993 resultados para PR-proteins
Barley plants (cultivars Embrapa 127, 128 and 129) treated with xanthan gum, and with different time intervals between the administration of the inducer and the pathogen, demonstrated induction of resistance against Bipolaris sorokiniana. Induction was shown to have local and systemic action. In order to prove the resistance effect, biochemical analyses were performed to quantify proteins and the enzymatic activity of beta-1,3 glucanase. Results demonstrated that barley plants treated with the inducer, showed an increase in the concentration of proteins, as well as in the activity of the enzyme beta-1,3 glucanase, when compared with the extract from healthy plants. In infected plants, protein concentrations decreased and enzymatic activity was lower than in healthy plants. Results suggest that barley plants treated with xanthan gum developed mechanisms responsible for induced resistance, which are still unknown. The most important macromolecule in the defense mechanism was demonstrated to be PR-protein, due to its accumulation and concentration of proteins. However, it may not be the only macromolecule responsible for the resistance effect. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A obtenção e a avaliação da formulação fitoterápica foi traçada através de parâmetros de controle de qualidade realizando-se a caracterização físico-química da matéria-prima vegetal desidratada e triturada, do seu derivado (extrato liofilizado da tintura hidroalcóolica) e da formulação semi-sólida fitoterápica antimicrobiana contendo a tintura das folhas de Vismia guianensis (Aubl) Choisy. Para tais caracterizações utilizaram-se os parâmetros específicos para as drogas vegetais contidos na Farmacopéia Brasileira 4. Ed., a análise térmica: termogravimetria, análise térmica diferencial e calorimetria exploratória diferencial e a espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e do ultravioleta. A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana pelo método de difusão em disco em meio sólido identificou a sensibilidade de S. aureus (ATCC 25923) ao extrato seco da tintura dissolvido em DMSO, nas concentrações de 500, 250, 125 e 62,5 mg/mL. A CLAE traçou o perfil de composição das sub-frações A e B provenientes da fração acetato de etila da tintura e evidenciou o alcance máximo de absorção em 290 nm para a fração acetato de etila semelhante ao alcance máximo da emodia, sendo essa então utilizada como padrão de referência e marcador externo. A validação do método foi realizada através da espectrofotometria no ultravioleta, demonstrando ser um método seletivo, linear, repetitivo e robusto. A análise térmica evidenciou possíveis incompatibilidades existentes entre a mistura binária do extrato liofilizado da tintura com a hidroxietilcelulose e o propilenoglicol; obtendo-se então um gel com características não homogêneas devido à precipitação de proteínas, ocorrida pela interação polifenol-protéina. A avaliação da estabilidade preliminar da formulação permaneceu dentro dos parâmetros, apresentando resultados dentro dos limites aceitáveis para os testes de centrifugação, estresse térmico e características organolépticas.
Durante a transformação maligna dos melanócitos, padrões de metilação do DNA encontram-se alterados, afetando a expressão gênica. As citosinas metiladas (5mC) podem ser hidroxiladas pelas dioxigenases dependentes de 2-oxoglutarato e Fe(II), Tet1, 2 e 3, resultando na formação de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5hmC) (Globisch et al., 2010; Ko et al., 2010). A 5hmC pode agir tanto como um produto intermediário na desmetilação ativa do DNA quanto na desmetilação passiva ao longo de sucessivas replicações, o que pode contribuir com a dinâmica da metilação do DNA (Tahiliani et al., 2009). Além disso, demonstrou-se que Tet1 e Tet2 são expressas em células tronco embrionárias (Ito et al., 2010) e que 5hmC desempenha importante papel na manutenção e diferenciação destas células (Koh et al., 2011). No entanto, o papel da 5hmC e das proteínas Tet tanto na fisiologia normal quanto em doenças como o câncer ainda não está claro. Utilizando um modelo linear de progressão do melanoma, observamos aumento na expressão gênica de Tet1 nas linhagens celulares correspondendo a melanócitos pré-malignos (4C) e células de melanoma não metastático (4C11-), comparado a melanócitos não tumorigênicos (melan-a) e células de melanoma metastático (4C11+). Em relação à expressão proteica, há um aumento da expressão de Tet1 nas linhagens 4C e 4C11+, o que pode ser relacionado às fases de transição epitélio-mesênquima (EMT) e mesênquima-epitélio (MET), respectivamente. Além disso, constatamos aumento na expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2 na linhagem metastática 4C11+, o que pode indicar diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas Tet1 e Tet2. Também verificamos aumento significativo do conteúdo de 5hmC na linhagem 4C11+, o que se correlaciona com maior expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2. Por fim, linhagens humanas de melanoma metastático menos agressivas apresentaram aumento significativo na expressão dos genes TET1 ...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Abstract Background Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been considered the standard care in locally advanced breast cancer. However, about 20% of the patients do not benefit from this clinical treatment and, predictive factors of response were not defined yet. This study was designed to evaluate the importance of biological markers to predict response and prognosis in stage II and III breast cancer patients treated with taxane and anthracycline combination as neoadjuvant setting. Methods Sixty patients received preoperative docetaxel (75 mg/m2) in combination with epirubicin (50 mg/m2) in i.v. infusion in D1 every 3 weeks after incisional biopsy. They received adjuvant chemotherapy with CMF or FEC, attaining axillary status following definitive breast surgery. Clinical and pathologic response rates were measured after preoperative therapy. We evaluated the response rate to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and the prognostic significance of clinicopathological and immunohistochemical parameters (ER, PR, p51, p21 and HER-2 protein expression). The median patient age was 50.5 years with a median follow up time 48 months after the time of diagnosis. Results Preoperative treatment achieved clinical response in 76.6% of patients and complete pathologic response in 5%. The clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical parameters were not able to predict response to therapy and, only HER2 protein overexpression was associated with a decrease in disease free and overall survival (P = 0.0007 and P = 0.003) as shown by multivariate analysis. Conclusion Immunohistochemical phenotypes were not able to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Clinical response is inversely correlated with a risk of death in patients submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and HER2 overexpression is the major prognostic factor in stage II and III breast cancer patients treated with a neoadjuvant docetaxel and epirubicin combination.
We isolated SN-HLPf (Sambucus nigra hevein-like fruit protein), a hevein-like chitin-binding protein, from mature elderberry fruits. Cloning of the corresponding gene demonstrated that SN-HLPf is synthesized as a chimeric precursor consisting of an N-terminal chitin-binding domain corresponding to the mature elderberry protein and an unrelated C-terminal domain. Sequence comparisons indicated that the N-terminal domain of this precursor has high sequence similarity with the N-terminal domain of class I PR-4 (pathogenesis-related) proteins, whereas the C terminus is most closely related to that of class V chitinases. On the basis of these sequence homologies the gene encoding SN-HLPf can be considered a hybrid between a PR-4 and a class V chitinase gene.
Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.
A 69-kDa proteinase (P69), a member of the pathogenesis-related proteins, is induced and accumulates in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants as a consequence of pathogen attack. We have used the polymerase chain reaction to identify and clone a cDNA from tomato plants that represent the pathogenesis-related P69 proteinase. The nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that P69 is synthesized in a preproenzyme form, a 745-amino acid polypeptide with a 22-amino acid signal peptide, a 92-amino acid propolypeptide, and a 631-amino acid mature polypeptide. Within the mature region the most salient feature was the presence of domains homologous to the subtilisin serine protease family. The amino acid sequences surrounding Asp-146, His-203, and Ser-532 of P69 are closely related to the catalytic sites (catalytic triad) of the subtilisin-like proteases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the 2.4-kb P69 mRNA accumulates abundantly in leaves and stem tissues from viroid-infected plants, whereas the mRNA levels in tissues from healthy plants were undetectable. Our results indicate that P69, a secreted calcium-activated endopeptidase, is a plant pathogenesis-related subtilisin-like proteinase that may collaborate with other defensive proteins in a general mechanism of active defense against attacking pathogens.
A pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an area-specific neuronal loss that may be caused by excitotoxicity-related synaptic dysfunction. Relative expression levels of synaptopbysin, dynamin I, complexins I and II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII were analysed in human brain tissue from AD cases and controls in hippocampus, and inferior temporal and occipital cortices. Synaptophysin and dynamin I are presynaptic terminal proteins not specific to any neurotransmitter system whereas complexin II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII are specific for excitatory synapses. Complexin I is a presynaptic protein localised to inhibitory synapses. There were no significant differences in synaptophysin, dynamin I, N-cadherin, or alpha CaMKII protein levels between AD cases and controls. The complexin proteins were both markedly lower in AD cases than in controls (P < 0.01). Cases were also categorised by APOE genotype. Averaged across areas there was a 36% lowering of presynaptic proteins in AD cases carrying at least one epsilon 4 allele compared with in AD cases lacking the epsilon 4 allele. We infer that synaptic protein level is not indicative of neuronal loss, but the synaptic dysfunction may result from the marked relative loss of the complexins in AD, and lower levels of presynaptic proteins in AD cases with the APOE epsilon 4 allele. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To identify markers for gynecological tumor diagnosis using antibody chip capture. Methods: Marker proteins, including cancer antigen 153 (CA153), CA125, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), were analyzed using antibody chip capture of serum samples. Fifteen agglutinin types that specifically recognized five common glycans (fucose, sialic acid, mannose, N - acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylglucosamine) were used to detect marker protein glycan levels. The levels of CA153, CA125, and CEA from 49 healthy control samples, 31 breast cancer samples, 24 cervical cancer samples, and 19 ovarian cancer samples were used to measure the glycan levels of these marker proteins. Results: In breast cancer samples, CA153 and CA125 were down-regulated (p < 0.01), while differences in ovarian cancer samples were not statistically significant (p > 0.01). The total accuracy was 85.1 %, with 96.8 % accuracy for breast cancer, 75 % in cervical cancer, and 78.9 % in ovarian cancer. Cross-validation analyses showed that breast cancer had 93.5 % accuracy, cervical cancer was 66.7 %, and ovarian cancer was 68.4 %, leading to 78.4 % total accuracy (58/74). Conclusions: The results indicate that better clinical diagnosis of gynecological tumors can be obtained by monitoring changes in glycan levels of serum proteins and types of proteoglycan changes.