793 resultados para PRIVATE ENTERPRISES


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Pese a que el movimiento cooperativo eléctrico de Córdoba es uno de los más importantes del país y en la actualidad mueve gran parte de la economía del interior provincial, su surgimiento y desarrollo es una cuestión que aún no ha sido suficientemente tratada por la historiografía local. De allí la decisión de abordar tal temática que en este artículo se analiza desde la perspectiva de las relaciones entre el desarrollo del cooperativismo eléctrico y la expansión de la intervención del Estado en el sector eléctrico, pero prestando especial atención a los avances de la electrificación en el sector rural. Ese análisis abarca un amplio periodo de medio siglo, entre la aparición de las primeras cooperativas eléctricas y el momento en que, desde el punto de vista eléctrico, la provincia mediterránea deja de constituir un sistema independiente y se incorpora al sistema interconectado nacional, y muestra el papel jugado por esas entidades en el proceso de electrificación del campo que es un capítulo importante en el desarrollo eléctrico argentino y en el que las cooperativas eléctricas fueron precursoras, mucho antes de que el tema preocupase a los poderes públicos y cuando la política de las empresas privadas, atenidas a la rentabilidad, no planificó ni un metro de línea rural. Las cooperativas, en cambio, demostraron ser capaces de hacer electrificación rural con eficiencia.


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In parallel to the effort of creating Open Linked Data for the World Wide Web there is a number of projects aimed for developing the same technologies but in the context of their usage in closed environments such as private enterprises. In the paper, we present results of research on interlinking structured data for use in Idea Management Systems - a still rare breed of knowledge management systems dedicated to innovation management. In our study, we show the process of extending an ontology that initially covers only the Idea Management System structure towards the concept of linking with distributed enterprise data and public data using Semantic Web technologies. Furthermore we point out how the established links can help to solve the key problems of contemporary Idea Management Systems


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La aproximación de las organizaciones a la mejora de sus procesos ha venido por distintos caminos. Muchas Administraciones Públicas se acercaron a este universo a través del modelo EFQM de calidad y excelencia que surgió en la década de los 80 y que sirvió como referente en el ámbito de la Unión Europea como vía de autoevaluación y determinación de procesos de mejora continua. Está basado en la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles aplicados a diferentes ámbitos de la organización, siendo éstos el punto de partida para el proceso de mejora continua. Se trata de un modelo en el que puedes decir que estás en calidad aunque tu puntuación sea muy pequeña, por lo que, por imagen, muchas empresas públicas empezaron a implantarlo. La empresa privada sin embargo se decantó por los sistemas de calidad basados en normas ISO. En estos sistemas has de tener un nivel mínimo para poder exhibir una certificación o acreditación del sistema de calidad. La más extendida es la ISO 9001:2008 ya que es válida para todo tipo de empresa. Este sistema se centra en la satisfacción del cliente y está basada en gran medida en el PDCA, acrónimo de Plan, Do, Check, Act (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar y Actuar). Al tratarse de sistemas documentados, pasados los años se llega a la misma conclusión, aquellas empresas que simplemente tienen un certificado colgado en la pared y que arreglan los papeles antes de la auditoría no tienen nada que aporte valor añadido a la empresa y se autoengañan. La potencia de todo sistema de gestión de calidad reside en aprovechar el potencial de sus recursos humanos dirigiendo los recursos de la empresa de forma eficiente y haciendo participe de los objetivos de la organización a su personal para que se impliquen y sepan que se espera de cada uno. La formación de ingeniero siempre nos hace ser críticos con los modelos existentes y tratar de buscar caminos alternativos que sean más eficientes. Para ello es necesario tener un conocimiento muy preciso de la organización. Por ello, después de más de cinco años trabajando en la Organización, desempeñando diversos cometidos, analizando diferentes esferas de actuación y tras estudiar informes de diferentes organizaciones que supervisan el funcionamiento de la empresa me di cuenta que la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante podía cambiar de forma de actuar para modernizarse y ser más transparente, eficaz y eficiente. Esta tesis versa sobre la posibilidad de implantar un nuevo servicio en la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante que le permita mejorar su competitividad a nivel mundial, como estado de abanderamiento, y que, dentro de nuestras fronteras, haga que sus servicios se reorienten aprovechando el conocimiento de su personal, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de sus usuarios y los recursos de la Organización. Las cartas de servicio permiten acercar al ciudadano al funcionamiento de la organización. Le informa de las condiciones en las que se presta el servicio, los compromisos de la empresa y la forma en la que puede participar para mejorarlos, entre otros. Por otra parte, la empresa no necesita previamente tener ningún sistema de calidad implantado, aunque, como veremos en el capítulo tres y cuatro siempre ayuda a la hora de tener sistemas de aseguramiento implantados. En el capítulo seis se detallan los objetivos que se lograrían con la implantación de las cartas de servicio en la DGMM y en el capítulo siete se discuten dichos resultados y conclusiones. ABSTRACT Different ways have been used by organizations to approach process improvement. Many Public Administrations chose quality and excellence EFQM model for that approachment. This quality program began in 80 decade and that it was the Europe Unión reference to continuous improvement autoevaluation and determination. It is based on strong and weak points of different organization fields, and they are considered as starting point for continuous improvement. This model allows enterprises to say that they are working on a quality scheme even though their score is very little, and this was why a lot of Public Administrations began using it. Nevertheless private enterprises chose quality management systems based on ISO standards. In these systems there is a threshold you must have to be able to have a certification or an accreditation of quality management system. ISO 9001:2008 is the standard most used because of it can be applied to a great range of enterprises. This system is focused on customer satisfaction and it is based on PDCA, Plan, Do, Check, Act. All these systems are documented ones, so once time goes by the same conclusion is reached: enterprises that have the certificate hung on the wall and that papers are fixed for audits have nothing that give them added value and they self-delusion. Quality management system power is related to the usage of human resources potential to lead enterprise resources efficiently and to make them participate in organization objectives. Naval architect training makes them to be critic with existing models and to try to find alternative ways to be more efficient. To achieve this goal, a precise knowledge of the organization is needed. That is the reason why, after five years in quality related issues in the Organization, in different chores, analyzing our scope and reports of organizations that supervise our operation, I realized that Merchant Marine Directorate could change the way of operation to modernize and be more transparent, efficient and effective. This thesis is about the possibility of implantation of a new service in Merchant Marine Directorate that will make it possible to improve their worldwide competitiveness as Flag State, and that to reorient all services taking into account citizens needs and Organization resources. Citizen’s charters able approachment to organization operation. It gives the following information: which are terms in which service is given, enterprise compromises, ways in which citizen can collaborate to improve them, and etc. Additionally, no quality management system is needed to be implemented. Although we’ll see in chapter three and four that having it is of great help. In chapter six are detailed goals achieved if citizen’s charters are implemented in Merchant Marine Directorate, and in chapter seven conclusions and results are discussed.


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La evaluación de ontologías, incluyendo diagnóstico y reparación de las mismas, es una compleja actividad que debe llevarse a cabo en cualquier proyecto de desarrollo ontológico para comprobar la calidad técnica de las ontologías. Sin embargo, existe una gran brecha entre los enfoques metodológicos sobre la evaluación de ontologías y las herramientas que le dan soporte. En particular, no existen enfoques que proporcionen guías concretas sobre cómo diagnosticar y, en consecuencia, reparar ontologías. Esta tesis pretende avanzar en el área de la evaluación de ontologías, concretamente en la actividad de diagnóstico. Los principales objetivos de esta tesis son (a) ayudar a los desarrolladores en el diagnóstico de ontologías para encontrar errores comunes y (b) facilitar dicho diagnóstico reduciendo el esfuerzo empleado proporcionando el soporte tecnológico adecuado. Esta tesis presenta las siguientes contribuciones: • Catálogo de 41 errores comunes que los ingenieros ontológicos pueden cometer durante el desarrollo de ontologías. • Modelo de calidad para el diagnóstico de ontologías alineando el catálogo de errores comunes con modelos de calidad existentes. • Diseño e implementación de 48 métodos para detectar 33 de los 41 errores comunes en el catálogo. • Soporte tecnológico OOPS!, que permite el diagnstico de ontologías de forma (semi)automática. De acuerdo con los comentarios recibidos y los resultados de los test de satisfacción realizados, se puede afirmar que el enfoque desarrollado y presentado en esta tesis ayuda de forma efectiva a los usuarios a mejorar la calidad de sus ontologías. OOPS! ha sido ampliamente aceptado por un gran número de usuarios de formal global y ha sido utilizado alrededor de 3000 veces desde 60 países diferentes. OOPS! se ha integrado en software desarrollado por terceros y ha sido instalado en empresas para ser utilizado tanto durante el desarrollo de ontologías como en actividades de formación. Abstract Ontology evaluation, which includes ontology diagnosis and repair, is a complex activity that should be carried out in every ontology development project, because it checks for the technical quality of the ontology. However, there is an important gap between the methodological work about ontology evaluation and the tools that support such an activity. More precisely, not many approaches provide clear guidance about how to diagnose ontologies and how to repair them accordingly. This thesis aims to advance the current state of the art of ontology evaluation, specifically in the ontology diagnosis activity. The main goals of this thesis are (a) to help ontology engineers to diagnose their ontologies in order to find common pitfalls and (b) to lessen the effort required from them by providing the suitable technological support. This thesis presents the following main contributions: • A catalogue that describes 41 pitfalls that ontology developers might include in their ontologies. • A quality model for ontology diagnose that aligns the pitfall catalogue to existing quality models for semantic technologies. • The design and implementation of 48 methods for detecting 33 out of the 41 pitfalls defined in the catalogue. • A system called OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!) that allows ontology engineers to (semi)automatically diagnose their ontologies. According to the feedback gathered and satisfaction tests carried out, the approach developed and presented in this thesis effectively helps users to increase the quality of their ontologies. At the time of writing this thesis, OOPS! has been broadly accepted by a high number of users worldwide and has been used around 3000 times from 60 different countries. OOPS! is integrated with third-party software and is locally installed in private enterprises being used both for ontology development activities and training courses.


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La expansión de la ciudad y zona conurbada de Veracruz, se encuentra en una dinámica en donde convergen el medio artificial construido por el hombre y que ha generado una ciudad fragmentada; el medio natural, en el que se encuentran importantes componentes ecosistémicos de la zona costera; las políticas y estrategias que establecen los cinco Programas de ordenamiento urbano vigentes, sujetos al patrón de acumulación de capital, favoreciendo los intereses de la iniciativa privada. Bajo este panorama encontramos un territorio complejo que se encuentra cada vez más vulnerado y en riesgo de que los sistemas humano y natural colapsen. Lo anterior se evidencia en los nuevos desarrollos urbanizados, a partir del estudio de la problemática que presentan los fraccionamientos habitacionales, donde cada vez son más vulnerables, lo que constata su ineficiencia dentro del sistema urbano. ABSTRACT The expansion of the city and metropolitan area of Veracruz, is in a dynamic where converge the artificial environment built by the man and that has generated a fragmented city; natural environment, in which there are important ecosystem components of the coastal zone; policies and strategies that establish the five existing urban planning programs, subject to the pattern of accumulation of capital, favoring the private enterprises interests. Under this scenario is found a complex area that is more vulnerable every time and at risk of human and natural systems collapse. The above mentioned is evident in the new urbanized development, from studies of the problem posed by housing developments, finding that more and more vulnerable, which finds its inefficiency within the urban system.


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Casual observation shows that that the financial systems in the southern and eastern Mediterranean are unable (or unwilling) to divert the financial resources that are available to them as funding opportunities to private enterprises. Using a sample of both northern and southern Mediterranean countries for the years 1985 to 2009, this study empirically assesses the reasons underlying such conditions. The results show that strong legal institutions, good democratic governance and adequate implementation of financial reforms can have a substantial positive impact on financial development only when they are present collectively. Moreover, inflation appears to undermine banking development, but less so when the capital account is open. Government debt growth appears to weaken credit growth, which confirms that public debt ‘crowds out’ private debt. Lastly, capital inflows appear to primarily have an income effect, increasing income and thereby national savings, and thus increasing the availability of credit.


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Using a rich panel data set, we provide a rigorous analysis of the relationship between access to external finance, foreign direct investment and the exports of private enterprises in China. We conclude that, in order to foster the exports of indigenous enterprises, the elimination of financial discrimination against private firms is likely to be a more effective policy tool than the reliance on spillovers from multinational firms. © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Existing empirical evidence on the ownership-performance issue is weighted towards the property rights hypothesis that private enterprises are superior to public enterprises. However, very few studies examine a developing country in which the strong link between the market for corporate control and the efficiency of private enterprises assumed by the property rights hypothesis may not be satisfied. Our study of the Indian banking industry confirms our expectation that, in the absence of well-functioning capital markets, there may not be significant differences in the performance of private and public enterprises. Our analysis highlights the importance of creating appropriate institutions prior to pursuing privatization in developing countries.


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The diverse kinds of legal temporary contracts and the employment forms that do not comply with legal requirements both facilitate employment adjustment to firms´ requirements and entail labour cost reductions. Their employment incidence depends not only on the economic and labour market evolutions but also on other factors, in particular the historical trajectories followed by labour legislation, state enforcement, and the degree of compliance. To contribute to the understanding of the determinants of the degree of utilization of different employment practices, the study reported in this article explores the use made of the various legal temporary contracts and of precarious employment relationships by private enterprises in three Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile and Peru) during 2003-2012, a period of economic growth, and the explanatory role of diverse factors.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Têm-se notado nos últimos anos um crescimento na adoção de tecnologias de computação em nuvem, com uma adesão inicial por parte de particulares e pequenas empresas, e mais recentemente por grandes organizações. Esta tecnologia tem servido de base ao aparecimento de um conjunto de novas tendências, como a Internet das Coisas ligando os nossos equipamentos pessoais e wearables às redes sociais, processos de big data que permitem tipificar comportamentos de clientes ou ainda facilitar a vida ao cidadão com serviços de atendimento integrados. No entanto, tal como em todas as novas tendências disruptivas, que trazem consigo um conjunto de oportunidades, trazem também um conjunto de novos riscos que são necessários de serem equacionados. Embora este caminho praticamente se torne inevitável para uma grande parte de empresas e entidades governamentais, a sua adoção como funcionamento deve ser alvo de uma permanente avaliação e monitorização entre as vantagens e riscos associados. Para tal, é fundamental que as organizações se dotem de uma eficiente gestão do risco, de modo que possam tipificar os riscos (identificar, analisar e quantificar) e orientar-se de uma forma segura e metódica para este novo paradigma. Caso não o façam, os riscos ficam evidenciados, desde uma possível perda de competitividade face às suas congéneres, falta de confiança dos clientes, dos parceiros de negócio e podendo culminar numa total inatividade do negócio. Com esta tese de mestrado desenvolve-se uma análise genérica de risco tendo como base a Norma ISO 31000:2009 e a elaboração de uma proposta de registo de risco, que possa servir de auxiliar em processos de tomada de decisão na contratação e manutenção de serviços de Computação em Nuvem por responsáveis de organizações privadas ou estatais.


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The purpose of this article is to investigate how ownership structure, especially family and/or venture-capital involvement, as well as entrepreneurial activities, defined as strategic change and renewal, help explain the involvement of independent members on boards of directors. The CEOs of 2,455 small and medium-sized, private enterprises from practically all industries were contacted in a telephone survey, resulting in an exceptionally high response rate. The findings reveal that family firms are more reluctant to involve independent directors on their boards than non-family firms that presence of venture capitalists increases the frequency of independent board members and that ownership has an impact on board roles. The results do not support the hypothesised relationship that independent directors enhance entrepreneurial activities. One implication of our study is that the often-argued-for strategic contribution of outsiders to the boards in family firms may be overemphasised. Another implication is that family firms that choose to acquire additional capital should be aware that this could result in a change in the board composition and the loss of control of the business. However, new and external owners’ inclusion on the board seems to be negotiable since there are also venture capitalists that do not insist on board representation.