55 resultados para PP2A


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Different species of Laurencia have proven to be a rich source of natural products yielding interesting bioactive halogenated secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids and acetogenins. It is shown that such compounds are accumulated in the spherical, reniform to claviform refractive inclusions called corps en cerise (CC), which are intensively osmiophilic and located mainly in the cortical cells of the thalli and also in trichoblast cells. Up to now, it was believed that CC were present only in these two kinds of cells. Recently, however, a species of Laurencia, L. marilzae, with CC in all cells of the thallus, i.e., cortical, medullary, including the pericentral and axial cells, as well as in the trichoblasts, was described from the Canary Islands, and subsequently also reported to Brazil and Mexico. Within the Laurencia complex, only Laurencia species produce CC. Since the species of Laurencia are targets of interest for the prospection of bioactive substances due to their potential antibacterial, antifungal, anticholinesterasic, antileishmanial, cytotoxic, and antioxidant activities, the present paper carries out a comparative analysis of the corps en cerise in several species of Laurencia from the Atlantic Ocean to obtain basic information that can support natural product bioprospection projects. Our results show that the number and size of the CC are constant within a species, independent of the geographical distribution, corroborating their use for taxonomical purposes to differentiate groups of species that present a lower number from those that have a higher number. In this regard, there was a tendency for the number of CC to be higher in some species of Laurencia from the Canary Islands. The presence of CC can also be used to distinguish species in which these organelles are present in all cells of the thallus from those in which CC are restricted to the cortical cells. Among the species analyzed, L. viridis displayed the most varied secondary metabolites composition, such as sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, all of which showed potent antiviral, cytotoxic, and antitumoral activities, including protein phosphatase type 2A (PP2A) inhibitory effects.


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Neuronen haben für die Informationsübertragung untereinander spezielle Strukturen entwickelt, welche als Synapsen bezeichnet werden. Um eine schnelle und präzise synaptische Signalübertragung zu gewährleisten, ist eine hohe Konzentration von Neurotransmitter-regulierten Ionenkanälen in der postsynaptischen Plasmamembran notwendig. Die spezifische Verankerung der Rezeptoren wird durch intrazelluläre Proteine der Postsynapse vermittelt. Das periphere Membranprotein Gephyrin spielt eine essentielle Rolle in der synaptischen Lokalisation von Glyzin- und GABAA-Rezeptoren an inhibitorischen Synapsen. Um das postsynaptische Netzwerk zu stabilisieren, ist eine Interaktion von Gephyrin mit Proteinen der Mikrofilamente und der Mikrotubuli nötig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte analysiert werden, wie Gephyrin mit dem Aktin-Zytoskelett interagiert, und ob die Größe und Stabilität neuronaler Gephyrincluster durch das Aktin-Zytoskelett reguliert wird. Dies wurde mittels Expression von GFP-Gephyrin-Konstrukten in HEK293T-Zellen und Aktin-depolymerisierende Alkaloidbehandlung von hippokampalen Primärkulturzellen untersucht. Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Signalkaskaden auf die Lokalisation und Funktionalität von GABAA- oder Glyzin-Rezeptoren wurde bereits intensiv untersucht, jedoch für Rezeptor-assoziierte Proteine wie Gephyrin existierten nur wenig relevante Daten. Ein weiteres Ziel war daher, durch pharmakologische Beeinflussung von Schlüsselenzymen in hippokampalen Primärkulturen jene Signalwege zu identifizieren, die am Transport von Gephyrin, seiner Stabilisierung im postsynaptischen Netzwerk und seinem Abbau beteiligt sind. Im Verlauf der Arbeit konnte belegt werden, dass das Aktin-regulierende Phosphoprotein ena/VASP als Adapter die Interaktion von Gephyrin mit F-Aktin vermittelt, und dass diese Bindung ausreicht, um Gephyrin an das Aktin-Zytoskelett zu rekrutieren. Entgegen früheren Veröffentlichungen konnte die Bindung von ena/VASP im Bereich der sog. Linkerregion von Gephyrin nachgewiesen werden. Aktin-depolymerisierende Alkaloidbehandlungen von hippokampalen Neuronen bestätigten, das die Lokalisation von Gephyrin an sich entwickelnden inhibitorischen Kontakten von einem intakten Mikrofilamentsystem abhängig zu sein scheint. Das Aktin-Zytoskelett könnte somit eine transiente Rolle in der Ausbildung und Stabilisierung des Gephyrin-Netzwerkes in der frühen Entwicklung von inhibitorischen GABAergen Synapsen haben, während die Abhängigkeit der synaptisch-lokalisierten Gephyrincluster vom Aktin-Zytoskelett mit steigender neuronaler Differenzierung abnimmt. Zusätzlich konnte erstmals der Einfluss einzelner Signaltransduktionskaskaden auf die synaptische Lokalisation von Gephyrin nachgewiesen werden. Dabei hatte die Inhibition der Protein- Phosphatasen 1 und 2A eine Destabilisierung synaptisch-lokalisierter Gephyrincluster bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der zytoplasmatischen Immunreaktivität zur Folge. Dies ist möglicherweise auf eine Hyperphosphorylierung wichtiger Sequenzabschnitten von Gephyrin zurückzuführen, wobei Änderungen im Phosphorylierungsstatus der Linkerregion von Gephyrin unter anderem die Assoziation mit dem Zytoskelett beeinträchtigen oder lösen könnten. Umgekehrt könnte eine Dephosphorylierung möglicherweise die Stabilität der Vernetzung erhöht. Kopräzipitationsstudien konnten zusätzlich nachweisen, dass Gephyrin, PP1 und PP2A nicht nur gemeinsam an inhibitorischen Synapsen vorliegen, sondern dass eine direkte Interaktion besteht. Dabei handelt es sich um den ersten Nachweis einer direkten Bindung von Gephyrin an Ser/Thr-Phosphatasen. Die Komplexbildung von PP1 und PP2A mit Gephyrin könnten der Regulation des Phosphorylierungsgrades dienen. Der genaue Mechanismus wird jedoch in weiteren Experimenten zu untersuchen sein.


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Nephrogenic dopamine is a potent natriuretic paracrine/autocrine hormone that is central for mammalian sodium homeostasis. In the renal proximal tubule, dopamine induces natriuresis partly via inhibition of the sodium/proton exchanger NHE3. The signal transduction pathways and mechanisms by which dopamine inhibits NHE3 are complex and incompletely understood. This manuscript describes the role of the serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in the regulation of NHE3 by dopamine. The PP2A regulatory subunit B56 delta (coded by the Ppp2r5d gene) directly associates with more than one region of the carboxy-terminal hydrophilic putative cytoplasmic domain of NHE3 (NHE3-cyto), as demonstrated by yeast-two-hybrid, co-immunoprecipitation, blot overlay and in vitro pull-down assays. Phosphorylated NHE3-cyto is a substrate for purified PP2A in an in vitro dephosphorylation reaction. In cultured renal cells, inhibition of PP2A by either okadaic acid or by overexpression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) small t antigen blocks the ability of dopamine to inhibit NHE3 activity and to reduce surface NHE3 protein. Dopamine-induced NHE3 redistribution is also blocked by okadaic acid ex vivo in rat kidney cortical slices. These studies demonstrate that PP2A is an integral and critical participant in the signal transduction pathway between dopamine receptor activation and NHE3 inhibition. Key words: Natriuresis, Sodium transport, Signal transduction.


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Oxidative stress, intense light exposure and oxygen imbalances such as hypoxic or hyperoxic conditions perturb mitochondria, nuclear function and further lead to cellular damage of retina and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Our major aim is to understand the various biochemical and proteomic events that occur during the progression of retina and RPE cell death. The comprehensive objectives of this dissertation are to understand the functional aspects of protein expression, posttranslational modifications, protein or lipid binding changes, phenotypic, morphological alterations and their regulation during the retina and RPE apoptosis under oxidative stress. The entire study is divided into four chapters Chapter 1 contains introduction and background on apoptotic signaling in retina and RPE cells. In chapter 2, we demonstrated that the oxidative stress biomarker prohibitin shuttles between mitochondria and nucleus as an anti-apoptotic molecule and acts as a transcriptional regulator by altering its lipid binding affinity and by posttranslational modifications during oxidative damage to the retina and RPE. In chapter 3, we demonstrated that oxidative and photo-oxidative stress induced nitric oxide regulates the RPE apoptosis by altering serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) catalytic subunit, vimentin phosphorylation and Bcl xL expression regulation in the RPE cells in vitro. In chapter 4, we further analyzed the differential expression of prohibitin in the retina and RPE during oxidative stress, diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) condition. Our analysis of postmortem retinas reveals that prohibitin is significantly increased in aged and AMD retina, and decreased in retinas of human diabetic retinopathy and RPE of AMD. Our study demonstrates that prohibitin levels determine the apoptotic signaling in the retina and RPE during retinal degenerative disease progression.


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Cytochrome P450c17 catalyzes 17 alpha-hydroxylation needed for cortisol synthesis and 17,20 lyase activity needed to produce sex steroids. Serine phosphorylation of P450c17 specifically increases 17,20 lyase activity, but the physiological factors regulating this effect remain unknown. Treating human adrenal NCI-H295A cells with the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid, fostriecin, and cantharidin increased 17,20 lyase activity, suggesting involvement of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) or 4 (PP4). PP2A but not PP4 inhibited 17,20 lyase activity in microsomes from cultured cells, but neither affected 17 alpha-hydroxylation. Inhibition of 17,20 lyase activity by PP2A was concentration-dependent, could be inhibited by okadaic acid, and was restored by endogenous protein kinases. PP2A but not PP4 coimmunoprecipitated with P450c17, and suppression of PP2A by small interfering RNA increased 17,20 lyase activity. Phosphoprotein SET found in adrenals inhibited PP2A, but not PP4, and fostered 17,20 lyase activity. The identification of PP2A and SET as post-translational regulators of androgen biosynthesis suggests potential additional mechanisms contributing to adrenarche and hyperandrogenic disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome.


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Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a major T cell growth factor and plays an essential role in the development of normal immune responses. The Janus kinases (Jaks) and Signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stats) are critical for transducing signals from the IL-2 receptors (IL2Rs) to the nucleus to control cell growth and differentiation. In recent years there has been increasing evidence to indicate that the IL-2 activated Jak3/Stat5 pathway provides a new molecular target for immune suppression. Thus, understanding the regulation of this effector cascade has important therapeutic potential.^ One objective of this work was to identify and define the role and molecular mechanism of novel phosphorylation sites in Jak3. Using functional proteomics, three novel Jak3 phosphorylation sites, Y904, Y939 and S574 were identified. Phosphospecific antibodies confirmed that phosphorylation of Y904 and Y939 were mediated by IL-2 and other IL-2 family cytokines in distinct cell types. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that phosphorylation of both Y904 and Y939 positively regulated Jak3 enzymatic activity, while phosphorylation of S574 did not affect Jak3 in vitro kinase activity. However, a gain-of-function mutation of S574 in Jak3 abrogated IL-2 mediated Stat5 activation, suggesting that phosphorylation of this residue might serve a negative role to attenuate IL-2 signaling. Furthermore, mechanistic analysis suggested that phosphorylation of Y904 in Jak3 affects the KmATP of Jak3, while phosphorylation of Y939 in Jak3 was required to bind one of its substrates, Stat5.^ The second objective was to determine the role of serine/threonine phosphatases in the regulation of the IL2R complex. Activation of Jak3 and Stat5 by IL-2 is a transient event mediated by phosphorylation. Using a specific PP1/PP2A inhibitor, we observed that inhibition of PP1/PP2A negatively regulated the IL-2 activated Jak3/Stat5 signaling pathway in a human NK cell line (YT) and primary human T cells. More importantly, coimmunoprecipitation assays indicated that inhibition of PP1/PP2A blocked the formation of an active IL2R complex. Pretreatment of cells with the inhibitor also reduced the electrophoretic mobility of the IL2Rβ and IL2Rγ subunits in YT cells, suggesting that inhibition of PP1/PP2A directly or indirectly regulates undefined serine/threonine kinases which phosphorylate these proteins. Based on these observations, a model has emerged that serine/threonine phosphorylation of the IL2Rβ and IL2Rγ subunits causes a conformational change of these proteins, which disrupts IL2R dimerization and association of Jak3 and Stat5 to these receptors.^


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a multimeric enzyme, containing a catalytic subunit complexed with two regulatory subunits. The catalytic subunit PP2A C is encoded by two distinct and unlinked genes, termed Cα and Cβ. The specific function of these two catalytic subunits is unknown. To address the possible redundancy between PP2A and related phosphatases as well as between Cα and Cβ, the Cα subunit gene was deleted by homologous recombination. Homozygous null mutant mice are embryonically lethal, demonstrating that the Cα subunit gene is an essential gene. As PP2A exerts a range of cellular functions including cell cycle regulation and cell fate determination, we were surprised to find that these embryos develop normally until postimplantation, around embryonic day 5.5/6.0. While no Cα protein is expressed, we find comparable expression levels of PP2A C at a time when the embryo is degenerating. Despite a 97% amino acid identity, Cβ cannot completely compensate for the absence of Cα. Degenerated embryos can be recovered even at embryonic day 13.5, indicating that although embryonic tissue is still capable of proliferating, normal differentiation is significantly impaired. While the primary germ layers ectoderm and endoderm are formed, mesoderm is not formed in degenerating embryos.


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Recently, TAP42 was isolated as a high copy suppressor of sit4−, a yeast phosphatase related to protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). TAP42 is related to the murine α4 protein, which was discovered independently by its association with Ig-α in the B cell receptor complex. Herein we show that a glutathione S-transferase (GST)–α4 fusion protein bound the catalytic subunit (C) of human PP2A from monomeric or multimeric preparations of PP2A in a “pull-down” assay. In an overlay assay, the GST–α4 protein bound to the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of C that were separated in two-dimensional gels and immobilized on filters. The results show direct and exclusive binding of α4 to C. This is unusual because all known regulatory B subunits, or tumor virus antigens, bind stably only to the AC dimer of PP2A. The α4–C form of PP2A had an increased activity ratio compared with the AC form of PP2A when myelin basic protein phosphorylated by mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphorylase a were used as substrates. Recombinant α4 cleaved from GST was phosphorylated by p56lck tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C. A FLAG-tagged α4 expressed in COS7 cells was recovered as a protein containing phosphoserine and coimmunoprecipitated with the C but not the A subunit of PP2A. Treatment of cells with rapamycin prevented the association of PP2A with FLAG-α4. The results reveal a novel heterodimer α4–C form of PP2A that may be involved in rapamycin-sensitive signaling pathways in mammalian cells.


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cAMP-dependent phosphorylation activates the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in epithelia. However, the protein phosphatase (PP) that dephosphorylates and inactivates CFTR in airway and intestinal epithelia, two major sites of disease, is not certain. We found that in airway and colonic epithelia, neither okadaic acid nor FK506 prevented inactivation of CFTR when cAMP was removed. These results suggested that a phosphatase distinct from PP1, PP2A, and PP2B was responsible. Because PP2C is insensitive to these inhibitors, we tested the hypothesis that it regulates CFTR. We found that PP2Cα is expressed in airway and T84 intestinal epithelia. To test its activity on CFTR, we generated recombinant human PP2Cα and found that it dephosphorylated CFTR and an R domain peptide in vitro. Moreover, in cell-free patches of membrane, addition of PP2Cα inactivated CFTR Cl− channels; reactivation required readdition of kinase. Finally, coexpression of PP2Cα with CFTR in epithelia reduced the Cl− current and increased the rate of channel inactivation. These results suggest that PP2C may be the okadaic acid-insensitive phosphatase that regulates CFTR in human airway and T84 colonic epithelia. It has been suggested that phosphatase inhibitors could be of therapeutic value in cystic fibrosis; our data suggest that PP2C may be an important phosphatase to target.


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Cell-cycle progression is mediated by a coordinated interaction between cyclin-dependent kinases and their target proteins including the pRB and E2F/DP-1 complexes. Immunoneutralization and antisense experiments have established that the abundance of cyclin D1, a regulatory subunit of the cyclin-dependent kinases, may be rate-limiting for G1 phase progression of the cell cycle. Simian virus 40 (SV40) small tumor (t) antigen is capable of promoting G1 phase progression and augments substantially the efficiency of SV40 transformation through several distinct domains. In these studies, small t antigen stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity 7-fold, primarily through an AP-1 binding site at −954 with additional contributions from a CRE site at −57. The cyclin D1 AP-1 and CRE sites were sufficient for activation by small t antigen when linked to an heterologous promoter. Point mutations of small t antigen between residues 97–103 that reduced PP2A binding were partially defective in the induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. These mutations also reduced activation of MEK1 and two distinct members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family, the ERKs (extracellular signal regulated kinases) and the SAPKs (stress-activated protein kinases), in transfected cells. Dominant negative mutants of either MEK1, ERK or SEK1, reduced small t-dependent induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. SV40 small t induction of the cyclin D1 promoter involves both the ERK and SAPK pathways that together may contribute to the proliferative and transformation enhancing activity of small t antigen.


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an abundant, multifunctional serine/threonine-specific phosphatase that stimulates simian virus 40 DNA replication. The question as to whether chromosomal DNA replication also depends on PP2A was addressed by using a cell-free replication system derived from Xenopus laevis eggs. Immunodepletion of PP2A from Xenopus egg extract resulted in strong inhibition of DNA replication. PP2A was required for the initiation of replication but not for the elongation of previously engaged replication forks. Therefore, the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication depends not only on phosphorylation by protein kinases but also on dephosphorylation by PP2A.


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The signal transduction pathway underlying the cAMP-dependent modulation of rat striatal N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) responses was investigated by using the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. In oocytes injected with rat striatal poly(A)+ mRNA, activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) by forskolin potentiated NMDA responses. Inhibition of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and/or protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) by the specific inhibitor calyculin A occluded the PKA-mediated potentiation of striatal NMDA responses, suggesting that the PKA effect was mediated by inhibition of a protein phosphatase. Coinjection of oocytes with striatal mRNA and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides directed against the protein phosphatase inhibitor DARPP-32 dramatically reduced the PKA enhancement of NMDA responses. NMDA responses recorded from oocytes injected with rat hippocampal poly(A)+ mRNA were not affected by stimulation of PKA. When oocytes were coinjected with rat hippocampal poly(A)+ mRNA plus complementary RNA coding for DARPP-32, NMDA responses were potentiated after stimulation of PKA. The results provide evidence that DARPP-32, which is enriched in the striatum, may participate in the signaling between the two major afferent striatal pathways, the glutamatergic and the dopaminergic projections, by the cAMP-dependent regulation of striatal NMDA currents.


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The intermediate filament protein vimentin is a major phosphoprotein in mammalian fibroblasts, and reversible phosphorylation plays a key role in its dynamic rearrangement. Selective inhibition of type 2A but not type 1 protein phosphatases led to hyperphosphorylation and concomitant disassembly of vimentin, characterized by a collapse into bundles around the nucleus. We have analyzed the potential role of one of the major protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunits, B55, in vimentin dephosphorylation. In mammalian fibroblasts, B55 protein was distributed ubiquitously throughout the cytoplasm with a fraction associated to vimentin. Specific depletion of B55 in living cells by antisense B55 RNA was accompanied by disassembly and increased phosphorylation of vimentin, as when type 2A phosphatases were inhibited using okadaic acid. The presence of B55 was a prerequisite for PP2A to efficiently dephosphorylate vimentin in vitro or to induce filament reassembly in situ. Both biochemical fractionation and immunofluorescence analysis of detergent-extracted cells revealed that fractions of PP2Ac, PR65, and B55 were tightly associated with vimentin. Furthermore, vimentin-associated PP2A catalytic subunit was displaced in B55-depleted cells. Taken together these data show that, in mammalian fibroblasts, the intermediate filament protein vimentin is dephosphorylated by PP2A, an event targeted by B55.


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The ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of mitotic cyclin B, which is catalyzed by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme H10 (UbcH10), begins around the time of the metaphase–anaphase transition and continues through G1 phase of the next cell cycle. We have used cell-free systems from mammalian somatic cells collected at different cell cycle stages (G0, G1, S, G2, and M) to investigate the regulated degradation of four targets of the mitotic destruction machinery: cyclins A and B, geminin H (an inhibitor of S phase identified in Xenopus), and Cut2p (an inhibitor of anaphase onset identified in fission yeast). All four are degraded by G1 extracts but not by extracts of S phase cells. Maintenance of destruction during G1 requires the activity of a PP2A-like phosphatase. Destruction of each target is dependent on the presence of an N-terminal destruction box motif, is accelerated by additional wild-type UbcH10 and is blocked by dominant negative UbcH10. Destruction of each is terminated by a dominant activity that appears in nuclei near the start of S phase. Previous work indicates that the APC/C–dependent destruction of anaphase inhibitors is activated after chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. In support of this, we show that addition of dominant negative UbcH10 to G1 extracts blocks destruction of the yeast anaphase inhibitor Cut2p in vitro, and injection of dominant negative UbcH10 blocks anaphase onset in vivo. Finally, we report that injection of dominant negative Ubc3/Cdc34, whose role in G1–S control is well established and has been implicated in kinetochore function during mitosis in yeast, dramatically interferes with congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate. These results demonstrate that the regulated ubiquitination and destruction of critical mitotic proteins is highly conserved from yeast to humans.


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Serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB is a downstream effector molecule of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and is thought to mediate many biological actions toward anti-apoptotic responses. We found that Akt formed a complex with a 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) in vivo. By constructing deletion mutants, we identified that amino acid residues 229–309 of Akt were involved in the binding to Hsp90 and amino acid residues 327–340 of Hsp90β were involved in the binding to Akt. Inhibition of Akt-Hsp90 binding led to the dephosphorylation and inactivation of Akt, which increased sensitivity of the cells to apoptosis-inducing stimulus. The dephosphorylation of Akt was caused by an increase in protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-mediated dephosphorylation and not by a decrease in 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1-mediated phosphorylation. These results indicate that Hsp90 plays an important role in maintaining Akt kinase activity by preventing PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation.