilizzati singolarmente o in combinazione a terapie convenzionali. Studi recenti indicano che un quadro analogo di disregolazione dei recettori tirosinchinasici è presente anche nelle neoplasie dei piccoli animali, e ne suggeriscono in molti casi un’implicazione prognostica. Gli inibitori tirosinchinasi sono da poco entrati nell’arena dell’oncologia veterinaria, ma i primi risultati lasciano supporre che siano destinati ad essere integrati definitivamente nei protocolli terapeutici standard. La tesi consiste in una parte introduttiva in cui sono trattate le principali funzioni biologiche dei recettori tirosinchinasici, la loro struttura e il loro ruolo nell’oncogenesi e nella progressione tumorale in medicina umana e veterinaria. Si affrontano inoltre le principali metodiche di laboratorio per l’analisi molecolare in oncologia e i meccanismi d’azione dei farmaci inibitori tirosinchinasici, con un cenno ai prodotti maggiormente utilizzati e alle loro indicazioni. Segue la presentazione e la discussione dei risultati di quattro studi relativi alla valutazione delle disregolazioni del recettore tirosinchinasico Kit (espressione aberrante e mutazioni genomiche) nel mastocitoma cutaneo del gatto e del recettore del fattore di crescita epidermico (EGFR) nel carcinoma squamocellulare cutaneo del gatto e nei tumori polmonari primitivi del cane, con particolare attenzione al loro ruolo prognostico.
Adjuvant therapy has improved the survival of women with early breast cancer (BC). Meta-analyses suggest that anthracycline-based regimens reduced the annual BC death rate by 40% in women below the age of 50 and 20% in older women. Novel agents designed to modulate abnormal growth factor signaling in and around the BC cell further increase patients' chances of survival. However, both conventional chemotherapeutic agents as well as some of the novel signaling inhibitors can induce important cardiovascular side-effects, potentially attenuating the progress made in recent years. The mechanism of cancer drug-induced cardiovascular complications varies greatly with some compounds inducing irreversible myocardial cell damage, while others lead to temporary cell dysfunction. The challenge of the future will be to prospectively discriminate between irreversible damage which can lead to progressive cardiovascular disease and reversible cardiovascular dysfunctions without further prognostic implications. Since adjuvant therapy for BC is potentially curative, emphasis must be placed on finding treatments combining maximum efficacy with the minimum of long-term side-effects in order to achieve survival with preserved quality of life.
Visual symptoms are common in PD and PD dementia and include difficulty reading, double vision, illusions, feelings of presence and passage, and complex visual hallucinations. Despite the established prognostic implications of complex visual hallucinations, the interaction between cognitive decline, visual impairment, and other visual symptoms remains poorly understood. Our aim was to characterize the spectrum of visual symptomatology in PD and examine clinical predictors for their occurrence. Sixty-four subjects with PD, 26 with PD dementia, and 32 age-matched controls were assessed for visual symptoms, cognitive impairment, and ocular pathology. Complex visual hallucinations were common in PD (17%) and PD dementia (89%). Dementia subjects reported illusions (65%) and presence (62%) more frequently than PD or control subjects, but the frequency of passage hallucinations in PD and PD dementia groups was equivalent (48% versus 69%, respectively; P = 0.102). Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity was impaired in parkinsonian subjects, with disease severity and age emerging as the key predictors. Regression analysis identified a variety of factors independently predictive of complex visual hallucinations (e.g., dementia, visual acuity, and depression), illusions (e.g., excessive daytime somnolence and disease severity), and presence (e.g., rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime somnolence). Our results demonstrate that different "hallucinatory" experiences in PD do not necessarily share common disease predictors and may, therefore, be driven by different pathophysiological mechanisms. If confirmed, such a finding will have important implications for future studies of visual symptoms and cognitive decline in PD and PD dementia.
The increasing relevance of the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis and the impact of CSC-associated markers in the carcinogenesis of solid tumours may provide potential prognostic implications in lung cancer. We propose that a collective genetic analysis of established CSC-related markers will generate data to better define the role of putative CSCs in lung adenocarcinoma (LAC).
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) classification of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a significant improvement over prior classifications, and has prognostic implications. We hypothesized that the NIH classification of GVHD would predict the survival of patients with GVHD treated with extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP). Sixty-four patients with steroid refractory/dependent GVHD treated with ECP were studied. The 3-year overall survival (OS) was 36% (95% confidence interval [CI] 13-59). Progressive GVHD was seen in 39% of patients with any acute GVHD (aGVHD) (classic acute, recurrent acute, overlap) compared to 3% of patients with classic chronic GVHD (cGVHD) (P=.002). OS was superior for patients with classic cGVHD (median survival, not reached) compared to overlap GVHD (median survival, 395 days, 95% CI 101 to not reached) and aGVHD (delayed, recurrent or persistent) (median survival, 72 days, 95% CI 39-152). In univariate analyses, significant predictors of survival after ECP included GVHD subtype, bilirubin, platelet count, and steroid dose. In multivariate analyses overlap plus classic cGVHD was an independent prognostic feature predictive of superior survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.8, p=.014). This study suggests that NIH classification can predict outcome after ECP for steroid refractory/dependent GVHD.
During the last decades, the clinical and research interest in atherosclerosis has been mostly focused on coronary arteries. After the publications of the European Society Guidelines and AHA/ACC Guidelines on Peripheral artery diseases, and of the Registry REduction in Atherothrombosis for Continued Health Registry, there has been an increased interest in atherosclerosis of the lower extremity arteries and its presence in multifocal disease. However, awareness in the general population and the medical community of non-coronary artery diseases, and of its major prognostic implications remain relatively low. The aim of this general review stemming out of an ESC Working Group on Peripheral Circulation meeting in 2011 is to enhance awareness of this complex disease highlighting the importance of the involvement of atherosclerosis at different levels with respect to clinical presentation, diagnosis, and co-existence of the disease in the distinct arterial territories. We also emphasize the need of an interdisciplinary approach to face the broad and complex spectrum of multifocal disease, and try to propose a series of tentative recommendations and measures to be implemented in non-coronary atherosclerosis.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) and aortic valve stenosis (AS) are frequently coexisting. It has been reported that CAD is present in 40% of patients with AS undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement, and in up to 60% of patients with AS undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Elderly patients with CAD and AS are characterised by higher baseline risk profiles as compared to patients with isolated AS, increasing the complexity of their therapeutic management. In patients with CAD and AS the combination of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and surgical aortic valve replacement has been shown to improve survival. Therefore, CABG is recommended in patients with CAD and AS undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement according to current guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association (ACCF/AHA). Conversely, whether the presence of CAD has any prognostic implications in elderly patients with severe AS undergoing TAVI is still a matter of debate. Of note, according to the most recent ESC guidelines on myocardial revascularisation, percutaneous revascularisation should be considered in patients undergoing TAVI with a stenosis >70% in proximal coronary segments (class IIa, level of evidence C). The aim of this article is to provide an overview of evidence supporting the need for coronary revascularisation in patients with severe AS and CAD undergoing TAVI, and to summarise optimal timing and treatment modalities for percutaneous coronary interventions in these patients.
Since the discovery of the JAK2 V617F mutation in the majority of the myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) of polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis ten years ago, further MPN-specific mutational events, notably in JAK2 exon 12, MPL exon 10 and CALR exon 9 have been identified. These discoveries have been rapidly incorporated into evolving molecular diagnostic algorithms. Whilst many of these mutations appear to have prognostic implications, establishing MPN diagnosis is of immediate clinical importance with selection, implementation and the continual evaluation of the appropriate laboratory methodology to achieve this diagnosis similarly vital. The advantages and limitations of these approaches in identifying and quantitating the common MPN-associated mutations are considered herein with particular regard to their clinical utility. The evolution of molecular diagnostic applications and platforms has occurred in parallel with the discovery of MPN-associated mutations, and it therefore appears likely that emerging technologies such as next-generation sequencing and digital PCR will in the future play an increasing role in the molecular diagnosis of MPN. Accepted for publication 30 April 2015 doi:10.1111/ejh.12578
Objetivo: Determinar la significación clínica y pronóstica de la disfunción renal en pacientes con Endocarditis Infecciosa (EI) Material y método: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo, observacional y transversal de pacientes con EI diagnosticados según criterios de Duke. Se realizó un análisis comparativo entre los pacientes con EI sin (Grupo Sin) y con Disfunción Renal (Grupo DR), que se definió en base a uremia > 0.60 g/l y/o creatininemia > 1.5 mg/dl y/o hematuria o proteinuria. Fueron analizados en EPI info 6.04. Resultados: De un total de 110 EI incluidas, 58 (52.7%) presentaron DR principalmente secundaria a glomerulonefritis (n 22), sepsis (n 14), insuficiencia renal crónica (n 5), insuficiencia cardíaca, nefropatía diabética y nefrotoxicidad (n 4 cada una) y embólica (n 1). No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media hospitalaria (32 DS±23.3 vs 26.32 DS±17.28 días), el sexo (masculino: 60.3 vs 71.25%) y la demora diagnóstica (5.5 (DS±7.23) vs. 5.4 (DS±7.64 días)(pNS). La edad media fue mayor en el grupo DR en el LS (49.62 DS±15.71 vs 43.53 DS±17.94 años). El Grupo DR tuvo mas frecuentemente EI Definida (87.9 vs 67.3%) (p=0.0089) y no hubo diferencias en la localización Mitral (48.3 vs 48.1%) y Aórtica (44.8 vs 34.6%). La valvulopatía degenerativa se presentó en el LS en DR (34.5 VS 19.6%)(p=0.07). No hubo diferencias en la presencia de comórbidas (62.1 vs 71.2%) (pNS) pero la enfermedad últimamente fatal ocurrió mas frecuentemente en DR (51.4 vs 21.6%)(p=0.05). Al ingreso sólo la presencia de rales pulmonares (53.4 vs 32.7%) y púrpura cutánea (27.6 vs 13.5%) fueron más frecuentes en DR (p=0.05). La sepsis no controlada (34.5 vs 15.7%), insuficiencia cardíaca (51.7 vs 32.7%), encefalopatía (50 vs 27.5%), shock séptico (24.1 vs 7.8%) y fallo multiorgánico (34.5 vs 3.9%) fueron complicaciones más frecuentes en DR (p<0.05). La fiebre persistente se encontró en el LS en el grupo de DR (48.3 vs 32.7%)(p=0.09). No hubo diferencias en el hallazgo de vegetaciones por ecocardiografía (83.3 vs 75.6%). La anemia (Hb<9 mg/dl) (31.86 DS±53.41 vs 35.21 DS±7.85)(p=0.009), hipergammaglobulinemia (58.5 vs 29.8)(p=0.006) e hiperglucemia (36.1 vs 18.5)(p=0.03) se asociaron a DR. En el grupo con DR fue mas común la EI con cultivos negativos (31.5 vs 0%)(p=0.001) y el predominio de las infecciones por S. aureus Meticilino Resistente (MRSA)(21.6 vs 2.7%) (p=0.02). No hubo diferencias en la indicación de cirugía (31 vs 36.5%). La mortalidad hospitalaria fue significativamente mayor en DR (51.7 vs 25%)(p=0.0041)(OR 3.2, IC95%1.42-7.24). Conclusión: En los pacientes con EI la disfunción renal resultó ser un indicador de desarrollo de complicaciones infecciosas y cardíacas, de infección por MRSA y de mortalidad cruda hospitalaria.-