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Portable water filled barriers (PWFB) are semi-rigid roadside barriers which have the potential to display good crash attenuation characteristics at low and moderate impact speeds. The traditional mesh based numerical methods alone fail to simulate this type of impact with precision, stability and efficiency. This paper proposes to develop an advanced simulation model based on the combination of Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH), a meshless method, and finite element method (FEM) for fluid-structure analysis using the commercially available software package LS-Dyna. The interaction between SPH particles and FEA elements is studied in this paper. Two methods of element setup at the element boundary were investigated. The response of the impacted barrier and fluid inside were analysed and compared. The system response and lagging were observed and reported in this paper. It was demonstrated that coupled SPH/FEM can be used in full scale PWFB modelling application. This will aid the research in determining the best initial setup to couple FEA and SPH in road safety barrier for impact response and safety analysis in the future.


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Research on the effects of positional concerns on individuals' attitudes and behavior is sorely lacking. To address this deficiency, we use the International Social Survey Programme 1998 data on 25,000 individuals from 26 countries to investigate the impact of relative income position on three facets of social capital: horizontal and vertical trust as well as norm compliance. Testing relative deprivation theory, we identify a deleterious positional income effect for persons below the reference income, particularly for their social trust and confidence in secular institutions. Also often a social capital-lowering effect of relative income advantage occurs, while a rise in absolute income almost always contributes positively. These results indicate that a rise in income inequality in a society too large is rather detrimental to the formation of social capital. (JEL Z130, I300, D310)


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Purpose: This study investigated the effect of chemical conjugation of the amino acid L-leucine to the polysaccharide chitosan on the dispersibility and drug release pattern of a polymeric nanoparticle (NP)-based controlled release dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation. Methods: A chemical conjugate of L-leucine with chitosan was synthesized and characterized by Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Elemental Analysis and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Nanoparticles of both chitosan and its conjugate were prepared by a water-in-oil emulsification – glutaraldehyde cross-linking method using the antihypertensive agent, diltiazem (Dz) hydrochloride as the model drug. The surface morphology and particle size distribution of the nanoparticles were determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The dispersibility of the nanoparticle formulation was analysed by a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI) with a Rotahaler as the DPI device. Deposition of the particles in the different stages was determined by gravimetry and the amount of drug released was analysed by UV spectrophotometry. The release profile of the drug was studied in phosphate buffered saline at 37 ⁰C and analyzed by UV spectrophotometry. Results: The TSI study revealed that the fine particle fractions (FPF), as determined gravimetrically, for empty and drug-loaded conjugate nanoparticles were significantly higher than for the corresponding chitosan nanoparticles (24±1.2% and 21±0.7% vs 19±1.2% and 15±1.5% respectively; n=3, p<0.05). The FPF of drug-loaded chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles, in terms of the amount of drug determined spectrophotometrically, had similar values (21±0.7% vs 16±1.6%). After an initial burst, both chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles showed controlled release that lasted about 8 to 10 days, but conjugate nanoparticles showed twice as much total drug release compared to chitosan nanoparticles (~50% vs ~25%). Conjugate nanoparticles also showed significantly higher dug loading and entrapment efficiency than chitosan nanoparticles (conjugate: 20±1% & 46±1%, chitosan: 16±1% & 38±1%, n=3, p<0.05). Conclusion: Although L-leucine conjugation to chitosan increased dispersibility of formulated nanoparticles, the FPF values are still far from optimum. The particles showed a high level of initial burst release (chitosan, 16% and conjugate, 31%) that also will need further optimization.


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This paper presents a higher-order beam-column formulation that can capture the geometrically non-linear behaviour of steel framed structures which contain a multiplicity of slender members. Despite advances in computational frame software, analyses of large frames can still be problematic from a numerical standpoint and so the intent of the paper is to fulfil a need for versatile, reliable and efficient non-linear analysis of general steel framed structures with very many members. Following a comprehensive review of numerical frame analysis techniques, a fourth-order element is derived and implemented in an updated Lagrangian formulation, and it is able to predict flexural buckling, snap-through buckling and large displacement post-buckling behaviour of typical structures whose responses have been reported by independent researchers. The solutions are shown to be efficacious in terms of a balance of accuracy and computational expediency. The higher-order element forms a basis for augmenting the geometrically non-linear approach with material non-linearity through the refined plastic hinge methodology described in the companion paper.


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In the companion paper, a fourth-order element formulation in an updated Lagrangian formulation was presented to handle geometric non-linearities. The formulation of the present paper extends this to include material non-linearity by proposing a refined plastic hinge approach to analyse large steel framed structures with many members, for which contemporary algorithms based on the plastic zone approach can be problematic computationally. This concept is an advancement of conventional plastic hinge approaches, as the refined plastic hinge technique allows for gradual yielding, being recognized as distributed plasticity across the element section, a condition of full plasticity, as well as including strain hardening. It is founded on interaction yield surfaces specified analytically in terms of force resultants, and achieves accurate and rapid convergence for large frames for which geometric and material non-linearity are significant. The solutions are shown to be efficacious in terms of a balance of accuracy and computational expediency. In addition to the numerical efficiency, the present versatile approach is able to capture different kinds of material and geometric non-linearities on general applications of steel structures, and thereby it offers an efficacious and accurate means of assessing non-linear behaviour of the structures for engineering practice.


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A sub‒domain smoothed Galerkin method is proposed to integrate the advantages of mesh‒free Galerkin method and FEM. Arbitrarily shaped sub‒domains are predefined in problems domain with mesh‒free nodes. In each sub‒domain, based on mesh‒free Galerkin weak formulation, the local discrete equation can be obtained by using the moving Kriging interpolation, which is similar to the discretization of the high‒order finite elements. Strain smoothing technique is subsequently applied to the nodal integration of sub‒domain by dividing the sub‒domain into several smoothing cells. Moreover, condensation of DOF can also be introduced into the local discrete equations to improve the computational efficiency. The global governing equations of present method are obtained on the basis of the scheme of FEM by assembling all local discrete equations of the sub‒domains. The mesh‒free properties of Galerkin method are retained in each sub‒domain. Several 2D elastic problems have been solved on the basis of this newly proposed method to validate its computational performance. These numerical examples proved that the newly proposed sub‒domain smoothed Galerkin method is a robust technique to solve solid mechanics problems based on its characteristics of high computational efficiency, good accuracy, and convergence.


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Finite element method (FEM) relies on an approximate function to fit into a governing equation and minimizes the residual error in the integral sense in order to generate solutions for the boundary value problems (nodal solutions). Because of this FEM does not show simultaneous capacities for accurate displacement and force solutions at node and along an element, especially when under the element loads, which is of much ubiquity. If the displacement and force solutions are strictly confined to an element’s or member’s ends (nodal response), the structural safety along an element (member) is inevitably ignored, which can definitely hinder the design of a structure for both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Although the continuous element deflection and force solutions can be transformed into the discrete nodal solutions by mesh refinement of an element (member), this setback can also hinder the effective and efficient structural assessment as well as the whole-domain accuracy for structural safety of a structure. To this end, this paper presents an effective, robust, applicable and innovative approach to generate accurate nodal and element solutions in both fields of displacement and force, in which the salient and unique features embodies its versatility in applications for the structures to account for the accurate linear and second-order elastic displacement and force solutions along an element continuously as well as at its nodes. The significance of this paper is on shifting the nodal responses (robust global system analysis) into both nodal and element responses (sophisticated element formulation).


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This thesis described the synthesis of an L-leucine conjugate of the biodegradable polymer, chitosan and its potential application for the development of controlled release nanoparticulate dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations. The study demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of conjugated chitosan nanoparticles had favourable effects on the dispersibility and controlled release profile of a model drug. The toxicity profile of the nanoparticulate formulation revealed promising outcome for its use in pulmonary delivery. The chitosan conjugate produced in this project would be useful for the application of polymer nanoparticulate systems for efficient lung delivery of drugs.


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Zinc-rich ethyl silicate coatings are quite successful in protecting steel against corrosion under severe exposing conditions. In spite of providing excellent cathodic protection to steel structure after film curing, two-component zinc-rich ethyl silicate coatings have some limitations, one of which is inadequate shelf life as a result of in-can binder gelation. In this work, the preparation steps of ethyl silicate such as pre-hydrolysis, dehydration and organometallic reactions were surveyed and herein an approach towards understanding the cause and effect relationship of the use of ingredients is presented. The effects of water and catalytic acid dosages on gel time under accelerated conditions and the effect of alcoholic solvent order on the rate of the hydrolysis and dehydration reactions were studied via Karl-Fischer test determining the water content of hydrolysate. A thriving optimization in shelf life without any loss in physical–mechanical characteristics of the final film (e.g. hardness, adhesion, solvent and salt spray resistance) was obtained.


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Plasmid DMA offers the promise of a new generation of pharmaceuticals that will address the often overlooked issue of vaccine production by offering a simple and reproducible method for producing a vaccine. Through reverse engineering, production could be reduced from up to 9 months to as little as 1 month. Simplified development and faster turn-around times means that DMA offers a solution to the vaccine crisis and will help to contain future viral outbreaks by enabling the production of a vaccine against new viral strains in the shortest possible time. Work currently being completed in the area of plasmid DMA production, purification and encapsulation will be presented.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette, written by Dr Norin Arshed, Professor Sara Carter and Professor Colin Mason examines whether the ineffectiveness of enterprise policy can be attributed to the formulation of the enterprise policy itself.


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Structural damage detection using modal strain energy (MSE) is one of the most efficient and reliable structural health monitoring techniques. However, some of the existing MSE methods have been validated for special types of structures such as beams or steel truss bridges which demands improving the available methods. The purpose of this study is to improve an efficient modal strain energy method to detect and quantify the damage in complex structures at early stage of formation. In this paper, a modal strain energy method was mathematically developed and then numerically applied to a fixed-end beam and a three-story frame including single and multiple damage scenarios in absence and presence of up to five per cent noise. For each damage scenario, all mode shapes and natural frequencies of intact structures and the first five mode shapes of assumed damaged structures were obtained using STRAND7. The derived mode shapes of each intact and damaged structure at any damage scenario were then separately used in the improved formulation using MATLAB to detect the location and quantify the severity of damage as compared to those obtained from previous method. It was found that the improved method is more accurate, efficient and convergent than its predecessors. The outcomes of this study can be safely and inexpensively used for structural health monitoring to minimize the loss of lives and property by identifying the unforeseen structural damages.


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Inappropriate food or medication texture in patients with dysphagia is the most significant risk factor for pneumonia. Dysphagia is prevalent within care homes for the older person as it is largely found in conditions associated with ageing. This study was designed to determine the appropriateness of medication formulation choices in elderly patients with dysphagia in care homes.


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This paper combines experimental data with simple mathematical models to investigate the influence of spray formulation type and leaf character (wettability) on shatter, bounce and adhesion of droplets impacting with cotton, rice and wheat leaves. Impaction criteria that allow for different angles of the leaf surface and the droplet impact trajectory are presented; their predictions are based on whether combinations of droplet size and velocity lie above or below bounce and shatter boundaries. In the experimental component, real leaves are used, with all their inherent natural variability. Further, commercial agricultural spray nozzles are employed, resulting in a range of droplet characteristics. Given this natural variability, there is broad agreement between the data and predictions. As predicted, the shatter of droplets was found to increase as droplet size and velocity increased, and the surface became harder to wet. Bouncing of droplets occurred most frequently on hard to wet surfaces with high surface tension mixtures. On the other hand, a number of small droplets with low impact velocity were observed to bounce when predicted to lie well within the adhering regime. We believe this discrepancy between the predictions and experimental data could be due to air layer effects that were not taken into account in the current bounce equations. Other discrepancies between experiment and theory are thought to be due to the current assumption of a dry impact surface, whereas, in practice, the leaf surfaces became increasingly covered with fluid throughout the spray test runs.