955 resultados para PLACEBO EFFECT
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general develar las representaciones sociales sobre la Medicina Popular en tres grupos poblacionales, pacientes oncológicos (n=100), familiares de los pacientes (n=25) y miembros del equipo de salud (n=26). Para ello, se realizaron tres estudios cualitativos con cada grupo poblacional y un cuarto en el que se describen las similitudes y las diferencias entre ellos en relación con el objeto de representación. En general, se utilizaron entrevistas en profundidad, ejercicios de asociaciones libres y grupos focales (7 con 62 pacientes). Resultados: paciente oncológico: Medicina Popular representada como una salida optimista a la angustiante situación que está viviendo frente al cáncer; una apuesta a la vida. Para la familia: una contra capaz de mantener con vida y fortaleza al paciente y para el equipo de salud, una realidad incombatible de los pacientes y de la familia, que tiene efecto placebo sobre ellos y que está relacionada con el pensamiento mágico religioso, la fé y la ignorancia de quienes la realizan. En cuanto a las diferencias, el paciente y la familia consideran que la Medicina Popular es una alternativa en la que depositan su fé y confianza; el personal de salud no cree en sus efectos sobre el cáncer y la considera como estafa y engaño para el paciente. En las similitudes, todos coinciden en que es una alternativa, generadora de esperanza, basada en compuestos naturales que le permiten al paciente contribuir a la curación del cáncer y a sobrellevar el malestar provocado por la quimioterapia. Finalmente, se presentan conclusiones generales, se discuten algunos de los hallazgos y la importancia de las RS de la Medicina Popular y su impacto sobre la atención y la calidad de vida del paciente y se plantean algunos interrogantes que podrían favorecer el desarrollo de una línea de investigación en el tema.
When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones, this perceptual illusion is known as binaural auditory beat. There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BB’s are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable bin aural-beat generator on the internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BB’s in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges, 78 participants were exposed to 20 min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both qualitative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20 min stimulation.
La medicina y la ingeniería del siglo XXI han dado como fruto numerosos avances para la sociedad aunque en la mayoría de los casos los tratamientos suelen ser costosos e invasivos. La educación que recibe la sociedad sobre la salud es escasa, ya que sólo vamos al médico cuando realmente estamos enfermos. Este trabajo presenta nuestra apuesta por las terapias complementarias, para el desarrollo de una metodología terapéutica no invasiva y con un costo muy bajo. La finalidad de esta Tesis, que se enmarca en un equipo multidisciplinar, fruto de la estrecha colaboración en el que participan psicopedagogos, ingenieros y médicos, es perfilar una metodología que luego pueda ser aplicable a patologías neurológicas. Aquí, dejamos sentadas las bases. Faltarán nuevos investigadores que continúen este camino para tener una base de datos lo suficientemente extensa de registros de sujetos que hayan sido sometidos a terapia binaural, para poder sacar unas conclusiones sólidas. La aportación de esta Tesis deja cubierta la aplicación, selección, procesado de señal y desarrollo de algoritmos, test cognitivos indicados para el caso específico que nos ocupa, cálculo de incertidumbre del sistema utilizado para la aplicación del estímulo y desarrollo de un test psicoacústico específico. EL empleo del sonido en medicina como es la musicoterapia o sonoterapia ha experimentado una gran difusión en los últimos años, más de 100.000 nuevas citas bibliográficas han aparecido con respecto al año anterior. Sin embargo, son escasísimas las que hacen referencia a las características físico acústicas del sonido empleado, tan sólo hemos encontrado una par de ellas que correlacionan las características físicas del sonido con el tipo de respuesta terapéutica. No encontramos citas bibliográficas específicas que planteen un modelo experimental científico capaz de reproducir las mismas respuestas ante los mismos parámetros y estímulos. En esta Tesis proponemos el uso de estimulación sonora binaural, que consiste en la utilización de dos tonos puros idénticos pero ligeramente diferentes en frecuencia que se presentan de manera separada cada uno en un oído, como consecuencia, la persona que recibe la estimulación percibe un tercer tono, llamado tono binaural, formado por la diferencia de frecuencia de ambos variando su amplitud. Existen estudios que sugieren que dichas frecuencias binaurales pueden modificar los patrones eléctricos de la actividad cerebral y los niveles de arousal, conociéndose en la literatura bajo el nombre de “entrainment”. Tras la revisión bibliográfica del estado del arte, podemos concluir que es necesario el desarrollo de estudios doble ciego bien diseñados, con el objetivo de establecer una base sólida sobre los efectos de este tipo de estimulación, ya que la mayoría de los beneficios documentados se refieren a muestras muy pequeñas y con poco rigor científico, siendo los resultados positivos obtenidos debidos al efecto placebo. La tecnología binaural es barata siendo cualquier avance en esta dirección de interés público. El objetivo concreto de la investigación es estudiar el potencial de las ondas binaurales en un área en particular: tareas que requieren atención y concentración. Se busca obtener cualquier cambio en las ondas cerebrales que se puedan correlar con la mejoras. A la vista de los resultados de estas investigaciones se intentará aplicar esta metodología en neuropatologías que presenten alguna deficiencia en el área de atención como es el Trastorno de espectro Autista. En esta Tesis presentamos los resultados de dos estudios independientes, el primero para sentar las bases del método (tiempos, diseño de estimulaciones, procesado) en una muestra de 78 adultos sanos, el segundo a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el primero, afinando la metodología y para un grupo de 20 niños entre 8 y 12 años, los resultados del segundo estudio sirven para justificar su aplicación en niños con TEA que presenten déficit de atención. ABSTRACT Medicine and engineering in the 21st century have resulted in advances for society but in most cases the treatments are often costly and invasive. The health education society receive is scarce, since only go to the doctor when we are really sick. With this work I present my commitment to complementary therapies, my little grain of sand in the development of a noninvasive therapeutic approach and very low cost, well and can be used in a preventive manner resulting in a society with less sick. The purpose of this thesis is to outline a methodology that can then be applied to neurological diseases, here we lay the groundwork. New researchers are needed to continue this path for a sufficiently extensive records database of subjects who have undergone binaural therapy, and so to draw firm conclusions. The contribution of this thesis includes: the application, selection, signal processing and algorithm development, indicated cognitive tests for the specific case at hand, calculation of system uncertainty of the system and development of a specific psychoacoustic test. The use of sound in medicine, such as music therapy or sound therapy has experienced a great diffusion in recent years, more than 100,000 new citations have appeared over the previous year but very few are those referring to acoustic physical characteristics of sound employee, we have only found a couple of them that physical sound characteristics are correlated with the therapeutic response. We found no specific citations posing a scientific experimental model capable of reproducing the same answers to the same parameters and stimuli. In this thesis we propose the use of binaural sound stimulation which involves the use of two identical but slightly different in frequency pure tones presented separately each in one ear, as a result the subject perceives a third tone, called binaural tone, formed by the difference in frequency with amplitude variations Studies suggest that these binaural frequencies can modify the electrical patterns of brain activity and arousal levels, being known in the literature under the name of “entrainment”. After the literature review of the state of the art, we conclude, it is necessary to develop well-designed double-blind studies, in order to establish a solid foundation on the effects of such stimulation, since most of the documented benefits relate to very small samples and unscientific may be obtained positive results due to the placebo effect. The binaural technology is cheap being any progress in this direction in the public interest. The specific objective of the research is to study the potential of binaural waves in a particular area: tasks requiring attention and concentration also we want to get any change in brain waves that can correlate with improvements. In view of the results of this research we seek to apply this methodology in neuropathology presenting any deficiency in the area of attention such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this thesis we present the results of two independent studies, the first to lay the foundation of the method (times, stimulation design, processing) in a sample of 78 healthy adults, the second from the results obtained in the first, refine the methodology for a group of 20 children between 8 and 12 years, the results of the second study used to justify its use in children with ASD that present attention deficit.
Background: The OARSI Standing Committee for Clinical Trials Response Criteria Initiative had developed two sets of responder criteria to present the results of changes after treatment in three symptomatic domains (pain, function, and patient's global assessment) as a single variable for clinical trials (1). For each domain, a response was defined by both a relative and an absolute change, with different cut-offs with regard to the drug, the route of administration and the OA localization. Objective: To propose a simplified set of responder criteria with a similar cut-off, whatever the drug, the route or the OA localization. Methods: Data driven approach: (1) Two databases were considered The 'elaboration' database with which the formal OARSI sets of responder criteria were elaborated and The 'revisit' database. (2) Six different scenarios were evaluated: The two formal OARSI sets of criteria Four proposed scenarios of simplified sets of criteria Data from clinical randomized blinded placebo controlled trials were used to evaluate the performances of the two formal scenarios with two different databases ('elaboration' versus 'revisit') and those of the four proposed simplified scenarios within the 'revisit' database. The placebo effect, active effect, treatment effect, and the required sample arm size to obtain the placebo effect and the active treatment effect observed were the performances evaluated for each of the six scenarios. Experts' opinion approach: Results were discussed among the participants of the OMERACT VI meeting, who voted to select the definite OMERACT-OARSI set of criteria (one of the six evaluated scenarios). Results: Data driven approach: Fourteen trials totaling 1886 CA patients and fifteen studies involving 8164 CA patients were evaluated in the 'elaboration' and the 'revisit' databases respectively. The variability of the performances observed in the 'revisit' database when using the different simplified scenarios was similar to that observed between the two databases ('elaboration' versus 'revisit') when using the formal scenarios. The treatment effect and the required sample arm size were similar for each set of criteria. Experts' opinion approach: According to the experts, these two previous performances were the most important of an optimal set of responder criteria. They chose the set of criteria considering both pain and function as evaluation domain and requiring an absolute change and a relative change from baseline to define a response, with similar cut-offs whatever the drug, the route of administration or the CA localization. Conclusion: This data driven and experts' opinion approach is the basis for proposing an optimal simplified set of responder criteria for CA clinical trials. Other studies, using other sets of CA patients, are required in order to further validate this proposed OMERACT - OARSI set of criteria. (C) 2004 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.
BACKGROUND: Hypertension can be controlled adequately with existing drugs such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers. Nevertheless, treatment success is often restricted by patients not adhering to treatment. Immunisation against angiotensin II could solve this problem. We investigated the safety and efficacy of CYT006-AngQb-a vaccine based on a virus-like particle-that targets angiotensin II to reduce ambulatory blood pressure. METHODS: In this multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase IIa trial, 72 patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension were randomly assigned with a computer-generated randomisation list to receive subcutaneous injections of either 100 mug CYT006-AngQb (n=24), 300 mug CYT006-AngQb (24), or placebo (24), at weeks 0, 4, and 12. 24-h ambulatory blood pressure was measured before treatment and at week 14. The primary outcomes were safety and tolerability. Analyses were done by intention to treat. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00500786. FINDINGS: Two patients in the 100 mug group, three in the 300 mug group, and none in the placebo group discontinued study treatment. All patients were included in safety analyses; efficacy analyses did not include the five dropouts, for whom no data were available at week 14. Five serious adverse events were reported (two in the 100 mug group, two in the 300 mug group, and one in the placebo group); none were deemed to be treatment related. Most side-effects were mild, transient reactions at the injection site. Mild, transient influenza-like symptoms were seen in three patients in the 100 mug group, seven in the 300 mug group, and none in the placebo group. In the 300 mug group, there was a reduction from baseline in mean ambulatory daytime blood pressure at week 14 by -9.0/-4.0 mm Hg compared with placebo (p=0.015 for systolic and 0.064 for diastolic). The 300 mug dose reduced the early morning blood-pressure surge compared with placebo (change at 0800 h -25/-13 mm Hg; p<0.0001 for systolic, p=0.0035 for diastolic). INTERPRETATION: Immunisation with CYT006-AngQb was associated with no serious adverse events; most observed adverse events were consistent with local or systemic responses similar to those seen with other vaccines. The 300 mug dose reduced blood pressure in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension during the daytime, especially in the early morning. FUNDING: Cytos Biotechnology AG.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin 6 is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis via its broad effects on immune and inflammatory responses. Our aim was to assess the therapeutic effects of blocking interleukin 6 by inhibition of the interleukin-6 receptor with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel group phase III study, 623 patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned with an interactive voice response system, stratified by site with a randomisation list provided by the study sponsor, to receive tocilizumab 8 mg/kg (n=205), tocilizumab 4 mg/kg (214), or placebo (204) intravenously every 4 weeks, with methotrexate at stable pre-study doses (10-25 mg/week). Rescue therapy with tocilizumab 8 mg/kg was offered at week 16 to patients with less than 20% improvement in both swollen and tender joint counts. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with 20% improvement in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis according to American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20 response) at week 24. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00106548. FINDINGS: The intention-to-treat analysis population consisted of 622 patients: one patient in the 4 mg/kg group did not receive study treatment and was thus excluded. At 24 weeks, ACR20 responses were seen in more patients receiving tocilizumab than in those receiving placebo (120 [59%] patients in the 8 mg/kg group, 102 [48%] in the 4 mg/kg group, 54 [26%] in the placebo group; odds ratio 4.0 [95% CI 2.6-6.1], p<0.0001 for 8 mg/kg vs placebo; and 2.6 [1.7-3.9], p<0.0001 for 4 mg/kg vs placebo). More people receiving tocilizumab than those receiving placebo had at least one adverse event (143 [69%] in the 8 mg/kg group; 151 [71%] in the 4 mg/kg group; 129 [63%] in the placebo group). The most common serious adverse events were serious infections or infestations, reported by six patients in the 8 mg/kg group, three in the 4 mg/kg group, and two in the placebo group. INTERPRETATION: Tocilizumab could be an effective therapeutic approach in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis. FUNDING: F Hoffmann-La Roche, Chugai Pharmaceutical.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have described improvements on lipid parameters when switching from other antiretroviral drugs to tenofovir (TDF) and impairments in lipid profile when discontinuing TDF. [1-3] It is unknown, however, if TDF has an intrinsic lipid-lowering effect or such findings are due to the addition or removal of other offending agents or other reasons. MATERIALS AND METHODS: RESULTS: 46 subjects with a median age of 43 (40-48) years were enrolled in the study: 70% were male, 56% received DRV/r and 44% LPV/r. One subject withdrew the study voluntarily at week 4 and another one interrupted due to diarrhoea at week 24. Treatment with TDF/FTC decreased total, LDL and HDL-cholesterol from 235.9 to 204.9 (p<0.001), 154.7 to 127.6 (p<0.001) and 50.3 to 44.5 mg/dL (p<0.001), respectively. In comparison, total, LDL and HDL-cholesterol levels remained stable during placebo exposure. Week 12 total cholesterol (p<0.001), LDL-cholesterol (p<0.001) and HDL-cholesterol (p=0.011) levels were significantly lower in TDF/FTC versus placebo. Treatment with TDF/FTC reduced the fraction of subjects with abnormal fasting total-cholesterol (≥200 mg/dL) from 86.7% to 56.8% (p=0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (≥130 mg/dL) from 87.8% to 43.9% (p<0.001), which was not observed with placebo. There were no virological failures, and CD4 and triglyceride levels remained stable regardless of exposure. CONCLUSION: Coformulated TDF/FTC has an intrinsic lipid-lowering effect, likely attributable to TDF.
Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse association between dietary intake of whole grains and the risk of chronic disease. This may be related to the ability to mediate a prebiotic modulation of gut microbiota. However, no studies have been conducted on the microbiota modulatory capability of whole-grain (WG) cereals. In the present study, the impact of WG wheat on the human intestinal microbiota compared to wheat bran (WB) was determined. A double-blind, randomised, crossover study was carried out in thirty-one volunteers who were randomised into two groups and consumed daily 48g breakfast cereals, either WG or WB, in two 3-week study periods, separated by a 2-week washout period. Numbers of faecal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (the target genera for prebiotic intake), were significantly higher upon WG ingestion compared with WB. Ingestion of both breakfast cereals resulted in a significant increase in ferulic acid concentrations in blood but no discernible difference in faeces or urine. No significant differences in faecal SCFA, fasting blood glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), TAG or HDL-cholesterol were observed upon ingestion of WG compared with WB. However, a significant reduction in TC was observed in volunteers in the top quartile of TC concentrations upon ingestion of either cereal. No adverse intestinal symptoms were reported and WB ingestion increased stool frequency. Daily consumption of WG wheat exerted a pronounced prebiotic effect on the human gut microbiota composition. This prebiotic activity may contribute towards the beneficial physiological effects of WG wheat.
There is growing interest in the use of inulins as substrates for the selective growth of beneficial gut bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli because recent studies have established that their prebiotic effect is linked to several health benefits. In the present study, the impact of a very-long-chain inulin (VLCI), derived from globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus), on the human intestinal microbiota compared with maltodextrin was determined. A double-blind, cross-over study was carried out in thirty-two healthy adults who were randomised into two groups and consumed 10 g/d of either VLCI or maltodextrin, for two 3-week study periods, separated by a 3-week washout period. Numbers of faecal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were significantly higher upon VLCI ingestion compared with the placebo. Additionally, levels of Atopobium group significantly increased, while Bacteroides–Prevotella numbers were significantly reduced. No significant changes in faecal SCFA concentrations were observed. There were no adverse gastrointestinal symptoms apart from a significant increase in mild and moderate bloating upon VLCI ingestion. These observations were also confirmed by in vitro gas production measurements. In conclusion, daily consumption of VLCI extracted from globe artichoke exerted a pronounced prebiotic effect on the human faecal microbiota composition and was well tolerated by all volunteers.
Rationale: There has recently been increasing interest in the potential of flavanols, plant derived compounds found in foods such as fruit and vegetables, to ameliorate age-related cognitive decline. Research suggests that cocoa flavanols improve memory and learning, possibly as a result of their anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. These effects may be mediated by increased cerebral blood flow (CBF), thus stimulating neuronal function. Objectives: The present study employed arterial spin labelling (ASL) functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to explore the effect of a single acute dose of cocoa flavanols on regional CBF. Methods: CBF was measured pre and post consumption of low (23mg) or high (494mg) 330ml equicaloric flavanol drinks matched for caffeine, theobromine, taste and appearance according to a randomised counterbalanced crossover double-blind design in eight males and ten females, aged 50-65 years. Changes in perfusion from pre to post consumption were calculated as a function of each drink. Results: Significant increases in regional perfusion across the brain were observed following consumption of the high flavanol drink relative to the low flavanol drink, particularly in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the central opercular cortex of the parietal lobe. Conclusions: Consumption of cocoa flavanol improves regional cerebral perfusion in older adults. This provides evidence for a possible acute mechanism by which cocoa flavanols are associated with benefits for cognitive performance.
The present study investigates the effects of vitamin D on muscle function in postmenopausal women. It has been shown that vitamin D supplementation in postmenopausal women with hypovitaminosis D provides significant protective factor against sarcopenia, with significant increases in muscle strength and control of progressive loss of lean mass. We aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementation of vitamin D (VITD) alone on muscle function in younger postmenopausal women. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 160 Brazilian postmenopausal women were randomized into two groups: VITD group consisting of patients receiving vitamin D3 1000 IU/day orally (n = 80) or placebo group (n = 80). Women with amenorrhea for more than 12 months and age 50-65 years, with a history of falls (previous 12 months), were included. The intervention time was 9 months, with assessments at two points, start and end. Lean mass was estimated by total-body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and muscle strength by handgrip strength and chair rising test. The plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Statistical analysis was by intention to treat (ITT), using ANOVA, Student's t test, and Tukey's test. After 9 months, average values of 25(OH)D increased from 15.0 ± 7.5 to 27.5 ± 10.4 ng/ml (+45.4 %) in the VITD group and decreased from 16.9 ± 6.7 to 13.8 ± 6.0 ng/ml (-18.5 %) in the placebo group (p < 0.001). In the VITD group, there was significant increase in muscle strength (+25.3 %) of the lower limbs by chair rising test (p = 0.036). In women in the placebo group, there was considerable loss (-6.8 %) in the lean mass (p = 0.030). The supplementation of vitamin D alone in postmenopausal women provided significant protective factor against the occurrence of sarcopenia, with significant increases in muscle strength and control of progressive loss of lean mass.
Patients with critical limb ischaemia have a high rate of amputation and mortality. We tested the hypothesis that non-viral 1 fibroblast growth factor (NV1FGF) would improve amputation-free survival.
BACKGROUND: Constipation is a significant side effect of opioid therapy. We have previously demonstrated that naloxone-3-glucuronide (NX3G) antagonizes the motility-lowering-effect of morphine in the rat colon. AIM: To find out whether oral NX3G is able to reduce the morphine-induced delay in colonic transit time (CTT) without being absorbed and influencing the analgesic effect. METHODS: Fifteen male volunteers were included. Pharmacokinetics: after oral administration of 0.16 mg/kg NX3G, blood samples were collected over a 6-h period. Pharmacodynamics: NX3G or placebo was then given at the start time and every 4 h thereafter. Morphine (0.05 mg/kg) or placebo was injected s.c. 2 h after starting and thereafter every 6 h for 24 h. CTT was measured over a 48-h period by scintigraphy. Pressure pain threshold tests were performed. RESULTS: Neither NX3G nor naloxone was detected in the venous blood. The slowest transit time was observed during the morphine phase, which was significantly different from morphine with NX3G and placebo. The pain perception was not significantly influenced by NX3G. CONCLUSIONS: Orally administered NX3G is able to reverse the morphine-induced delay of CTT in humans without being detected in peripheral blood samples. Therefore, NX3G may improve symptoms of constipation in-patients using opioid medication without affecting opioid-analgesic effects.